Spellbound Murder Complete Trilogy (Spellbound Murder Box Set Book 1)

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Spellbound Murder Complete Trilogy (Spellbound Murder Box Set Book 1) Page 35

by Amanda Booloodian

  "Sorry," she said, letting go as though she had grabbed something hot.

  "It's okay," Gabriel said.

  "It just took me by surprise," Mira said, trying to get a grip on her racing heart. "Where's Ian and William?"

  "Outside and thank god for that."

  "They may not have noticed," Mira waved her hand at the locked door, "whatever that was."

  "No, but I feel like a real idiot for being so freaked out just walking across a room," Gabriel said.

  Mira cracked a smile, but glanced nervously at the door. "I imagine we looked a little weird." It didn't sound as though Gabriel had noticed that his angelic side had surfaced, so she didn't mention it.

  "Hard to explain something like that," Gabriel said.

  "It shouldn't have happened," Mira said.

  "But it happens when Barney is here?"


  Gabriel watched the door as though he could see through it. "Let's get out of here," he said after a few moments. "This place gives me the creeps."

  "Yeah," Mira said, following Gabriel. She took one last look back at the apartment before stepping out in the sunlight. The sun scoured away the coolness the Ether had left on her skin.

  "Hey, Mira," William lifted a hand as a wave, "I've gotta run. I'm playing intermediary between Barney's parents and my dad."

  "Let us know if you hear anything," Mira said.

  "Same," William said. He turned to go, and then stopped. "Is there something we should be doing?"

  "You're doing it," Ian said. "Keep us informed. The moment you hear anything, give one of us a call."

  William nodded, but didn't seem happy with the response. "I'll see you around."

  "Time to visit the Hendersons," Ian said as they got into the car.

  Mira sat in the back seat and flipped open her notebook.

  "What can you tell us about the Hendersons?" Ian asked.

  "Not much," Mira said. "They don't come around often."

  "Are they witches?" Ian asked.

  "Not exactly," Mira said.

  "What's that mean, not exactly?"

  Mira twisted in her seat. "They're... well, we call them hedge witches."

  "What's the difference?" Ian asked.

  "They use magic, but they aren't witches."

  "Sorcerers?" Ian asked.

  "No," Mira said. "They aren't warlocks, either. As far as we know, they're human magic users."

  "I didn't know humans could use magic," Ian said, twisting around in his seat. "Is it something anyone can learn?"

  "No, you'd have to be a hedge witch, and their magic isn't the same as ours. It's... I don't know how to put it. Not as powerful, maybe? Although, that's not quite it, either."

  "Is it kind of like sorcerers and witches?" Ian asked. "You're both powerful, but in your own way?"

  Mira beamed at Ian. "Kind of like that. You've learned a lot in the past week."

  "Not enough," Ian said.

  "I know the feeling," Gabriel added.

  Ian grinned at Gabriel before he appeared to remember that he was upset with the angel.

  "What are we doing at the Hendersons?" Mira asked.

  "Hopefully we're finding them at home," Ian said.

  "And if we don't?" Mira asked.

  "We'll generally poke around," Ian said. "Though we can't enter without a reason unless someone lets us in."

  "Are we going to Sybil's house afterwards?" Mira asked.

  "Sybil?" Ian asked.

  "Sorry," Mira said. "While I was speaking with Mr. Singer, he let me know that Sybil hasn't been seen today. It's unlike her, but she hasn't been gone long."

  "That's three groups—two people and one family—gone in three days," Ian said, "and Tyler's been gone for a week."

  Mira noticed the tense look he gave Gabriel.

  "Things are escalating fast," Ian continued. "We need a better plan and more officers."

  "We don't have any supernaturals on the force," Gabriel reminded him. "At least none that we know about."

  Ian nodded and was quiet for a while. "Mira," he said after a lengthy pause, "could you—"

  "No," Gabriel said.

  "But even one more person—"

  "No," Gabriel was more forceful this time.

  Mira fiddled with her notebook while a part of her shriveled up inside. Just one more.

  "William told me what he knew about it and I've seen some of the results myself," Gabriel said, watching her in the rear-view mirror. "You're lucky to have survived karma this long with only Ian involved. Add someone else and it will likely kill us both."

  "You make it sound like she's on the edge of death," Ian said. "She's fine, and what does it have to do with you?"

  "We can talk later," Gabriel said. "But Mira isn't binding anyone else. We need to come up with another idea."

  Ian didn't argue. Maybe he sensed something in Gabriel's mood, or perhaps he trusted Gabriel enough to know he had his reasons.

  Mira couldn't help but think that it wouldn't have an effect on Gabriel if she finished her spell.

  "The only way to get more people is going to be to recruit some of the members of the community," Gabriel said after a while. "Do you know anyone else that you know for certain isn’t involved?"

  "Della," Ian said, "and there's some others that I don't think were involved in any way, but no one that could be useful."

  "Emmit," Mira said from the backseat.

  "I don't trust that guy," Ian said.

  "Would you trust that he would help with the case?" Mira asked.

  "I have zero confidence that he'd stay within the confines of the law," Gabriel said. "In fact, I know he won't."

  Mira shook her head and watched out the window.

  "But there might be something he can help with at some point," Gabriel said reluctantly.

  "We could ask around and see if there's anyone that has any military experience, or even some sort of law-enforcement background," Ian said.

  "I'm pretty sure Noah does," Mira said. "I'm sure there are others."

  "Noah's a werewolf," Ian said.

  Mira narrowed her eyes. "And?"

  "No," Ian said quickly, "I didn't mean that in a bad way. He has a really good sense of smell, right?"

  "Yeah," Mira said.

  "How good?" Gabriel asked.

  "I don't know," Mira said. "It's really good, but I don't know exactly what he can do."

  "He might be able to help us track similarities between the missing," Ian said.

  "Do you think we can rely on him?" Gabriel asked.

  "Well, we might want to ask him a few questions together," Ian said, "but I think he's a good place to start."

  Chapter 11

  "Let's see if you can get Noah to meet with us today," Ian said.

  "I have a spell to perform tonight," Mira said.

  "Tonight?" Gabriel asked.

  "I think so, yeah. I'm not sure it should wait."

  "Tomorrow morning?" Ian asked.

  "We have to report in tomorrow morning," Gabriel said.

  "Right," Ian said. "We're going to want to talk about that. Tomorrow afternoon or evening should be okay, right?"

  "I guess that depends on Noah," Mira said. "There has to be something else we can suggest to the community."

  "They should start sticking together," Gabriel said, "and check often to make sure everyone is accounted for. Maybe set something up like the phone tree thing you have."

  "And they should be on guard, even at home," Ian said.

  "Okay." Mira started jotting down notes.

  "What about wards?" Gabriel asked. "Do a lot of people have those?"

  "Some will," Mira said, "but maybe the witches can come up with some other protections as well."

  Mira didn't wait for a response. As Gabriel approached the Hendersons’ house, Mira pulled out her phone and called Mr. Singer again.

  "We haven't heard from Sybil yet," Mr. Singer said when he picked up. He sounded tired.

  "We're going by her house shortly," Mira said. "We'll let you know if we find anything."

  "Her brother is over there now, in case she comes home. I'll make sure he knows you're coming."

  Mira got out of the car with the other two, but lagged behind to talk with Mr. Singer. "We've been chatting and the detectives have some ideas."

  Mira filled Mr. Singer in while she watched Gabriel and Ian spy through the windows when no one answered the door. She even saw Ian check the doorknob in case they could get lucky twice in one day.

  "I think the detectives might be looking for some people in the community with a law-enforcement background as well," Mira told Mr. Singer.

  "We've already checked. Thoroughly," Mr. Singer said. "Do you have any contacts from college that could come in from out of town?"

  College rears its ugly head again. "No," Mira said after quickly thinking through possibilities. "Well, maybe one. I'll see if I can reach him. A military background might also be useful. Wasn't Noah in the military?"

  "Yes, and we have several others as well."

  "Can you get us a list? The detectives also want to meet up with Noah tomorrow afternoon."

  "I'll ask him to call tonight," Mr. Singer said.

  "I think that's it," Mira said.

  "We'll start letting everyone know, and the witches can start putting together some spells that will be useful. I know some of them are already using some sort of protection, but if we work together, we can help a lot more people."

  "That's good to hear," Mira said.

  "Is everything okay on your end? I could send something your way as well," Mr. Singer said.

  "I'm covered," Mira said, following Gabriel and Ian back to the car. "Do you have any ideas for what I could do for the detectives?"

  "Wards are your best bet for when you're not around. Maybe get them something they can use to put together a circle."

  "I've started on wards. Do you think something like a premade circle would hold for long?" Mira asked, getting back into the car.

  "That is going to depend on what they're up against."

  "I guess so," Mira said, "and we have no idea what that might be."

  "Some Clarity wouldn't hurt," Mr. Singer said.

  "I think I'll do that. Thanks."

  "Be careful and let us know if you need anything."

  Mira hung up and saw that they had already left the Hendersons place, and could tell by the mood in the car that they hadn’t found anything.

  "Someone is at Sybil's house," Mira said. "Her brother. He can let us in."

  "Do you know anyone who could let us into the Hendersons house?" Ian asked.

  "No, but I'll ask around," Mira said.

  "We're going to call in the Hendersons to the local law enforcement. Someone needs to be a contact for the officers to reach out to."

  "Any information you can get on them and Sybil is going to help," Ian said. "Anyone who knew them, what their schedules were like, everything. We also need to ask for another meeting."

  "How soon?" Mira asked.

  "Day after tomorrow?" Ian asked, looking to Gabriel. "That gives us tomorrow and the next to track down everything we know we need to work on."

  "Seems like an awfully long time out," Gabriel said, "but I don't think we can do anything sooner. Tonight, we need to get caught up on everything."

  At Sybil's house, Mira introduced the detectives to Sybil’s brother, and then stepped back outside to call Mr. Singer again. While she passed information on, she watched the sun sink behind the clouds and marveled at the fact it was still warm outside. It felt like an evening late in the spring, which was out of place making an appearance in the dead of winter.

  She was wrapping up her call when two cars drove up. One of them was a typical police car and the other was plainer. Mira hurried to the door and rapped twice before poking her head in.

  "Guys, the police just pulled up," she said, interrupting their conversation.

  Gabriel smiled at her, but he looked as tired as Mr. Singer had sounded. "We called them. It's okay." Turning to Ian, he added, "I'll go meet with them. I think it's best our consultant comes with me."

  Gabriel joined her and closed the door behind them. "Don't say anything unless they ask you a direct question. If I don't want you to answer, I'll interrupt." He gazed down at her. "Don't worry. It's a good thing they're here."

  Mira nodded mutely and waited until the newcomers came to the porch and Gabriel introduced himself. He didn't give Mira's name, but mentioned her as a consultant.

  Gabriel told the officers they were here for a case and found that Sybil's brother was worried because she hadn't come home. Due to the nature of the case, Gabriel and Ian had called them in, since it was outside their jurisdiction.

  In the end, it made perfect sense to Mira, but she still gritted her teeth and prayed they didn't ask her anything. The local police would search for Sybil and give any pertinent information over to Ian and Gabriel. Several times, Gabriel assured the officers that neither Sybil nor her brother was strong suspects in the case and that he and Ian were only there for information.

  It was another thirty minutes before they left, but Mira knew Sybil's brother would be at the house for a while. She felt sorry for him, but knew that he—like all the other supernaturals in the area—could keep the secret.

  Gabriel and Ian fell into conversations on the case as soon as they drove away. It didn't take long for Mira to realize that today hadn't given them much in the way of insight.

  No one had any idea what they were dealing with. Probably more than one person, Mira mused, because that was what John had suggested, but even he may have been boasting. Somehow, she doubted he was, though. Remembering the chanting on the wind, Mira figured there must be quite a few other people involved.

  Mr. Singer had suggested wards and a circle for the Ian and Gabriel. A spell they could use in case of emergency would be tricky, but Mira considered trying one anyway. The detectives couldn't cast, so the spells would need to be different from those she herself carried around. Hers weren't fully cast, so the effects weren't ready to go and didn't have to be renewed as much as anything she would give Ian and Gabriel.

  The wards she could possibly finish tonight, although it would take all night. There was also the other spell she needed for Gabriel, but she thought about combining the two.

  The circles and other spells would wait. It wasn't likely they were going to walk straight into a group of people trying to kill them in the next day.

  "Mira?" Ian said, shifting around from the front seat.

  "Yeah?" she said, her mind still on magic circles.

  "Barney's site," Ian said. "Was there anything new this week?"

  From the sound of his voice, she could tell he’d asked her once already and she had missed it.

  "I haven't checked," she said, "but I imagine there is. He added to his online predictions almost every day."

  "Well," he said, addressing Gabriel again, "you can go through what I have, and I'll search the site for anything new."

  "Your house or mine?" Gabriel asked.

  "You all can work from my apartment if you want," Mira said.

  "We won't be in your way?" Gabriel asked.

  "No, I have a lot to do tonight." Looking around, she saw that they were in her neighborhood already. "I can order dinner for us first, though."

  "Thanks," Ian said.

  Mira noticed that when they pulled into the driveway Ian took particular interest in the illuminated windows of the big house. Smiling to herself, Mira took out her phone and texted Della.

  A certain detective is working from my apartment. We’re ordering dinner first. Want to come over?

  I was told today that we needed to check up on each other, Della texted. I think I should visit my best friend. I’ll order for us and be over.

  Mira grinned and gathered her stuff together, throwing it in her bag.

  The detectives were standing next to the car when she got out, th
ough neither of them seemed to be in a hurry to go inside.

  "It's hard to believe it's this warm," Ian said. "With the earthquakes and the weather, I'm surprised the city isn't on edge."

  "They're enjoying the heat wave," Mira said.

  "I think once the new disappearances hit the news, people are going to be sticking indoors more, no matter how warm it is," Gabriel said.

  "Sybil and the Hendersons are outside the city," Mira said, finally digging for her keys and heading toward the stairs.

  "That only makes it worse. It's in the metro area, so no one will feel comfortable." Ian sighed. "We've got a lot of work to do. I'll grab the files."

  Gabriel followed Mira up the stairs to her apartment.

  "I'm going to open the windows," Mira said as she entered. "Alchemy and Oracle need a chance to enjoy the weather." As though summoned, the two ran into the room and wound themselves around Mira's legs before doing the same to Gabriel. "They really like you—even Alchemy, and he doesn't like much of anyone."

  "I'm good with animals," he said, and then his face soured. "It's probably an angel thing."

  "It could be just a Gabriel thing," Mira said, sensing his mood.

  He looked slightly cheered by that. "I can hope."

  "You haven't changed, you know," Mira said. "You're still you."

  "Am I? It doesn’t feel like it anymore."

  Mira rubbed his arm, trying to convey some sort of empathy, but jumped when Ian knocked on the door.

  She gave Gabriel a quick smile before pushing the door open for Ian so he could lug in the box he had.

  "All of that isn’t Barney's notebooks," she said, "unless you went back for more."

  "No," Ian said, "these are extra copies of the case files with... well, with other notes on them. I never know where to keep them."

  "Other notes?" Mira asked, raising an eyebrow and frantically thinking through her binding spell to see if she had missed something.

  "I had to make sure I remembered everything," Ian said. The look he gave Mira wasn't too friendly. "I couldn't even write what I wanted, but I made do with shorthand."

  No wonder he fought the spell so much, Mira thought. He's probably still fighting.

  "Sorry," Mira said, feeling once again like she was the bad guy in the situation. She was, when it came down to it, so there was nothing else she could add to the sentiment.


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