Rivaled Warrior

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Rivaled Warrior Page 12

by Brenda Trim

  “Don’t ever mention another male, unless you want them to die. And, it’s both my vampire heritage and because of you,” Cade replied. “This happens to us after we find our mates. We have longer releases and can impregnate our mates. It’s like breaking the seal.”

  Brianne wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’d say we obliterated that seal, mi leoncito. Mmmm,” she reached up, wrapping her arms around his neck and sinking her fingers into his hair.

  Cade checked his watch. It was just after midnight, and he had to work. “I would love to stay here all night, but I’ve got patrols in a bit,” he stated, tenderly kissing her.

  He wished more than anything they could stay in the hotel room forever, just the two of them. No fighting, no decisions, no choices. Just him and Brianne, pleasuring one another until the end of time.

  “But you haven’t fed. Guess that means we’ll have to go on another date soon,” Brianne murmured as she nipped his lip.

  “Oh, I didn’t say we were leaving right this second,” Cade husked as he began moving his hips again. Spanish endearments rushed from Brianne’s lips, soothing Cade’s soul as he ravaged his mate’s body and drank his fill.


  “We’re almost to the first floor, Love. You gonna hide those beautiful wings? I’m happy to erase the memory of every human we encounter,” Cade murmured and placed a soft kiss to her lips, heating her blood all over again.

  Brianne’s skin tingled from head to toe when they touched. Cade’s gentle touch was a balm to her soul. The way he kissed and caressed her body made her feel loved. Even now, as he tenderly kissed her, she craved more. She wanted to push Cade against the elevator wall and climb on for another wild ride.

  She shook off her erotic notion before she committed the biggest sin in the Tehrex Realm. Walking off the elevator with her wings exposed to humans was punishable by death. No supernatural wanted humans to discover they existed. Nothing good would come of that. Humans outnumbered supernaturals a hundredfold, and they possessed weapons that could easily eradicate their kind.

  “Thanks, but let’s not go there. I’ve tempted fate enough this week. I have two sexy vampires to live for, and though I have faith in your skills, all it would take is one human to slip past us, and I’m a goner. And, as much as I hate saying this, you need to stop touching me, Mi Leoncíto. I can’t focus enough to hide my wings if you don’t,” Brianne admitted with a smile.

  “You’ve lost that lovin’ feeling. Whoa, that lovin’ feeling,” Cade crooned and tightened his hold, swaying to his tune.

  Brianne snickered and pushed the silly male away. She immediately missed his warm body, but reason returned as her eyes focused on the male worming his way into her heart. Well, one of them anyway.

  She was impressed Cade and Cael were sticking to their agreement. During dinner, she expected Cael to show up and attack his brother, but he didn’t. That was a major relief, although now she was in much deeper than she planned.

  Initially, she believed she could have some fun with the brothers and walk away unscathed. It never occurred to Brianne that her heart might get involved. It had been hundreds of years since she cared about one of her lovers. Now, she had two virile males vying for her heart. The problem was, she didn’t see how she could choose between them. Each brought something to the table she wanted and needed. But, if she wanted a mate, she had to make a choice.

  A ding echoed, making her jump as the doors opened to a hall near the check-in desk. She panicked then sighed her relief when she realized there weren’t any humans waiting for the lift. Brianne quickly called on her power and cloaked her wings. No human would see or feel the large appendages unless she willed it.

  Cade twined his fingers with hers, and they walked out the glass doors at the front of the hotel. The cold wind slapped her in the face and made her shiver. Zipping up her jacket, she swung their joined hands between them.

  “So, I know you like Sushi, Greek food, and love to sing and dance. I’m still in shock that you’re a Meghan Trainor fan, but I can attest that you are indeed, all about that bass,” she flirted.

  When Cade laughed, his beautiful blue eyes lit up and the weight on his shoulders disappeared. He dropped her hand and went into dance mode, shaking his ass as he shouted, “My name is no, My sign is no, My number is no, You need to let it go, You need to let it go.”

  Brianne burst into laughter. In fact, she couldn’t stop, and tears streamed down her face. The male was amusing if nothing else.

  “You might want to keep your night job, cariño,” she teased.

  Rather than answering, Cade froze then shoved her toward a group of trees. The Dark Warrior was hyper-alert and reached to his boot, pulling out a weapon as he scanned their surroundings. Brianne felt inadequate compared to Cade. She hadn’t detected any danger.

  “What is it?” she whispered and clung to his bicep. She was a harpy and knew how to fight, but she preferred not to engage.

  “Demons. There’s a powerful one very close by, but that’s not all. Skirm are near, as well. I need you to call Cael. Tell him where we are, and have him send backup,” Cade muttered against her ear.

  Suddenly, a swirl of glowing black smoke lit up the area. Instinctively, Brianne ducked and pulled Cade with her. Through the trees, they watched as several mid-level demons appeared, along with, a blue-winged female whose corrupted power stung every inch of Brianne’s skin. And, they weren’t alone. Several skirm and lower demons carried children in their arms. Initially, she presumed they were human, but then she saw the bright auras, telling her they were supernatural stripling.

  “Fucking bitch,” Cade cursed on a breath.

  His expletive was so faint she barely heard him. Glancing over, she noted his blue eyes had turned black, and he looked as if he was ready to rip every being to shreds. Horror crept down her spine as she realized the blue demon was Crocell, the evil fallen angel that kidnapped Princess Isobel. Instantly, her anger skyrocketed, matching Cade’s.

  “We can’t let them get away with those kids,” she murmured to him.

  “You will not get involved,” he insisted. Brianne was about to object when a hellhound’s paw landed on her back and ripped a scream from her throat. Claws tore through flesh, feathers, bone, and sinew. Within seconds, the scent of her blood permeated the air.

  It was a reminder that harpies wore metal armor to battle for a reason. Their flesh was easily damaged, and she didn’t have the same healing ability of some species.

  Cade jumped, and his knife was arching down before she could track what he was doing. He sliced through the hound’s neck in the next breath. Black blood spurted, and chaos quickly erupted.

  “I love how you Dark Warriors keep trying to defeat me. No matter. You won’t succeed,” Crocell cackled. Her voice was a sword striking a grinder.

  Cade turned to Brianne. “Are you okay?’ he asked roughly.

  Bile surged in her throat, but she ignored her injury and nodded. Words were beyond her as she clenched through the agony. She wanted to lay down and scream until Jace healed her. She didn’t deal well with pain, and it was the main reason she didn’t instigate fights. However, she didn’t want to be a liability to Cade, so she buried the discomfort and pasted on a brave face.

  “Stay close,” he told her then stood and kicked a skirm bolting toward them.

  Brianne’s back was on fire, and she could feel warm liquid trailing down her spine.

  “Long time no see, Crocell. You’re as ugly as I remember. Damn, that must’ve hurt, but you look much better than your sister, now don’t you?” Cade taunted the archdemon as he fought off a pus demon.

  Brianne didn’t understand what he meant but didn’t have time to figure it out because a Sheti demon snuck up and grabbed her around the waist. She raked claws down its face, and the beast roared and clutched its head, releasing its hold on her. Damn, those beasts stunk like a rotting whale carcass. She recalled the time she and Raquel encountered one up on Orca Island. The st
ench was unforgettable. To this day, she couldn’t eat seafood because it reminded her of the nasty-smelling animal.

  Brianne used her wings to lift into the air then kicked the heel of one shoe through the temple of the demon. It cried out and fell to the ground. Brianne couldn’t fly through the trees, so she landed next to Cade. Several hellhounds surged toward them at the same time Cade shoved his phone into her palm. Realizing what he wanted, she sent a text to Cael before a skirm slammed into her side, and the phone flew from her hand.

  “This is nothing compared to what my sister and I will do when she returns to Earth. Here’s a taste of what’s to come,” Crocell promised then opened her mouth wide, sucking the energy from everything around her. Trees and shrubs immediately died in the process.

  When she shifted, Brianne saw what Cade was talking about. One of the archdemon’s arms was charred black, and half of one wing was black and shriveled.

  While Crocell was preoccupied, Cade grabbed a stripling and put the small boy between him and Brianne. She wasn’t a total liability here, she thought. In fact, she could help gather the kids. Brianne dodged to the left and cursed when rough hands grabbed her wing and ripped, worsening the injury to her back.

  “Gods dammit. Get your paws off me, pedazo de mierda,” she snarled.

  A quick glance told her Cade was busy distracting Crocell and couldn’t help with the demon that had her by the wings. She’d never seen the creature and had no idea how to fight it. The lower half of its body was a goat, and the torso reminded her of a Behemoth demon. The creature’s skin was a reddish-purple color, and it had one set of small horns.

  And, someone must have cast a dampening spell in the area, she thought because none of the humans were coming out to investigate the noise. Neither she nor Cade had that ability, and it made her wonder if this was a frequent stopping point for the archdemon. She was the only one that could have cast the spell.

  Refocusing on the danger at hand, Brianne snatched a stick off the ground, and stabbed it into the creature’s side then darted around it, picking up the stripling curled in a ball on the ground.

  “You did great. Stay small and between us,” Brianne told the little girl as she positioned her close to Cade.

  Black blood soaked the ground and killed the grass, causing the area to look like a disease swept through, destroying all plant life for at least fifty feet. It almost reached the backyards of those that lived just beyond the hotel.

  One of Brianne’s favorite features about Seattle was the lush landscape. She loved nature. Hanging out on the cliffs with Raquel was her favorite summer activity. Disgust welled over the destruction these demons left in their wake.

  Crocell snarled and threw black energy at Cade. Brianne shouted, certain the magic was going to kill her lover. Cade dodged the strike, and a blade flew past her face, sailing toward Crocell.

  Crocell stood clutching a child in her arms while she watched the weapon head toward her. Several things registered at once. Cael and several other Dark Warriors were at the scene, and the archdemon was struggling to teleport.

  Crossing her fingers, Brianne prayed the titanium weapon would land between her eyes and disable her long enough for one of the warriors to remove her head. The blade pierced her chest, but before Cade could reach her, Crocell disappeared with the child.

  Brianne motioned for the kids to gather around her while the Dark Warriors made quick work of the remaining demons and skirm. There was a reason they were the most feared in the realm. These males and females kicked serious ass and left no survivors.

  Cade and Cael stared at each other for several long seconds before Cael turned and headed in her direction. Climbing to her feet, she winced when the injuries made pain shoot down her back.

  “You’re hurt,” Cael said, his eyes scanning her frantically from head to toe and gently turning her around. The rough curse that exploded from his mouth had Brianne turning toward Cael.

  The connection she shared with the two of them told her exactly how worried they had both been about losing her during the fight, but Cael was consumed with it because he didn’t know what was going on. It didn’t surprise her when he picked her up in his arms and marched her through the trees. They reached a deserted parking lot where his SUV was parked.

  Luckily, it was big enough to hide them from anyone passing by because Cael’s mouth crashed down on hers a moment later. His hands were gentle on her back while his lips devoured hers. His kiss was brutal, and his tongue tangled wetly with hers and led the dance.

  Her body responded to his ardor and domination. Her core dampened, and her arousal skyrocketed despite the near-death experience moments ago. Okay, that was a slight exaggeration, but shit like that didn’t happen in her everyday life.

  “I need to be inside you now, Brianne. I almost lost you,” Caell murmured against her kiss-swollen lips.

  “We can’t. Someone could see us,” Brianne objected as she turned her head and looked down the empty street.

  “I will take care of that, but don’t ask me to wait. It’s bad enough that I can smell my brother on you, but you could have died tonight.”

  The anxiety strumming along their bond had her petting his chest and kissing a path down his neck. She’d give him this. She’d do anything at that moment to calm him down.

  Setting her on her feet, Cael placed her hands on the window of the vehicle then circled around her. He gently trailed a finger over her wings, making the healing cuts sting. Electricity arched between them, rapidly drowning any pain she felt.

  “I can’t be gentle right now,” he warned against her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.

  “Remind me that I’m alive,” she urged on a groan as his large hands enveloped her breasts.

  Despite his words, Cael took care pushing her bottoms down, leaving them to pool around her ankles. She stepped out of one pant leg and widened her stance. His dominance was evident as he placed his palm around the back of her neck and urged her face forward. The action bent her at the waist and left her glistening sex on full display.

  “Fuck, you’re gorgeous,” Cael husked and palmed her ass with one hand while the other cupped her sex, fingering her feminine folds.

  His hand spread her copious juices back to the tightly puckered hole of her rear, and Brianne shivered, silently urging him on.

  Cael didn’t make her wait long as he thrust into her sheath in one harsh move, making her gasp at the intrusion. She was wet and ready for him, but the force shocked her and shifted her wings, causing some pain. The second he withdrew she forgot about the agony and gave herself over with a sigh.

  Cael’s fingers moved to the front, teasing her bundle of nerves as he set a rapid rhythm. She was so lost to the pleasure of her impending orgasm that she didn’t track his hand until a finger once again pressed against her rear entrance.

  “Cael,” she called out when he breached the tight muscle.

  He continued to thrust into her body as his finger moved in and out. The sensation was something she’d never felt, and she found she liked it. Her movements were limited as his weight pinned her to the vehicle. All she could do was enjoy the pleasure he offered. When his other hand strummed her clit, she detonated, crying out as spots filled her vision. Cael thrust three more times and grunted in her ear as his seed exploded into her womb. She was taken to another plane. It was utter euphoria, and her body trembled with her release as Cael’s climax raged on.

  Their sweaty bodies slid against each other as they panted, trying to catch their breaths. Cael’s lips found hers and his tongue invaded her mouth. This male left her breathless. No pause or mercy. He took her as if he owned her. And, if Brianne were honest, he did.

  Footsteps and loud voices had them scurrying to get dressed. Seconds later, the rest of the warriors and Cade walked around the side of the SUV. Brianne didn’t miss Cade’s scowl and, she threw her hands up then climbed into the front seat, slamming her door.

  The pleasure quickly faded, and
fatigue took its place. It had been an incredible and frightening night. Her head fell against the headrest as she listened for the onslaught of another brotherly brawl. She was too fucking tired of dealing with her mates right now.

  Did she just refer to them as her mates? She wasn’t tired, she amended. She was delusional.


  Cade inhaled deeply, trying to find his Zen, but any semblance of calm eluded him. Sounds of Cael having sex with Brianne filled his mind, and he tightened his grip on the steering wheel, staring at the SUV in front of them. He wanted to turn his truck around, and take his mate somewhere they could talk privately, but there were pressing matters that demanded immediate attention.

  He glanced over at his mate in the passenger seat. Her back was to him as she stared out the window. She hadn’t spoken to him since he dragged her from Cael’s vehicle, insisting she ride with him. No way was he going to let her ride home with his brother. It was their date night, Gods dammit. If anyone broke any promises, it was his brother.

  The worst part was he couldn’t fault Cael. Cade would’ve done the same thing in his shoes. The fact that every possessive bone in Cade’s body was screaming for him to claim Brianne as his Fated Mate didn’t help the situation. With a jolt, Cade realized that Cael was feeling the exact same turmoil. The thought wasn’t a pleasant one.

  For the millionth time in the past few days, Cade asked the Goddess why she had burdened them with such strong mating instincts if they were meant to share Brianne. The only answer that made sense was that they weren’t supposed to share her. Cade believed he was destined to fight for her love and devotion, but fighting his brother was not natural to him. He doubted Cael wanted to fight him, either. The problem was that neither of them could stop. Every cell in their bodies stung with intense pain, urging them to complete the mating. As if the possessive instincts weren’t enough, the nagging mating brand pushed Cade to his breaking point. He could tolerate a significant amount of discomfort, but this was like an exposed nerve being repeatedly plucked by a vicious demon.


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