Project Mars (Dying Planet Book 0)

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Project Mars (Dying Planet Book 0) Page 4

by C.O. Amal

  “Oh! My dear, children, are you guys alright?” Johana asked.

  “We are alright, mom. But the people on the streets were not fortunate like us. They killed each other. We were waiting for you to come.” The elder kid answered.

  “Rayan, meet Josh and Sam. My children.” Johana said to Rayan.

  “It’s nice to meet you guys.” Rayan said.

  “Rayan, come inside we have lot to discuss.” Johana said.

  Rayan and Johana went inside the house. Johana shut the door behind her.

  “Josh, Sam, did you guys come in contact with any infected people?” Johana asked.

  “No, mom.” Sam said.

  “Did you guys smell anything weird?” Johana asked.

  “No.” Josh said.

  “Good. Take your face masks from the closet and wear them. We are going to a safe place in the morning.” Johana said.

  “Okay, mom.” Josh said. With that Josh and Sam went upstairs to take their face masks.

  “Rayan, make yourself at home. Feel free to use the refrigerator, there may be something to drink.” Johana said.

  Rayan walked toward the refrigerator and he opened its door. He took a bottle of fresh water and drank from it. Suddenly a sharp screech emanated from outside. The creatures have found them. All the creatures nearby rushed forward towards Johana’s house.

  Johana and Rayan exchanged a panic glance. They ran upstairs.

  “Josh, Sam, come here we are leaving right now.” Johana said.

  Josh and Sam quickly came towards Johana.

  “What should we do? The creatures are on your doorstep.” Rayan asked.

  “We should somehow reach my car. I have a gun here somewhere. Let me take a look in my bedroom.” Johana said.

  Johana quickly got inside the bedroom and came out with a pistol and a box of bullets in her hand.

  “Where did you get a gun?” Rayan asked.

  “It’s my husband’s. He is an ex-military.” Johana said.

  Johana took a hand bag from the corner and placed the gun inside it with the box of bullets. Then she went near refrigerator and took three water bottles. The creatures began to thrash at the front door.

  “We should take the fire exit. While the creatures are busy at the front door, we have a slight chance of survival.” Johana said.

  All followed Johana to the fire exit. There is an escape ladder on the back of the house. Johana carefully climbed down through the fire escape ladder. Others followed. After they reached on the ground Johana motioned at them to follow her. They followed her toward the parked car. She pressed the remote switch of her car key to unlock the door. The door opened but then the creatures rushed at them after hearing the beep sound indicating that the door has been unlocked.

  Johana, Rayan, Josh and Sam quickly got inside the car and locked the doors just in time. The creatures collided with the car door. They began to thrash at the car windows. Josh and Sam screamed with panic. Johana put the car in ignition and drove away from the house. The creatures followed the car. Johana accelerated the car to the maximum speed and the car rushed through the road. The creature can now be seen as tiny spots through the back window.

  “Where are we going to?” Rayan asked.

  “I haven’t determined yet.” Johana dialled a number on her cell phone. “… Shit no network …” Johana threw the phone to the back seat.

  “What do you mean you haven’t determined? You must have a destination in your mind.” Rayan asked.

  “This thing is spreading fast we need to get out of this place before we become infected. Based on the records, this thing can even affect plant life and other living organisms.” Johana said.

  “What? So, this thing indeed will spread quickly.” Rayan said.

  “Yes, it will. Our only chance is an isolated place. Do you know about anything like that?” Johana asked.

  “No. I don’t have any places in my mind. May be we could go to some remote island or something like that.” Rayan said.

  “That’s a good idea. We could go to an Island. According to the scientist who have studied the Martian specimen, the Marselia virus cannot spread through salt water in other words salt water destroys the virus completely. An island surrounded by the ocean is a perfect place to hide from this.” Johana said.

  “But the government will contain this, right? They have to contain it.” Rayan asked.

  “So far did you saw any government workers? No soldiers are deployed so far. I think they may have been infected.” Johana said.

  “Did you guys have any luck on the cure?” Rayan asked.

  “As far as I know, there is no cure. We have sent samples to WHO research facility. We haven’t heard from them after that.” Johana said.

  “So, what do you think we should do?” Rayan asked.

  “We should go to an Island as planned. That’s our only hope.” Johana said.

  “Then we should head to the nearest harbour.” Rayan said.

  Johana rushed the car until they reached an inter section connecting two roads. The street sign indicates that, left road leads to Los Angeles harbour. Johana accelerated the car in the direction of the harbour where they could possibly find a boat and go somewhere far away.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 10

  Washington DC, White House

  “Mr President, we need to take a decision now. We don’t have time to waste.” General Williams said.

  “So, the ‘project mars’ was a failure?” President asked.

  “Yes, president, it was a total failure. They failed to contain this. Now it has spread to our entire country. We have delayed all flights leaving from, and entering to, our country. We are trying all we can to contain this, but with the presence of airborne virus we don’t stand a chance.” General said.

  “So, what should we do?” President asked.

  “At this time you should declare martial law. And should give permission to exterminate all of our infected citizens before this goes out of our hand.” General said.

  “Is your soldiers prepared for this?” President asked.

  “Half of my battalion is infected by Marselia. Only half remains and they are well prepared.” General said.

  “Then martial law is in effect from now on. I give permission to exterminate the infected persons.” President said. “Also, I want full information about which cities fell fully under this plague.”

  “We will get you the records.” General said.

  “Then, this meeting is dismissed.” President said.

  Everyone went out of the room. President walked toward his personal chamber.

  “Do you think we will be safe here?” First Lady asked.

  “Soldiers have surrounded the building. No infected will come near this place. Soldiers are well trained to handle these problems. So, don’t worry about a thing.” President said.

  “Did you watched the news? The disease have spread to Canada. They have reported minor outbreaks all over there.” First Lady said.

  “What? But the General said all possible exits from our country are sealed. How did it got out.” President asked confused.

  “News reported that it spread possibly through birds.” First Lady cleared her throat. “The airborne version of the Marselia virus is affecting all plant and animal life forms. I think we don’t stand a chance for surviving against this. What do you know about the origin of this disease? Did General mentioned anything about that?”

  “The virus was originated from planet mars.” President said with a deep sigh.

  “What?” First lady asked confused.

  “Yesterday a mining team on mars had found some biological matter buried deep under Martian soil. Some of the men were exposed to a strange gas, possibly the airborne version of virus, during the extraction process. They turned in to those creatures shortly after the cargo arrived here. Some infected persons managed to escape from the mars and Landed around Los Angeles. The first outbreak had reported from that locat
ion. Then somehow the scientists experimenting on the specimen were exposed to the virus from the NASA’s research facility in Los Angeles. The major outbreak had happened from Los Angeles.” President said.

  “So, it spread right under our nose.” First lady said.

  “Yes, indeed.” President said.

  Suddenly a gunfire erupted from near the building.

  “What is it?” First Lady asked.

  President went near the window and observed the surrounding. The infected people are storming at white house. It seemed that the gunfire is only attracting more infected people. Soldiers are inside biohazard suits. But they didn’t stand a chance against the might of the creatures. The creature took over the place quickly. Soldiers were ripped apart by the creatures.

  “We should head to the bunker right now.” One of the security personal came to the President’s personal chamber and said.

  “Is it that bad?” President asked.

  “Yes, Mr President. Come on, we don’t have time to waste.” The security said.

  “All of you walk to the bunker right now.” President said to his family.

  Everyone followed the security to the bunker. The front doors are shut. But the infected are trying to thrash open the door. Finally they reached a room with a steel door. The security pressed some buttons and the door burst opened. The door is an air tight door. Nothing gets in. Everyone entered the bunker. The walls are filled with rows and rows of canned food.

  “How long do we have to stay in here?” President asked.

  “This bunker is designed to support life for up to two weeks. We will stay here as long as it takes.” The security said.

  “What happens after two weeks?” President asked.

  “We will monitor everything from here. Once those creatures are gone we will go outside.” The security said.

  “Let’s wait then.” President said.

  “But, what about the civilians.” First Lady asked.

  “We have given them warning to stay indoors at all possible. We have issued all warnings. Now, their fate rests with them. We can’t risk going out there.” President said.

  “President said right. We can’t risk going out there. We will wait for help. We have informed the UN about this. They will take necessary actions any minute from now on. WHO is still working for the cure. We haven’t heard from them yet. But soon, they will find a cure.” The security said.

  Suddenly the steel door began to vibrate. The creatures are outside and have somehow detected the people inside the room. Security personal quickly switched on the CCTV camera.

  “It seems that the creatures have found us.” The security said pointing at the monitor.

  The monitor is filled with the image of the creatures. Their body is filled with bruises. Some of the creatures had lost limbs. Some creatures’ face is missing large chunk of meat. All of them are thrashing at the door at once. The door is vibrating at maximum level. Suddenly the door’s hinges broke and the door fell inwards. The creatures rushed toward the fresh meat. Scream of the victims lost in the growl of the creatures.

  The white house finally fell under the might of Marselia.

  * * * * *

  Part 3: The Fall of Civilization

  Chapter 11

  UN Headquarters, New York City

  “These creatures are storming to every populated areas. It seems that they are always hungry for flesh. We need to find a solution now, before the creatures storm here also.” An old man in his fifties said.

  “It’s your duty to contain this situation. We can deploy our soldiers if you want. What is Mr President has to say about this?” Russian representative, a middle aged man, asked.

  “We have lost contact with the White House. I fear for the worst.” The old man, American representative, said.

  “We all have to take a decision now. We may deploy soldiers here or we may choose to stay in our country blocking all possible exits.” Russian representative said.

  “With the presence of airborne version, nowhere is safe. Also this Marselia virus affect plant and other animal life forms. So we are looking at a major catastrophe.” American representative said. “These beings, infected people, appeared to release this airborne version in a larger scale. It will reach about three feet from an infected. Even though the life time of airborne version is less, it still poses a great threat.”

  Suddenly a gunfire erupted from outside the building.

  “It looks like they have reached here too.” The American representative said looking through the window. “Quick, move to the upper level to the helipad.”

  Everyone starts to move to the upper level through the stairs. No one wants to take the elevator. They were afraid that the power would go out during the elevator journey. The creatures stormed at the surrounding buildings. People’s desperate scream can be heard everywhere. Now each person’s fate rests with them and god.

  Finally they reached the helipad. A blue coloured helicopter with UN logo is parked there. Everyone opened the helicopter door and entered. The small helicopter’s back seat got filled with ten people. The pilot entered in his seat.

  “Where are we going to?” The pilot asked.

  “We should head to any of the military ships. It’s our only way to survive.” American representative said.

  “Okay, we will head to USS Mariner. I heard it is around New York harbour.” The pilot said.

  All nodded. The pilot switched on the engines. The rotor started to rotate at high speed. The helicopter slowly began to rise from the helipad. When the helicopter is at a safe height, the pilot rushed the helicopter in the direction of New York harbour.

  “What is that pungent smell? It seems that this place is filled with a strange odour.” The Russian representative said.

  “It may be the rotting smell of those creatures.” French representative suggested.

  The helicopter finally reached the New York harbour and safely landed on the USS Mariner. The ship is huge with plasma cannons. A soldier came near the landed helicopter and opened the door for them. Everyone landed their feet on the ship. The ship is floating on the ocean water about one mile away from the harbour.

  “Is everyone alright?” The soldier asked.

  “Yes, we are fine.” The American representative said.

  “So, where is this ship headed to?” Russian representative asked.

  “We are waiting for any survivors. We have deployed ships nearly in all ports for survivors. We can’t go near the city because the place is filled with the airborne virus. The creatures are continuously emitting the virus.” The soldier said. “Come with me, I will lead you to our captain.”

  Everyone followed the soldier. Suddenly the Russian representative fell down possibly due to tiredness. The soldiers nearby quickly came to help him. They helped him stand up, but then the Russian representative shifted his head in an odd manner and he jumped on top of a soldier and he bit him on the neck.

  “We have an infected aboard …” Soldiers yelled.

  Quickly the other UN members also turned.

  “Kill them before it’s too late.” One soldier yelled.

  The nearby soldiers aimed their assault rifles. But the creatures were quick. They rushed at the soldiers. The fallen soldiers quickly turned. Some soldiers fired their guns. The shots hit some of the creatures on the chest but the creatures kept on coming.

  “Shoot at their head.” One soldier yelled.

  But it was too late for a resistance. The ship got filled with screech, scream and gunfire.

  “What is happening down there?” One of the fallen soldiers radio beeped, presumably the captain, trying to contact his sailors.

  The ship’s atmosphere quickly got filled with the pungent odour. Soldiers covered their nose with their hands. Captain came to the bridge. The site in front of the captain horrified him. The creatures are everywhere on the ship. Some of the creatures are eating on the corpses of the soldiers. Captain quickly went to the ship’s con
trol room and he shut the door behind him. The crew looked at him with panic eyes. Panic is in everyone’s face.

  “What is that smell?” One of the ship engineer asked the captain.

  “It must be the gas emitted by those creatures.” Captain said with mourning face. “If it is this gas, my dear friends, we may have been exposed to the virus. Soon we also may change into one of those creatures.” Captain finished.

  Captain took a pistol from its holster and pressed it against his head.

  “It was good working with all of you, but I don’t want to be one of those rotting creatures.” Captain’s eye filled with tears. He pulled the trigger. Captain’s mutilated body fell to a side.

  Everyone inside the control room placed their hand on their mouth in disbelief. They couldn’t process what they had just saw. The room got filled with scream of a female soldier.

  “Please, god. Don’t turn us in to one of those creatures.” The female soldier prayed.

  Suddenly the ship engineers fell down only to rise again as one of the creatures. The control room quickly got filled with screams. But, the screams were short lived. They were quickly replaced with the growl of the creatures.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 12

  Los Angeles Harbour

  Johana and team reached Los Angeles harbour in the morning. The place looks abandoned. They exited the car and walked along the beach. Many boats and ships are there. They haven’t removed their masks yet. All ships looks empty. Suddenly they saw some movement in a nearby building. They looked closely. It was an infected person. That thing is walking aimlessly in the building.

  Johana tightened her grip on the gun.

  “So, you know how to shoot?” Rayan asked.

  “My husband had given me some instructions about how to operate the gun.” Johana said smiling.

  “Mom, I am hungry.” Sam said.

  “We will get something for you, honey” Johana said with desperate face. “But, first we need to get into one of those ships. There may be people in the ship far away who could help us.” Johana said pointing at a ship about one mile away. “We could take one of the small boats to get there.”

  “We need to be careful. We don’t know that the people, if any, in that ship is normal and healthy.” Rayan said.

  “That’s why I took a gun with me.” Johana said.


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