Double Dog Dare You

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Double Dog Dare You Page 10

by Lacey Black

  If he can dance this spectacularly to music, can you imagine what he’ll do between the sheets?

  Yeah, I’m already picturing it too.

  I sort of feel like an amateur in his arms, but he doesn’t let me falter. Royce is the expert here, and I’m just along for the ride. The song moves from one slow ballad to another, this one originally performed by Tim McGraw and Faith Hill. It’s about wanting someone, needing them, even when they’re not with you. How they’re all you can think about until you finally give in, because they’re exactly who you need. I feel this song all the way down to my toes. I feel the beauty of their words mixing with want, the pain colliding with the passion.

  When he opens his mouth, it’s not for the reason I expect. He sings along to the words of the song, his voice low and smooth like butter. It melts me from the inside out and makes my knees weak. I’ve never known a man who can sing, not like this. My cheek moves, resting against his chest as the vibrations of his singing echoes in my ear. I’m pretty sure my panties are completely soaked at this point, my body humming with energy and desire.

  As the song finally comes to an end, I lift my head and gaze into his eyes. There’s a conviction there, a resolution, as if he knows exactly how this night is going to end. And you know what? I know how it’s going to end too. I couldn’t walk away now if I tried. It’s a combination of the way his eyes burn into my soul and the heady words he spoke in the hallway. The way he came over and basically claimed me as his without so much as a care in the world.

  Like we’re destined to happen.

  “You here with Sabrina?” he asks.

  I nod and bite my lip, hating that response because it makes me sound so cliché. But I actually bite it to keep from just throwing my arms around his neck and plastering my lips to his.

  “Ready to get out of here?” His hands slide around my sides and to my arms in the softest caress ever.

  Am I ready to go? With Royce? I’m certain there’s only one thing on his mind right now, and it so happens to be the same thing on mine. If I leave with him, I’ll be in his bed as quickly as he can get me there. I’ll give in to all this reckless lust that’s been swarming me like bees and refusing to subside.

  I’ve never felt this way before. Never have I left any place with a man for the sole purpose of sex. Never broken my strict five-date rule. Never worried about the status of our relationship before we crossed the line. But here I am, knowing there is no relationship, no dates. This means one thing and one thing only.


  And while I should be shocked by my behavior, my response to him, and the fact I’m even considering this, I’m not. Not at all. It feels too good to be anything but right. I’m not just outside of my comfort zone, I don’t even see where it is. It’s just me and him and the desire to give in to what we both want.

  I have no idea what tomorrow holds, but tonight, I want to be reckless.

  Tonight, I want Royce.

  With every ounce of determination I possess, I lift my chin and look him square in the eye. “I’m ready.”

  He takes my hand and backtracks us through the dance crowd. I notice right away his brother is gone. I’m not sure if he’s in the restroom or has left the building, but Royce doesn’t seem concerned. He leads me straight to my table, where my best friend visits with Decker, their heads tilted toward each other in an intimate way.

  Apparently, I won’t be the only one going home with someone tonight.

  I realize Lance isn’t at the table and glance around. The bar is full now, the noise escalating as people try to be heard over the band. When I step up to our booth, Sabrina looks up with a knowing grin on her face. “Hey,” she practically sings as I reach for my purse. “Going somewhere?”

  “Uhh, yeah,” I stutter, unable to look at Decker, even though I feel his eyes on me. Royce places a hand on my lower back, and I can’t stop my body’s reaction to sway in his direction. I look once more to the empty seat where Lance sat.

  “Lance met a friend,” Sabrina says, pointing just over my shoulder and to the left.

  When I turn, I find him totally engrossed in a conversation with a shorter redhead. I can tell by their body language and the way she giggles, she’s totally into him. A weight I didn’t even know I was carrying seems to lift. Lance notices me, whispers something to the woman beside him, and walks my way.

  “Hey,” he says, with an easy smile. He looks up at Royce and extends his hand. “Lance Roman. I don’t think we’ve officially met.”

  “Royce Rigsby. Nice to meet you,” he replies, shaking his hand.

  Lance looks back at me, then over my shoulder once more. “It was nice meeting you, Quinn.”

  “Nice to meet you too,” I state, noticing the redhead watching our every move.

  “If you’re in the area, stop by the coffee shop sometime and say hello.”

  “I’ll do that. Thank you for having dinner with me this evening.”

  He nods and quickly makes his retreat back to the redhead. Royce chuckles behind me, a low noise that goes straight to the apex of my legs. His hand spreads wide on my back, and I can’t help but wonder what that hand will feel like…elsewhere. My body tingles, my nipples are hard, and I’m surrounded in warmth from just the touch of his hand. I don’t even care that my heels are starting to kill my feet.

  “You okay?” I ask my best friend. I’ve never left her in a bar alone. Never. We’ve always had each other’s backs, and if she were to ask me to, I’d stay until she is ready to leave. That’s what friends do.

  Sabrina gives me a wink and a Cheshire cat grin. “Oh, I’m more than okay. You two have fun now,” she says with a wave of her delicate fingers.

  “If you’re sure,” I reply.

  She glances at Decker before throwing me a wink. “I’ve got plans.” Then she turns her attention right back to him and laughs at something he says.

  Realizing there’s nothing to do but leave, I reach inside my purse for some money for a tip. Our meals were already paid for, and we had been paying for the drinks as we received them, not that I drank anything but water after my one and only alcoholic beverage. Before I can pull a ten out of my pocketbook, Royce drops a twenty on the table and reaches for my hand.

  “You didn’t have to do that.”

  He shrugs, almost as if he’s embarrassed. “I don’t mind.”

  “Well, thank you,” I state, dropping my wallet back into my purse and slipping the strap over my shoulder.


  I nod, my throat suddenly thick and dry. He guides me through the masses, reaching down and retaking my hand in his. I glance at the table he once occupied, only to find another couple in the seats. “Did you brother leave?” I ask as we get to the door.

  Royce chuckles. “Yeah, his fiancée called and wanted him to stop by the event she was hosting. He’s completely whipped where she’s concerned.”

  We push through the door and into the warm night air. A shiver sweeps through my body, but not for that reason. His hand is still wrapped around mine, the musky scent of his cologne tickles my nose, and a hum of sexual desire surrounds us like a bubble. Yet, as we approach his truck, the bubble pops and reality sets in.

  I’m about to go home with a stranger.

  No, I know he’s not technically a stranger, but the truth is, we have only known each other for less than a week. I’ve never done anything like this, and can’t quite understand why I am now. I could try to analyze and dissect it, but I’m not sure I’ll really find the answers I’m looking for.

  When he opens the door, our eyes meet. I can see the change in his instantly. They go from hungry to worried. “Are you okay?” he asks, still holding my hand, but doesn’t move.

  “Uhh, yes?” I’m not sure why it comes out a question, but it does. Royce picks up on it right away. I can see his wheels spinning in his head as he tries to figure me out.

  “I have an idea.”

  “Okay?” I ask, nervously.

; “Grab your phone and text Sabrina.” When I just look at him in question, he squeezes my hand and gives me a reassuring smile. “My address is 1402 Cliffside Lane. It’s about three miles from here. My name is Royce Daniel Rigsby, middle name after my dad, and you already know I work at Elevate. My brother is Rueben, and he lives in Pittman Center, and my mom is Jackie. She works at Sweet Treats Bakery, across from the Target.”

  I can only smile at his effort to alleviate some of the nerves I have. It’s as if he can read my mind and understands my pause.

  “And I want you to know if you tell me no or to stop at any point, I will do it immediately. I’m a guy, but not a bad one, Quinn. I would never take advantage of you.” His eyes burn with seriousness and honesty as he gazes down at me under the moonlight. I’m very much aware of how good-looking he is, but it’s more than that. I believe him. He’s not just trying to get me in bed. He wants me to feel safe and in control.

  And I realize, I do.

  I know I’m in good hands with him.

  Probably the best hands I’ve ever been in, if his dancing is any indication.

  That’s why I step forward, pressing my chest to his. I can hear his sharp inhalation. His hands move to my back, positioned very low, his fingers dancing along the globes of my ass. I’m pretty sure he’s not breathing, and to be honest, neither am I.

  Wrapping my arms around his waist, I say, “Let’s go.”

  Chapter Eleven


  I’m practically bouncing like a girl with excitement but trying to play it cool. I can tell Quinn got a little spooked back there. I could feel the tension roll through her body, the closer we got to my truck. That’s why I told her all that personal shit about myself. I don’t want her to feel anything but completely relaxed, and maybe a hell of a lot of anticipation. I may not know her well, but what I do know is enough to give me pause and really try to keep my cool. She’s never done this before.

  Quinn isn’t someone I can just throw over my shoulder and go barreling toward the bedroom. Though, I do see a certain light in her eye whenever the bad boy in me comes out. Specifically, in the hallway. I knew she was interested, even if she just gave me a shy grin and headed back to her table, a little extra swing to her hips and a sassy gleam to her eye as she turned around and made eye contact once more.

  As I pull out of the parking lot of Pork’s, I reach over and grab her hand. She links her fingers with mine easily, but I can still feel the tension in the air. It’s sexual, laced with a touch of nervousness. If I’m being honest, that part is present on both of our accounts. I’ve never been this anxious to take someone home with me. Not like I am with Quinn.

  She’s sharp as a tack and beautiful and funny, a combination I rarely see in a woman. Sure, I’ve met my share of beautiful ladies, but Quinn is more. She’s sophisticated and proper and has this untouchable air to her. Yet, here she is.

  With me.

  I know I have to take it slow. I also know, even though she’s told me twice she wants this, I’m not about to assume she’s all-in, and I won’t push her. In just a short amount of time, her opinion of me, of how I act, means something. I’m not sure what, nor am I in any headspace to dissect it tonight, but it’s there, niggling at the back of my neck.

  “So tell me about this school you work at,” I say, realizing it’s not just to fill the time and get her more comfortable, but because I really am curious. Weird. I’ve never cared too much about what a woman does for a living.

  She smiles, and I can feel it wash over me like a ray of sunshine filtering through the glass. “It’s a private school over on Fairman with small class sizes. I started off as a teacher and ended up going back to college for my master’s. At the time, I wasn’t sure how I wanted to apply my degree, but one of my former colleagues sort of championed for me to apply for the position. I’m glad I did because I find it even more rewarding than teaching, which I absolutely loved.”

  “That’s awesome. The world needs more educators like you,” I tell her, giving her hand a little squeeze.

  “Well, it’s not easy now. There are so many rules and regulations in place that didn’t quite exist a few years back when it comes to paperwork. It’s hard when the people putting together these guidelines have never taught in a classroom a day in their life.”

  “I’m sure,” I reply, as I turn onto my road and start heading up the mountain. “But you care, and that’s big.”

  “And there’s a teacher shortage everywhere, so schools have to make difficult decisions. They’re cutting extracurriculars and clubs, combining classes, and enlarging the student to teacher ratio to an alarming number. We’re very fortunate at our school to not yet be affected by those problems. Our faculty is loyal and the families happy with the education we provide.”

  I pull into my driveway and put my truck in park. Turning her way, I give her a smile. “I’m proud of you.”

  Even through the darkness, I can see her blush. “You don’t even know me.”

  “Not intimately, but I’m learning a lot about you, Quinn. You’re dedicated to your job and want the best for your students and the school. It’s admirable.”

  “Oh, well, thank you,” she stammers, glancing around to break the seriousness of my gaze. “So this is your home?”

  I look out the windshield, trying to see my place through her eyes. The bushes are freshly hedged and the yard trimmed neat. There’s a glider rocker on the front porch that the previous owner left and a potted plant my mom placed by the front door when I moved in. I put a lot of pride into this place, and it’s perfect for me. I hope those little touches reflect in how she views my home.

  “This is it,” I reply as I shut off the ignition. “Want to go inside?”

  Why do I sound so nervous?

  Quinn nibbles on the side of her lip and glances back out at my house. When our eyes meet again, there’s a deep resolution there. A confirmation. My cock twitches within the confines of my denim jeans, the burn of her blue eyes seeping into my bones as she nods.

  I grab my keys and hop out of the truck. She has the passenger side door open when I get there and places her hand in mine as she hops down. Her legs look a million miles long in those damn jeans and heels, and I can see the curve of her tits under that purple top. I almost throw her against my truck and kiss the ever-loving hell out of her.

  But I don’t.


  The security light beside my front door clicks on the moment we reach the steps and Jack starts to bark. Her eyes light up as she glances my way. “I almost forgot about him.” There’s an eagerness, a giddiness in her words, and the moment I unlock the door, she practically bolts inside.

  My laugh fills the living room as she falls to her knees right in front of Jack’s crate. “Oh my gosh, he’s so pretty,” she coos, sticking her fingers through the wire. My dog instantly starts licking her hand, his tail thumping so hard against the side of the container I’m afraid it’s going to move.

  “Jack prefers handsome,” I tease, even though my dog seems all too happy to be called pretty. Actually, I’m fairly certain it has more to do with the stunning woman showing him some attention than the fact she called him pretty.

  She gives me a sheepish grin. “Can I let him out?” Again, she bites the corner of her lip.

  I want to bite it too.

  “He’ll probably jump all over you. He’s always a little worked up when I first get home,” I state quickly, but don’t stop her from reaching for the latch.

  Quinn opens the gate and barely has time to prepare herself before being attacked by doggy kisses. “Jack, sit,” I tell him with authority.

  My dog does as instructed, but it’s hard. His butt is practically scooting across the floor to get closer to Quinn, his tail thumping a frantic beat on the hardwood. His tongue dangles from his chin, and he keeps leaning forward as if he’s going to get up, before glancing my way and thinking better of it. He’s extremely well trained, but still has a lot of playf
ulness in him.

  “Jack,” I warn, when he acts like he’s going to get up a third time. I shake my head and exhale a laugh.

  I can’t help but wonder if this is exactly how I look whenever she’s near too.

  “Come on, buddy. Let’s go outside,” I state. The moment I say the last word, he takes off for the back door like a shot from a gun.

  Quinn giggles, wiping the doggy drool off her face with this happy, content grin. In its place is the most breathtaking smile I’ve ever seen. “He listens well.”

  I nod. “He does. He’s a good dog.” I offer her a hand and help her off the floor. “But if I don’t get back there quickly, my good dog will eat a hole in the back door. He loves going outside.” To confirm my point, Jack barks in agreement.

  She steps beside me as we head in the direction of my eager dog. I unlock the door, barely getting it open before he darts through. I grab the leash off the hook, take her hand in my own—because I can’t seem to stop wanting to touch her—and head out to join Jack.

  “We shouldn’t need the leash. He’s pretty good at obeying commands.”

  I watch as she takes in the back deck for the first time. It’s covered, which helps keep the hot tub out of the elements. Suddenly, all I can think about is the number of women I’ve had in that very hot tub. Though I’ve never actually counted, it’s an embarrassingly high number, and the thought of adding Quinn to that list actually turns my stomach. She’s way more than a fuck in a hot tub. I’m still not prepared to delve into why, but I’m man enough to acknowledge it.

  Turning my head away, I watch Jack sniff and eventually pick his place to mark. It’s always a process with him, determined to choose the right spot to piss. Quinn takes a tug rope from the porch and looks my way. “May I?”

  I nod, releasing her hand, even though I’d rather be touching her. As she steps down, Jack notices what’s she’s carrying and runs her way. His tail is already wagging, ready to play. “You can toss it, and he’ll bring it back,” I tell her, leaning up against the railing and watching.


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