B666 Bingo!

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B666 Bingo! Page 2

by Mark Trimeloni

the scent of some strange cologne filled his nostrils.

  Jacob managed to get a grip along the edge of his tormentor and pulled the offending material off. He scrambled to his feet, bumping the table behind him. How he missed cracking his skull open on the side of the thing would forever remain a mystery. A voice behind him said, "Watch what you're doing, young man." Jacob turned to see a woman of indeterminate age, at least a hundred was Jacob's best guess, aim her blood red dabber-god does anyone use blue anymore?- at him like an accusing finger.

  "Sorry," Jacob muttered.

  "You there." The voice of the caller, full of agitation. Jacob didn't need to look in her direction to see she'd be pointing at him with a gnarled finger. "Sit down please, so we can continue the game." It was not a request.

  "God, I'm sorry already," Jacob said, reaching down to get his seat.

  "Don't swear in here," the caller's voice harsh.

  "What?" Jacob's words lost in the din of several voices. What did he do that was so bad? He said "fuck" earlier and no one called him on it. This is the strangest game of bingo I've ever played. He thought. Then quickly took his seat when he noticed Mr. Anytime was fully naked and the black man was staring in his direction.

  "Ok. Let's continue," the caller began. "I18...it's not obscene...a little mean...jellybean."

  "What the hell?" Jacob looked at his cards and noticed two I18's on one of them.

  He raised his hand as if the teacher had asked a question he could solve. When the lady dropped the ball in a half-oval slot, she looked at him with a glare of contempt.

  "Yes. What's the matter?" Her voice more controlled this time.

  "My cards are messed up. There are two I18's on one of them. I don't want to cheat." Jacob finished the sentence by standing up.

  The black man was on him quickly. Two large hands landed on Jacob's shoulders and forced him back down.

  "Abscond, check the young man's cards please." The name felt weird for a huge man. Hell, it'd be weird for anyone. Sounded like she said, "Ob-s-con-d".

  As Abscond checked his cards, Jacob dabbed the O61. It was on every card.

  "He's right. I18 appears twice on the same card." Abscond waited for the caller to reply.

  "Ok. Then remove the card and give it to Mr. Thunder," the caller said.

  At the mention of receiving the card, Johnny jumped up-his penis hard as steel. Jacob tried to look away, but the length fascinated him. And all that hair. Jacob wondered if his would grow to that size. He knew he'd never have the length of Abscond, but Mr. Thunder's cock might be a realistic expectation-maybe with not so much growth. Jacob liked being hairless-less to get caught in your zipper.

  "No fucking way I'm taking that card." Johnny's voice came out in harsh gasps.

  "You'll take the card and you'll sit back down." The caller's voice held a finality that caused little bumps to form on Jacob's arms.

  "Like hell I will." Johnny made a run for the door.

  Abscond had him before Johnny took two steps. Damn, for someone so large it was amazing how agile the guy was. In seconds, Johnny was wrapped in huge arms, swung through the air, and planted back in his seat. A hollow "whoosh" sound accompanied the smack of flesh against metal. Johnny slumped down-as if he was a puppet and the master had just clipped the strings. Dear God, I hope I never do anything to upset that man. Jacob thought. Quickly, Abscond took the card with double I18's from Jacob's pile and placed it in front of Johnny.

  Why did he get so upset? Jacob wondered. It's just a card. I'm the one that should be upset. Now he's closer to winning than I am. Serves me right for doing the proper thing.

  "Ok. Let's continue." The caller proceeded to pull the next ball. "B5 come alive...hornet's in a bee hive...I'd leave this town if I could drive."

  The poetry sucked, but at least it rhymed. Jacob looked down to see all his cards had this number as well. Plus, the I18 not only appeared twice on one card, but was on each of his cards. Not much of a game. Jacob thought. I'm gonna win no problem.

  But did he want to win? The question rolled quickly through his brain like a lost tumbleweed in a ghost town. What was the prize anyway?

  Before he could raise his hand to ask, the caller held the next number.

  "B7...B7...All good dog's go to Heaven," she spat the last word like someone had just put shit in her mouth.

  "Sweet B'Jesus," Jacob said, seeing this number appear on all his cards.

  "What did you say?" The woman held the ball in her hand like a major league pitcher getting ready to land a strike.

  Jacob didn't answer. He looked down at his cards and began dabbing the number on each of them.

  "I said," she began, tossing the ball at him. It struck Jacob on the top of his head. Although, it didn't hurt-it surprised him. In seconds, he sprang to his feet and jumped the table to get at her.

  "What did..." Her voice trailed off, realizing Abscond wasn't going to make this play-no matter how agile the large black man was.

  With two long strides, Jacob bounded across the tables-separating him from the caller. He leaped the ball box with a cat-like grace and plowed into the old woman's mid-section. Moments before impact, he realized she was naked. Why he didn't notice before, confused him. Regardless, he grabbed her around the waist and his shoulder did the rest. She fell backward with a thump. Abscond rolled him over before he could do any more damage. To Jacob's surprise, he didn't get hit. The man simply escorted Jacob back to his seat. But this time he didn't get a chance to sit down.

  "Take his clothes off," the old woman hissed her voice weak from the sudden loss of air. "Then secure him to the seat."

  Jacob had seconds to think about the words "secure him to the seat", before Abscond ripped Jacob's favorite shirt off. Jacob glowered at the man and raised his hand for a punch. He would slam all five of his fingers into that big, black cock for what the man had done. Before he had a chance, Abscond slapped him hard across the right cheek. Jacob collapsed. With any resistance neutralized, Abscond removed the rest of Jacob's clothes and took them up to the caller. When Jacob regained his faculties, he realized he was completely naked.

  "You could have at least left me my underwear, bastard." Jacob stared the man down as he went back to the doorway.

  "You don't need it." This from Big Johnny. "You look damn good the way you are."

  Jacob shrank a little lower in his seat, feeling the metal against his balls.


  Jacob watched as the caller got to her feet and turned over a flimsy metal chair. They could've at least given her a better seat. Jacob thought. Before looking at Big Johnny Thunder. The man continued to stare at Jacob like he was some kind of rare insect. Jacob noticed Johnny stroking something under the table.

  "Jesus Christ, can seeing me naked really be that interesting to you?" With this, Jacob got up and wiggled his dick at the man.

  Johnny pulled harder, making the table shake. In disgust, Jacob turned his attention to Abscond. The large, black man left his post by the door and headed to a closet along the wall. Secure him to the chair. Played in Jacob's mind, making him plop his ass in the seat as fast as he could. But it was too late, always too late.

  A few moments later, Abscond appeared from inside the closet-carrying a hammer and nails. Oh God, no, Jacob thought. Too scared to run.

  "Don't...don't...please don't," Jacob begged as Abscond approached. Jacob watched the hammer and nails slam in front of him. One of the nails rolled in a perfect half-circle and stopped, pointing accusingly at Jacob. You've been bad, very bad. A voice inside Jacob's head chided. It sounded a lot like his mother's. He couldn't imagine it was his father's. Half the man's face had been blown away by...

  There wasn't time to finish the thought. Abscond shoved a shoulder into Jacob's chin, pinning him to the chair. Then Jacob felt his pecker grabbed roughly and forced down against the metal between his legs. As
Abscond grabbed for the nail that separated itself from the pack, Jacob realized what part of his body would be used to keep him from planning any more attacks against the caller. If the pressure on his penis had been a little less, Jacob would've peed himself.

  Abscond placed the pointy end of the nail against the area where shaft connected to tip-the most sensitive spot. Jacob felt the sting all the way up to the back of his throat. He continued begging as Abscond took the hammer off the table. He had a moment to see the metal head raise before it came down.

  "Stop!" An old voice, but oh so powerful, demanded.

  And to Jacob's surprise, the excruciating pain he expected-never came. Jacob thanked God, the black man could hold back the force of a blow already in motion. Sweat rolled off Jacob's face and his hands shook badly. His whole body seemed to be moving uncontrollably under Abscond's weight. If it bothered the man, there was no indication.

  "Give the boy some room to breathe," the caller said her voice seeming to get closer, although Jacob couldn't be sure with Abscond's huge shoulders blocking the view.

  A few seconds passed as Jacob felt; first his penis being released, then the huge-black man lift his body into a standing position. Jacob still felt the warmth of him. Below the waist, he couldn't feel much beyond a low throbbing in his genitals.

  The caller moved to within an inch of Jacob's face.

  "I am not in the mood to be playing these silly games. You and Mr. Thunder need to compose

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