Reveal Me, Sir (Doms of Decadence Book 9)

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Reveal Me, Sir (Doms of Decadence Book 9) Page 22

by Laylah Roberts

  “What happens after we find this guy? After we eliminate the threat to Ria?”

  Why was Hunter asking that now? “Then I guess my job is finished and I go home.”

  Hunter nodded solemnly. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Good idea you’re distancing yourself from her now. Before you get in too deep.”

  “I’m not distancing myself from her.”


  “Or before she gets killed. This guy was a pro. He could find her. Best you don’t care about her in case she gets one to the head as well,” Hunter said callously.

  Connor practically threw his laptop to the side and jumped up, getting in Hunter’s face. “You fucking asshole! Nothing better happens to her. Not even a fucking scratch, you hear me?”

  Hunter rubbed at his ear. “Oh, I hear you fine. Just not quite sure why you’re so worked up over a girl you’re planning on saying goodbye to when your job finishes. Actually, you know your job is over. You can leave right now. You found the thief and the blackmailer. That was what Roarke wanted.”

  “I’m not leaving while there’s a threat over her head.” What kind of asshole did Hunter think he was?

  “It’s okay. I’ll guard her. Free of charge even. Must be getting soft in my old age.”

  “You’ll guard her because you feel responsible. She was helping us and she got caught in the line of fire.”

  “Ah, but she wouldn’t have been in the line of fire if she’d been following the rules.” Hunter shook his head. “Too bad she doesn’t have a Dom to teach her that won’t be tolerated. Oh, wait a minute, she does. Only he’s sitting out here on his computer while she’s in the bedroom tossing and turning.”

  “She’s exhausted and scared. She doesn’t need me jumping down her throat right now.”

  “Oh, yeah, she’s definitely tired. And terrified, even though she’s trying to hide it. Brave thing. You were right, though. More courage than sense. Hope her next Dom manages to curb those reckless tendencies without trying to change who she is.”

  “Next Dom! She’s not even fucking done with the Dom she has now!”

  “Isn’t she? Or should I say, aren’t you done with her? Job’s over. She broke the rules. You’re going to walk away now, aren’t you? That’s what’s with the cold shoulder.”

  “None of your fucking business.”

  “It is if we leave that girl broken and alone,” Hunter said quietly. “Wouldn’t be much of a Dom if I did that.”

  The jab struck deep.

  “I’m not leaving her like that.” Wasn’t he? He had pulled away from her. Was that fair? No. Not in the slightest. And it was the one thing he’d promised not to do. Withhold affection as punishment.

  Fuck. Did she feel like he was rejecting her?

  Of course she does, asshole.

  But he also knew if he was close to her right now, he was going to lose his cool. And he couldn’t do that. He already regretted the things he’d said to her earlier. There were ways of doing this. The contract was coming to an end. He couldn’t trust her to obey him. And Hunter was right. Job was over. He should be happy. She wasn’t the sub for him. Not at all.

  And yet every time he gave himself a minute to think, all he could see was that body lying on the ground dead, except it didn’t have Trevor’s face. It had Ria’s.

  And a piece of him died inside.

  “No? Because she’s in that bedroom, fucking alone and scared. Probably in tears. And you’re out here, playing on your computer.”

  “I’m not fucking playing. I’m trying to find who ordered that hit on Trevor. I’m trying to take care of her.”

  “Right now what she needs isn’t her bodyguard, it’s her Dom.”

  “Yeah, well, maybe I’m not her Dom anymore.”

  He heard a gasp from behind him and turned, his stomach dropping.

  Ria stared at him, her face so pale she looked ill. She just stared at him for a moment then turned to run back to the bedroom.

  Fuck! He was a fucking idiot. “Ria, wait!”

  He followed her, heard a door slam. Shit. Shit. Why had he said that? He needed to clear things up. Hunter was right. He was handling this all wrong. He should be holding her, reassuring her that everything going to be all right. That he would take care of her. Then when this was over, he could address her disobedience. And then he could . . . what? Walk away?

  He tried to turn the door handle but found the door locked. Shit.

  “Ria! Open this right now. Ria!”

  “No.” She sounded like she was crying.

  Damn it. He wanted give her soft reassurance. But she had to know that locking a door between them wasn’t acceptable. He needed to be able to get to her at any time if he was going to protect her.

  “Ria, you unlock this now or I’ll break it down. And then I’m gonna take my belt to your ass.” It was an empty threat. Never a good idea. But he needed her to open this door.

  Suddenly, the house went black. He tensed, his heart pounding.

  “Shit!” Hunter called out from the living room. “They’ve found us. Fuck. Get the girl secured.”

  He reached for his gun then realized he’d left it back on the coffee table. Idiot! Suddenly he heard Ria scream.


  He pulled back and shoved his shoulder at the door. Mistake. Someone grabbed him as he entered the bedroom, slamming him back against the wall. Something hit his head with a heavy thump and he slumped to the ground as Ria screamed again.

  No! Ria!

  Terror filled him. He tried to fight the darkness. He had to get to her. Save her.

  Because he loved her.

  Connor woke up slowly, his head pounding, his mouth dry. His stomach heaved and he took shallow breaths to stop himself from throwing up.

  “Let them go, Freddy!”

  Ria. That was Ria. He tried to move, frowning when he realized he couldn’t. He forced his eyes open, blinking to clear the fog. He stared around. Where was he? He didn’t recognize this room.

  Safe house.

  “Connor! Connor, are you okay?”

  He turned, found Ria standing next to a huge guy with shaggy, dark blond hair.

  “Ria! Let her go!” he croaked weakly. Fuck! How could he have been caught off guard like that?

  Ria tried to take a step towards him. Her hair was a tangled mess, she was dressed just in his large shirt and there were tear tracks down her face.

  He tugged at the rope around his wrists and ankles. But there was no give. He looked over to find Hunter in the same position. His wrists tied behind him. Ankles bound. Around them stood five armed goons, as well as the man standing next to Ria.

  “Carson, hold her,” the big guy ordered as Ria tried to get to him.

  One of the goons grabbed Ria’s arms, pulling her back.

  “Fuck! Let me go, Carson! Freddy, I need to check on him. He could have a concussion.”

  “It’s the least he deserves.”

  “They were protecting me!”

  “Funny, seemed to me he was threatening to whip you with his belt.”

  “He didn’t mean that.”

  “He made you cry.”

  “Like you haven’t made me cry plenty?”

  What? Who was this guy? She knew him?

  “I said, let me go!” She bit the hand of the guy holding her and he yowled, shifting his hold on her.

  “Ria, stop it!” Connor growled at her, terrified she was going to prod these guys into harming her.

  She froze, staring at him in hurt.

  “You are still my sub,” he told her in a low voice. “You will obey me now and stop fighting, understand?”

  “I understand that you no longer want to be my Dom so I don’t have to do a fucking thing you say!”

  “I made a mistake. The contract still stands. Now do as you were told.”

  “Enough!” the guy in charge in roared. “I shouldn’t have to hear this.”

  That was a strange thing to say. Connor looked over at
Hunter, noted he was watching this guy with interest. As though he knew something about him Connor didn’t.

  “Well, if you wouldn’t fucking turn up unannounced in the middle of the fucking night then maybe you wouldn’t have to hear about my fucking sex life!” Ria told him.

  The big guy’s face grew icy.

  “Ria!” Connor barked. He didn’t know what was going on but he knew she was deliberately provoking this guy.

  “Let me go, Carson!”

  “Ria, I need you to calm down and let me handle this,” Connor told her firmly. Damn it, hadn’t she learned anything after what happened tonight? Why the fuck couldn’t she obey him?

  “Connor, you don’t understand—”

  “Quiet, sub. Now.”

  “Wrong move, bro,” Hunter muttered quietly.

  The big man’s gaze narrowed. His focus on Connor absolute. “Do not speak to her that way.”

  “Freddy, you don’t understand—”

  “Ria, quiet.”

  “Is nobody willing to listen to me?”

  “I’ll listen to you,” Hunter told her.

  “Carson,” the big guy said.

  Carson immediately placed his hand over Ria’s mouth. Her eyes bugged out as she glared at Freddy.

  “What do you want?” Connor asked.

  “You don’t know who she is, do you? I did wonder when I saw how close the two of you are.” He grimaced as though the thought disturbed him. Then he turned to her. “You never told him?”

  She shook her head.

  “Told anyone?”

  Another shake.

  He reached out and ran his hand over her head. “Loyal as always.”

  Ria made a noise of shock. She tried to say something but the goon didn’t move his hand.

  “Who are you?” Connor asked. It was obvious they knew each other well. A thought occurred to him. “You her old Dom?”

  “Jesus, no.” The man sent him a disgusted look. “I’m her brother.”

  A brother? But her background said she was an only child. Obviously, she’d been lying about who she was. Why hadn’t he seen it? She’d fooled him. Just like Greta had. He could feel himself growing cold.

  Ria made another noise. Her brother sighed. “Carson, let her speak.”

  She glared at her brother then turned to Connor. “Connor, I’m so sorry. I couldn’t tell you—”

  “Don’t bother,” he said coldly.

  She flinched. Guilt filled him, but he pushed it aside. She’d obviously lied to him without qualms. “I’m guessing your name isn’t really Ria Carpenter and your parents weren’t a teacher and a banker.”

  “I’m so sorry. I couldn’t tell you.”


  “Was it all a lie, then?”

  “No. No, please believe me, it wasn’t.” Tears tracked down her face but he refused to be moved by them. He turned to her brother. “What now?”

  “Please, you have to believe me.”

  Her brother frowned, looked between them both. “Now, I’m taking my sister home with me. I’m afraid I’ll have to leave you both tied up. Can’t have you following me. Don’t try to contact my sister again. Understand?”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t.”

  Ria was silent. She just stared at him. He deliberately turned his gaze away from her.


  She sat in Freddy’s private plane. After he and his goons had stolen her from the safe house, and she’d love to know how he found her, they’d made a quick trip to a private airfield where his plane was located, loaded her in and taken off. Wouldn’t take long to get back to Chicago . . . and then what?

  She pulled her legs up under Connor’s shirt. She was glad she’d have something to remember him by, although she wished she was wearing something more substantial.

  “Please tell me you have underwear on,” Freddy begged.

  “Why would you think I wouldn’t?”

  He snorted. “Because if you were my sub I’d order you to go without at all times.”

  “Eew, I did not need to know that.”

  “Well, I don’t need to see any of your private parts. So if you’re not wearing any, please keep your legs down.”

  “I’ve got underwear on.”

  “Hmm, what sort of a Dom was he?”

  “Not my Dom. Not anymore. He let me go.” Sadness filled her. Not only had he let her go, but he now knew that she’d been lying to him all this time. Just like Greta. Except Greta hadn’t loved him.

  It was probably for the best. She didn’t know what was going to happen to her now. It was better if Connor hated her. Meant he wouldn’t try to find her.

  Freddy raised his eyebrow. “That so? He seemed pretty angry with you. You never told him who you are.”

  “Of course not.” She hesitated. Oh, well, in for a penny in for a pound. “Freddy, I never betrayed you.”

  His eyes widened. “What?”

  “I know you think I did, but I swear I never knew that Martin was a DEA agent. I never told him anything. I didn’t know anything to tell. I swear.”

  Freddy leaned forward. “Fuck. Is that why you left? Because you thought I thought you’d betrayed me?”

  It took her a moment to follow that sentence then her mouth went dry. “You didn’t think I’d betrayed you?”

  “Of course not. Jesus, baby. I’d never think that. You’re my sister. Fuck, even if you had betrayed me I’d never be able to get rid of you. I’m not our father.”

  Those words sat between them. No, he wasn’t their father.

  “Why would you even think that?” There was the slightest hint of hurt in his voice. Fuck.

  “I heard Carson say that I had to be eliminated.”

  “What?” Carson barked from across the aisle. “I never said that.”

  “Carson worships you. He would never harm a hair on your head,” Freddy said.

  Carson frowned. “Unless you give me rabies. Are your tetanus shots up to date?” He clasped his injured hand, which was wrapped in so much gauze it was ridiculous, to his chest. “Do I feel feverish?” He reached up and patted at his forehead.

  Freddy rolled his eyes. “You are a pitiful mobster. Why do I have a hypochondriac as my right-hand man?”

  “Because I’m your best friend,” Carson shot back.

  “I must also be a lunatic.” He turned to Ria once more. “Ria, I cannot believe you thought I would harm a hair on your head. After everything we’ve been through, I thought we’d always have each other.”

  “I-I . . . oh, God.” Tears dripped down her face. Freddy looked at her in horror.

  “Fuck. She’s crying.” Carson jumped up and backed away. “Didn’t mean anything, Ria. If you have rabies, I won’t come for you. I promise.”

  Freddy waved him away. “Go. Give us the pretense of privacy.”

  When Carson was standing up in the front where Freddy’s other goons were, he leaned towards her and took her hands in his. “Baby, how could you believe that of me?”

  “I’m so sorry. I just . . . I saw Martin being dragged into your study. I didn’t know what was going on. I was so scared. I thought you’d grabbed him because . . . because . . .”

  “Because he was fucking my little sister,” he said darkly. “When I found out that you were spending time with him, I did a background check on him. If he’d come out clean, I would have brought him in for a little chat, decided if he was good enough for you, then let him go.”

  “That’s how you discovered he was a DEA agent?” She wiped at the tears dripping down her face. She was surprised she had any tears left to shed.

  “Yes. Fuck. I should never have brought him to the house, but we ran into some trouble getting to the warehouse and I needed to stash him for a bit. I thought you’d be asleep.”

  “I woke up and went to get a glass of water. I saw you pull him into your study and crept over to listen in. That’s when I overheard that he was a DEA agent, about betrayal. And Carson said something about getting rid of

  “And you thought I meant you? Were you wearing your hearing aid?” he asked.

  She shook her head.

  He sighed. “Ria, what am I going to do with you?”

  She sniffled. “I don’t know. I obviously heard things wrong. I was terrified. I knew I hadn’t done anything wrong. But you sounded so angry. So cold.”

  “You weren’t the one that Carson was advising me to get rid of. God, even if you had betrayed me, I’m certain he’d have found some way to sneak you out of the house and keep you safe. It was Gabrielle who betrayed me.”

  She froze in shock. “Your girlfriend?”

  “Yes. She was feeding him information. She was also sleeping with him on the side.”

  “Oh, God.” She felt ill. Not only had he been using her, he’d been cheating on her. She felt so cheap. Dirty.

  “In one night, I lost two women I trusted and loved.” His voice was stark.

  “Oh, Freddy, I’m so sorry.” She undid her seat belt and climbed on his lap. “I’m so sorry. I love you. I should have come to you.”

  He ran his hand up and down her back. She’d missed this. She’d always felt safe around her big brother. He’d always been more of a dad to her than her own father.

  “I will not lie. It hurts that you didn’t.” He stilled. “You tell Carson I said that and I really will kill you.”

  She snorted out a laugh that ended in more tears.

  “Shit. Too soon?”

  “Too soon.” She buried her face into his neck. “I fucked up, Freddy. Just like I always do.”

  And she’d nearly lost everything.

  “Hey, I won’t have that.” He pulled her back, giving her a ferocious frown. “You made a mistake. Made assumptions. And you didn’t trust me like you should have. But you’d just found out a man you thought you could trust had betrayed you. That’s bound to mess with your head.”

  “Yeah, but what about the rest of my life? I fucked that up all on my own.”

  He narrowed his gaze, his handsome face growing cold. “Is this about that idiot back there? What happened between the two of you?”

  “I love him, Freddy.”


  “But I messed up. Big time. I never told him the truth. I couldn’t. Not just because of you. But because he wouldn’t understand. And now he knows I lied to him. He’s had that happen to him before. He has to hate me now. He’s a good man, Freddy. He wouldn’t fit into our world. He does everything by the book.”


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