Storm and Fury

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Storm and Fury Page 35

by Armentrout, Jennifer L.

  My body arched into his, aching for him in such a way that it almost frightened me, but I did trust him. I trusted him with everything.

  And when his mouth tugged on my breast and his tongue rasped over my skin, I stopped thinking. It was all about feeling and the raw, exquisite sensations shooting down to my core, warming and dampening me.

  My hands slipped over abs that dipped and rippled. My hips rocked against him, and when he whispered in my ear, his voice was thick, smoky. I was panting against his mouth, my fingers trembling as they slipped over his skin and wrapped around the band of his bottoms. He was grabbing them, too, shoving the fabric down as he rose just enough to get the material to his thighs, and then there was nothing between us.

  “God,” he growled against my mouth.

  His hand clasped my hip, urging me to move, to take what I wanted, but I didn’t need urging. My body moved against his and he moved against me. The heat of his body, the friction and the dampness, and the way he nipped at my mouth—it was all too much and not enough. Tension between my legs built quickly, stealing my breath, shocking me. The coil tightened deep inside me, and our movements became almost frantic. His growl of approval seared my skin, igniting the fire, and I came in a blinding rush, muscles tightening and loosening all at once. Never, ever had I felt something so powerful, so deliciously obliterating.

  Zayne’s quickly followed, the hoarse, soul-deep shout smothering my cries as the release shook us, and then his mouth was on mine and he kissed me, and he kept kissing me as if he wished to not simply taste me, but devour my very being, and I...I wanted to be devoured.

  I didn’t know it was even possible to be kissed like that.

  I don’t know how, but we ended up on our sides, our faces inches apart, our legs tangled and his one arm under my ribs, curled around me, and the other around my waist. I didn’t think I was ever going to breathe normally as we lay there, my heart still pounding.

  “That was...” I cleared my throat. “I didn’t know it could feel like that without even, you know, doing it.”

  Zayne’s arms tightened and he pulled me to his chest, flesh against flesh. “I didn’t, either.”

  I smiled, and when he kissed the corner of my lips again, my smile grew. He guided my head to the space below his chin, and I was surrounded by his warmth.

  I had no idea how much time passed, but I could feel the lure of sleep tugging at me. “Are you... Are you going to stay with me tonight?”

  His lips brushed my forehead. “Sleep, Trin. I’m not going anywhere.”


  “Any update?” Jada asked into the phone as I rooted through the clothes I’d packed, looking for something appropriate to wear to meet with witches. I felt like I needed something dark and badass.

  “Bael was sighted the night before last.” I pressed my phone to my shoulder. I hadn’t told Jada that we were going to see witches tonight or that we were working with demons. I didn’t think she’d understand when I barely understood myself. “We’re waiting on some info that will tell us where to find him. I hope so at least, because I can’t imagine...” I rocked back on my knees, closing my eyes.

  “I know,” Jada said quietly. “The good news is that you still feel the bond, right?”


  “So, he’s still alive and that’s all that matters right now.”

  I cleared my throat as I opened my eyes. “How is Ty? Thierry and Matthew?”

  “Ty is amazing as always,” she answered after a beat of silence. “Thierry and Matthew are okay, but they miss you.”

  “I miss them, too. Does Ty not miss me?”

  Jada laughed. “Ty misses you, you dork.”

  “He better. Still no more attacks or anything like that?”

  “It’s been as quiet as a church mouse,” she said, and I frowned as Peanut drifted through the wall and through my suitcase, stirring the clothes. “Boringly normal around here.”

  I couldn’t stop my grin from forming. “That sucks...for you.”

  “And for you when you get back,” she reminded me.

  A weird twinge lit up my chest as I glanced at the opened bedroom door. “Sucks for me then.”

  “How’s Zayne?”

  I bit down on my lower lip, thinking about last night, about the way he touched me and made me feel, how he held me through the night. My face flushed at the heated memories, and I was at once grateful Jada and I weren’t FaceTiming.

  Zayne had stayed with me all night, and not only that, he’d kissed me this morning—kissed me so sweetly that just thinking about it now caused my chest to feel like there was a balloon inflated there.

  And then he made me breakfast—waffles and bacon, and I sort of wanted to keep him forever.


  “He’s good,” I said, keeping my voice low because he was in the bathroom, showering.

  “I bet he is.”

  I giggled, wanting to tell her everything but knowing that right now was not the time. Plus, I knew she was going to have questions, ones I couldn’t answer. Like did last night mean there’d be more last nights? Did it mean we were together? I didn’t know. We really hadn’t had that conversation. “Shut up—hold on.” I lowered the phone as I saw Peanut making his way toward the bathroom. “Peanut! Don’t you even think about it!”

  The ghost threw up his hands and flailed all the way to the bed, throwing himself onto it. He sank through it, disappearing.

  “What is he doing?” Jada asked.

  “Being a freaking creep.”

  “I’m not a creep.” Peanut’s muffled voice came from somewhere in the bed. “I have to use the bathroom.”

  “Peanut, first off there are two bathrooms in here, but most importantly, you’re freaking dead and you don’t use the bathroom.”

  “Maybe I should let you go,” Jada said, and I sighed. “Call me tomorrow, okay?”

  “Okay. Talk to you soon.” I dropped my phone on the bed as Peanut’s head resurfaced. “Behave.”

  He grinned at me, though it was really just a grimace exposing all his teeth.

  Shaking my head, I turned back to my clothes. I picked up a black tank top. It was one of those hi-lo styles, cut shorter in the front and longer in the back.

  “What about this?” I asked Peanut.

  He cocked his head to the side. “Why do you think I would know what to wear to go meet witches?”

  “I don’t know.” I sighed, plopping onto my butt.

  “I can’t believe witches are real.” Peanut’s head was still the only thing visible. “I also can’t believe I’m still surprised by anything.”

  “Same,” I agreed.

  “I also can’t believe what you two were doing last night.”

  My eyes widened as I lowered my voice. “Were you creeping on us?”

  “No. Come on. That would be gross.” He paused. “But there was literally nowhere for me go in this place where I couldn’t hear you two.”

  Oh my God.

  The bathroom door opened, and I looked over my shoulder just in time to see a shirtless Zayne come out, running a towel over his wet hair. He was wearing jogging pants that were damp in...interesting places, making me think he hadn’t taken the time to really dry off.

  He glanced over at me. “What are you doing?”

  “Looking for something to wear tonight.” I lifted the tank top, struggling to behave like everything was totally normal. “Do you think this is appropriate?”

  One side of his lips kicked up. “You can wear whatever you want to wear, Trinity.”

  “I like the way he says your name,” Peanut commented.

  So, I wasn’t the only one who thought he said my name in such an interesting way. “Yeah, but I don’t want to stand out.”

  “Don’t think that’s possible.”

I lowered my shirt, grinning like a little idiot. When he turned to walk to his closet, I was watching him so avidly that Peanut giggled.

  “Is your chest okay?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I put some of that stuff on it this morning just in case, but it’s fine.” He pulled out a black shirt and put it on over his head. That was it. Dudes picking out clothes was so simple. “I figured we’d take it easy tonight, after you do the visit thing.”

  “Really?” What did taking it easy consist of? I glanced at the bed and felt my entire body flush.

  I really needed to get control of myself.

  He headed for the door, a pair of jeans in hand. “Yeah, we can grab something to eat.”

  Excitement thrummed through me. I was going to see witches and get to go out and eat dinner with Zayne like a normal person, like a—

  I cut myself off before I let that thought finish. Ducking my gaze, I folded my shirt. “I would like that, but if the witches give us intel, we’ll—”

  “We’ll act on that immediately,” he agreed.

  I dared to let myself smile. “Okay.”

  “Good.” Zayne hesitated at the door. “You’ll be ready soon?”

  I nodded.

  “I’ll be waiting,” he said, closing the door behind him.

  The moment he was gone, I let myself topple, face-first, onto my suitcase.

  “I think you like him,” Peanut whispered.

  I groaned.

  “I think you really like him.”

  “Shut up,” I said, closing my eyes.

  “I think you like him a lot,” Peanut sang, and I couldn’t say anything, because obviously it was true.

  I liked Zayne.

  I liked him a lot.

  * * *

  The drive to Bethesda took longer than we anticipated, due to the traffic between the two cities. When we arrived, night had fallen and Roth was waiting for us in the parking garage, dressed all in black. He wasn’t alone.

  Layla was with him.

  I’d decided to go with the leggings with skulls on them, which I had thought was superfitting to meeting with witches, and the black tank top, but seeing Layla in a pale blue dress, the kind that was flowing and flowery, made me wish I’d picked something...prettier.

  I sighed. Too late now.

  And besides, it wasn’t like I could hid my blades in a dress like that.

  “What in the Hell?” Zayne was muttering as he turned off the engine. He opened the door and stepped out as I did the same.

  Roth and Layla approached us, their hands joined as Zayne came around the front of the Impala.

  “Hi,” I said, waving awkwardly at the demons.

  Roth grinned at me while Layla sent me a brief, tense smile.

  “I’m staying out here,” Layla announced, smiling innocently up at Zayne. “To keep you company.”


  Zayne’s jaw was working overtime, like he was going to crack some molars. “Just to give you guys a heads-up, Bael was seen two nights ago, over by Franklin Square. We patrolled over there but didn’t see him.”

  “He was with someone, but we’re not sure who yet,” I added. “We’re waiting to find out.”

  “That’s a strange place for him,” Layla commented, her pale brows knitted as she looked at Zayne. “I don’t think I ever saw demons over there when I patrolled.”

  “You patrolled?”

  She nodded. “I used to...tag demons so the Wardens could easily find them when they hunted.”

  I gaped at her. “I have so many questions.”

  “Layla’s ability to see souls also means if she touches a demon, it lights them up for us Wardens to see. Gives them a glow,” Zayne answered, arms crossed. “I wonder if you’d be able to see it.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “It doesn’t work on demons like Roth,” Layla explained. “But it did on a lot of the lower level ones. I’d tag them and Zayne would hunt them later.”

  “Ah, the good old days,” Roth purred with a smile. “Right?”

  Layla was staring at Zayne, who was staring at some place behind Roth.

  “You used to hunt demons?” I asked, thoroughly confused, because, well, while she was half-Warden, she was also half-demon.

  “I did. I used to tag every one I came across, no matter what they were doing,” she explained. “I still patrol. Roth and I together, but I only tag demons that are actively bad.”

  “I don’t really patrol, because I couldn’t care less about what demons are doing.” Roth grinned. “I’m just there to make sure Layla is good. Anyway, we should get this show on the road.”

  Still having no idea what was going on between Zayne and Layla but sensing he was not remotely happy about her being there, I reached out and touched Zayne’s arm, drawing his attention. When I spoke, I kept my voice low. “You okay?”

  He stared at me a moment and then nodded curtly. “Always.”

  Not sure I believed him, I glanced at Layla and Roth, discovering that they both were watching us closely. Roth appeared amused, but Layla looked...uncertain and like she wanted to...remove my hand from Zayne’s arm.

  “It’s okay,” Zayne said.

  My gaze searched his and then I nodded. “Well, you two have fun, I guess.”

  Roth’s brows lifted. “Probably best we get this over with as soon as possible.” Angling his body toward Layla, he curled his fingers along her jaw and tilted her head back. He kissed her, and boy, did he kiss her. I felt my cheeks flush as I averted my gaze until Roth said, “You ready?”

  I hesitated, because it felt like I should say something to Zayne before I left, but what? I had no idea, and it wasn’t like I was going to kiss him or he was going to kiss me like that—though that would be nice—so I turned and started toward where Roth was waiting.

  “Trin, wait a sec,” Zayne called out.

  My stupid heart did a little flip in my chest as I wheeled around and saw him striding toward me. “Yes?”

  “You have your blades on you?” When I nodded, his gaze searched my face. “And what did I say before?”

  “Use the grace if I have to,” I whispered, fully aware that Layla and Roth could probably still hear me.

  “Good.” His chest rose as he glanced over at Roth and then back to me. “I wish I was going in there with you.”

  “Same,” I murmured.

  He opened his mouth like he wished to say more and then he gave me a lopsided smile before turning his attention to behind me. “Watch her back, Roth.”

  “I know,” came the demon prince’s reply.

  “I should go now,” I told him, a little disappointed I wasn’t even getting a hug while also fully aware that we had an audience. “I’ll be back soon.”

  Zayne let me get about a step away and then he caught my hand and pulled me back. My breath caught. Before I could guess what he was doing, he lowered his head and whispered, “Be safe.”

  Then I felt his lips on my temple, and my eyes briefly squeezed shut. It was a sweet, quick kiss, but it meant something to me. When I opened my eyes and pulled back, I saw the warmth in his pale eyes. I thought that maybe it might mean something to him, too.

  Feeling ridiculously giddy, I nodded and then pivoted, hurrying to Roth.

  The demon prince raised his brows at me and then whirled around elegantly. “Follow me, my holy roller.”

  I frowned at his back, but kept up with him as we walked outside the garage. The streets were lit by bright lamps.

  “So, we’re going to a club?” I asked, realizing we were walking across the street, toward a hotel.

  “More like a restaurant. It’s a private one.” He reached the door before me, holding it open. “Probably not what you’re going to expect.”

  Already it wasn’t.

  Stepping into
the hotel lobby, I looked up at the silver ceiling lamps that cast a glow across the black marble floors that reminded me of moonlight. Roth led us over to an elevator, and it opened before we reached it. I looked over at him.

  “Spooky,” he said with a grin.

  My eyes narrowed, and he chuckled as we stepped into the elevator and as soon as he hit the button to the thirteen floor, which caused me to blink.

  I turned to him. “I thought hotels didn’t have a thirteenth floor?”

  “This one does.”

  Okay. That was spooky, but as the doors closed, I glanced over to where Roth had retreated in the corner. “Can I ask you something?”


  “What’s up between Zayne and Layla?”

  He lifted his brows. “What makes you think there’s anything up between them?”

  “Besides the obviously awkward as Hell meeting at your place and what just happened out there? Zayne looked like he would rather mate with a porcupine than wait with her.”

  Roth blinked. “Nice imagery.” Shaking his head, he crossed his arms, and it was then that I noticed a tattoo on his bicep. I squinted. It looked like a...kitten curled up in a little ball? That couldn’t be right. Demons with kitten tattoos? My eyes were getting way worse. “What do you know about them?” he asked.

  A great sense of unease blossomed in my stomach. “I know they grew up together and that he...he feels bad about never accepting her demon side.”

  “He told you that?”

  I nodded. “And he told me what happened to her—what her clan did and that it was his fault.”

  A muscle flexed in his jaw. “Did he tell you what happened that caused that?”

  I shook his head. “Only that he feels responsible.”

  “Of course not,” he muttered, and the elevator slid to a halt and the doors opened. “We should finish this conversation afterward.”


  “Afterward,” he repeated, stepping out in the hall. “Come on, Trinity. We need to focus, and if we have this conversation, your head is not going to be in the right space.”


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