Vegas Heat

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Vegas Heat Page 3

by Matthew Lee

  I was speechless. My mouth silently opened and closed several times. She giggled.

  “Good answer,” she teased.

  My best friend Alan works at one of the hottest spots in the city so I text him we were coming and he sneaked us in. We found a booth off the dance floor and got comfortable. I know the waitress thought we looked too young but she let it slide and we ordered three rounds of drinks up front and tipped her well.

  “To life!” Julie exclaimed, raising her shot. I tapped her glass with mine and we downed it. She quickly grabbed the next one.

  “To the future!” she toasted. Tap. Down.

  “To hot sweaty nights dancing!” she roared before I tossed my drink down. I gulped it and lifted my last shot to hers, then opened the hatch and threw it down too. I'd get a nice buzz in the next few minutes but Julie, with her tiny body-weight, was about to get seriously smashed.

  Julie loves to dance. I did my best to keep up but no way I am in the same kind of shape she is. Lucky for me the club was filling up fast and Julie just stayed on the dance floor by herself when I told her I needed a break. The crowd closed around and swallowed her. Last thing I saw were the faces of males and females lighting up when they laid eyes on her. She was a sexy tease for both genders.

  I caught my breath and waited to stop sweating.

  The crowd parted slightly and I saw a glimpse of Jules dancing with a good looking, conservatively dressed, thirty-something couple. The husband danced with Julie and then spun her to face the wife who danced a bit and then turned her back to face the husband. All of them were laughing and having a blast. The front of Julie's dress would gap so much I was sure the couple caught flashes of my wife's big perky tits.

  Julie backed into the woman and ground her ass against the woman's groin. The husband leaned in to kiss his wife. Julie was sandwiched in the middle and wrapped her arms around the man pulling him in even tighter. The wife broke off and kissed all along Julie's nape and I saw my wife's eyes roll back in her head.

  I was about to leave my stool and intervene when the waitress returned with our next round. By the time she unloaded and I paid her, my wife and her two new friends were once again swallowed by the crowd.

  If I left our table someone would snatch it so I stayed put. Forty-five minutes later a somewhat guilty looking Julie made her way back to our table.

  I shouted over the music, “Don't worry about it, Honey, I'm happy to see you so happy.”

  She gave me a weak smile and downed her first shot.

  “I saw you with your new friends,” I yelled. Her eyes grew big.

  “You saw me? And you're not angry?”

  I shook my head. “No, Baby, why should I be? You're just having fun.”

  She studied my face.

  She cupped her hand to my ear. “You mean you saw us dancing.”

  “Yes,” I hollered. “What else could I mean?”

  Julie shook her head and took a shot, then crunched ice from her drink.

  “I went back to their booth with them,” she said. “I let them feel my tits. The wife, Michelle, slipped her hand up under my dress and a finger past my panties. She rubbed my clit and it felt amazing. They invited me up to their penthouse but I told them I was here with you so they invited you too.”

  “She did what? Are you serious or are you fucking with me?”

  Julie downed her second shot.

  “Serious. I'm sorry, Honey. It happened so fast and I'm pretty buzzed. Let's just dance some more and forget about them.”

  She grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the dance floor.

  It was exciting that an attractive older woman felt-up my wife but I didn't like that I wasn't there when it happened. I got over my annoyance pretty quick though; that woman was hot.

  I noticed some guys checking out our table so I told Julie to keep dancing as I went and shooed them away. When I got back to her the couple had reappeared and all three were dancing again. Julie was laughing hard and having fun. When she saw me she waved me over and above the roar of the music introduced me to Michelle and Tom.

  Michelle put her arm around Julie's shoulders.

  “Your girl is gorgeous!” she yelled. “Just look at her; she's an angel!”

  I nodded that I understood how she felt. Julie looked sheepish and shy and buried her face in Michelle's neck. We all laughed. Michelle lifted Julie's face by the chin and gazed into her eyes.

  “You are one of the prettiest women on the planet,” she said earnestly, “and I know my husband agrees.” Michelle leaned down and kissed Julie softly on the mouth. When Julie didn't pull away, Michelle got more aggressive and an instant later both women slipped their tongues into the other's mouth and kissed hot and passionately. My dick jumped in my pants. Michelle was very pretty with just a touch of Asian about her and her long jet-black hair fell around both their faces. I looked at Tom but he was as mesmerized as me. In fact, many on the dance floor watched that kiss and some even cheered and hollered.

  Both women opened their eyes slowly, clearly dazed by the intensity of their kiss. Tom held Michelle's hand, I took Julie's.

  “We are going upstairs,” Tom ordered and none of us argued.

  We left the club and after a minute Julie let go of my hand and took Michelle's and both women walked ahead. Michelle's tan, knee-length dress hugged her curves and accentuated her gorgeous ass. Tom saw me ogling his wife's ass but only smiled.

  They told the truth when they said penthouse. The elevator took us to the very top floor. The insides were palatial. I asked Tom what he did for a living and he replied, “Make a lot of people a lot of money.” I left it alone.

  Michelle stepped to the control panel for the sunken indoor Jacuzzi and activated the jets. A soft hum filled the suite and bubbles rose to the surface. All eyes were on her as she reached behind and lowered the zipper of her dress. Julie looked at me for guidance but I was unsure what to do. Michelle was sexy and I wanted to see more of her but I was worried about my wife. Michelle dropped her bra and panties. Her breasts were much smaller than Julie's but fit her frame perfectly. Her pussy lips were partially hidden behind a closely trimmed curtain of jet-black pubic hair. I looked at Julie and her eyes were glued to Michelle. When Michelle smiled at Julie, my wife looked at me and slowly moved a hand to the zipper of her dress. If I was going to say something to stop all this, now was the time. Julie was giving me a window.

  But I said nothing.

  Julie took my tacit response as acceptance and slowly drew down the zipper under her arm. She stepped from her dress.

  I'm not just a proud and loving husband boasting; Julie has a world-class body. Jacob may have ulterior motives but his business-eye is accurate; Julie would make them both a lot of money. I glanced at Michelle and Tom and they were frozen, seemingly hypnotized by my sexy wife. Julie stood in her panties and black stiletto pumps and every one of us just stared and stared. Michelle spoke first.

  “Angel, take those panties off. You don't want to put on wet clothes later.”

  Julie looked at me again but I was still too stunned by what was happening to speak. I loved that Michelle and Tom could not rip their eyes off my wife but I didn't want Tom touching her. Julie reached down and off came the shoes and down came the panties. Michelle stepped up to her and they kissed again and this time Michelle gently cupped Julie's right breast. I heard my wife gasp and saw her body melt. Michelle teased Julie's puffy nipple with a thumb.

  “You are so young, so beautiful,” Michelle said. She bent her head and kissed a nipple.

  Julie and Michelle began making out passionately. I felt my penis swell. The ladies explored each other with hands and lips and tongue. When Michelle slipped a hand down to my wife's pussy, I heard Julie gasp. She quickly returned the favor and I gawked as both women fingered each other as they kissed.

  Tom joined me with a tray of drinks. Carefully handing me mine, he sat two drinks down for the girls and took his own. I sipped. It tasted odd and I asked him why and
he replied he likes to use certain rare Russian vodka. I believed him and thought no more about it.

  Michelle led Julie by the hand into the large tub. They sat right next to each other and I imagined what their hands were doing under the concealing foam. Tom took a few sips and then set his drink down. Hands went to tie and then shirt and then pants and I stood there and did nothing other than gulp my drink as he undressed. As his undershirt hit the floor both women turned to watch him finish and I was surprised at the great shape he was in.

  Tom made quick work of his belt. Shoes went flying. Pants came down and off. Tom straightened and hooked thumbs and now down came boxers too. His penis was a long and wide tube of pink flesh topped with a fat head. I only caught a glimpse of it because I looked quickly at Julie. She was gazing directly at her third dick and gulping her drink. Tom floated over next to Michelle.

  Everyone turned to me. Great. I swallowed the last of my drink and kept my back to the Jacuzzi as I undressed. As luck would have it, probably because I was feeling a lot of anxiety, my penis was especially small and shrunken. That always happened when I was nervous. I pulled on it twice discreetly before I turned around and entered the water, but it didn't help much. Tom and Michelle shared a knowing look.

  The tub was built for two so four of us made it a snug fit. Under water our legs bumped frequently. Everyone enjoyed their drink and we all chatted about what we did and how we all met our spouse. After a while Tom noticed I was the only without a drink so he rose from the water to make me another. Julie's gaze went right to his cock again and Michelle's gaze went right to Julie.

  Tom or Michelle must have played with it underwater because when he emerged he was much bigger and looked pretty long and big around. Julie stared right at it. Tom kept his pubes trimmed close just like his wife. Tom moved to the bar and the rest of us went back to our conversation. Tom returned and handed me another tumbler like the first and this one had a strange after-taste too. I was now buzzed enough I didn't worry about it. He slipped back into the tub. Soon everyone was talking a hundred miles an hour.

  At the first lull in the conversation, Michelle floated closer to Julie and held her face as she kissed her again. I was surprised by the passion of Julie's return kiss and saw arms moving underwater.

  “God that's beautiful,” Tom whispered. I agreed. He appeared to be playing with his dick under the foam so I played with mine but I must have still been too nervous because absolutely nothing happened to it; not even an inkling of the beginning of a swell. Still, my hand felt great so I continued.

  After some time Michelle moved in even closer to Julie and helped lift my wife's petite body up onto the edge of the Jacuzzi. My wife's nipples were swollen from all the attention Michelle had given them. Julie clearly loved everyone looking at her. Michelle parted my wife's knees and moved up between them, suctioning her mouth on Julie's pussy. Julie cried out and her eyes closed and her head fell back. She held Michelle's head in place. Tom and I moaned at the same time. Then he lifted himself onto the edge too. His cock was big and hard as he worked it with his hand. Mine was still small and soft so I stayed underwater. His balls bounced as he jerked it.

  When Julie opened her eyes she first looked at me, then down at Michelle, and then over at Tom. Her gaze riveted to his meat and stayed there as Michelle tongue-tortured Julie's pussy lips and clit. My wife climaxed while staring at Tom's cock.

  Michelle rose up and kissed Julie, teasing her sensitive nipples yet again, and then running her hands all over Julie's tone body. She nudged Julie back from the edge and laid her stretched out on her back. Michelle left the water and offered Julie a small, hard nipple to suck. Tom slid around and kissed Julie's feet and then her ankles and I knew I needed to say something but, again, I didn't. Everything was happening so fast and Julie was so captivated. If I stopped it now I'd embarrass her and Tom and Michelle. I pictured how awkward getting dressed would be for us all. On a deeper level I sensed Julie wanted me to let this happen. I was frightened but I admitted I'd been sucked into the tornado too.

  Tom brought his hands up to Julie's legs as Michelle alternately fed her each breast. Julie moaned deeply as Tom kissed each leg, slowly working his way higher. Michelle moved lower, taking Julie's extremely sensitive nipples into her hot mouth and my wife tangled her fingers in Michelle's hair and shoved her tit deeper. Tom kissed Julie's inner thigh.

  My head was foggy. Tom was getting too close and I was about to call him back when Julie reached her other hand down and found the back of his head and guided his mouth right to her pussy. I've never before heard a groan like that escape her throat and it froze me in my tracks. My words of caution died in my throat. My wife had decided to allow another man to eat her. The sight was intensely exciting and I reached for my soft penis and tugged but still, nothing happened. The threesome held their places for a long time.

  Eventually Tom moved. He knelt beside my wife and Michelle did the same on the other side. Both of them feasted on my sweetheart like she was a zebra carcass, electrifying her with mind-boggling pleasure. It only took a moment before Julie was out of her mind, writhing and gasping and moaning as Tom and Michelle drove her wild with hands and mouths and lips and tongue.

  Somehow through it all Julie remembered me.

  “Wait,” she cried. “Where's my husband? Where's David?”

  “I'm here, Baby,” I answered, leaving the tub and moving to her side.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I'm fine, Honey.”

  She glanced down at my soft penis and frustration crossed her face for the second time tonight. Not again, her eyes seemed to say.

  “I need you to fuck me, Baby,” she pleaded. “Please!”

  I jerked my dick faster, desperate to get hard, but nothing happened at all. Not even a whimper. Tom and Michelle stopped long enough to look at each other and smile. I saw Tom's large pink tongue swirl around my wife's clitoris before his mouth once more fastened to her slit. Julie groaned like a demon had just possessed her and her hips began to undulate against Tom's mouth.

  Michelle pulled back and gave her husband a kiss on the cheek and then moved over and sat on the deck next to me. Tom ran his hands over Julie's big tits and slipped an erect nipple into his mouth. He never stayed at any one place very long, his mouth and hands and tongue exploring my wife's fit young body. He moved to her feet again and sucked her toes and licked her insoles. Julie was arching her back and working her hips, a knotted ball of desire and frustration. Tom grasp her ankles and spread her open and I saw her pink slit part and gleam. Tom once again began a slow march of kisses up her legs, alternating from one to the other. Julie tried to grab his head to force his mouth back to her pussy but he caught her wrists and pinned them to the deck.

  Michelle reached into my lap and squeezed my aching balls. I grabbed her wrist. She gave me a smile that would melt iron.

  “I'll be good,” she purred. “Seems only fair since Julie is having all the fun.”

  I released her wrist and checked on my wife. Tom moved his knees between her legs and kissed and licked high on her thighs. His cock was so hard it looked ready to burst. He still held Julie's wrists and moved to pin them up next to her ears, then leaned down and kissed her. His cock brushed dangerously close to her opening and I told him he wasn't allowed to fuck her. He pulled back to kiss her stomach and breasts, removing his dick from the danger zone.

  At the sound of my voice, Julie looked at me and Michelle. She saw Michelle's hand in my lap and saw that I was still as soft as taffy. She groaned and kicked her heels in frustration.

  Tom leaned up to kiss Julie on the mouth again. This time he rested the weight of his big tool on her lower abdomen and I saw her jump at the contact. Her hips instinctively curled up to capture the penetration she craved. I felt a rush of excitement that she wanted it. She dug her heels in and lifted her entire pelvis off the ground.

  “Poor thing,” Michelle intoned. “Look how badly she needs it. As a woman, I can tell you
the ache she's feeling is excruciating. Right now she feels an empty hollowness that eats at her. She's a woman. She needs to be filled.”

  Totally in control, Tom lifted his hips high enough for Julie to see his engorged and rampant cock. She growled in desperation. Tom dipped his hips and sawed the bottom of his prick against Julie's clit.

  Julie turned her helpless eyes to me.

  “Pleeeeeese,” she whined.

  “Baby, no,” I begged. “We're married, Honey. This has gone too far. We shouldn't be doing this.”

  A milky drop of pre-cum leaked from Tom's slit and dripped onto Julie's light pubic hair.

  Michelle spoke, her voice low and strained. “But you are doing it, and deep down you like it. Any other man would have stormed out long ago, or never come upstairs with us, yet you are still here, watching others touch your gorgeous wife. That tells me all I need to know about you, David.”

  I fixed my gaze on her. Was she right? Refusing their invitation never entered my mind. Julie's hips rose and fell in time with Tom's.

  “Look at my husband's beautiful manhood. Does yours compare? Imagine what incredible differences Julie will feel. She's so young. Has she known only you?”

  I nodded my head. I was looking at Tom's hard veiny cock. Honestly, I doubted Julie could take it. She was so tight on me. His wouldn't fit. How could I even imagine such a thing? Was I actually considering allowing this?

  “From the first moment on the dance floor my husband and I knew you would hand over your wife. Your face as she danced with us told us everything. You want it as badly as she but you're afraid; you're afraid of losing her to him, of destroying your marriage, you're afraid of your own animal desires.”


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