Perfect Love

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Perfect Love Page 18

by Trina Lane

  “Wait, stop right there.” Ryan sat up and put his arm around Ethan’s shoulders. “Just because you were dedicated to succeeding in school did not give him the right to step out on you. It sounds to me like you were in a committed relationship, and he should have honoured that, not used your hectic schedule as a way to justify his actions.”

  Ethan shrugged again and looked back down at the book open in his lap. His fingers fiddled and flicked the edges of the pages until Ryan stopped the nervous habit. Ethan lifted his head and saw the resolute look in Ryan’s eyes. Ryan really believed what he said. It wasn’t just talk to him.

  Ethan angled his head and kissed Ryan, letting his lips speak his thanks. After several kisses, they settled back down and picked up their respective reading material. He continued to absently play with Ryan’s hair as he read the story he’d chosen off Ryan’s bookshelf. The novel was an anthology of three stories about a town in Wyoming that was developed specifically to be GLBT friendly. The volume he’d chosen was apparently the first of the series. He looked at the cover and made note of the author. He had a feeling he was going to become a devoted fan.

  “How did your meeting with Yeung go the other day?” Ryan asked, several minutes later.

  “Doesn’t that conversation break the no-work agreement for the day?”

  “Yes, but answer the question then I’ll stop wondering and be able to go back to my childish pursuits.”

  Ethan marked his page and set the book aside. “That is one scary man. Those black eyes have about as much warmth in them as a meat locker. He’s facing charges for economic espionage and thirty years in prison, yet he sat there silently, shooting daggers at me the entire time. It was a little unnerving honestly. The only time he opened his mouth was when asked a direct question and his lawyer instructed him to do so. There were moments I could have sworn he was mentally placing some kind of ancient Chinese curse on me.”

  Ryan put his comic on the coffee table. He heard the underlying tenseness in Ethan’s voice despite the attempt at levity. His suspicions of Yeung’s more sinister activities came to mind. The thought of Ethan being threatened whether real or perceived did not sit well with him. He would have to keep an ear to the ground for any rumblings coming from the contacts he’d made during the investigation.

  He forced Ethan to sit forward and scooted back so he was reclining perpendicular to where Ethan had sat. He tugged Ethan onto his lap. “I want you to tell me if anything more than creepy feelings happens.”

  Ethan was obviously about to baulk, but Ryan closed the distance between them and kissed him to stop the objection.

  He’d intended for the kiss at be quick, serving only to shut Ethan up, but it rapidly turned into a hungry meeting of lips and tongues. His hand lowered to rub on Ethan’s quickly filling crotch beneath the zipper of his jeans and groans escaped from both of them. He ended the kiss and placed his forehead against Ethan’s.

  “It’s not that I think you can’t take care of yourself. I need to know for the investigation. There are some things that I’m still working on as part of a separate case and knowledge of any aggressive behaviour from Yeung is vital. On a personal level, the thought of you being hurt or threatened, especially because of a case I brought to you, makes me sick. I care about you a great deal.“ He took a deep breath and went for broke. “In truth, I’m falling for you, E. I know it’s fast since we’ve only been together a little over a month, but it’s true.”

  Ethan let out a big breath. “It makes me both excited and terrified that you think I’m special enough to hold a place in your heart. I…I think I’m falling, too, but I’m afraid it’s too soon for those feelings to be real. As you said, we’ve only been together a short time. How can we accept these feelings as fact with regards to the brevity of our relationship? I was with someone for nearly six years, and what I thought was love wasn’t enough to keep us together. What I feel for you is already so much more. How can we trust that it’s going to be enough?”

  Ryan smiled and rubbed their noses together. “E, you’re such a lawyer. There is no fact or evidence or verdict of absolute when it comes to love. It can be fulfilling, thrilling, scary, frustrating and even painful, but when two people who care about each other, trust each other and have the desire to work together to build a future, a family, it’s the most rewarding bond a human can experience. I’m not asking or pressuring you for a declaration or commitment. I only ask for the opportunity to allow our relationship to grow.” Ryan twined their fingers together, looked into those cat-like hazel eyes and smiled. “Speaking of growing relationships. Christmas is only a little over a week away. Do you already have plans? Do you have to go home again?”

  Ethan shook his head. “I planned on staying here and working on the case.”

  “Would you come home with me? My mom invited you when I was there for Thanksgiving, but I didn’t know how or when to bring it up until now.”

  Ethan’s eyes went wide at the question. “You want me to come home with you for Christmas? What about your family? Won’t they have a problem with you bringing home a man?”

  “Sweetheart, my family has known I’m gay since I was sixteen. It doesn’t change the fact that they love me. When I told my mom about you, she practically ordered me to bring you home.” He saw tears gather in Ethan’s eyes, and his heart broke for the sadness and isolation Ethan must feel within his own family. The man’s family hadn’t disowned him, but had definitely abandoned him. “Come with me. Let me show off my gorgeous, intelligent and funny boyfriend.”

  “Okay, but you need to tell me who to buy gifts for.”

  “You don’t need to bring gifts. You’ll be a guest.”

  “If I’m going to invade their home for the holidays, it’s the least I can do.” Ethan crossed his arms sternly.

  Ryan really didn’t want Ethan to feel obligated to bring presents, especially since the holiday would be his lover’s introduction to Ryan’s family.

  “Please.” Ethan batted his eyes and placed little kisses all over Ryan’s face. “I haven’t bought Christmas gifts for anyone in years. It’ll be fun. We can go shopping together.”

  “Oh hell, like I can say no after that.” He stopped Ethan’s kisses and pushed him back to lie lengthwise along the sofa before crawling over the top of him. “One condition. Anything bought is from the two of us. I want to make sure it’s known that we come as a pair.”

  Ethan arched up and linked his hands around Ryan’s neck, glad he’d gotten his way, even if it had taken a little creative cross examination. “That’s fine. Now, I want you to make love to me. I want to feel your beautifully long, thick cock deep inside me. You gave me that book earlier, and it made me all horny. It’s your responsibility to ease the ache it caused.”

  “Now, that is a demand I have no problem satisfying.”

  * * * *

  Ethan gazed out the window of the SUV consumed by the thoughts running through his head. Despite the reassurances Ryan had given him, he was nervous about meeting his lover’s family. Not only for his sake but Ryan’s as well. What if his presence created tension and discord between Ryan and his parents or sister? He didn’t want to be responsible for putting a pall over the holidays.

  He’d seen the family photos at Ryan’s loft, and they all appeared to love Ryan. The photos had been dramatically different from the ones that graced Ethan’s parents’ living room. They were stiff and formal with tight smiles with strategically placed supportive hands. Ryan seemed to have no worries, but what if his family couldn’t accept his homosexuality when forced to confront it with the presence of a lover? Ethan looked down when his hand was grasped in a firm grip as Ryan’s fingers weaved with his.

  “It’ll be good, E. You’ll see that all this fretting you’ve been doing when you think I’m not looking will be for nothing.”

  He hadn’t realised that Ryan was aware of just how rankled he’d been since the invitation a week ago.

  He let out a sigh. “I’m sorry
, Ry. I just don’t want you to be disappointed if your family changes their spots when I show up on the front step. It’s Christmas, and I hate family drama during the holidays. I’ve been the source of it for years, and I don’t want to bring that into your home.”

  Ryan pulled the car over to the side of the road. He threw it in park and turned to the side to face Ethan. “E, listen to me. I think I understand your concerns, but trust me when I say that my family is nothing like yours. My being gay has never, not once, been a taboo subject. When I came out, the only thing my dad said to me was ‘it’s about time you told us.’ He admitted to suspecting I liked boys for several years and told me he was proud I was willing to be honest and that quite, frankly, he was glad it was out in the open.”

  “I hear your words, Ry, and I want to believe that what you say about how your family will respond is true. I’ve dreamed of the existence of such families. I…I’m just—”

  “Afraid to believe in the dream?”

  Ethan nodded and started picking at the stitching on the leather seat. Ryan’s fingers clasped his chin and forced him to meet his milky-blue eyes.

  “You are a beautiful man who has so much to offer the world. Any family should be proud to claim you as their own. The fact that those who should don’t is their loss. Let me be your family, E. Let mine become yours, and your dream will be reality.”

  Tears cascaded down Ethan’s cheeks, but there was naught he could do to stop them. Ryan’s heartfelt declaration and offer somehow lifted the stain on his soul he’d struggled with for so long.

  He crawled across the centre consol and straddled Ryan’s lap. They met in a deep passionate kiss. He used his lips and fingers to convey his appreciation and acceptance. Ryan’s mouth opened, and Ethan pushed his way inside. He tightened his arms around Ryan’s neck holding him, locking their upper bodies closer together. His hard cock was trapped by the tightness of his jeans, and Ryan’s matching erection pushed against him.

  The intoxicating scent of Ryan’s soap combined with the musk of male skin drifted into his nostrils causing his balls to tingle in response. Their tongues twisted around each other, attacking and retreating in a splendid dance.

  Ethan savoured every moment of the kiss and took advantage of the craziness of the situation. He wanted Ryan, and he wanted him now. It didn’t matter that they were perched on the side of a New York state highway where anyone brave enough to transverse the snow-covered roads could see them. It was daylight outside, but he counted on the darkly tinted windows to provide them with a modicum of privacy.

  Ethan’s hands slid down the muscular chest hidden by the casual sweater. He lifted the edge up underneath Ryan’s armpits, exposing his washboard abs. His fingers tweaked the hard nipples and traced the rippled ridges.

  He achieved his ultimate destination when he undid Ryan’s button and slowly opened his zipper. He reached through the opening of Ryan’s boxer briefs and removed his cock. The tip wet with desire. He slowly stroked while his rampant hard-on was freed.

  At the first touch of Ryan’s hand on the sensitive skin, he moaned and buried his face in the angle of Ryan’s neck and shoulder. His balls inched closer to his body and churned with the desire to release. His cock was worked well by Ryan’s hand. Ethan pulled from the base to tip of Ryan’s cock and back again, using his thumb to circle the head and gather the moisture that seeped to ease the movements.

  “That’s it, E. Give yourself to me, just as I give myself to you.”

  “Ry…Ry, I’m gonna.”

  “Yes, don’t hold back.”

  Ethan’s T-shirt was lifted up and the opening tucked over the back of his head to hold it in place. He thrust his hips into Ryan’s hand as much as his position allowed.

  Ryan’s cock jerked in his hand as he sped up his handling. He wanted them to come together, and he was so close. Groans tore from his throat, and his balls contracted.

  All of a sudden, Ryan slapped his hand away. Ethan’s mind so far gone with pleasure as he begged for his orgasm he didn’t even stop to question. Those wonderfully large hands squeezed their cocks together. Their combined pre-cum quickly eased the friction as Ryan stroked them in tandem. There was no more holding back as Ethan erupted in a series of volleys. Their releases mixed and covered Ryan’s hand as they succumbed to the moment.

  The frantic thump of Ryan’s heart filled his ears, and harsh breaths panted from Ethan’s lungs. His head rested on Ryan’s shoulder for a few blissful seconds until his mind cleared, and he once again became cognisant of their surroundings. A huge smile split his face, the first in many days.

  “Umm, do you have some napkins or anything in here?”

  Ryan lifted his hand and licked at their combined seed slowly cooling on his skin.

  “Oh fuck, that’s hot.” Ethan groaned then dipped his head for a taste. Their tongues met on Ryan’s fingers, sharing the taste between them. When they finished, he met Ryan’s gaze and felt happy. There was no other word to describe the light feeling floating through him.

  He looked around them and started chuckling. He’d never done anything as outrageous as having sex in a car, let alone in daylight on the side of the highway. His chuckles turned to outright laughter and blended with Ryan’s.

  When he rubbed at the tears of laughter leaking from his eyes he realised that they still had some tidying up to do. Ryan must have come to the same conclusion.

  “Reach over to the glove compartment, and you should find some wet wipes.”

  Ethan retrieved the moist towels then they cleaned up their hands and gave a swipe over their cocks to remove any stickiness. After putting their clothes to rights, Ethan crawled back over to the passenger side and buckled his seatbelt before they continued on the journey to meet his new family.

  Chapter Eight

  Ryan pulled into the driveway of his parents’ Victorian home. The five hour drive from Boston to Watertown, New York had made Ryan’s shoulders slightly stiff and he desperately needed to stretch his legs. The SUV provided ample space but wedging his six foot five inch frame into any vehicle for a length of time left his muscles in need of a good rub down. Maybe he could talk Ethan into a massage later?

  He waded his way around the front of the car through the snow and met Ethan on the stone-paved path leading to the front door. The path looked like a canyon between the massive drifts of snow. He took hold of Ethan’s hands and pulled him into a hug. “You ready, E?”

  “Yeah, I’m good.” Ethan nuzzled Ryan’s neck for a second as a gust of frigid wind caught him by surprise.

  They started up the path, and before they got four feet, the front door was thrown open by Ryan’s mom.

  “Hey, you two! Get in here before you freeze to death!”

  They jogged the last several feet and dashed into the storm room at the front of the house to remove their coats and kick the snow off their shoes. Ryan hung their coats on the hooks attached to the wall then pulled his mom, Angela, into a hug and kissed her on the cheek.

  “Geez, mom, you really didn’t need to order all this snow just for us. We would have been perfectly happy with a couple of gift cards.”

  “You hush. Come inside and get some coffee,” Angela responded.

  They stepped into the main door and were met with the sounds and scents of Christmas. Dean Martin carols played on the stereo, a decorated tree stood in the corner of the living room off to the right and fragrant smells floated from the kitchen. It seemed his mom was baking, and his mouth watered for one of her gingerbread cookies.

  He pulled Ethan to his side and secured an arm around his waist. He felt the tension in Ethan’s lean frame and knew his lover was still a little nervous. “Mom, I’d like you to meet Ethan Harrison. E, this is my mom, Angela Ashton.”

  Ethan stepped forward and offered his hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Ashton. Thank you for inviting me to celebrate the holiday with you.”

  “There’s no need for formalities, son. Ryan talked non-stop about you
at Thanksgiving. I feel as though we’re already family.”

  Ryan smiled as his mother came forward and enfolded Ethan in a hug. The top of her head only came to Ethan’s chest, but the strength and welcome in that simple gesture made her seem larger than life. Ethan looked over at him with wide eyes then awkwardly patted Ryan’s mom’s back in response.

  Ethan turned to Ryan and arched his eyebrow. “Talked non-stop?”

  Ryan felt the blush creep up his neck and cheeks. “Well, you know, just the basics.”

  “Yeah, he told us your name, age, date of birth, social security number. We’ve done an extensive background check by the way. He told us you’re the most promising assistant attorney in your office, a fabulous soccer player, and if I’m not mistaken, he mentioned once or twice how attractive you are.” She glanced over at her son. “You were right, dear. He is stunning.”

  Ryan knew he was redder than a fire engine. He was going to kill his mother. He dearly loved the woman, but she was a menace to society and, judging by the sparkle in her eyes, loved every second of his embarrassment.

  “And on that note, I think I’ll go show Ethan our room.” He pointed his finger at his mom, whose lips were quaking with laughter. “I’ll talk to you later.”

  He encased Ethan’s hand in his as they made their way up the wooden steps with a pretty, white decorative banister. Their room was in a converted attic that took up half the length of the house. It was painted a soothing moss green and had white wainscoting. The roofline was angled and provided ample headroom despite both of their above average heights. The bed was queen sized with a black iron headboard. The wall right next to the bed had a large window so daylight could filter in, and there was a skylight at the other end of the space.


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