Oceans Apart

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Oceans Apart Page 11

by Clare Revell

  York. 15th April 2013.

  [Postcard of York Minster.]

  Dear Oliver,

  Leave Anthony to me.

  Love Connie.

  PS. Sharif.

  Breckenridge. 23rd April 2013.

  Dear Connie,

  Wow! I don’t know what you said, but Anthony had an abrupt change of heart. He’s going to the wedding, willingly I may add. You’re a miracle worker. I’ll send lots of photos. I really wish you were coming, but do understand your hatred of flying.

  Love Oliver.

  PS. Not Sharif.

  York. 5th July 2013.

  [Birthday card.]

  Dear Oliver,

  Happy birthday to the best friend a girl could ask for.

  Love Connie.

  PS. I didn’t say anything to Anthony. Simply handed the whole situation over to the real miracle worker. God fixed it. My feeling is he is simply jealous. He’s always been the number one person in Abi’s life and now he isn’t.

  Breckenridge. 8th July 2013.

  [Birthday card.]

  Dear Connie,

  Happy unbirthday. Beginning to think I should have these cards patented. I could make a fortune!

  Love Oliver.

  PPS. Anthony wants to come and work at the Institute. What do you think?

  York. 29th August 2013.

  Dear Oliver,

  The photos are lovely. Thank you.

  As far as Anthony working for you goes, my feeling would be let him apply if he wants. Just don’t have anything to do with it. Let the board or your deputy make the decision. You can’t be seen to show favouritism or nepotism or whatever the word is.

  Love Connie.

  PS. Stiles.

  Breckenridge. 15th December 2013.

  [Christmas card.]

  Dear Connie,

  Yes, I know. Long-time no letter. But we talk on the phone so much I run out of things to write.

  Love Oliver.

  PS. Not Stiles.

  York. 21st December 2013.

  [Christmas card.]

  Dear Oliver,

  I wasn’t going to send cards, but then you asked if I had as it hadn’t arrived. So here you go.

  Love Connie.

  York. 15th February 2014.

  Dear Oliver,

  Micah is a father! Simeon and Levi arrived yesterday by C-section. Both babies were 5lb exactly and identical.

  Glad Anthony is getting on well at the Voight Bible Institute.

  Love Connie.

  PS. Shayne.

  York. 1st July 2014.

  [Birthday card.]

  Dear Oliver,

  This is the last card I shall send you in your fifties.

  Love Connie.

  PS. Old joke, but you’d be disappointed if I didn’t say it!

  PPS. And before you say grow up, I’m still in my thirties remember. Currently thirty-twenty-six.

  Breckenridge. 16th July 2014.

  [Birthday card.]

  Dear Connie,

  Have a great unbirthday.

  Love Oliver.

  York. 3rd December 2014.

  [Christmas card.]

  Dear Oliver,

  Maybe one year you could come have Christmas here.

  Love Connie.

  Breckenridge. 17th December 2014.

  [Christmas card.]

  Dear Connie,

  You have no idea what a wonderful idea that is. Maybe one year.

  Love Oliver.

  Breckenridge. 29th June 2015.

  [Wedding invitation.]

  Mr and Mrs T Fennell, request the company of Mrs C Johnson at the marriage of their daughter Emerald to Mr Anthony Voight on September 5th 2015.

  [Handwritten note.]

  Hi Connie, we’d seriously love you to come, but I can send photos as always. Sorry the date is the wrong way around, but I didn’t write this one.

  Love Oliver.

  Breckenridge. 15th July 2015.

  [Birthday card.]

  Dear Connie,

  Sending your card on time for once! Have a great birthday. Oh, the kids are taking me white water rafting for mine! Not sure how old they think I am, but anyway. Their first suggestion was a theme park and a dozen roller coasters! Isn’t this the same thing but wetter? They must think I’m 16 not 60!!

  Love Oliver.

  PS. No, not Shayne.

  York. 16th July 2015.

  [Birthday card.]

  Dear Oliver,

  Happy 60th birthday. That is old. Very old. I’m never going to be that old. Ever.

  Love Connie.

  PS. Squire.

  York. 27th November 2015.

  [Christmas card.]

  Dear Oliver,

  The photos are lovely. You look distinguished. Not old. The silver suits you. So does the moustache. Keep it.

  Love Connie.

  PS. Sage.

  PPS. Glad you enjoyed the white water rafting. You won’t catch me doing that. Ever.

  Breckenridge. 7th December 2015.

  [Christmas card.]

  Dear Connie,

  Are you seriously still guessing? I can’t believe you haven’t run out of names after all this time. 45 years! And you still haven’t guessed.

  Love Oliver.

  PS. Not Squire or Sage.

  York. 27th March 2016.

  [Email from Paul Johnson to Oliver Voight.]

  Dear Uncle Oliver,

  Just to let you know that Mum’s in the hospital. Her house was struck by lightning last night and caught fire. The fire brigade was brilliant and got her out. She has slight burns to her legs and smoke inhalation. They are keeping her in for a few days. She wanted me to let you know so you don’t worry when she doesn’t answer the phone. The house was gutted. She lost everything except her handbag, but I’m just grateful she’s alive. All she’s concerned about is losing her Bible and the fact you’ll be worried.

  Love Paul.

  Chapter Eleven

  Breckenridge. 27th March 2016.

  Dear Connie,

  Sending this letter via Dorcas. I’m so sorry to hear about the fire. Is there anything I can do? Anything. Let me know.

  Love Oliver.

  PS. Keeping in touch with Paul via email for updates.

  Breckenridge. 27th March 2016.

  [Parcel from online book company.]

  Dearest Connie,

  I know this Bible can’t make up for the one you lost, but I wanted to do something to help.

  Love Oliver.

  York. 4th April 2016.

  Dear Oliver,

  Thank you so, so much for the Bible.

  Finally out of hospital. I’m living at Dorcas’s for now. The burns are healing, just a little sore in places.

  Once the insurance is settled, I’ll find somewhere new. Maybe.

  The nightmares are pretty bad. Thank you for the phone calls to the hospital. I don’t know what I’d do without them.

  Love Connie.

  PS. Swain.

  PPS. I’m sorry if I duplicate names now. I’ve lost my list. I lost everything. Feels so very strange.

  Breckenridge. 4th July 2016.

  [Birthday card.]

  Dear Connie,

  Forget the stupid list. What matters is you. Yes, you.

  I was incredibly scared and worried when Paul first emailed me. I care for you. More than a friend now. Yes, I would go as far as saying that I love you. More than a brother.

  You’re the first person I pray for in the morning and the last one at night. Just writing and weekly phone calls aren’t enough.

  So much love, Oliver.

  PS. Not Swain.

  York. 17th July 2016.

  [Birthday card.]

  Dear Oliver,

  Hope you have a great birthday. 61… still old ha ha.

  Maybe one day we can meet in person again, preferably before, well I was going to say old and grey, but perhaps it’s already too late, so I’ll say preferably before we need wa
lkers. You know, the ones with the seats so we can sit and rest too.

  I really do care for you, also. I can tell you stuff I can’t tell anyone else.

  I wish——

  Yeah. I admit it. I love you too. I have for a long time.

  Really love, love Connie.

  PS. Shower.

  Breckenridge. 12th December 2016.

  [Christmas card.]

  Dearest Connie,

  It was so hard to put the phone down last night. You sounded so sad and disheartened. All I wanted to do was hug you.

  I know it’s arduous still living with Dorcas and not having your own space. Something might turn up in the New Year. Have faith, my love.

  All my love, Oliver.

  PS. Not Shower. I’m more of a bath man actually.

  York. 13th December 2016.

  [Christmas card.]

  Dear Oliver,

  Happy Christmas. So looking forward to speaking to you on Christmas Day!

  Lots of love Connie. XX

  York. 7th February 2017.

  Dearest Oliver,

  Is that Batman or Bathman? Or both. That did make me giggle. Like I said on the phone last night, the house next door to Dorcas’s place is on the market.

  She rang the estate agent this morning. It’s just half a house, what she calls a maisonette and just the downstairs, but big enough for one. She, Jeff and I are going to see it tonight.

  All my love, Connie. XX

  PS. Shawn.

  Breckenridge. 4th July 2017.

  [Birthday card.]

  Dearest Connie,

  Happy Birthday.

  All my love forever, Oliver. XX

  York. 7th July 2017.

  [Birthday card.]

  Dearest Oliver,

  Have a wonderful birthday.

  Lots and lots of love Connie. XX

  York. 20th July 2017.

  Dear Oliver,

  Thank you so, so much. Red roses. Oodles of them. They smell lovely and we needed several vases for them!

  Love Connie. XXX

  Breckenridge. 14th October 2017.

  Dearest Connie,

  The first letter to your new house. I’m amazed it took so long since it was the beginning of February when you first looked at it, but at least you’re there now. And won’t have the grandkids under your feet all day long.

  And I’m so sorry the plans to meet over the summer fell through. I’m pretty sure I cleared the calendar, but the conference suddenly appeared and I was unable to get out of it. Maybe next year. Even if I have to put myself into an envelope and post myself.

  All my love, Oliver. XX

  PS. Not Shawn.

  PPS. Think we did have that one. So long ago I can’t remember. Getting old you know.

  York. 21st October 2017.

  Dearest Oliver,

  Hah! Right. The grandkids are over here every night after school or when Dorcas yells at them. They like the peppermint creams as much as my kids did. You know, that tradition is still going. Birthday, Christmas, and most weekends in between. It’s now a standing thing. Go to Grandma’s house and eat peppermint creams.

  All my love, Connie. XX

  PS. Sweeny.

  PPS. Either you’ll have to diet before you squash yourself into an envelope, or it’d be one huge letter. Would love to see the postie struggling up the path with that one!

  York. 1st December 2017.

  [Christmas Card.]

  Dearest Oliver,

  Happy Christmas my love.

  Love Connie. XX

  Breckenridge. 16th December 2017.

  [Christmas card.]

  Darling Connie,

  So it’s the Big Six-O next year. Are you doing anything? I’m not expecting you to go white water rafting like I did.

  All my love forever, Oliver. XX

  PS. Not Sweeny.

  PPS. I sent you something. It might come by Christmas, then again, it might not. Call me old, but I can remember when a letter actually reached someone the next day. Or even later on the same day.

  Breckenridge. 10th December 2017.

  [Parcel from Oliver Voight to Connie Johnson. Which finally arrived two days before Christmas.]

  Dearest Connie,

  I wrote you a poem. It’s a diamond shaped one. It does have a special name but for the life of me I can’t remember what it is right now and I’m not about to do an internet search for diamond shaped poem names. I hope the gold frame and glass arrive intact. Abi chose the gold tissue paper it’s wrapped in. My idea was the copious amounts of bubble wrap to protect it from breaking on its way across the Atlantic.

  Anyway, I hope it isn’t smashed. This is my first attempt at any form of poetry, so be kind. Or hang it in the bathroom or something where you don’t have to look at it.

  Or the attic. That works too.

  All my love forever, Oliver. XX

  Oceans Apart


  Between us, keep

  Us apart, yet writing

  Letters bring closeness & friendship

  Unexpected, unlooked for, unasked for

  Perhaps one day we’ll meet again

  But for now we remain

  So many miles



  In body, yet

  One in spirit and faith

  I hope for a future with you

  If that’s the path God lays out before us

  We step out in faith trusting that

  We won’t be forever

  Kept apart by


  York. 24th December 2018.

  My own dearest Oliver,

  Oh, the poem is wonderful. It made me cry. And it’s not in the attic. It’s in the lounge above the fireplace where I can see it all the time.

  Much love for always, Connie. XX

  PS. Selah.

  York. 17th January 2018.

  Dearest Oliver,

  The kids asked me at Christmas what I wanted for my birthday. My 30-30 in case you were wondering. I told them I wanted a trip to the States to see you. But not flying. So they are picking up cruise brochures and bringing them here next week. We probably have different ideas on this, but we’ll see.

  Love you to the moon and back, Connie. XX

  PS. Sven.

  Breckenridge. 29th January 2018.

  Dearest, sweet Connie,

  Yes. Yes. Yes. Do come and visit. I’ll even meet you off the boat. Bring peppermint creams.

  Oodles of love, Oliver. XX

  PS. Not Selah. Or Sven.

  York. 1st March 2018.

  Dearest Oliver,

  It’s all booked. Ten days on a huge ship from Southampton to New York. A day in France, Jersey and finally Ireland, before we start on the way across the Atlantic. Can you meet me in New York or do I try and find a train to Colorado?

  Lots of love, Connie. XX

  PS. Solomon.

  Breckenridge. 15th March 2018.

  Dear darling Connie,

  Your trip sounds wonderful. I’m actually quite jealous. Of course I’ll meet you in New York. Wild horses couldn’t keep me away. I can take off as much time as I want. It’s the summer vacation then, and the fall semester doesn’t start until mid-September.

  Let me have your full itinerary when you have it. Put all the details in writing for me.

  All my love, Oliver. XX

  PS. Not Solomon.

  PPS. Don’t forget to bring peppermint creams. After all these years of you raving about them, they’d better be good.

  PPPS. I’m so looking forward to seeing you. I’m waiting with bated breath. I would hold my breath, but then I’d die… And that kind of defeats the purpose of your visit.

  York. 2nd April 2018.

  Dearest Oliver,

  The ship is the Queen Mary 2. For some reason they use a 2 not a II after her name. Bit like the QE2. I guess it’s to distinguish between the real Queen who is a II and the ship.

  Paul printed o
ff the itinerary and I’ve enclosed it. I also asked Paul to email you a copy.

  I leave on 25th July. There’s a full day in Cherbourg, St Helier, and Dublin before crossing the Atlantic and arriving in New York at 7am on 5th August. As there are around 2,700 passengers on the ship we have all been given individual boarding times. It sounds complicated as there are forms to fill in first, but I’m sure it isn’t. There are some charges for on board stuff like drinks and so on, but Paul has got me a credit card on his account, so he’ll sort the bills when they come.

  Not long until I finally get to see you, my love.

  Lots and lots of love, Connie. XX

  PS. Salamander.

  [Printed itinerary with handwritten bits added.]

  Tuesday 24th July – Catch a train from Manchester to Southampton sometime in the morning. Don’t need to book a ticket, just buy one and jump on the first train that comes. Stay overnight in the Dolphin Hotel. Sounds swish. It’s the old coaching inn, remember? The one with the huge arched entrance and bow windows. Just up the road a little from the bombed out church with those cute bells. You know, the ones with the figures that ring them.

  Wednesday 25th July – Board QM2 at 13:10. Emergency boat drill for all passengers 16:00. Leave QE2 Cruise Terminal, Southampton 17:00 local time.

  Thursday 26th July – A day in Cherbourg, France.

  Friday 27th July – A day in St Helier, Jersey.

  Saturday 28th July – A day in Dublin, Ireland.

  Sunday 29th July to Sat 4th August – 7 days at sea.

  Sunday 5th August – I arrive Brooklyn Cruise Terminal, New York, 07:00 local time. And finally get to see Oliver! Can’t wait. Rather early though. Will you be up then?

  Sunday 26th August – Board QM2 at 13:30 for a 17:00 departure local time. Unfortunately.

  Sunday 2nd September – Arrive Southampton at 06:30 local time.

  York. 1st July 2018.

  [Birthday card.]

  Dearest Oliver,

  I know I could just give this to you, but it’d be late and I can’t have that.


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