They Called Me Madder: The Mad Series Book 2

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They Called Me Madder: The Mad Series Book 2 Page 31

by Pal, J

  Thermal imaging helped me find the coldest and dampest parts of the church. I picked the darkest of them and pogoed myself to the spot in the rafters. For good measure, I put the windfall of McGuffins to good use. The Technogogue power only needed six to upgrade, and I wanted to minimize risks.

  My lab coat was the first to get a boost. The shock absorption mechanism had already made using my prosthetic much easier. I channeled one McGuffin’s power into it, making the garment better at absorbing concussive force. It wouldn’t just help deal with recoil but also protect me from explosions and blunt attacks. The coat got a second McGuffin to improve the camouflaging abilities. Kitty had said anyone paying attention would still be able to detect my presence. I hoped the upgrade would bring me closer to true invisibility.

  The next McGuffin went to the Pogo Heelies. The shock absorption already made my footsteps silent, but the launch mechanism was much too noisy, so I used part of the upgrade making improvements in that department.

  Shock absorption function has been upgraded to include a silencer.

  The noise-canceling features will mute the launching mechanism but not environmental sounds caused because of it.

  Due to their intimate working relationship, the Pogo Heelies and Grappling Belt would like to strengthen their link through technocratic means. This will make the latter more intuitive when using the former’s launch function.

  I happily approved of the link. It only used a fragment of the McGuffin’s power. After the silencer, most of the upgrade energy went to pimping out the device’s power and empowering the stabilizers.

  When I heard the centipede-people outside, my heartbeat picked up. I needed to use three more McGuffins as soon as possible but was running out of devices. The Stick n’ Save Gloop Shooter wasn’t yet ready for an upgrade. My prosthetic would happily accept another, but the listed upgrades needed materials I didn’t currently have on my person, so I upgraded the Grappling Belt further.

  Grappling Belt Mk2: Coiling Restraints

  Grappling Belt

  emperor platyhawk hide

  plasma charger

  plasma absorber

  empress platyhawk claws


  I wasn’t a fan of niche devices for myself, especially one that would suit a close-ranged fighter better. Perhaps it would serve as a secondary “oh-shit” tool. Between the lab coat, Sonic Barrier Projector, and the Pogo Heelies, I had enough defense. The new belt would serve as a restraint. I hoped the king platyhawk parts would help hold Arjan for a short while despite his temperature.

  Four down. Two to go. I couldn’t figure out what to upgrade next.

  “Where are you, Matt?” Liam asked. “Your signal has gone all fuzzy. The GPS can detect your rough location but is having trouble pinpointing it.”

  “There should be a church by my initial position,” I replied, keeping my voice low. “It’s old and made of stone. You can’t miss it.”

  “Matt, I think you’re in trouble,” Kitty said with a hopelessness that made me uncomfortable.

  “What’s going on, guys?” I asked, more focused on scanning my surroundings for something upgradable. “There’s no question about me being in trouble. That’s why I changed my route to rendezvous with you lot. What’s your status? Still fighting the auranthers?”

  “No, Matt, you don’t understand.” Kitty sounded shaky. “We can’t tell what’s happened, but there’s a massive empty patch in the middle of the street.”

  “You’re not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy.” Liam sounded just as hopeless. “I don’t know whether it was the centipede-people that did this or the Alvans, but you’re on your own. We can’t get to you.”

  “The signal is getting through though!” I exclaimed. “I have to be close.”

  “But you’re moving all over the place. It’s some sort of spatial distortion, Matt. I can’t do jack.”

  “Hide,” Kitty whispered.

  “If the Alvans are involved, I can’t do that for long. Don’t worry, guys. The viewers and our sponsors won’t let this fly. They’ll figure out something is wrong and make a big enough fuss that is fixed—assuming this is our mindfucking overlords.”

  “What’re you going to do?” Liam asked.

  A smile spread across my lips as I found my target. True, the situation was a hopeless one, but it also meant I could throw everything I had at it. There was no playing safe or taking the easy way out. My life was on the line, and I had to deal accordingly.

  “I’m going to make some noise,” I answered. “The Alvans would have to breach too many System rules to move me somewhere far or phase me out if existence…I hope. I reckon they’re moving me around—so let’s screw hiding. Just follow the music. You’ll find me in no time.”

  As expected of such an establishment, it had an organ—an electric organ. Sonic attacks were the only offense that hadn’t failed me until now, so I abandoned my hiding place and ran over to the giant instrument. The “Upgrade” option lit up when I scanned it.

  Unfortunately, I didn’t have the materials for most of what my power demanded, but two McGuffins were sufficient to get what I wanted. The first would act as the power source, and the second would weaponize the amplifiers and pipes. Then I activated the lab coat’s camouflage feature and turned to the new screens that popped up on my display.

  Power upgraded!

  “Disassemble” will now work on all Earth and inactive alien technology.

  Technogogue power upgrade available.

  Choose one of the following:

  Supercharge: Use Tech Energy to temporarily increase a device’s capabilities exponentially. Prolonged use can damage devices. McGuffin-created devices will require McGuffins for repairs.

  Upgraded by Techfriend. Rate of deterioration to devices reduced.

  Techfriend II: You and your machines are one. You may expend Tech Energy to cause enemy technology to malfunction.

  Energy Mastery: Increased efficiency when using Tech Energy, but it regenerates at a reduced rate when awake. Disassembling devices or defeated lifeforms will accelerate regeneration.

  Even though Techfriend II would come in handy when we assaulted the pylons, I needed to focus on my immediate needs. A little more than a third of my Tech-Energy bar remained. Hopefully, it would give me the extra power I needed to survive Arjan and his friends.

  Chapter Forty

  Sector Showdown

  When Arjan and his followers entered the stone church’s giant main room, a screen appeared floating near the ceiling.

  Battle for Sector 58005-06-90-N

  Due to MAD’s intimate knowledge of the show, the Survival Planet producers are launching a new premium feature—Sector Showdown!

  Two significant powers remain in faction 58008-06-90-N.

  Now they must battle for dominance!

  The system has agreed to the interference on the condition that the human race is adequately compensated.

  If MAD loses, all of his friends shall receive free upgrades, boosting their powers halfway to A-rank, and 10 McGuffins to use for their Hub. The System agrees it is sufficient compensation for initiating the showdown without their presence.

  As a reward for winning, the skullipedes will earn the ability to move freely between sectors of orange threat level and above without hosts.

  Their strongest boss shall receive an upgrade to overlord-level strength and a chance at becoming the planet’s dominant species.

  If MAD wins, the McGuffin requirements for his next power upgrade will be halved. His Hub will receive a free S-rank upgrade. The producers shall personally deliver five McGuffins to him also.

  Furthermore, the producers of Survival Planet will pay a planetwide penalty.

  Sector Showdown will become a standard across all sectors on the planet. The human leading a sector in social or military dominance may challenge the last emperor-class or highest-rank beast. They may use a team of four, including themselves or a Champion.

  If the
humans win the showdown, they shall receive a Hub core as a reward. It must be used within their sector.

  In sectors yellow threat level or above, if humanity has already successfully dominated the area, the Sector Showdown will be a gladiatorial battle between representative parties from the leading factions.

  My heart skipped a beat. The Alvans were getting desperate. That was a hell of a reward they put on the line. I’d bet the System forced the terms on them for trying to take me out of the picture. My progress and power usage scared them enough to accept it too. It wasn’t just the S-rank Hub upgrade that had my mouth watering, but also the benefits to the rest of the world. The System would force the Alvans to give humanity a fighting chance.

  Three centipede-people followed Arjan. I tried scanning them but got no results. The hosts were most probably blocking my goggles. The screen continued to float by the ceiling. Its distracting light threatened to ruin my focus. The stakes didn’t help either. Humanity’s future was on my shoulders.

  My heart rate picked up as the monsters got closer, scanning their surroundings. For a moment, when Arjan’s eyes paused on the organ, I forgot about the lab coat’s cloaking abilities. Then he moved on, and my body relaxed. Hiding or escaping wouldn’t help me through this. I needed to fight and win, for my sake and humankind’s. Timing was everything. So, I sat still and waited.

  The centipede-people were smarter than I’d hoped. They split into two groups. Arjan and Spikey led them both, with an unknown lackey trailing behind them. Fortunately, it was the former who entered my kill zone first. They wandered into the space between two large amplifiers. I hadn’t taken a piano lesson in over twelve years and the organ’s two sets of keys intimidated me, but I let loose. I pressed down on ten keys at once, channeling The Phantom of the Opera’s soul.

  The air rippled around each speaker around the church, and the sonic blast rippled through the room. It drowned out the centipede-people’s screams, but I watched satisfied as they fell to their knees, clutching their ears. The woman following Arjan appeared to be in the worst shape of all. Blood flowed from every orifice on her head, and I could no longer see the white in her eyes.

  “No mercy,” I mumbled and smashed down on the keys again. That was when Winnie appeared. He targeted Spikey and the man following him. They weren’t as close to the blasts but had been momentarily stunned by them too. The bear golem descended on them, whipping his stretched, spike-covered arms. Spikey blocked the attack, catching it by extending spikes from his left forearm. The other failed to react in time. His entire body rippled before the muscles in his arm swole, but Winnie’s attack got through the guard. He struck the centipede-person’s neck, spraying blood all over the place before springing away.

  Not content with just pressing keys at random, I started my best rendition of “Chopsticks.” My body hummed and bones vibrated from the sound waves bouncing around the room but didn’t suffer the worst of it. The McGuffin-powered organ successfully kept Arjan’s comrades down. He, on the other hand, set himself ablaze and tried to make his way towards me. It looked like he was wading through water though. He’d make it forward a couple of steps before falling on his hands and knees. My hypothesis was correct. Everyone struggled with sonic attacks.

  “Are you playing that song from Big?” Even though the commslink broadcasted the words directly into my inner ear, I could barely hear David’s words. “That song Tom Hanks plays in the toy shop.”

  “That’s the one,” I answered, trying to get my heartbeat under control. Arjan was still a couple of dozen feet away, but I could already feel the heat radiating off his body. “It’s the Alvans, by the way. They’re interfering to get rid of me, but the System has forced incredible rewards if we succeed. How’s it going? Any luck tracing my location?”

  “Homing on the soundwaves is much easier than the signal,” Liam said. “It still keeps moving too fast, but I think I’ve found a pattern. Just keep doing your thing. We should be with you shortly.”

  “Well, I don’t know how long I can keep this concert going.”

  I poured ten percent of my remaining Tech-Energy bar into the instrument and felt a technopathic link forming between us. More specifically, I sensed the speakers powering up and allowing me to focus their blasts. Winnie was doing an excellent job of keeping Spikey busy, so I channeled everything at Arjan.

  Instead of getting blown back by the shockwave, as I had hoped, he increased his temperature and thrust his hand into the stone floor. What the hell was his body made of? The flames didn’t obscure his face, and I could see straight and clear how much discomfort he was in, but he didn’t stand down. It had to be the centipede on his back. The creature was giving him incredible tenacity. I imagined the sonic blast didn’t bother it and only the host.

  Then it occurred to me. Four centipede-people had entered the church. Two of them were down and probably dead. A mental prod activated my Sonic Barrier Projector, and a centipede bounced off it moments later.

  “Damn it!” I hissed. My left hand continued to play the keys while the right transformed into the Charge Launcher and released a projectile. It didn’t miss. The creature fell in a sizzling heap. The other one came from behind me and struck the barrier as well. I shot at it blindly but knew for sure the projectile wouldn’t hit.

  Winnie’s battle with Spikey continued without either side getting the upper hand. I needed him to help me take care of the centipede, but he wasn’t going to be any help.

  Arjan made progress towards me again, so I poured more energy into the organ. Sparks flew from the amplifiers, but they held strong. The lead centipede-person contorted his face into an ugly snarl, and his orange skin started turning an alarming blue. Sweat collected on my brow as the stone around him began to melt and a nearby pew caught fire. He appeared wild and barely human. The prolonged sonic attack was most likely scrambling his brain. I just hoped it would knock him out, but the boss-ranked creature on his back held firm.

  The free centipede came at me again, reducing my barrier’s energy bar to half. I removed my hand from the organ, spun around, and shot it down. The ball of electricity caught it mid-flight, and it landed not far from my feet. The highlighted “Disassemble” button on my HUD confirmed that it was dead.

  It came as no surprise when a blast of heat washed over to me. It was Arjan. With the organ’s music paused, he had nothing holding him back. Fortunately, his temperature had fallen, returning his body color to yellow. My fingers bashed the keys just as the upgraded Grappling Belt activated. It launched off my waist like a snake and wrapped itself around the burning arsehole. He screamed and, shockingly, the belt did too. Arjan increased his temperature, and the belt started glowing too as it fed on his heat.

  When I returned to playing “Chopsticks,” pouring more energy into the organ again, the amplifiers sent out one last sonic blast before exploding. My heart dropped. The increasing heat washing over my body had made me careless.

  “We’ve got you!” Kitty exclaimed through the commslink. “The church is looping through several different places. We should be with you the next time it comes around. Just a few more minutes, Matt.”

  “I doubt I have that long,” I said, turning on Arjan and firing. The Grappling Belt was already straining against his burning muscles. It didn’t have enough power to hold him.

  Arjan thrust a burning orange foot into the ground, throwing up debris and making the Charge Launcher’s projectile explode prematurely. Then he ripped the last of the Grappling Belt off his torso and threw it back at me. Much to my surprise, the device hadn’t died. The device was knitting itself back together. It was still out of the fight, though, and wouldn’t save my skin a second time.

  Refusing to let any window of opportunity go, I activated my back foot’s Pogo Wheelie, launching myself at Arjan. His eyes widened as he threw his arms up. The bastard was scared! I had managed to instill fear in the king centipede! My movement had been a gamble, meant as a feint, but now I committed to the action
. During my flight, my prosthetic transformed from the Charge Launcher into the Sonic Shotgun. Once I was a couple of meters from Arjan, it activated, blasting him with sound and arresting my momentum. If not for the stabilizers in my upgraded boots, the maneuver would’ve failed. As soon as my front leg touched the ground, the Pogo Heelie under it activated, launching me into the air.

  The Sonic Shotgun’s blast pushed Arjan backwards, throwing him off balance. Since he still had his arms up to reduce damage to his head, the centipede-person didn’t see me flying over his head. I shot straight down at him. Bones crunched as the blast threw him down at the floor. His flames flared, sending a wave of searing heat through the buildings. My throat and lungs burned when I inhaled the hot air. The prosthetic switched back to the Charge Launcher and fired at Arjan again. This time he didn’t have the mental capacity to block my assault.

  A miniature sonic blast sounded next to me. It was Winnie. He had tangled his stretched limbs around Spikey but was struggling to bind his face. There were so many spikes sticking out of the two of them, I couldn’t tell which belonged to who. Spikey had grabbed the bear golem’s head and was trying to keep it as far from his face as possible while Winnie continued to attack him tirelessly. There was no question regarding who’d win a war of attrition. I left them to it and kept my focus on Arjan.


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