Perfect Love

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Perfect Love Page 36

by Trina Lane

  Clay humphed. “I didn’t hear you complaining about my stamina the other night.”

  “And with that over share, I’ll say sayonara,” Jack stated.

  Clay watched Jack’s back as the man nearly sprinted away from them. He turned to Logan, and the two of them broke out in riotous laughter. When he managed to catch his breath, he caught Logan’s gaze and started snickering once again.

  “I’m sorry…I’m sorry. It’s not that funny. I can’t seem to help myself. Jack’s…he’s just so—” More laughter erupted from Clay.

  Ethan ran up to Clay and Logan. “Why is a hyena impersonating one of my best friends?”

  “We dropped a little sexual tidbit during some harmless banter in front of Jack, and the man hot footed away like Yosemite Sam with his pants on fire.”

  “Ah-huh. Well, anyway, we’re all heading over to Gino’s for pizza and beer. You two in?”

  “Sure.” Logan grabbed Clay’s hand. “Come on, giggles.”

  Clay cut off Logan’s path and walked backwards. “Don’t stuff yourself too much, babe. I have plans for you later tonight.”

  Logan captured Clay, eliminating the distance between their bodies. “Think you’ll be up for it old man?”

  Clay wrapped his arms around Logan’s neck and arched into the damp hot skin that had been teasing him all afternoon. “Oh, I can guarantee I’ll be up for it. In fact—”

  Logan silenced Clay with a deep kiss. His hands landed on Clay’s ass and squeezed the tight globes he was determined to be buried between in a matter of hours. Clay’s blood pressure hadn’t been the only one steadily rising as they played all afternoon. The fast paced game hadn’t been the only thing making his breath race. Each time, Clay had leapt to snatch the flailing disc from midair, Logan had caught a glimpse of the rippled abs and bulging quads in his toned body.

  He’d been all set to take Clay home and fuck him within an inch of his life, but now, he had to play nice. Pizza and beer with their friends was always entertaining, but there were times when a man just wanted to lock the door and screw his lover through the mattress all night long. Clay had better enjoy his respite because tonight his ass belonged to Logan.

  * * * *

  They sat in a large circled booth at Gino’s towards the back of the restaurant. Their laughter had made more than one head turn as they shared stories over fire-grilled pizza and pitchers of brew. Logan was convinced his new friends were trying to kill him. He’d nearly shot beer out his nose when he’d heard Rick and Conor tell the tale of how Ethan had gotten the nickname ‘grape-nuts’ and choked on his chicken pesto pizza when Ethan had retaliated by informing the group about the first few times the two men had explored their need for ménage. Some of the descriptions of the women they’d hooked up with had made him eternally grateful that he was attracted to cock and only cock—especially the cock belonging to the man whose hip pressed against him.

  He placed a hand on Clay’s thigh and gave it a squeeze. Clay’s head turned, and Logan’s breath caught at the storm clouds brewing. The heat that had raced between them all afternoon had been turned down to simmer, but he knew with only a slight spark it would flare and cause them to spontaneously combust.

  “The two of you are so hot together,” Ethan announced.

  Logan turned his head back to the table and saw that all conversation had halted. “Huh?”

  Ethan’s finger waved back and forth between Clay and Logan. “You two. You’re hot. The matching black hair and steamy lust-filled eyes.”

  Ryan chuckled. “Forgive my husband. He has no filtering system after a few drinks.”

  Logan smiled. “It’s cool. I happen to agree. Clay is very hot.”

  “No, no, no. Together. You and Clay together. I bet you set fire to the sheets every time. So who does who?”

  “E!” Ryan exclaimed. “That’s none of our business.”

  “We’re all friends here. What’s the harm? It’s not like gay sex talk is gonna send anyone into heart palpitations.” Ethan looked over at Rick and Conor. “Well, maybe those two, but they’ve been around me for enough years to become desensitised.”

  Rick’s sapphire blue eyes met Conor’s aquamarine ones for a long moment.

  Ethan gasped. “Stop the fucking presses!”

  Everyone’s head jerked in his direction

  “What was that? When did you two—” His hands waved back and forth at Rick and Conor.

  Rick lifted his and Conor’s hands up on the table, the two were linked together. “When did we what?”

  “You know God damn what, asshole. You swore the two of you had never, would never…”

  “We hadn’t. It just kinda happened.”

  “What? You’re telling me Conor tripped and his cock just happened to land up your ass one day?”

  Logan snorted. “Nice, Ethan.”

  Ryan covered Ethan’s mouth with his hand. He looked over at Rick and Conor. “Sorry. I’ll keep him quiet, and you can share or not. It’s up to you.”

  Logan could tell that Rick and Conor weren’t offended by Ethan’s outburst. He knew the three of them had been friends for a number of years and apparently were used to the man’s antics. Conversely, it was kinda shocking to Logan. He’d only known Ethan, Ryan, Rick and Conor for less than a year, but normally, Ethan was a pretty laidback kind of guy. He was fun loving and affable but never brash. Maybe he really couldn’t hold his beer as his husband claimed?

  “After we married Calleigh and settled down, things changed. In all the years we’ve shared women, neither one of us ever desired the other, but all of a sudden, when we made love to Calleigh together, I would find myself wondering how it would feel to touch Conor, how it would feel to be touched by Conor. I struggled with the desire for awhile until Calleigh confronted us one night. She sat us down and made us talk about the giant pink elephant that had grown in our bedroom.” Rick looked at Conor and smiled. “It turned out that Conor had been fighting similar battles.”

  “And how did Calleigh respond?” Clay asked.

  Rick and Conor shared a heated look then chuckled.

  “She told us ‘twas fecking hot an’ demanded a front seat te our first pogue. That night, I attempted my first blow job while Calleigh stroked me off. It was some time afore we graduated to shagging.”

  “So you’re bi now?” Ryan asked.

  Rick shook his head. “It’s not a matter of sexuality. It’s feeling comfortable in our marriage. It’s sharing every aspect of who we are both in the bedroom and beyond. I’m married to Calleigh, as is Conor, but we’re also married to each other. I’ve always loved Conor, and now, I’m also in love with Conor. The change seemed like a natural development.”

  “And Calleigh is okay with all this?” Logan questioned.

  “Never better.” Rick answered.

  “E! Stop that!” Ryan jerked his hand away and wiped it on a napkin sitting on the table.

  Logan saw that same hand disappear beneath the table, and Ryan’s arm moved as he appeared to be adjusting his cock. Ryan grasped Ethan chin with the other hand and planted a kiss on the lips, which had presumably been teasing him. Logan unabashedly watched as the two men made out. Clay’s hand landed on his crotch, and his cock stiffened. Clay’s breath ghosted over the lobe of his ear, and Logan pressed Clay’s hand tighter against him.

  “Shit disturber,” Ryan said, affectionately as his and Ethan’s lips parted. “You’ll pay for that later.”

  “Promise?” Ethan whispered.

  “I dinna think ye need to worry about Ryan keep his word E. Ye forget that night the two of ye spent a’ our place during the last snow. Need I remind ye of brekie the next mornin’ when Brandon an’ Michael asked Ryan why the two of ye git ter jump on de scratcher at bedtime when they canny? I think ‘twas the only time I’ve ever seen Ryan get flustered.”

  Everyone at the table laughed, including Ryan. Shortly after, goodbyes were said. Logan and Clay quickly made their way to the car then wove their way thro
ugh the traffic towards South Boston and home. As far as Logan was concerned, they couldn’t reach the sanctuary of their apartment quickly enough.

  When they pulled into a spot in front of the building, he shot out of the car and rushed for the front steps to their building. The entire way up the stairs to their apartment he felt the echo of Clay’s feet pounding on the steps as his lover pursued him. He was attempting to unlock the door to their apartment when a hot, heavy weight pressed him into the wood and a pair of large hands gripped his hips. Clay’s stiff cock ground into Logan’s ass as lips feathered kisses down his neck. The hands on his hips slid beneath the T-shirt he wore. Logan’s muscles danced in reaction to Clay’s touch.

  “Open the door, Logan.”

  His fingers managed to turn the key then in the two men stumbled. As soon as Clay cleared the door, the crack of it slamming closed ricocheted in Logan’s brain. Clothes were shed between kisses and caresses, until naked skin finally touched. They eventually made it to the bathroom, and Clay turned to start the shower. Logan took the opportunity to grind his cock against Clay’s ass. His lover’s hunched position allowed Logan’s hard shaft to slip between the firm round cheeks. Clay pushed back into Logan’s mini-thrusts.

  “You’d better hope there’s lube in that shower because I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll feel me for days,” Logan growled into Clay’s ear then gave his backside a good smack.

  He heard Clay’s cry of need just before he removed his processors. When he climbed into the enclosure, Logan was greeted by the sight of Clay with one leg braced on the lip of the tub and two fingers buried in his ass. Clay’s head was tilted back, his eyes closed and lips parted as he panted through the pleasure. Water pelted his chest, and Logan was mesmerised by the rivulets of moisture cascading through the ridges of Clay’s muscles.

  Logan adjusted the shower head so it didn’t beat directly on them. He advanced on Clay and attached his lips to the corded tendons of the long neck begging for attention. Traces of salt from the sweat of their day at play burst across his taste buds. Beneath that was his favourite flavour of all. Clay.

  Logan nibbled and sucked on the tasty skin. His fingers blindly sought and found Clay’s nipples. The firm buds were already puckered. He rolled the hard peaks, gently stimulating them to warm up the nerve endings. His mouth found Clay’s, and his lover’s free arm wrapped around his neck. Tongues thrust against each other as Logan increased the pressure to Clay’s nipples, while Clay’s hand shoved harder into his hole. Logan’s cock told him that if they didn’t get the show on the road, the party would to end before either of them could be truly satisfied. He pushed away from Clay and removed the man’s fingers from the well-stretched channel.

  Clay turned and faced the wall of the shower. Logan aligned their hard bodies. The heat radiating from Clay’s skin seared his fingers where they touched. In the cubby, he found the bottle of waterproof lube, quickly he prepared both his cock and Clay’s entrance. He held Clay’s hip steady with one hand and used the other to line up the head of his shaft with the quivering opening begging for his possession. With one firm thrust, Logan filled Clay until he was balls deep in the heavenly clasp of Clay’s body. When Clay pressed back, signalling that it was okay, Logan began to move. With long strokes, he commanded Clay’s pleasure.

  One of Clay’s hands dropped from the wall and reached for his cock, but Logan swatted the offender away. Tonight, he was in control. He would be the only source of pleasure. Only through his body would Clay find fulfilment.

  He clasped Clay’s hand and forced it back onto the tile. Logan’s lips attached themselves to the curve of Clay’s neck where it met the slope of his shoulder. He knew that was Clay’s most sensitive spot, and with the proper stimulation, Clay would shoot into orbit.

  His hand wrapped around Clay’s stiff cock. The tight skin slid over a core of steel that reached nearly to Clay’s navel. Logan’s momentum increased. Each flutter of Clay’s muscles in his channel increased the stimulation as he shuttled back and forth.

  His orgasm barrelled down on him so fast there was no time for anticipation. He buried himself as deeply as possible inside Clay’s heat as volleys of cum exploded from his slit. His teeth locked down on Clay’s tendon, and warm jets of seed covered his hand.

  His brain shut down, and it was a good thing Clay was braced against the wall because they would have ended up in a twisted pile of limbs at the bottom of the tub. Slowly, his cock softened, and eventually, it slipped out of heaven’s embrace. He peppered the back of Clay’s neck, shoulders and back with kisses. The muscles beneath Logan’s lips trembled as their bodies recovered.

  The men eventually stood, and when Clay turned to face him, they shared a slow, wet kiss. His hands automatically sought the globes of Clay’s butt, and when he felt the slickness of his seed seeping from Clay’s body, his cock jumped. Each time he possessed Clay, a little piece of himself stayed behind and their body chemistries blended.

  They quickly finished their shower since the hot water heater’s reservoir worked for a limited time only. The rest of the night was spent canoodling on the couch and watching movies. Clay lay in front of him, and Logan wrapped his arms around his love, laughing at the comedic antics played out on the flat screen. Commercial breaks meant long minutes of heated kisses, and the best part of all was when Clay fell asleep in his arms. Logan tucked Clay’s head into the curve of his shoulder. Soft pants of breath stirred across his neck, and every once in awhile, Clay rubbed against Logan like a cat seeking attention. Logan’s hands soothed Clay back into restful sleep, and Logan placed a gentle kiss on the silky black hair falling softly over Clay’s forehead.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  Chapter Nine

  Clay sat on the sofa enjoying a cool beer as he channel surfed. He paused on the History channel since they had a show about sexuality in ancient Egypt.

  Well, well, well. Looks like the Greeks and Romans weren’t the only ones who knew how enjoy themselves in ancient times. Who knew the Egyptians were raging nymphomaniacs?

  Clay angled his head and squinted at the TV, trying to get a better idea of the graphic displayed across his wide screen. He choked as the drink of beer went down the wrong tube.

  Apparently, they knew how to have a very good time.

  The screen showed a digital reconstruction of something called the Turin Erotic Papyrus, and if he was not mistaken there was an image of some woman fucking herself on a crude dildo. He sincerely hoped the images were not lifelike otherwise men today had quite literally gotten the short end of the stick.

  Clay flipped channels when the intellectuals started posturing about the symbolism behind the images and all that jazz. The colourful images on the flat screen flew by, his mind unable to settle on something to watch. He knew it was because he was only killing time until Logan came home. Today had been Clay’s day off, but Logan was scheduled to work ‘til eight that night.

  After Jack had come through on his promise and put in a good word with the white shirts, Logan had been offered a position at HQ in the crime lab. He’d been working for four months now, and each day, Clay saw more and more of the old Logan shining through the smoky blue eyes he loved. He heard it in the rich laugh that often echoed in the apartment. Logan hadn’t had a flashback in almost three months, the longest period yet. Maybe, just maybe the demons were being put to rest.

  Clay jumped as the front door banged open. He quickly reached for his sidearm hidden inside the built-in compartment of the ottoman and spun around to face the intruder. His jaw dropped when he spotted Logan just inside the door.

  “Jesus, fuck, Logan! I could have shot you!”

  Logan slammed the door shut and stormed past Clay into the spare bedroom. No words of greeting came from Logan’s lips. He hadn’t even looked Clay in the eyes. The door to the spare room closed with a heavy thud. Clay and Logan had transformed the space from the bedroom Logan formally occupied to a home gym over the winter.

bsp; Something must have happened at work for Logan to be so agitated. Clay let him burn off some steam before approaching the bear in his cave. When Logan got in these moods, the best thing was to give him some time to cool off before confronting the issue. The issue could be one of many. Had Logan had another panic attack or flashback and was angry at the loss of control? Clay didn’t think he’d had a session with Matt that day. Even if Logan had met Matt, all the psychiatrist would be able to tell Clay was that anything Matt and Logan had discussed in session was doctor/patient confidentiality. Of course, it was always possible Logan had just had a shitty day at work.

  Clay paced for another thirty minutes. Finally, he’d had enough of the silent treatment. He marched over to the closed door and opened it without knocking. He eyes bugged out at the sight that greeted him.

  Logan worked at the bench press. His legs straddled the padded bench. His bare, sweaty chest expanded as he heaved the bar full of weights above his head over and over. Logan wore nothing except a pair of red gym shorts and fingerless leather gloves. Clay knew Logan wore an athletic support beneath the skimpy shorts, but the thin material left little to the imagination.

  Logan’s musky scent filled the air and sent Clay into full mating mode. His fingers tingled with the need to touch all the glorious skin bare before him, and he wanted to tongue the stiff nipples peaked with the adrenaline and endorphins coursing through Logan’s body as a result of his workout. However, before they could give into their carnal desires, Clay had to find out what had set Logan off earlier.

  Clay entered the room and moved over to the equipment. He straddled Logan’s hips and lifted the bar from his lover’s grasp then placed it in the supports. Logan made a move to push Clay back, but Clay sat, pinning Logan to the bench. He made sure to grind down on Logan’s trapped cock as he settled into a comfortable position. Logan stared at him with one eyebrow raised but remained in a prone position on the bench.

  “’Fess up,” Clay said.

  Logan crossed his arms and continued to stare at him. Clay realised that Logan didn’t have his processors on and felt like slapping himself in the forehead. He knew Logan always took them off when working out because of the sweat.


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