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Lunchtime Chronicles: Bottoms Up

Page 4

by L. Loren

  Oh, shit! I had forgotten I was in my swimsuit and coverup. I started to laugh hysterically, which caused Mateus to laugh too.

  “Yeah, that wouldn’t be good for either of us. Let’s just stick to the regular version. However, the questions can be rated X.”

  The shocked look on Mateus’ face was classic. He didn’t know what he had just gotten himself into. I was no girl scout. I partied my ass off in my early twenties. Being an heiress allowed me the opportunity to gain access to a lot of wicked things well before my time. If my father knew half of the debauchery I had participated in, he would kill me cemetery dead.

  Hell, look who my best friend was. The chick was still dating sugar daddies to pay her bills and even she hadn’t done some of the crazy stuff I had done. This game was either going to bring us closer or let him know he was mistaken about me. It was better to get it all out now instead of waiting until he found out about it.

  “Alright, Miss Madison, let’s get this game started.”

  “Never have I ever had sex in public.”

  I raised my hand and waited for his reaction. The smile in his eyes made me giggle like a kid. It told me my Captain Bae had a dirty side to him and I liked it a lot. When he raised his hand, as well, I was ecstatic. Well, what do you know? We have something in common already,

  Chapter 4



  hen Harley sauntered her sexy ass onto the bridge, I was happy as fuck. There we were alone together without any witnesses. Well, except the cameras that hovered on the wall for security. I wanted to pull her bikini bottoms to the side and drink my fill of her juices, but a man can’t just drop to his knees in front of a goddess and ask for a taste. I had to keep my wits about me. I loved being a captain and wanted to stay employed. Touching her. Giving in to the overwhelming desire I felt for her would cost me the last twenty-five years of my career. I had to keep reminding myself how hard I worked to become a captain. It was no easy road, but it had been worth the struggle.

  Now I found myself face to face with the woman who could possibly be the missing link in my life. How ironic it was that the very woman who could complete my world, could also cause it to topple in the blink of an eye. God truly had a great sense of humor.

  The hair on my arms prickled as she stared at me. Was she checking me out? I knew I was for sure devouring her succulent curves with my eyes. That fucking bikini was making me squirm in my boxers. My cock was begging to be let out It was a heat seeking missile trying desperately to reach its target. I had to dig deep to restrain myself from doing something I would regret later. Then the damn woman tells me all the dirty thoughts I had been having about her were not in vain. She confessed to wanting me too. What cruel joke was God playing on me? I pulled her in for the most delicious kiss I have ever experienced.

  After almost crushing her spirit by denying her, I was able to salvage the moment. Now we were here skirting on the edge of danger playing this naughty game of Never Have I Ever. She was asking sexual questions, but I wanted to get to know the real woman, of course that included sex, but it wasn’t everything I wanted to know about her. It was now my turn to come up with a question.

  “Never Have I Ever... dated someone older than me.”

  I, of course raised my hand and went on to explain that I dated an older woman once when I was in college.

  “Katrina was my first love, but it didn’t last. She treated me almost like a son, always telling me what to do, how to act and what to wear. She didn’t allow me the space to grow into my manhood. Eventually the hot sex wasn’t enough to keep us together.”

  “So what lesson did you learn in that relationship?”

  “I learned it wasn’t healthy to look at your partner as anything other than what they were. I believe Katrina was lonely because her son had gone off to college and she was left alone. She needed someone to fill the emptiness in her heart. She didn’t want a lover. She wanted a substitute son. I was looking for a lover. We were never on the same page.”

  Harley looked at me with big adoring eyes and nodded her head. She smiled and ran her hand down my arm, causing my cock to jump. I definitely wasn’t looking at her like the daughter I never had. I wanted this woman as my forever. She was amazing.

  We spent the better of two hours talking, laughing and delving into the deepest crevices of our minds. We were open and honest and left no stone unturned. In less than a day, I knew Harley better than I knew my last girlfriend and we had been together for almost two years. Harley was funny, loved to laugh, loved sports, and was a beach bum when she could find the time. The woman loved the water and traveling. We had so much in common, but there were stark differences, as well. That afternoon only managed to confirm what my soul already knew. Harley Jean Madison was mine. She was perfect for me.

  AFTER SHE LEFT THE bridge, I couldn’t keep my mind off her. Harley was like a virus spreading throughout my entire system and attacking the white blood cells that inoculated me against the disease of love. The funny thing was, I neither wanted nor needed a cure. I happily accepted my fate. I was a goner. Down for the count.

  I watched as she and her friends engaged in the water sports that the crew had set up for them. Besides Harley and her best friend, there were two other couples onboard. Not to mention the asshole who wanted my girl and the primary guest, Mr. Tito Reuben. They had all been enjoying their day on the water with the jet skis, playing in the ocean pool, and lounging on the sun deck. I watched as the men, who were all my age or older, hung out smoking cigars and drinking. They were not interested in any physical activities. No big surprise considering the beer bellies they were sporting.

  However, the women were young, in their twenties. They were the ones having all the fun. They really knew the meaning of partying. It was the lifestyle this particular yacht was built for. A Lizzo song was blaring from the speakers and drinks were flowing like they were in a nightclub. My girl was dancing and singing when her friend Dyce said something to her. Harley threw her head back in laughter causing everything to move in slow motion. Her beautiful lips parted, and I imagined the enticing sound of her laugh leaving her throat.

  Her throat. I wanted to wrap my hand around that gorgeous esophagus and squeeze it tightly, while I slammed my hard cock into her from behind. I needed to make that happen sooner than later. I watched as Harley stretched like a cat waking up from a nap. Then suddenly, she took off running toward the water slide. She went sailing down into the water, kicking her long legs and squealing.





  Was it possible to fall in love with a woman in one afternoon? I had never thought it possible, but after today I was with Kevin Garnett – ‘Anything’s possible!’ I spent the rest of the afternoon watching my girl running, playing, dancing and enjoying the hell out of her time here on the boat. She wasn’t a shy reserved woman. For sure, Harley Madison would keep me on my toes. It was a good thing I worked out regularly. I would need all my energy to keep up with that fireball. There were so many things I wanted to experience with her. All the talk about losing my job was just a formality at this point. I was going to make that woman mine. Consequences be damned. There was no way I was letting her walk away without shooting my shot.

  Down Below was the most popular show on the Kudos! Network and according to my agent, I was the fan favorite. Now was the time to use that popularity to my advantage. I composed an email to my agent asking him to put out some feelers in the industry to see what kind of offers I would bring in. I needed to know my options. I had plenty of money, so that wasn’t my greatest concern. I really loved being a captain of a yacht and did not want that to be taken away from me for the simple act of falling in love.

  Just as I pressed send on my phone there was a knock on the door to the bridge. Glancing through the window in the door, I could see my third stew, Stacey with a very timid look on her face. The girl was afraid of her own shadow, always
jumping out of her skin at the slightest sound. She would need to toughen up if she was going to make it through the rest of this charter season.

  “Come in.” I smiled to put her at ease, but the poor girl tripped on her own two feet and did a face plant before I could catch her. Damn.

  “Are you alright, Stacey? Are you hurt?” I helped her on her feet and looked her over for injuries.

  “No sir. I am fine. Sorry about that.”

  She had a sheepish look of embarrassment on her face as she straightened her uniform shirt and brushed the stray hairs away from her face. She reminded me of a stray cat begging for food. You know when they want something, so they make their eyes extra-large and stare at you until you give in? Yeah, that was the look she had on her face.

  “What can I do for you?”

  “Well, sir... the guests are asking for you to join them for dinner tonight. I told them it was unlikely with such short notice, but...”

  “Yes. I will be happy to join our guests. They paid good money for the VIP treatment and I will be happy to give it to them. What time is the chef serving?” I cut her off before she could finish her whining. There was no need. Any other time I would decline, but Harley would be in attendance. I would be a fool to say no. And mama didn’t raise no fools! Stacey’s surprised look turned into a smile and let out a breath that she was holding.

  “That’s wonderful captain. I will let the guests and the chef know. He will be plating at 8 o’clock sharp.”

  “I’ll be dressed and ready. Thank you, Stacey.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Stacey took her leave and all I could think about was getting to that table and seeing Harley up close. I needed to get another whiff of her sweet scent and sneak a peak at that gorgeous ass. The woman had my mind blown. I was acting like a horny teenager again and I must say it felt good. I hadn’t been this excited to be in the presence of a woman in a very long time.

  Chapter 5



  haring a space so intimate with Captain G was different for me. Though the man himself was sleeping in a different room, I was surrounded by his things. It was personal and told me more about the sexy man than I even imagined knowing. For instance, he used this beard oil that smelled good enough to eat. He had a collection of combs that he kept lined up in the bathroom counter in order of size. His toiletries were lined up the same way. Everything in its place. The man was a neat freak. I did my best not to disturb his orderly room while I slept in his room. I can’t lie, I did snoop in his stuff and smell all of his products, but I was sure to put them back just as I found them,

  It was time for me to start getting ready for dinner and I was anticipating seeing Mateus again. It had been a long day of travel, fun and sun. My body was still feeling the effects of being so close to Mateus for those few hours and I was horny. I wanted that man more than I wanted to sink my teeth into the enticing food I could smell the chef working on.

  I stepped into the shower when I realized this was where Mateus stood every day when he cleansed himself. His scent lingered in the shower with his shampoo and soap just an arm’s reach away. I wondered how he ran that soap over his body. Did he use a washcloth, a loofa or did he use the bar of soap directly against his nakedness? The thought alone set my loins ablaze, causing me to slide my hand between my legs. I was slick with need and before I could stop myself, I was imagining Mateus’ hands between my thighs bringing me to the most delicious orgasm I had known in quite some time. I rode my fingers as if they were his.

  The more I rode the wetter I got, and not from the warm water flowing from the fancy showerhead. It felt so good that I lost myself in the pleasure and fantasy. Time escaped me as I brought myself to another bought of pleasure. I had never felt so needy in my life. I guess the thirties weren’t called ‘Dirty Thirties’ for nothing.

  As I exited the shower, I heard a knock on the cabin door. I wrapped my naked body in a plush white towel and sauntered over to open it. The sight that welcomed me made me want to drop the towel to the floor and relieve some pent-up sexual energy. The man was gorgeous, even after a long day’s work. Mateus was standing there looking like the big bad wolf and I was Goldilocks. The smirk on his face made me realize I had been staring at the growing appendage in his pants. I darted my eyes back to meet his and blushed.


  “Good evening, beautiful. I have been asked to join you all for dinner and need to gather some clothes. Would you mind if I use the shower and dress in here? The sky Lounge doesn’t really have accommodations.”

  “Umm, of course not. Please come in. I apologize for putting you out of your cabin. I really appreciate you not making me sleep in there with that creep.”

  The man growled and then turned to face me with a deadly look on his face.

  “I would kill him if he laid one finger on you. I would never allow you to be alone with that jerk. He doesn’t know how to treat a lady. Besides, you are mine. No other man will ever touch you again.”

  Then the insane man turned, strolled into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. What the hell? Did he just growl? And more importantly, did he just lay claim to me without my permission? Who does that? I swear it must be an older man thing. It had to be in their old school DNA. I recall my mom telling me a story about my dad doing that to her back in the day. I found it hilarious at the time. That shit wasn’t so funny when it happened to you. Actually, it was kind of hot. My panties would be soaked, if I was wearing any. Oh my goodness.

  I listened as Mateus washed his body in the same space I had just been in moments ago. I wondered if he was as excited at that thought as I had been. When I heard the unmistakable sound of flesh moving quickly over flesh, I got my answer. When I heard the moans that escaped his throat, I wanted to join him, but I contained my impulse. There was something arousing about listening to a man getting himself off in the shower. As he made his big finale, I almost lost my composure. I wanted to see him in action. I needed to see the look on his face as he came. I wanted to see if his eyes roll back and see the pattern on his release. Did it shoot straight out, or did it come in sputters? Most of all, I wanted to taste him.

  I was standing there half dressed, my lower body was secured in the wide legged pants and the sandals I had chosen. My upper body, however, was only sporting a lacy bra. I was just about to grab my blouse when the bathroom door flung open treating me to the delicious sight of Mateus in all his wonderful glory. It should be illegal in all fifty states to look that good. My mouth was salivating. No literally. I had to wipe the corners of my mouth to keep from drooling. The man had abs for days and those tattoos gave him an edgier look than before.

  “Like what you see?”

  My first reaction was to turn away, but then it donned on me, the man was standing there naked and unashamed. He did this on purpose to see how I would react. I refused to let him get the best of me. I took a step toward him and rubbed my hand over her tight abs.

  “Damn right, I do. I can’t wait to taste you baby. I want to lick every inch of you.”

  “Tell me how you really feel, Harley.”

  That broke the sexual tension in the room and we both laughed it off. I swear if Dyce wasn’t waiting for me and her friends didn’t know the queen of gossip, I would keep the captain tied to his own bed for the rest of the night. He leaned down and kissed me on the forehead.

  “Later baby. Right now we have a room full of people to get to. I can’t have you in the middle of a scandal on your birthday, now can I?”

  “You know it’s my birthday weekend?”

  “Of course, I know. It was on the preference sheet and you are my priority. I made it my mission to ensure you enjoy your special day. With me, you will never have to worry about your needs being met. I will provide those things for you baby. Now get your fine ass dressed before I change my mind and ravish you.”

  I finished dressing but decided to have a seat and watch as Mateus completed his regimen. Th
ere is something sexy and sensual about watching a man get dressed. The way his muscles move as he twists naturally to put his shirt on. The way his biceps flex when he combs his hair. My goodness, I was melting through the mattress as I watched my man comb through those silver locks and rub product through the strands. I thought I would combust when he started grooming his beard. Watching him rub that oil through the short hairs on his face enraptured me. The smell and sights were too much for me to take. I was happy it was over, but at the same time, I never wanted it to end.

  I told you earlier I liked a man in uniform so when Mateus shrugged on his jacket and buttoned those gold buttons against that black material, I almost lost it. His shiny medals adorned his chest and he looked like he just stepped out of a mariner magazine. The man was gorgeous. I was a lucky girl to be able to experience the man that was Captain G. He bent his arm at the elbow and offered it to me.

  “Shall I escort you to dinner?”

  “Yes, indeed!”

  I felt like an angel walking with him. We couldn’t fit in the hallway side by side, so Mateus allowed me to walk in front of him. I suspect part of that was because he was a gentleman, but the other part had nothing to do with manners. The man wanted to check out my ass. He had mentioned how much he liked it several times throughout the day. Well. If Mateus Gallo wanted a show, I would give him one.

  We arrived on deck at the outdoor dining area as everyone else was taking their seats. The shocked look on Dyce’s face made me smile. She was amused to say the least. I couldn’t say the same for that lecherous Mr. Fletcher. He was pissed to the highest pissivity. When he saw that I was seated next to the captain he almost lost it.

  “What the hell is going on? Tito, you promised me she would be mine on this trip. I told you I wanted her, and you promised. Why is she slumming with that boat person?”


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