Rivaled Warrior

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Rivaled Warrior Page 19

by Brenda Trim

  Picking up a sgian dubh from the ground, Cade tossed it at the Sheti’s head. He heard Mack shout her killboard number while Kyran sifted from skirm to skirm, ashing them with a blade to the chest. An injured Behemoth demon jumped through the hole in the shield and landed on Nate’s back. The beast was standing on the barrier while tossing weapons to the ground. Nate bellowed as claws raked furrows through the demon’s flesh.

  Dragon scales were impervious to most weapons. Demon claws were one exception. It was the acidic blood and secretions that cut through the sturdy material. One of his wings faltered, and Nate flipped to his back. As the massive beast started falling through the air, Crocell shouted and pumped her fist in victory.

  In the next instant, Zander came running by and jumped, launching his body off Nate as the dragon fell. Zander soared through the air, his arms extended with a blade clutched in each hand. Nate hit the ground with a loud boom, causing the earth to tremble like a cataclysmic earthquake. Zander landed on Crocell, and her startled yelp echoed as one of his blades drove deep into her chest.

  The world seemed to slow to a snail’s pace as Cade watched Zander. He arced his other arm, and Cade knew the king aimed to behead Crocell. His heart galloped in his chest with anticipation. This was the moment they’d waited for all these months. To rid the world of the vile archdemon, once and for all. And then, in the next blink, Crocell disappeared in a puff of black smoke.

  Distracted, Cade was knocked off balance. Instinctively, he wrapped his arm around a neck before his head turned and assessed the danger. He heard a grunt and looked down to see Gerrick snarling at a rage demon that was headed their way.

  “Sorry, bro,” Cade muttered and released his fellow warrior. Gerrick was the most efficient and ruthless warrior when it came to killing their enemies.

  “No problemo,” Gerrick replied before charging the creature.

  Cade returned to the fight, eager to get back to his mate’s side. Now that Crocell vanished again, they’d wrap things up quickly and defeat the remaining demons.

  Cael wiped the black blood from his forehead and limped back into the house next to his brother. His only solace was the fact that no demons managed to get past the warriors, and inside Zeum.

  “What the fuck are we going to do now? We can’t stay here. She knows our location,” Kyran demanded.

  Zander pulled out his phone and tapped out a message before turning to his brother. “We’re going to hunt her down and stop her. She’s fucked with the wrong family one time too many.”

  “Great plan, but what if our daughter gets killed in the meantime?” Elsie asked coming around the corner.

  They were all gathered in the war room, and it was full to bursting. Nate remained in dragon form so his critical injuries could heal. A dozen gnomes used their power to lift his body and carry him into the spacious ballroom.

  “I willna allow that to happen. I promise, a ghra,” Zander vowed.

  Cael wrapped his arms around Brianne’s waist when she entered the room, and Cade joined them, placing a kiss on her lips. They stood off to the side of the area, and Cael noticed Mack staring at them from the other side. When he saw her mouth open, Cael shook his head and drew his finger across his throat. Now was not the time to discuss their mating ceremony, let alone the developments in their relationship.

  “You can’t make that promise, Zander. Isobel’s been hunted from the moment I conceived her, and I’m exhausted. I’ve been fighting for too damn long. I just want my daughter to have a normal childhood,” Elsie sputtered as she clutched her neck. The queen’s shoulders sagged and purple rings darkened beneath her blue eyes.

  “How normal is her childhood going to be? Her best friend is a cambion, her playmates include kippies from another realm and magic-wielding gnomes. You want to take all that away from her?” Cailyn countered. “You want her safe, and I get that. I do, too, but you can’t protect her from everything. She’s the daughter of the Vampire King and Queen.”

  Elsie let out a heavy sigh. “I know, you’re right. But, we must keep her safe, and the only way I see to do that is if she isn’t on Earth,” Elsie explained.

  “What are you suggesting?” Zander growled.

  “I’m saying that we need to take her to Khoth. When we were there for Angus’s mating, we didn’t detect one demon. Not even a malicious presence was felt. She won’t be hunted while she’s there,” Elsie replied. The room fell silent at hearing her words, and every mouth fell agape.

  “I canna leave the realm, a ghra. I am the fucking Vampire King!” Zander shouted. “My people need me. I have a responsibility to them and the Goddess.”

  “We have to try, Zander. I refuse to allow my daughter to suffer and hide in the basement while her father continuously risks his life to protect her,” Elsie begged.

  “You can’t live there full-time,” Hayden interjected. “Vampires without a leader will wreak havoc.”

  There were times Cael hated the shifter Omega. The big bastard held the essence of all animals and wore a perpetual snarl. When Crocell and her sister showed up on the scene and started targeting human populations, Hayden wanted to out the existence of supernaturals. That was a disaster in the making, and it pissed Cael off. That Hayden made sense right now only served to stoke that anger even more.

  “Doona tell me how to rule my people, Hayden. I know what they need,” Zander retorted.

  Elsie came up to her mate and wrapped her fingers around his forearm, drawing his attention. “We don’t need to discuss this right now. What’s more important is whether, or not, we move out of the compound. It would break my heart to lose our home.”

  Zander leaned his forehead against Elsie’s for a moment before turning back to the room, focusing on the Rowan sisters. “Is there any way to reinforce the barrier again and ensure they canna do this again?”

  Pema sighed and crossed her arms over her chest. The blonde High Priestess was one-third of the prophesized Rowan triplets. “We can restore the barrier, but not until nightfall. We need to replenish our energy. But, I believe you will be safe after we do that. You shouldn’t be forced from your home. After yesterday’s attack, we anticipated Crocell’s next move, and the three of us cast a memory spell and interlaced it with the barrier.”

  “Och, you brilliant witches!” Zander exclaimed. “Will it erase her knowledge of our location?”

  “Yes, it will. That’s why we could help more after she attacked. It took a lot of energy to cast such a wide net, but rest assured, every memory of the encounter was erased as soon as she left the premises. Crocell could be standing two feet from the drive and not know where you were,” Pema explained.

  “Gods, that’s a major relief,” Tori, Santiago’s mate, blurted then blushed when all eyes turned her way.

  Cael watched her shift sideways and hide her mangled right arm. His eyes immediately went to her wing. She nearly lost them both when she was injured in a fight. Because of her sacrifice, the Goddess offered to mend one of them. Cael would’ve picked his arm over his wing. Not having a functioning arm limited movement, and for Cael that would mean he couldn’t’ be a Dark Warrior. Just the thought made his gut lurch.

  “Does it affect all demons or just the ones that came through the shield?” Zander asked, taking the attention off the Valkyrie.

  “Only the ones that contacted with the barrier. It will confuse the others enough that they won’t have an exact location. We need to anchor the spell to something, and the ground won’t work,” Pema shared.

  “Good to know. Thank you for your foresight and assistance,” Zander shared and then turned to Cade, Cael, Brianne, and her sister who stood awkwardly off to the side. The king looked them over and lifted an eyebrow. “Please tell me you have good news, other than the status of your relationship.”

  Cael shifted from foot to foot now that all eyes were on them. Cade cleared his throat, and Brianne turned bright red. Tugging her closer and tucking her into his side, Cael addressed the king. “We hav
e great news. I’m surprised Ayil didn’t tell you sooner.”

  “I’ve been a bit busy,” Ayil muttered dryly. “My blade needed sharpening, and I had several demon volunteers. It was an offer I couldn’t refuse,” he muttered in his best gangster voice.

  “I love that movie,” Raquel interjected then smiled sheepishly at Ayil.

  “My guess is it can cut through marble now,” Cael acknowledged. “Anyway, we forced the demon from Aurora’s body. The harpies didn’t understand their leader was possessed and sided with the Crow Tengu at first. The demon was able to use Aurora’s body to open a portal and allow demons to come through.”

  “How the fuck was she able to do that? Lower demons canna open portals, can they? That’s one reason Lucifer uses his archdemons,” Zander demanded.

  “It’s their powerful blood,” Pema interjected. “On its own, a lesser demon can’t open the portal, but when they possess a harpy they can because harpies are half-breeds. I imagine it would be the same with cambions.”

  “Is there anything we can do to protect our people from further possession?” Brianne asked.

  “I have no idea,” Pema replied and looked to Jace.

  Jace narrowed his eyes, and a second later a massive tome appeared in his hands. Cael recalled the last time they summoned the book. It was to research how to break his mating to Brianne. Thank the Goddess they hadn’t followed that line of thinking. He and his brother would have a life of misery if that happened.

  “I vaguely recall my father talking about a protection spell. I’ll see what I can find, and let you know,” Jace said as he paged through the book.

  “Does this mean we have a mating ceremony to plan?” Elsie asked, a smile coming to her heart-shaped face.

  “Absolutely,” Cade replied immediately and tightened his arm around Brianne. Cael allowed his joy to show on his face and nodded his agreement.

  “You really are magically delicious,” Mack said and laughed.

  The females began chatting about dresses, and shoes and Cael smiled, allowing himself this moment of happiness before the demons came crashing back in and destroyed everything.


  Nerves wracked Brianne as she stared at her mates. The hungry look in their eyes told her they had to reaffirm their connection to her, but this time they needed to forge together, bonding the three of them as a couple.

  Suddenly, she realized her lack of experience, despite her long life. She was no stranger to sex, but she’d never been with two partners at once and wasn’t sure she was ready for it.

  Her heart started racing when Cael stalked toward her while Cade remained leaning against the wall. They were in Cade’s rooms at Zeum which was located next to Cael’s. The moment she entered the space, she decided to knock down the walls between the brother’s suites to make one big apartment. There was no turning back now, and neither male would tolerate being away from her for long.

  The intensity in their eyes promised to twist her inside out and remake her once they were done. She wondered if they’d have a massive bed made for them to share. The thought of being sandwiched between these two powerful vampires each night had her body flushing with desire, and her wings fluttering with excitement.

  “What has you so restless, mate?” Cade asked as he kicked away from the wall and prowled toward her.

  “She’s anxious to have us both inside her, brother,” Cael stated, his blunt manner arousing her further.

  The way the brothers teamed to incite her ardor was the most sensual encounter of her life. And, it felt right all the way down to her soul. There was something to the beliefs of her vampires. They were made for her as much as she was made for them.

  “Is that true, Bri?” Cade asked, his voice huskier than it had been a moment before. The erection tenting his leathers was undeniable proof that the idea was as pleasing to him as it was to her.

  Cade leaned against the wall on her right and his body heat added to the fire burning in her core. Cael stood close with his arms crossed over his chest while his glowing blue eyes remained fixed on her body.

  “Yes,” Brianne murmured in a voice she never heard leave her lips.

  It was half moan and half plea. Uttered from the depths of her soul, laying every desire bare. Brianne never felt more vulnerable, and she crossed her arms over her chest, despite that she was clothed.

  Cade ran a finger over her red-tinged cheek and down the side of her neck. Her eyes slid closed, and her head fell back against the wall. “Don’t worry, love. We will take care of you.” Instinctually, Brianne believed Cade’s promise and knew the experience was going to be everything she’d dreamed in her wildest fantasies.

  Cael’s lips were on hers a heartbeat later, stealing her breath away while Cade trailed kisses down the side of her neck. Sensation flooded her system while desire flooded her panties. It was embarrassing how turned on she was by having the attention of both males on her at the same time.

  Cael’s lips devoured hers, and his tongue licked her lip, demanding entrance. He parted her mouth and delved inside. He conquered her with his lips and tongue. Their kiss became frenzied. Their teeth and tongues clashed in a duel for dominance and pleasure.

  Hands roamed down her sides, distracting her from the lip-lock with Cael. Cael pulled her into his arms and Cade slid behind her. It was Cade’s gentle caress that roamed down her sides. Now, sandwiched between the hulking males, her blood turned to lava in her veins, and her mind blanked.

  A moan escaped against Cael’s lips, and he swallowed her breath. Cael’s rough hands clenched her backside and yanked her flush with his hard body. One leg wrapped around his hip while her arm reached back and around Cade’s neck. Her fingers sank into his hair, and she urged his mouth to the side of her throat again.

  Impatient, Brianne wanted her mates naked now. Her fingers clawed Cade’s flesh, and she wiggled and moved, trying to get Cael’s pants down. Her actions caused her core to rub against Cael’s massive erection, inciting her males further.

  Cael broke the kiss and met her gaze. The sight of his bright glowing eyes and the banked desire melted her heart. Cael’s focus moved from her to his twin, and before she could say anything, they picked her up in a coordinated move. If she wasn’t mistaken, they were using their telepathy because just as her arousal waned, Cade was there with his big hands, grabbing and squeezing her breasts as he claimed her mouth.

  The sensations overwhelmed Brianne. Cael’s shaft teased her clit, and Cade’s gentle but insistent mouth coaxed more liquid from her center. When the trio reached the bedroom, Cael set her on her feet.

  “Take his pants off,” Cael ordered with a thrust of his chin in Cade’s direction. Brianne’s head turned, and she was momentarily side-tracked by the sight of Cade’s muscled chest. Her hands went to his pecs and roamed down the tight flesh. He groaned, and his glowing eyes slid to half-mast as he watched her movements. She ran a finger over one nipple and enjoyed the way his flesh pebbled under her touch.

  Her ministrations were ratcheting her arousal to unbearable levels, and she craved skin on skin. Her hands went for the waistband of Cade’s pants, and the zipper was down in the blink of an eye. His cock sprang free, and she wrapped it in her hand. Cael’s heated flesh prodded her back a second before he tugged her shirt over her head.

  Unwilling to let go of Cade’s cock, she switched hands to free herself of the fabric. Her bra followed, and she stood there topless with two fully naked males. Her free hand went to Cael’s cock, and she stroked, syncing her movements. For several blissful moments, her mates stood there allowing her to squeeze, stroke and tease their rock-hard shafts. When they bucked into her hands, forcing more of their cocks through her fists, she licked her lips.

  “You’ll get a chance to taste us soon,” Cael promised as he shifted and took a step back.

  Cael’s erection slipped out of her hand, leaving her bereft. She didn’t have time to think beyond her desire for more because his deft ministrations had her zippe
r down and his pants off in the next second.

  Cael sank two fingers into her sodden heat, and she moaned load, tilting her hips up and spreading her thighs wider for him. She couldn’t think straight as his teased and pushed her to the edge of release. She thrust and moved with his deft digits. Cade’s mouth continued to move over hers while his hands squeezed and teased her breasts.

  Cade’s fingers trailed lower and teased her opening before one finger followed Cael’s when it thrust back inside. She writhed in their arms as both teased her. Cade pulled his finger out then slid lower until he reached her rear opening. He circled the tight flesh, teasing it. She emitted a strangled moan, her body quivering with need.

  Cade broke their kiss and groaned. “Fuck, I love how responsive you are to us.”

  “You drive me crazy. See how hot and wet our mate is for us, brother?” Cael asked as he pulled out his finger and licked it. A whimper left her lips, and her mouth fell open at the erotic act.

  “She’s perfect,” Cade agreed and placed his mouth at her ear. “Tell us what you want, Bri. I want to hear your desires.”

  “I want you both,” Brianne blurted unable to think of anything else to say. Her body was strung tight with need and unmet desire.

  “But do you want us both to fuck you at the same time? Or separately? We both want to be inside you,” Cael murmured.

  All she could do was nod in response. She wanted to feel both their cocks inside her, and she needed it now.

  Cade dipped his hips, and his shaft slipped between the cleft of her ass. He slid his thick erection through her wet folds. The tip teased her opening and barely brushed her clit. She tilted her hips, trying to get more friction where she needed it.

  Cade leaned back and the tip of his cock pressed against her dark portal, making her entire body shake. She had no idea if it was desire or fear that caused the reaction.


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