The Renewal

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The Renewal Page 29

by Joseph Ferguson

Treyson didn’t sleep. He couldn’t, not with all the fear built up inside him. This is the first time he’s had to relax since coming to this planet and he beginning to think he might have bitten off more than he can chew. He watched as both Esther and Ye Min slept soundly on the red padded benches. The benches had no back so both slept on their bellies arms hanging down. Why did he allow them to come with him, how was he going to protect them. He wasn’t even sure he could get them back home.

  His gaze turned to outside the windows as the trolley passed through the city. It would be complete darkness if not for the higher level lighting that seemed to share its rays with them randomly. He noticed even in the shadows that the place was clean and well taken care of. In most cities on Earth this would be the slums, a place for gangs and for drugs. There was no violence, no cops, and no sirens. Maybe they had strict laws that created such an atmosphere, he wasn’t sure or then again maybe it was just the gloomy darkness that kept people away from the streets. But, he thought, crime usually thrives in darkness. He would have to remember to ask Cid.

  The Trolley was lit by little round, soft blue lights embedded in the wall by every bench. Not enough light to see well, just enough to make out objects. He propped his feet up on the bench and leaned against the wall thinking about taking a quick nap. The back of his head was against the wall and the light touching between his shoulder blades. He’s not sure what happen, but images began to appear in his head. He saw a tall slim man standing upon a floating dais he stretches out his hands and speaks, though Treyson couldn’t hear what was being said. His long blonde hair matched the goatee that was upon his face. In the background he saw a woman on a throne beside him looking down into a rectangular white basket. She looked up, “Sara” he shouted as he leaned forward. The images stopped. Both Esther and Ye Min awoke at his shout, “What’s wrong,” Esther said sleepily.

  “I think I saw my wife, I’m not sure how though,” he said as he looked at the blue light again. “Maybe it’s these,” he said as he put his palm over the light, instantly the images jumped again into his head. He pulled it off. “It is,” he said in amazement.

  “It is what,” Esther said with a yawn.

  “These blue lights they are some type of communication device. I’m not sure maybe a newscast?”

  Ye Min smiled with a “cool” and quickly put her hand over the blue light at her bench. Esther a little slower, more cautiously slid her hand over hers. Treyson watched as they continued to hold their hands on the lights so he hastily joined them.

  Treyson watched as this time he heard a crowd cheer as the blonde haired man on the dais held out his hands saying, “My people, I come before you a man exited for our future, one that includes a sun shining brightly in the heavens. (The crowd cheers) Our skies have been dark and our ground cool for a few millennia now and without the skills and technology formed by some great men we surely would have all met our deaths. But now we have a chance to lighten our skies with the refreshing of our sun forged by new theories and new technology from highly skilled men.” Again his wife caught his eye as she reached down into the white basket for just a moment then looking back up and at the camera, smiling. She is beautiful he thought as he gazed upon her ignoring the speech given by the blonde man. She again reached in the basket for a moment with a smile on her lips as she looked back up. He noticed a women standing behind her step forward, hand her something small then stepping back. She again reached in to the basket with the object, leaving it there then again looking forward.

  The blond man’s words caught his attention as he heard him say that they had caught the rogue program called Cid used by the rebels. His heart raced and he removed his hand from the device when he heard him say that the three rebel spies would soon be caught.

  Both Esther and Treyson stared at each other, “they know” she said.

  “I know. They will probably be waiting for us when the tram stops,” he said sadly.

  Ye Min released her hand from the light slowly looking at Treyson, “I’m sorry, it must have been hard for you to have seen that.”

  “Sara looked unharmed and in good health, I am glad for that,” he said.

  “No, about the baby she was tending to. He asked her to hold up their new son, so she picked him up out of the basket and held him up. The crowd really cheered when she did that.”

  “I let go too soon, I didn’t see that.”

  “Me either,” Esther said looking at Ye Min.

  “So you didn’t hear that the Earth portal will be ready ahead of schedule. And that he called those from Earth less than human and a tribal people who have achieved technology just that above fire. He said he would preserve as many as possible, bring them here and try to educate them.”

  “We are doomed,” Esther said.

  “Without the return of magic the earth stands no chance and I have the sword here. I shouldn’t have taken the chance and came here, the uniting was way too important. I need to get the sword back through the portal at all cost,” Treyson spoke with hand on the swords hilt.

  “Even if it means leaving your wife and son behind,” Esther said it though wishing she hadn’t.

  “I will do everything I can to save her and my son, but the Earth needs the uniting. That’s what we need to fight for.”

  “I agree,” Esther said.

  “Well we are not going to be doing much fighting. He said the rebels will be in captivity tonight.”

  “Huh! Are you sure that’s what he said Ye Min,” Treyson said looking intently at her.

  “Yes, he said the rebels are coming to him.”

  With that Esther moved to the door pushing hard against it, knowing it wouldn’t open. Treyson tried one of the three windows with a grunt, “not budging,” he said.

  Though it was dark and hard to make out, Ye Min yelled out that the trolley was about to enter a building. They felt it clunk then it slowed as it entered through a large door and coming to a stop. The darkness gave way to brightness, lights spring on everywhere causing they’re eyes to hurt briefly. Once cleared they saw men with guns surrounding the trolley with two large armored men like the ones they had seen at Treyson house, standing by its doors. The blond man they had seen after touching the blue light came walking through the crowd of armed men, smiling.

  “Let me introduce myself, my name is ZonTaylor. Mr. Macalister why don’t you come on out of there, you and your friends can come back to my place as my guests. I’m sure you would like to see your wife. Besides there is no escape and I told my men to shoot you, no games, I have your heir and soon I will have your sword,” ZonTaylor said, his mouth twisted in an awful smile.

  Treyson effortlessly opened the door and stepped off the trolley, with the girls following close behind. “I will give you the sword,” he said as he unbuckled it from his belt holding it up by the hilt, “as long as you let the girls go back to Earth. ZonTaylor stepped forward to take the sword just as Treyson used his pinky to release the scabbard which seemed to make time slow down. Treyson looked back at the girls mouthing the word “sorry” as he brought the sword up in a diagonal motion. He heard the scabbard clank on the floor while noticing the worried look on the Esther’s face. Turning he saw ZonTaylor had somehow managed to produce a laser stick that parried the sword with a clang. His evil grin never relaxed as he brought the stick around catching Treyson across the cheek driving him face first onto the ground. Stunned and bleeding he felt himself being pinned to the ground by some of ZonTaylor’s men. “Don’t get up,” he heard ZonTaylor say, but he doubted he could anyway as warm blood seeped from his mouth. “You know I expected more from the famed Macalister. I saw that move coming from a mile away and you call yourself a swordsman.”

  Treyson felt his sword hand being stepped on, “I’ll take that,” ZonTaylor said while removing the sword from Treyson’s grasp. “For your information I am highly skilled in sword play and I was hoping for a match. You disappointed me.” Looking over at Esther, “heard you can fight too.
I’m skilled in hand to hand combat, I think I will keep you around you might be a better challenge. (He laughed) Take them to the pit with the rest of the rebels, but first clean up Macalister here; he’s got a little blood on his cheek.


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