The Renewal

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The Renewal Page 21

by Joseph Ferguson

  Chapter 21

  “How old are you,” Elisabeth asked En Charles. Shaun gave her sharp glance in the backseat as he returned his eyes to the road, since Treyson was gone he had took over the driving of the van.

  “On our planet age is irrelevant; knowledge and application are the things that matter most. We strive to learn and master most subjects; it’s what gives us status,” En Charles bragged.

  “On Earth leading a rebellion isn’t good for status,” Shaun commented.

  En Charles laughed, “my planet either, but sometimes you have to put status aside and do that which is right. It was when I was working as an engineer op specialist with the military when I came across information about your planet and what our government was about to do. I would have dismissed it as a military game when the details of their plans were leaked to my office. I was appalled at the very thought that my people could be capable of such a thing so I put together a small group of like-minded people.”

  “How long have you known about this,” Shaun interrupted with a worried look on his face.

  “We have known for many years, and I’m sorry that it has taken this long. Cid was sent here first to put together a team to teach and create new technology in order to open the rogue portal. It had to have the utmost secrecy; we had to work in increments and under many guises. We figured we couldn’t stop the initial devastation, but with enough planning we could stop their final move,” En Charles spoke.

  “What are their plans En Charles,” Elisabeth asked?

  “Besides what I’ve already told you I dare not tell you more. You would hate my people and maybe even me,” En Charles said sadly.

  “But you are here to help us, how could we hate you,” she asked?

  He looked at her sorrowfully as he spoke, “Their plans are devious, but they are not the will of my people just those bent on reviving our oldest sun and making our planet capable of growing plants again.”

  “Why didn’t they just ask,” Shaun interjected?

  “They couldn’t because what they propose will eventually bring death to this solar system, nobody here would accept those terms,” he answered.

  “Your right…, I guess,” Shaun said.

  “So what will happen if this army gets through,” Elisabeth asked?

  Again a look of sorrow was on EnCharles’s face as he explained, “they will search out and destroy every human, down to the last molecule of DNA, then they plan the same with the animal race as well. There will be nothing left.”

  Elisabeth looked at him long and hard before getting up the nerve or the will to ask her next question. “Did they cause the plague?”

  “I’m not sure,” he said, turning around to look at her then continuing, “They knew it was coming and that many would die, but no one seemed to know how or why. If I would have known I would have had Cid detect and stop it.”

  “So you know what caused the plague,” Shaun asked?

  “Yes…,” EnCharles paused while looking in both their directions then continued, “A highly toxic alien virus riding in on a small asteroid landed in the Dead Sea. Cid traced the virus back to the source then used satellite pictures and found the meteor, but all too late to save your people.”

  “Well I’m glad you are here now, EnCharles,” Elisabeth said with a smile.

  “Can we just call you Charles,” Shaun said while grinning.

  EnCharles laughed heartily and said, “You can call me what you want, Shaun. My father and grandfather both had the name En and I wish to keep it.”

  The remark wasn’t what Shaun expected, making him chuckle, “En it is then,” he said. Looking down at the gauges Shaun realized they would soon be out of gas making him smack his self in the head, “we forgot to get a fuel cell and that was the whole point of going to that fuel tech place.”

  “Looks like somebody might need to siphon some gas or we will be walking,” Elisabeth said.

  “You are a primitive people still using fossil fuels to generate power. If I had time I would build you an ion engine, that was one of my first masters,” EnCharles bragged.

  “How about powering a gas station so we can pump gas, think you can master that,” Shaun said tiring of EnCharles’s boasting.

  “Where is this gas station and we will see,” EnCharles said unbothered by Shaun’s remark.

  It didn’t take long for Shaun to find a station so he pulled up to a pump and said, “It’s all yours.”

  EnCharles opened the door a smile came across his face, “you want to watch a master, follow me.”

  Shaun kept pace with EnCharles as he made his way into the building and watched as he navigated the wiring till he got to the breaker box. Pulling two clips from his bag, he attached them to the main, then went back to his bag and took out what looked like a TV antenna and placed it on the top of the van. He put his finger on the side causing a dim blue light to appear and a barely audible hum, “get ready to pump your gas,” he said to Shaun.

  The pump lights flickered then came on causing a “huh” to escape Shaun’s lips. EnCharles crossed his arms and smiled while Shaun pumped the gas and Elisabeth filled a plastic bag with snack food. Once they were finished EnCharles retrieved his technology and got back into the van slapping Shaun on the back, “what did I tell you; En’s are masters at most everything.

  Shaun just smiled not wanting to say anything to encourage him. He missed Treyson at least he was more humble and knew his limits. Treysons would rely on others for help, but he was afraid EnCharles would try to do it all himself and get them all killed. He would have to carry the scepter everywhere outside the van not fully able to trust EnCharles’s judgment, at least for now.

  Elisabeth on the other hand liked him. EnCharles was able to do things Treyson could not and he was surer of himself, plus he was good-looking. For once she was glad Esther was not here she always got the nice looking guys attention. She stared at the back of his head awhile before getting enough courage to ask him a question, “are you married, EnCharles,” she blurted before she could stop herself?

  EnCharles looked back and smiled at Elisabeth, “what is this.., married mean,” he questioned back?

  Elisabeth looked at him not sure if he was just playing around but she told him anyhow, “it’s when a man and woman come together in the sight of God and family, becoming husband and wife.

  “What is this husband and wife mean,” he asked with a smirk?

  “Now you are just teasing,” she said shaking her head.

  “I am,” he said, “We do marry on our planet, but usually after we have become skilled enough to be good husbands.”

  “Have you mastered that skill yet,” she asked bashfully?

  “No I haven’t,” he said.

  Shaun wanted to plug his ears, all the mushy talk was getting to him so he decided to change the subject. “Does anyone need to use the restroom,” he said as he drove off the highway just after they crossed the Pennsylvania state line? A small wooded rest stop that would normally be full of cars and trucks sat empty, people had no thought or time for travel and leisure during the plague. Though there wouldn’t be any running water Elisabeth thought it would still be better than going in the trees at least the stalls should have paper. EnCharles walked around the building he would find a tree to use, he was glad to be in the outdoors something he could only do in simulation on his planet. Shaun like Elisabeth decided the use of the facilities would be better than a public display, plus it would give him a chance to use the mirror and do a little grooming.

  EnCharles had just finished his business when he heard rustling and saw movement in the brush a good distance in front of him; though slight it still caught his attention. He couldn’t see anything, the brush was too thick, but he was glad for it gave him opportunity to use some of the new equipment he had brought with him. Keeping his eyes focused on the brush while slipping on a pair of black gloves he had taken from his pack, he stepped closer to a large oak that was near him. Tapping on the ba
ck of his right hand caused a small hologram palm display to appear and he watched as it read the continuous feedback from the echo sensor in the other hand. He was surprised when he saw at least ten men standing and spread out in the brush and tree line ahead, but he waited on more information to be retrieved before he would move, as it looked as if they were just watching him. The longer he waited the more detail came in and he was glad he did as he saw at least twenty five men who had them surrounded and they all looked to be armed. He heard the hiss and thud of an arrow that seemed to appear right by his head. He felt a sting and a drip of blood ooze down his cheek. Glancing at the arrow before he moved he noticed it was of a fine craftsmanship and whoever shot it was probably a master archer. He would probably be dead if the bowman so desired, but that was his mistake, En Charles decided, he would not allow him a second shot. He would not allow them to deter him from his goal of destroying the portal at Area 51. He tapped his hat twice and seemingly disappeared.

  Shaun and Elisabeth came out of the restrooms nearly the same time; he was adjusting the scepter on his back when she saw him. “Where’s EnCharles,” she asked, her hair combed with a touch of makeup added.

  “He was out back by a crop of trees,” he answered grinning at her for her deliberate attempt to primp for EnCharles.

  “Oh” is all she said as she turned to go look for him.

  He wanted to say something to her but decided against it not wanting to get mixed up in her affairs. He knew she was in line for a heart breaking he didn’t think EnCharles was interested in her; he was here on a mission.

  A chilly breeze made Elisabeth shiver as a few snowflakes began to fall around them, the first they had saw since arriving in America Walking together they came around the building to where Shaun thought he had saw EnCharles go, but he was not there.

  “Where is he,” Elisabeth asked with a worried look?

  “I’m not sure wee one,” Shaun answered with an Irish tone hoping to cheer her up, “he’s got to be around here somewhere.” They stood there for a little bit waiting and looking before Shaun said, “Maybe he went back to the van.”

  “Maybe,” she said as she turned getting a step or two before she saw six horsemen with brown hooded cloaks ride up near the building and dismount. Shaun took the Scepter from its sling though not sure how to use it other than like a club, but it might make him look more intimidating. Looking at Elisabeth and the few snowflakes already sticking to her blonde hair he said, “Stay behind me just in case I will try to protect you.”

  One of the men stepped forward as his hand pulled back his hood. He had long light brown hair with a thin strip of hair lining his jaw with a small v-shaped beard at his chin. A short sword partially hidden under the cloak dangled at his side. “I am Alanasse Faranno; we have come in seeking the scepter and to protect it until the uniting.”

  “I am Shaun Culdan protector of the scepter,” Shaun said, “and this is Elisabeth Lerner singer for the dead.” He wasn’t sure why he called her that, but it sounded good anyway.

  “Are you also from another planet,” Elisabeth asked noticing their strange attire and accent.

  “No, my lady, our clan has lived here many generations. We are part of the caretakers though there are not many of us left; our numbers have dwindled in the last thousand years due to the rise of technology,” Alanasse spoke with a serious note.

  “How did you know where the scepter was or even for that matter that it was here with us,” Shaun asked?

  “The scepter is very powerful and the Galdar who is with us has been tracking it,” Alanasse said with a smile.

  “Galdar…,” Elisabeth asked?

  “A singer of magic, one of the ancients,” Alanasse answered.

  The thought of another singer as herself made her quickly change the subject, “We have a friend that is with us, but we can’t find him. Have you seen him,” Elisabeth asked?

  “Yes, but we didn’t think him to be friend. He was a user of technology and one that was sent to stop the uniting. My brother Amron shot at him, but somehow missed or he would be dead. We lost track of him after that, “Alanasse said.

  “We were going to Nevada to a place called Area 51 to close a portal being opened to send a tech army through to destroy all human and animal life. Our friend EnCharles whom you nearly killed was sent to destroy it before that could happen. Now with him gone we will have to do it ourselves and we have less than twenty days to accomplish that,” Shaun said with a serious tone.

  “Allow us to ride with you and help,” Alanasse spoke.

  “I doubt all of you will be able to fit in our van,” Shaun said laughing at the thought.

  “Then you will ride with us, so we can protect the scepter until it can be united with the sword. We will also help you destroy the portal,” he said.

  “You expect us to ride by horseback all the way to Nevada in less than twenty days,” Shaun asked surprised by the thought?

  “The Galdar will speed us on our way,” he said then whistled and waved his hand.

  A lone cloaked rider brought two more horses, one white and one brown; they were saddled and ready to ride. Alanasse told them to hurry and get their things they would have to get going quickly. Reluctantly they got their things from the van. Elisabeth wasn’t sure she would enjoy riding, but she was interested in meeting the Galdar.


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