The Daddy and the Dom

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The Daddy and the Dom Page 20

by Julia Sykes

  “What are you thinking about, angel?”

  “Marco’s drawing,” I answered honestly. There was no embarrassment anymore. I wasn’t ashamed of my arousal in response to the image. I couldn’t be ashamed of my attraction to Joseph and Marco. “The one of you tying me up,” I clarified. “Is that something…” I swallowed, my throat suddenly dry. “Is that something you want?”

  His clear blue eyes regarded me earnestly. “Only if it’s something you want.”

  Marco brushed my hair back from my cheek. “Joseph likes his toys,” he told me. “But we won’t do anything that you don’t like.”

  I shifted in my seat. “I don’t know if I don’t like it. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it.”

  “I told you,” Marco said to Joseph.

  “Yes, you did.” Joseph took my hand in his, keeping his focus on me. “I thought those drawings scared you. I didn’t want to push you. But yes, that is something I want.”

  “It’s something you need,” Marco clarified.

  I kept my eyes on Joseph’s. “What do you mean?” I understood Marco’s needs now, but I still didn’t fully grasp why Joseph enjoyed dominating me. I’d seen the dark pleasure in his eyes when he overpowered me. I wanted to understand him, the way I now understood Marco.

  Joseph blew out a long breath. “You know I don’t want the life I have,” he said, reiterating a truth he’d revealed long ago. “I didn’t have a choice, Ashlyn. I was born into this world. I have no control over my choices. I do what my father tells me. I don’t like it, but a fucked-up part of me still hates disappointing him.”

  I squeezed his hand. Joseph and I were more alike than I’d ever realized. He felt pressure to make his father proud, just like I did. That desire had trapped him in a life, in a future, he didn’t want.

  Going to Harvard hadn’t been my dream; it had been my father’s. And while I enjoyed my studies, I’d chosen to go against my father’s wishes and elected Art History as my major. He’d wanted me to major in Psychology and follow in his footsteps to a sensible career path. He’d made his disapproval clear; he would withhold his affection if I didn’t make the choice he thought was right, and I’d considered changing my major.

  But then, I’d met Joseph. He’d praised me for pursing my passion over practicality. He’d allowed me to give myself permission to make the choice I wanted rather than cracking under my father’s emotional blackmail.

  Joseph felt the same way, the same sense of powerlessness. That was why he needed to dominate me. It was why he needed to feel in control when we were together, because he lacked it in every other aspect of his life.

  “I want to try,” I said softly. “The rope, I mean. I want to try it.”

  Joseph’s eyes were bright with yearning. “Are you sure, angel?”

  “How many times have I told you she’s not made of glass?” Marco said, growing impatient. He pulled me closer to his side, holding me tight. I leaned into him, welcoming the firm embrace. “Ashlyn was made for us, and you know it.”

  I no longer minded how they talked about me while I was with them. It was important for them to have these discussions, and I knew I still had every right to speak up and voice my own opinion.

  “Yes,” I agreed. “I want to be with both of you. And I want to make you happy, Joseph. I want to give you what you need.”

  He traced the line of my jaw with his fingertips, touching me with awe. “Thank you, angel. I want to make you happy, too.”

  I gave him a soft smile. “I am happy.”

  It was true. I was happier than I’d ever been, despite the fact that I’d been ripped away from my life at Harvard. Joseph and Marco had taken me out of the life I didn’t want and forced me to take a hard look at myself. I understood myself in ways I’d never realized I was missing. And while I still planned to return to a safer, simpler life when the danger passed, I was going to make some different choices. Choices that were made just for me, not to meet others’ expectations of me.

  Joseph returned my smile. “I’m glad, angel. We’re going to play now. If anything makes you uncomfortable or you want to stop, just say the word.”

  “I will. I trust you,” I promised.

  Joseph glanced at Marco, his smile widening to a wicked grin. “Do you want to carry our little captive upstairs, or should I?”

  “I’ve got her,” Marco said, his voice rumbling with a hint of a laugh.

  He stood, taking me up with him as he settled my body over his shoulder. I giggled and relaxed against him, not even thinking about fighting as he carried me out of the media room. I could hear Joseph leading the way, but all I could see were Marco’s boots moving across the floor in long, sure strides.

  We made it up the stairs and into the bedroom within minutes. Joseph had headed in a different direction, but Marco sat down on the edge of the bed, arranging me so I sat in his lap. He tugged off my shirt and worked my pants down my legs. I was barefoot, so by the time he peeled them off my body, I was completely naked. Both men were still fully dressed, and I became very aware of the shifting power dynamic between us. They might be mine, but I was theirs to play with.

  Joseph appeared in the doorway, holding a bulky gym bag.

  “What’s that?” I asked, puzzled.

  He grinned. “My kit bag. This is where I keep all my toys.”

  He walked to the bed and set the bag down. Marco’s hands closed around my elbows, and he drew my arms behind my back. At the same time, he hooked his boots around my ankles, forcing me to spread my legs. I was trapped, laid bare for Joseph’s keen inspection. His pale eyes darkened, and he stared down at my body with hunger that bordered on obsession.

  I wriggled in Marco’s hold, and he nipped at my earlobe.

  “Be still, little captive. Joseph wants to play with his pretty prisoner.”

  I watched as Joseph’s cock stiffened at Marco’s dark words, the hard ridge pressing against his jeans.

  I knew I wasn’t their prisoner. Not really. They might have kidnapped me and kept me on Marco’s estate, but they were protecting me. Rather than frightening me, Marco was getting me hot. I liked knowing that I was powerless against them. They could do anything they wanted to me, and I wouldn’t be able to stop them. What made my head spin with lust was the knowledge that they’d never hurt me, and everything they’d do to me would bring me pleasure.

  Joseph unzipped his bag and reached in to retrieve a long strip of black cloth. I watched with rapt fascination as he wrapped it around his fist and lifted the soft material to my face, rubbing it against my cheek.

  “Joseph’s going to blindfold you,” Marco murmured in my ear. “He wants you to focus on the feel of his ropes caressing your body for the first time. Don’t worry about not being able to see, princess. I’ll draw it for you later so you can see how pretty you look.”

  The warmth of his words fanned across my neck, and I shivered despite the heat. I stared up at Joseph, falling into his glowing aquamarine eyes. I’d never seen him look so… powerful. Self-assured. At peace.

  I wanted to keep drinking him in, but he pressed the cloth over my eyes and knotted it at the back of my head. Darkness closed over me, and my skin pebbled as all my nerve endings crackled with awareness. For several long seconds, no one moved or spoke. I could still feel the heat of Marco’s body against mine, could hear him breathing near my ear. I couldn’t sense Joseph physically, but I could feel his power rolling over me. I felt small and deliciously vulnerable in his shadow.

  A soft moan left my lips as desire overwhelmed me. Marco chuckled and kissed my neck. I tilted my head to the side, welcoming more.

  “I knew she’d be like this,” he said to Joseph, his voice heavy with satisfaction. “You haven’t even touched her yet, and I can feel her getting wet against my jeans.”

  I should have been mortified that my slick arousal was getting his pants damp, but he sounded so pleased with me that I couldn’t be embarrassed.

  I heard a shuffling soun
d, and I realized Joseph must have been retrieving something else from his bag. He touched something different to my cheek, a rougher material. The earthy scent of hemp surrounded me, and I sucked in a small gasp.


  Joseph really was going to tie me up. Before seeing Marco’s drawings, I’d thought kinky couples might tie each other up. Something simple, like binding their wrists to the bedposts.

  What I’d seen in Marco’s sketches was far more intricate. The way the rope had bound me in his drawing had shaped and stretched my body, as though I were Joseph’s work of art.

  My pulse raced, and I could hear my heartbeat drumming in my ears. My mouth watered, and a small tremor raced across my skin.

  Marco hummed against my neck, the sound vibrating through my flesh. “I do love when you tremble, babygirl.”

  Joseph wasn’t the only one who was hard. I could feel Marco’s erection pressing into my ass. My pussy wept for him, aching for him to thrust into me and fill me like he had in the garden.

  But I wanted Joseph, too. I wanted to feel his ropes around me.

  The rough fibers shifted from my face. He trailed the rope over the top of my breast, and my nipples pebbled to hard peaks. I arched my back, straining toward the stimulation. When the rope brushed over my tight bud, I jerked and moaned at the hit of pleasure.

  “You’re perfect, angel,” Joseph said, his voice deep with satisfaction. “You’re going to love being in my ropes.”

  I wiggled against Marco, trying to rub my breasts against the rope again. He growled when I rubbed my ass against his erection.

  “Go on, Joseph,” he urged roughly. “Restrain our naughty little captive. If she keeps grinding on me like this, I’m going to come.”

  “Punish her if she’s being naughty,” Joseph said, his offhand tone implying it was a suggestion rather than a command. Marco seemed to be the one who issued orders, but Joseph was still thoroughly in control over me.

  Marco kept my arms trapped behind my back with one hand. A harsh sting bloomed on my inner thigh when he slapped me with the other. I squealed and twisted against his hold, and he spanked me again.

  “Be still,” he growled in my ear.

  When I didn’t comply right away, his next slap landed directly on my spread pussy. Pleasure and pain lit up my system, my labia stinging even as the brief stimulation to my clit made me gasp in need.

  I stopped moving against him, practically vibrating with the effort of holding myself still.

  “Good girl.” He nuzzled my cheek. “Don’t tease Daddy.”

  A high whimper eased up my throat as lust rolled through me. Between Marco’s dirty words and Joseph’s toys, I was getting intoxicated. My mind began to float. All I could think about was them. Pleasing them. Being their good girl.

  I couldn’t see what Joseph was doing, but I wasn’t nervous about that. Marco held me, and I was secure in his strong arms. I relaxed, staying in place for them. Marco kissed my hair, conveying his pleasure with my obedience.

  I felt Joseph’s fingertips skimming my sides just before I felt the rope wrap around my chest, beneath my breasts. At first, it was little more than a soft caress. But as he began to wind the rope around me, it tightened, caging my body in an unfamiliar embrace. He wrapped it over my breasts, around the back of my neck, and down the center of my chest. He tugged, and I gasped as the rope tightened around my breasts. It didn’t hurt, but I was very aware of the pressure on my sensitive flesh.

  I felt him knot the rope at my back, finishing his work. I anticipated that he would continue to bind me, but he left my arms free, content to let Marco restrain me. He’d tied me up, but he hadn’t restricted my movements in any way.

  Even though he hadn’t bound my arms, I still felt very much under his power. With each breath, I was aware of the rope that was wrapped around me. My breasts felt heavy, my nipples needy and throbbing for attention.

  Marco’s free hand stroked my inner thighs, teasing at the edge of my open pussy. That was enough to drive me wild, but when Joseph lightly trailed his fingers along the undersides of my breasts, pleasure flooded my system. I’d never been so sensitive, and the hit of bliss was strong enough to make me sag against Marco with a groan.

  “I think she’s ready for us,” Joseph said.

  Marco must have agreed, because he shifted me off his lap. I still couldn’t see; all I could do was allow him to arrange my body the way he wanted. As he moved me, my breasts swayed in the ropes, making them feel strangely full and tender.

  He placed me on my hands and knees, and I recognized the feel of the mattress sinking slightly beneath my weight. I felt their heat recede, heard the sound of clothing falling to the floor. Both my men were naked with me, but I couldn’t see them. I wanted to admire them, and I shook my head, wishing I could shake the blindfold off.

  I gasped when Marco palmed my breasts, his hands rubbing my tight nipples. Nothing had ever felt so decadent. My head dropped forward, suddenly too heavy to hold upright.

  Marco continued playing with my breasts, and his other hand cupped my jaw, lifting my face.

  “Tell Daddy how good it feels.”

  “So good, Daddy,” I whimpered. My sex was wet and achy, but the stimulation of his hand on my bound breasts was enough to keep me on the edge of orgasm.

  “Say thank you to Joseph,” he commanded. “He’s the one who put you in his pretty ropes.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered, so drunk on pleasure that all I could do was obey.

  Joseph’s hand cracked across my ass, eliciting a sharp sting. He’d never spanked me before, but it didn’t frighten me. It felt good. The burn from his palm sank through my flesh to heat my throbbing core.

  “Thank you, Sir,” he corrected me. “Marco might be your Daddy, but I’m your Master.”

  “What?” I asked faintly. Joseph might be domineering in the bedroom sometimes, but he was my sweet first love. The man who spoke to me now was more demanding. Darker.

  Marco tweaked my nipple. “You heard him. Joseph’s been holding back, but this is what he needs from you, babygirl. Now, thank him properly.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” It should have felt weird, but I was too lost in bliss for anything to faze me.

  Joseph stroked my ass, easing the sting of his slap.

  I tensed when something hard and wet touched my asshole. I whined and tried to scoot away.

  Marco’s cock lightly slapped my cheek, an act of dominance and rebuke. I eased back into position without him having to tell me.

  “Relax,” he ordered. “Let Joseph stretch your tight little ass. He’s been dying to fuck you there. This plug will help prepare you for that. We don’t want to hurt you, princess. Now, take a breath and push back.”

  I obeyed, and the strange object penetrated my tight hole. It was slick with lubrication, but that didn’t make it comfortable.

  I whined and pressed my face against Marco, searching for comfort. He uttered a low curse when I nuzzled his hard cock.

  “So sweet,” he praised roughly, running his fingers though my hair while he continued to play with my breasts. “You’re being so good for us, babygirl.”

  “It hurts, Daddy,” I complained, struggling to adjust to the light burning sensation as the plug pressed deeper inside me.

  “Touch her clit, Joseph. Make sure our girl enjoys this.”

  “Let me in, angel,” Joseph coaxed me. He brushed his fingers over my clit, and ecstasy flashed through me. The plug slipped in a little farther, with minimal discomfort.

  As he continued to stroke my clit and encourage me in his low, soothing tone, the burning sensation in my ass subsided. I began to relax, and he gently pumped the plug in and out of me. Dark pleasure rolled through me as Joseph touched me in this taboo way, preparing me for the day he’d put his cock in my ass.

  The thought made my pussy clench, and the widest part of the plug slipped past my tight ring of muscles. It was seated deep inside me, filling me in a way I never would have ima

  “So pretty,” Joseph murmured, rubbing my clit harder. “Come for me, angel. Show me how much you like it when I stretch your tight asshole. Show me how you’re going to come when I push my cock inside your ass for the first time.”

  The words were dirty, crass. Joseph had never spoken to me like this before. Marco had said Joseph had been holding back, and now I fully understood that he’d been leashing this darker side of himself. He’d been trying to protect me, shelter me.

  But I didn’t want him to hold back. I wanted all of him, even the dark parts. He needed this from me, and I needed him.

  I came apart on a scream, my orgasm cresting in response to his firm touch on my clit and his crass talk.

  As my pleasure rolled through me, I heard them murmuring how beautiful I was, how perfect and sweet. What we were doing should make me feel dirty, but I felt revered.

  “I have to fuck her, Marco,” Joseph growled as I began to come down.

  “Do it. Our girl’s going to learn how to suck Daddy’s cock.”

  I heard a drawer opening, but Marco spoke sharply. “Don’t use a condom. She likes when you mark her with your cum.” He touched two fingers beneath my chin. “You want Joseph to come deep inside your pussy, don’t you, princess?”

  “Yes, Daddy.” I thrust my hips back toward Joseph. “Please, Sir.”

  My behavior was wanton, but it felt right. When I was surrounded by their heat, their power, I had no choice but to give myself to them in any way they desired.

  The mattress dipped behind me, and I knew Joseph was getting ready to fuck my pussy. Marco’s cock brushed across my lips, painting them with a drop of salty pre-cum.

  “Kiss Daddy’s cock, babygirl,” he rasped.

  He tugged the blindfold off my eyes, and I blinked to adjust to the sudden wash of light. When the world came into focus, I found Marco staring down at me, his eyes black with lust.

  I remained locked in his gaze when I pressed a soft kiss against his cockhead, tasting more of his pre-cum. I lapped at it and opened my mouth to take him in. He hissed in a breath, and his fist tangled in my hair, pulling me away.


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