Spellbound Murder Complete Trilogy (Spellbound Murder Box Set Book 1)

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Spellbound Murder Complete Trilogy (Spellbound Murder Box Set Book 1) Page 68

by Amanda Booloodian

"It's time to start," Emmit said. "Gabriel is waiting."

  The idea that Gabriel had been suffering in the Ether all day caused Mira's heart to constrict. Closing her eyes, she charged the circles and started the spell.

  It was part spell and part ceremony, really. Once Mira was deep in the flow of her magic, the anxious and stricken feelings disappeared. She was in her element.

  The spell couldn't be rushed. Power rose around them in waves and arched over the bubble that held Emmit. Mira allowed the faintest of static to leak out into her own circle, readying it. The path to the Ether began to thin.

  Mira opened her eyes. Emmit was watching her.

  With her power streaming around them, she looked into Emmit's eyes, which were now a rich, shining green. "I'm sorry."

  He nodded, knowing the time was close.

  It bothered her more than she thought it would, that he thought she was apologizing for sending him to the Ether instead of asking for forgiveness in messing up his plans. He didn't have Gabriel's gift of telling if she was lying, which was a good thing, but she hated not telling him the truth all the same.

  The barrier between the Ether and their world thinned an impossible amount. Mira caught flickers of changes within Emmit. He seemed to spread out and become thin.

  It only took a moment to freeze Emmit's circle, allowing it to stay for a few moments beyond her departure. Then, with a monumental effort, she flipped the spell. The world around her tore away.

  Her stomach lurched at the sudden change. It was as though the pressure bounced her around slightly. The thin strands of sound that issued a curse could be ignored. Emmit was in the real world—she had bigger problems to contend with here.

  Now that she was in the Ether, she realized she never thought beyond the need to get to Gabriel. He would be at the church, she was sure about that, but she needed to find him without being discovered or confronting John.

  Mira gathered her fear and stuffed it away into the corner of her mind, and then she took inventory of what items she had at her disposal. The moment she started, she noted the bright glow around her ring. It had already begun to burn away the haze around her.

  With the ring on, she stood out—probably for miles around. Without it, however, she'd probably never survive. Remembering what she had Gabriel do with his ward, she worked the ring off her finger. Putting the ring in her sock seemed like a horrible thing to do with such a beautiful ring, not to mention, horribly uncomfortable if she stepped on it.

  She dismissed putting the ring in her pocket. If she ran into John, he probably knew enough to have her turn them out. Instead, she snugged the ring into her bra. Still wasn’t the best or most comfortable place to put such a treasure, but better than the alternatives.

  One of the two Spark spells stayed in her pocket for easy access. The other spells she decided to hide in her sock. It would hide the glow and she didn’t think anyone would think of checking her feet.

  The feathers joined the ring.

  Her coat was starting to get hot, so she took it off and wrapped it around her waist. She rolled up her pant leg and undid the sheath holding her athame. She secured it in a better spot and unsheathed the blade. She felt better being in this world with a weapon in her hands.

  Turning to the door, she took a deep breath. Before she could think things through, worried she wouldn't be able to leave if she focused too hard about what could be outside, she cautiously opened the door a few inches.

  The haze seemed thicker than it had been the last time. She tried to see if there was anything around, but she could make things out half a block in any direction.

  Maybe it's the city. She sincerely hoped the air would clear the farther she got away from the city.

  It took a great amount of willpower to slip out of her store. The atmosphere was a little disorientating at first, but she pictured the city in her mind and chose her direction.

  A squeal pierced the air.

  Mira's breath caught, and she looked around for the source. She took a step toward the safety of her store but froze when something large fell on top of her, slamming her into the ground. Pain lanced through her arm and head and the high-pitched voice filled her. She barely had time to react, raising the dagger.

  Two large hands gripped her aching head and slammed it into the sidewalk.

  The world dimmed and winked out.


  Sounds and occasional voices broke through Mira's consciousness. Each time, pain came with the noise, causing Mira's mind to flee once again into darkness. It wasn't until she heard a god-awful wail that she exerted enough strength of mind to break into the world of the living.

  The world of demons, Mira thought when she opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was a coral-colored creature that yipped when it saw her open her eyes. Then it ran at her.

  Mira tried to scramble back, but the way was blocked, and movement made her feel like she was going to throw up.

  The thing’s mouth opened and shut rapidly as it made a noise worse than any little yapping dog Mira had ever heard. The real issue was the razor-sharp teeth it exposed.

  It bounded closer, then seemed to hit a wall and bounced off. It tried again a few times before growling and running away.

  She watched the door where the little creature had disappeared. Nothing appeared to move in the hall. The noise died away, only then did Mira take a slow look around the room. When she tried to move her head fast, vertigo gripped her and she felt as though she was falling over.

  Hardwood floors wore a layer of dust thick enough that she could see where she had been dragged into the room. When she looked behind her, she saw that it wasn't a wall she had been leaning against. It was the same invisible barrier that had stopped razor-thin teeth ripping flesh from her bones.

  She shivered, wishing she hadn't thought of it in that way. Carefully, she moved to the center of the circle, if that's what it was. Her pounding head wasn't making it easy for her to get a good feel for her surroundings.

  "You are awake."

  Mira's head whipped around at John's almost jovial voice. It was instant regret. Her head wobbled, and the arm holding her up slid out from under her.

  "Come on in here," John called down the hall.

  Mira lay dazed on the floor for a moment, but when John stepped into the room she pushed herself painfully up.

  Two stick-thin women waited in the hall, watching John.

  "I was hoping you'd make it through to this world on your own," John said. "I'm surprised you survived my lookout. Pleasantly surprised, of course."

  Mira closed her eyes tight and tried to pull her mind together. "I came to trade."

  John chuckled, making Mira want to punch the mirth out of him. "You have nothing to trade."

  "Myself," she said. "I came to trade myself for Gabriel."

  "Why would I want to trade?" John asked in mock confusion.

  Mira gritted her teeth and didn't reply.

  "I have you both. There's nothing to trade." He looked out into the hall, and one of the women flinched. "Drop the barrier."

  Distantly, Mira sensed a small flow of power fade away from around her.

  "I don't think you came to trade," John said, moving closer. "This little dagger here tells me you had other intentions. Not to mention the wire."

  "That's not—"

  John kicked out.

  Caught off guard, Mira couldn't block the blow. She screamed and when she fell back against the floor she clutched her head which radiated pain from being knocked into the ground yet again. When she opened her eyes, she couldn't see straight. She couldn't be certain if it was the tears that blurred the room or pain.

  John kicked her again in the stomach, which didn't hurt as much as she’d expected. Still, she shut her eyes and grimaced.

  A smell entered her nose, making her gag. The blur could only be Johns face, up close to her own.

  "You see, you're mine now. Right along with your feathered friend." The blur disappeared.
"Take her to the hall."

  Mira’s head lolled to the side as she was dragged into the hall by her arms. She expected them to stop there, but with a grunt of effort the woman slid her farther and maneuvered her through a set of double doors.

  Blurry images of pews sailed by Mira in a surreal way. She saw the women again and was confused, because it felt as though she were still moving. Everyone was standing still, they got no further away, so she must have stopped while the room continued to spin.

  Mira wished for darkness, closing her eyes, she searched for it. Why had she come here?

  Gabriel. Her eyes snapped open again. He was here somewhere.

  She stared at the ceiling, willing her body to at least support movement. Her vision cleared after a while and she dared to look around a little.

  John was still there, talking with some... thing—which had brown tufts of hair.

  "For christ's sake, someone get her cleaned up," John snapped when he noticed her looking at him.

  The woman who had flinched in the hall came up from behind her and knelt between Mira and John. Another walked up.

  "Sybil?" Mira asked when she got a closer look at the standing woman.

  "Not both of you," John snarled. "You go stand over there and watch."

  Sybil made no response to her name. When John told her to move, she did. There was no light behind Sybil's eyes.

  The woman crouching down next to Mira had a dirty piece of cloth and smeared it across Mira's face.

  Mira gasped and drew away the moment the woman touched her head.

  The woman grabbed her arm and yanked her back. Mira took a good look at her. There was fire raging behind this woman's eyes.

  "Don't move and don't talk," the woman said in the lowest of whispers. Even as close as Mira was, she had to strain to hear the woman.

  "Who are you?" Mira asked, trying to talk just as low.

  "Doesn't matter anymore. I just do what I have to."

  "Because he says so?" Mira seethed.

  The woman glared at her. "While he has my kids. Yes."

  Mira’s eyes widened.

  "No talking," John yelled. "Dammed witches." He came up behind the woman and smacked her on the back of the head.

  The woman gritted her teeth and made no other reaction. After a moment, she continued to wipe the grimy rag over Mira once again.

  "Talk again and I'll drag your husband out."

  The woman froze, terror marring every feature.

  Mira wasn't sure if the threat meant she couldn’t talk either, so she kept her mouth shut. After seeing the stark fear the woman had shown over the words, Mira didn't want to know what it meant.

  John kept a watchful eye on them.

  When the woman stood and backed away, Mira tried to sit up again.

  "In a hurry to get up?" John asked. His burned face was starting to decay giving his smile a melted quality that made Mira want to look away. "Good. Strap her to the board."

  The woman and Sybil moved forward again.

  "Not you!" he yelled at Sybil. He nodded to someone else and watched Mira. "He'll help."

  The woman took Mira's arm and tried to lift her on her own. When Mira saw the brown, leathery monstrosity that moved toward her, she scrambled and tried to get to her feet. Leaning heavily on the woman, Mira managed to stand.

  Mira tried to back away from the thing, her body felt cold and didn't want to respond. Thick fingers wrapped around her wrist, and she couldn't help but cry out when the grip threatened to grind her bones to dust. Mira was thrust backward by the creature where she fell against a wooden plank leaning behind her. The woman holding her stumbled as she tried to soften Mira's landing.

  John laughed.

  Mira breathed in short small bursts. When the creature stepped away, she felt mildly better. It wasn't until the woman started to bind Mira's hand to the board that Mira realized she’d missed an opportunity when John had been distracted. The woman had to be Mrs. Henderson, but she needed to confirm it before she did anything else.

  "What the hell is this?" Mira called out to John. Fear tinged every word.

  "Your friend Tyler didn't tell you?" John asked.

  "What are you doing?" Mira asked, ignoring the question.

  "You are taking our place," John said.

  "I don't know what that means."

  The woman began strapping her other hand down, making Mira feel like she was angled back on display for everyone to watch.

  "It—" John stopped when something in the hallway clanged loudly.

  Mira took her chance after John looked around. She leaned forward and whispered. "Mrs. Henderson?"

  The woman had a short sharp intake of breath, which told Mira all she needed to know.

  "Let's get this over with," John said. "Get away."

  Mrs. Henderson fled to the back of the hall.

  John moved forward. The cocky stride he always seemed to have was gone. He moved behind Mira, and after a few moments moved back into her line of sight.

  Frowning in concentration, he dipped a gloved finger into a bowl.

  "What is that?" Mira asked, pulling away as far the restraints would allow.

  He leaned over, drawing something on her forehead. "I told you. You're taking our place."

  Mira couldn't help but notice he wouldn't look her in the eye. When he was done he stripped off the glove and quickly moved back. Everyone except Sybil had moved farther away, toward the center of the hall. Sybil stared into nothingness as if unaware of anything happening around her.

  The sound of a tree creaking in the wind was the only sound in the room. Mira twisted her hands in her binds, trying to slip free. The sight of John watching her, almost reverently, made her blood run cold.

  Something touched her arm and she jerked, trying to reel back. A thin tendril wound its way over her, slipping under her shirt and wrapping around her arm.

  More joined the first, gliding across her skin. She shivered, feeling something slide up around her calves from the bottom of her pants leg.

  Her breath came in short sharp bursts, and the creaking grew louder. She clamped her eyes and mouth shut when she felt thin roots dart across her face.

  Movement ceased. The creaking stopped.

  Mira dared to crack her eyes open, trying to see what was happening. She couldn't move any part of her body.

  She shuddered but breathed a little easier when nothing happened. Everyone else in the hall seemed to hold their breath.

  The vines around her tensed, then tightened around her hard, causing her to cry out in surprise.

  A breath later, the searing pain started, forcing a scream out of her.

  Chapter 21

  White-hot fire seared in strips across Mira's body. She writhed and screamed. Thin tendrils of metal stabbed into every nerve in her body and made her blood feel as if it was boiling.

  There was nothing but agony.

  Then there was sound. A roar from the city filled the room. The board Mira was strapped to vibrated under the assault. The sound drowned out her own screams. It found passage through her, straight to the bone, causing even her marrow to dance until she thought she must surely shatter.

  The searing threads followed the new channels, touching every cell in her body.

  Mira wanted to die.

  Or maybe this was death, because she knew no person could withstand this.

  The fire began to retreat, leaving cold emptiness behind. It took Mira a while to realize that the noise had stopped. Her screams had stopped.

  Maybe she couldn't scream anymore.

  Maybe there was nothing left to scream with.

  Maybe oblivion had finally taken her.

  She blinked, numbly surprised that she still had eyes with which to do so.

  Some part of her brain registered voices, but they came to her in a disjointed, hazy way.

  "Give her a drink and take her to a room."

  That was... John. Right. John.

  "The same room?" The vo
ice was trembling and unrecognizable.

  Was it her own?

  "No. Give her a bed and let her rest." There was a despair in his voice that Mira had never heard before.

  Couldn't be John.


  "No. No. Save the water for later. She'll need it then." Whoever sounded like John seemed solemn and regretful.

  Mira had no idea where she was. There was light and shapes and voices, but she couldn’t make sense of anything. She closed her eyes, feeling they were useless, and concentrated on the sounds.

  Shuffling of feet and a sense of emptiness opened up before her.

  Mira wasn't sure if she fell asleep or if she just became numb to the world around her.

  At some point, Mira felt someone approach.

  Her eyes shot open and she tried to pull away.

  "It's me."

  Mira found Mrs. Henderson's face, but didn't feel any better about it. The woman had tied her to the board. Mrs. Henderson and the monsters were one and the same.

  "You know who I am."

  Mira took note that the woman didn't move any closer.

  "There's... there's nothing I could do."

  Nothing she could do? Mira's gaze turned hard and locked on the woman… no—the thing—in front of her, because no real human would have done this.

  "They have my kids. They used to let me see them—they were here, in the building. But now..."

  "Andrea and Kevin." Mira wasn't surprised to hear the croak in her voice. She was more surprised that there was a voice to be had.


  "He doesn't have your kids."

  "I have a drink for you."

  The woman stepped closer, and Mira tried to pull back into the board. The woman stopped.

  "There's nothing I could do," the woman said again.

  "He doesn't have your kids."

  "He won't put the kids in here. I'm almost sure of that."

  "They aren't here."

  "He won't hurt you anymore, either. Not really. Threats. He'll make threats, but that's it."

  "Because he knows there's nothing worse he could do."

  The woman said nothing.

  "And you're helping him."

  "He has—"

  Mira didn't want to hear it, or anything else from her. "He may have your husband, but he doesn't have your kids."


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