Spellbound Murder Complete Trilogy (Spellbound Murder Box Set Book 1)

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Spellbound Murder Complete Trilogy (Spellbound Murder Box Set Book 1) Page 50

by Amanda Booloodian

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  License Notes

  Copyright © 2018 Amanda Booloodian

  Cover Art by Deranged Doctor Design

  Formatting by Deranged Doctor Design

  Published by: Walton INK

  Printed in the United States of America

  ISBN-13: 978-1-947382-94-7

  All rights reserved

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. For permissions, please contact Walton INK.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Walton INK


  My dad is my greatest cheerleader. Even before becoming an author he was my biggest supporter. Thank you for everything dad!

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  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30


  About the Author

  Back to Box Set Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Mira could feel pressure squeezing the building. She tried to tell herself it was her imagination, but she knew it was a losing battle.

  The Borgo building. Why did Emmit have to live in the Borgo building? In the Ether, some monstrosity was wrapped around the building. How could that not affect the real world?

  Trying to get the idea out of her mind was like trying to push away smoke.

  The mirror reflected her pale face, but she was thankful it was winter and long sleeves hid the large bandage on her arm, covering stitches, which she also tried hard not to think about. From head to toe, scratches and cuts of various sizes peppered her skin, but thankfully her arm was the only serious wound that remained from her last trip into the Ether.

  She ran a brush through her hair again—anything to stall leaving the bathroom, which was her only sanctuary. The Reinfield men were professional and polite, but it was creepy to have someone else in the room with you everywhere you went. Especially when you slept.

  It didn't feel right to complain about them, either. One of them had saved her life once already, but pockets of bad karma still floated around. It was either that or plain bad luck which lead to a large beam that had nearly dropped on her head when she walked around the block.

  It had really been Gabriel that saved her. Gabriel alerted Mira's bodyguard to the imminent danger, and the almost stranger had dragged her to safety.

  Gabriel hadn't even called to check on her.

  Mira's mood shifted from sad to seriously pissed off when she thought about that. Emmit had said Gabriel needed to take a step back, whatever that meant. She lost Gabriel and her family on the same day. The witches had shunned her, and even if he hadn't meant to do it, Gabriel had done the same.

  Her only bright spot was a text she received from her sister. It said, 'Even if you are banished, you will always be my sister.'

  The first time she read it, fear stabbed her straight through the heart. They were discussing banishment. It was bad enough being shunned—but with banishment, they try to bind the witch.

  Well, they can try, Mira thought. She knew to be effective, they'd need Tyler. Despite the fact that he hadn't woken up, the doctors had a positive outlook on Tyler's chances of recovery, but he was still going to have a difficult time. Mira was fairly certain he'd refuse to help, but after what he'd been through, it was a gamble.

  For now, it was best to avoid the witches.

  As expected, someone waited by the door the moment Mira stepped out of the bathroom. She tried not to let that depress her. She never knew what to say to them. She was trying to think of something when she noticed the man making furtive glances at the door.

  "What’s wrong, Mark?" Mira asked, fervently hoping he hadn't been signaled by Gabriel somehow. “You look uneasy.”

  "I think we should wait here," Mark said.

  Mira frowned and moved toward the door.

  "I really think we should stay here," he repeated.

  Mira heard raised voices.

  Emmit was very careful with his anger and tended to keep it bottled up. Butterflies swarmed in her stomach. There was only one person, besides herself, that got Emmit this worked up.


  Mira grinned and opened the door, listening to the argument. Mark hurried in front of her, checking his watch repeatedly. Thankfully, the plush carpet in the hallway dampened the sound of their approach. Her guard looked a little more frantic with each step.

  "It's all right," she said softly before opening the door that led to the living room.

  Emmit's apartment was a maze of corridors and rooms. She still had no idea where he slept or what half of the rooms were used for, if they were used at all, but she knew where the living room and kitchen were.

  Mira hadn't seen or heard from Gabriel since they had returned from the Ether. Before then, actually, since Gabriel had been unconscious when they returned. Because of this, she didn't even hesitate when she entered the room.

  Gabriel and Emmit were in heated debate, but all she could do was beam now that Gabriel was back. They hadn't noticed her, but Ian, sitting on the couch, waved.

  When Mira neared the couch, she felt the pressure that had been building around the two men. Despite the heated argument, the energy building around Emmit remained localized to him. The cold wave around Gabriel, usually haphazardly directed at Emmit in an unfocused sort of way, was now pent up around the angel.

  Mira took a seat next to Ian and wondered briefly if Gabriel was learning control over his powers in this world.

  "What are they arguing about?" Mira asked, keeping her voice low.

  "No idea," Ian said. "I haven't heard from you since... well, since you got back. How are you doing?"

  "Better," Mira said. "And Gabriel?"

  "Who's your shadow?" Ian asked, avoiding the question and nodding to the man that stood behind the couch where Mira was sitting.

  Mira didn't reply right away, feeling sad that Ian didn't want to answer. Her mind threw out awful options, and she couldn't help but wonder if Gabriel was upset with her over something.

  "I'm surprised Gabriel hasn't said anything about the guard arrangement," Mira said, raising her voice slightly.

  When Gabriel turned, the look of concern he gave her made her heart flutter. Once he looked her over, the concern melted and he turned back to Emmit.

  "What's the problem?" Mira asked before the argument could start again. She had intended on asking what was wrong, but her thoughts were on what issue Gabriel must have with her.

  "If you ask me," Gabriel said, stiffly, "he is."

  "Gabe," Ian said, with a hin
t of warning in his voice.

  Gabriel ran his hand through his hair and took a deep breath. "Right."

  Whatever secret code the partners had, Mira must have missed it, because Gabriel's attitude toward Emmit didn't change, even after his temper faded away.

  "What's it going to be?" Gabriel asked.

  "I've told you everything of importance," Emmit said.

  "You've given us nothing," Gabriel said. "Three people were discovered trapped in the Ether, and we have at least three more missing. You are the only connection to the place."

  "The faster you get to work, the faster you'll find what you're looking for," Emmit said. "I know nothing that will help."

  Gabriel looked like he was going to go explode.

  "Are you meeting with anyone today?" Mira asked.

  Ian took the hint. "Yeah, that's what we had in mind. If you're feeling up to it, of course."

  "Sure," Mira said, trying not to show too much eagerness at the idea of getting out of the apartment. "Give me a minute." She jumped up to grab her purse, forcing her bodyguard to rush to catch up.

  When she returned to living room, Gabriel, Ian, and Emmit were talking as though the previous fight hadn't taken place.

  "I'm ready," she said, already moving toward the door.

  The detectives looked almost as ready as she was to get out of there. When Mira noticed the bodyguard following, intent on leaving with them, she stopped.

  "You can stay here, Mark," Mira said.

  Like any other time she had told one of her bodyguards to leave, Mark ignored her.

  "Really?" Mira said, trying to keep her frustration in check. "You're not coming with me."

  Ian and Gabriel were waiting, front door open, standing in the hallway. When Mark moved with her toward the door again, Mira stopped and glared at Emmit.

  "This isn't happening, Emmit," Mira said. She always felt awkward talking about her guard when the individual was in the room.

  "You'll be with the detectives?" Emmit asked.

  Mira could feel her face turn red as her animosity grew. "Mark, or any of the others, aren't joining us today. You have no choice in this."

  Irritation gathered around Emmit like a cloud. He glanced at the detectives in the hallway.

  It wasn't until she saw Gabriel shrug that she realized Emmit was looking for a response from Gabriel, not her.

  Mira shook her head and walked out, wondering how she could arrange it so she didn't have to come back. She stalked past Gabriel and Ian and jabbed at the elevator button, saying nothing to anyone. By the time they reached the car, her anger was still at a high pitch, but it felt good to be out of the building.

  From one chaperone to another, she thought, stoking the fires. It was embarrassing, controlling, and she didn't like it.

  "Who did you all want to see today?" Mira asked.

  "There were three witches that were involved in bringing you back," Ian said. "I figured we'd start there."

  Mira's heart sunk, and the anger let go so depression could fill its place. "You haven’t already spoken with them?"

  "It's Gabe's first day back," Ian said.

  "I'm glad to see you're feeling better," Mira said.

  "Thanks," Gabriel said, not looking away from the road. "Do you know who the witches were?"

  The quick change of subject took Mira off guard. It hurt that he didn't seem willing to talk with her.

  "We should start with Mr. Singer," Mira said. What she didn't say was that she fervently hoped Mr. Singer would give her information about her own predicament. He would be the only one that might even consider talking with her at this point.

  Mira watched out the window as they passed out of the cold steel city. Mr. Singer, like most witches, preferred to live away from the city. Ian broke the awkward silence that was building up in the car by going over old details in the case. She didn't bother to add any input. It was all stuff they already knew and had already hashed out. Gabriel was willing to go over it all again, though.

  The closer they traveled to Mr. Singer's house, the more anxious Mira grew. By the time they reached his gravel driveway, Mira was picking at her fingers and chewing her nails. She noticed Gabriel glance at her in the rear-view mirror, but it was a fleeting look and Mira couldn't see his expression.

  If it hadn’t been so cold out, she would have considered staying in the car while the detectives went in and spoke with Mr. Singer.

  "Come on," Ian said, not unkindly, when she was slow to walk to the house. "It's freezing out here."

  "Is everything okay?" Gabriel asked.

  There was no good reply to that, so she stood up a little straighter and went to the door.

  The detectives stood aside for her to knock.

  Mr. Singer opened the door immediately. He looked at Mira for a moment longer than comfortable before opening the door widely.

  "Come in," Mr. Singer said. "I'm glad you detectives stopped by today. I have a few questions."

  "We'll try to be of some help," Ian said. "We're hoping you can answer a few things for us as well."

  "Would you like something to drink?" Mr. Singer asked. "I have tea, coffee, and water."

  "No thank you," Ian said.

  "Please, take a seat," Mr. Singer said, waving his arm at the couch in the living room. "Mira."

  Mira jumped at the sound of her name. She hadn't been expecting him to address her right away.

  "How is the spell on your detectives holding up?" he continued.

  "Oh," Mira said. "It's still holding."

  Ian shifted uncomfortably and his good-natured smile died at the reminder.

  "Good to hear," Mr. Singer said. "Can I ask you to wait in the hallway? I think it will make the interview a little less awkward, don't you?"

  Mira didn't dare look at Ian or Gabriel. "Sure," she mumbled, then left the room feeling like a child being disowned.

  "We will be filling her in on everything," Gabriel said. "She is our connection to your world."

  "That's no problem," Mr. Singer said.

  "Then why—"

  "Simply protocol," Mr. Singer replied, interrupting Gabriel. "The others won't ask, of course, but Mira may choose to do so on her own. I am glad to see you both well, however."

  Chapter 2

  Mira stepped around into the hallway and out of sight. She was grateful that no one could see her face. Why was this so hard? Well, she knew why, but she didn't know how things had ended up this way. She leaned back against the wall and closed her eyes before tears could fall.

  While trying to bring herself under control, she missed the first part of the conversation.

  "Andrea and Kevin are being taken care of by the community. They have no other relatives, but they are being taken care for," Mr. Singer said. "Do you have any leads on their parents?"

  "Not at this time," Ian said.

  "Is it possible they were taken to the Ether as well?" Gabriel asked.

  Mira could only imagine what Mr. Singer thought of that question. He took a lengthy pause before responding.

  "I think at this point, Detective, anything is possible. You would be a better judge of that than anyone else."

  "What can you tell us about the Ether?" Gabriel asked.

  "I'm afraid I can't help you with that," Mr. Singer said. "I'm sure Mira has already told you everything that witches know."

  "It's my understanding that you helped us back," Gabriel said. "For that, I'm eternally grateful. How was it done?"

  "Once again," Mr. Singer said, "I'm afraid I can't help you with that. Mr. Harker was the one that brought you all back. We only cast a few simple spells and fueled the overarching ritual."

  "I'm not sure I understand what that means," Gabriel said.

  "The spells we cast did not connect to the Ether. They did not bring you back. What Mr. Harker did, I’m not sure, but you couldn’t really call it a spell."

  "What would you call it if not a spell?" Ian asked.

  "There are many kinds of ma
gic beyond witchcraft and sorcery," Mr. Singer said. "Witchcraft wasn’t the only magic involved."

  "But it needed witches?" Gabriel asked.

  "It's possible another kind of magic would have worked—I'm not certain. You'd have to ask Mr. Harker about that," Mr. Singer said. "The only thing I can say is that no witch knows what's needed to go to the Ether."

  "Then why call in the witches?" Ian asked.

  "Witches have a lot of power. Even then, it took three of us. It probably couldn't have been done without Barney, either," Mr. Singer said. "He did seem to act as a tether to the other world."

  "You say that no other witches have the knowledge to get into the Ether," Gabriel said.

  "That's correct," Mr. Singer said.

  "How do you know?" Gabriel asked.

  "I'm sorry?" Mr. Singer said, sounding unsure of the direction the conversation.

  "I'm sure you know all of the local witches, but could one of them have hidden the knowledge away? Or another witch from out of town, could they have brought the spell with them?"

  "No." Mr. Singer's voice was adamant.

  Mira had to admit, until a few days ago she had been just as sure as Mr. Singer sounded.

  "How can you be certain?" Gabriel pressed.

  "It has been centuries since a witch has gone to the ether. I'm sure Mira told you, but before we stopped going there, our entire population had been severely diminished. It may have taken a few decades to scour the world of information on how to enter the Ether, but I assure you that the witches destroyed all of their spells and knowledge of the Ether."

  "She has mentioned something similar," Gabriel said. "But the fact is, someone has been going there. Even worse, something has been traveling in the other direction."

  "Excuse me?" Mr. Singer said, his voice rising an octave. "I'm not sure I understand what you mean."

  "Something from the Ether came back into this world," Gabriel said.

  "This is not something that witches should be involved in," Mr. Singer said. "I'm going to have to ask you to not spread this rumor around."


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