Sinful Crime

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Sinful Crime Page 11

by W L Knightly

  Jake looked her right in the eyes. “I’ve always liked beautiful girls, especially blondes, and especially women with contagious smiles and beauty like poetry. Natural beauties.”

  “That doesn’t sound at all like Dr. Meadows,” said Jo.

  As much as he wanted to tell her that Leigh was beautiful, she was right. Leigh was a high-maintenance beauty, nothing like Jo, who while she looked like she took all day to get ready, didn’t need as much of an overhaul compared to others.

  “Who said she was my type?” he asked. “And why aren’t you seeing anyone?”

  Jo grinned. “I guess that I’m saving myself for someone specific; special.”

  “Me too, Jo.” He got to his feet and reached for her hand. “Are you ready?”

  “Sure,” she said, reaching up to take his hand. “Are we going to talk to Sam?” She gave him a quizzical smile as he picked up the order of pie off the front counter.

  “Yeah, but first, let’s drive out to the river. I want to eat my pie and pretend I’m retired.” He wagged his brows, and she followed him out.

  He drove about a mile away, where the fishermen went to take their boats. As he parked along the overlook of the lake, Jo took the bag and gave him his slice of pie. “I’m going to enjoy this,” she said. “Are you going to talk about the case with me?”

  “Nope, it’s retirement hour. I want to talk about everything but work and the case for the next fifteen minutes.” He opened his pie and scooped a big bite onto his fork.

  Jo frowned. “It’s only going to take you fifteen minutes? I had hoped we’d at least get half an hour of retirement hour.”

  “Okay, half.” He popped the forkful in his mouth.

  “Did you have any luck fishing the other day?” She had gone to the shore that day and tried to get him to come and help her.

  “Brave topic, and no, I didn’t have any luck. I don’t see myself as a lucky man. You know how some people have everything land right-side up for them? That’s not me. I have to work for everything, but that’s skirting that topic too much. So, what about you? How are you settling into your new city?”

  “It’s okay. I’m not sure I want to live here long term.” She took a bite and moaned at the delicious taste of coconut and cream.

  Jake was surprised by her words. “What do you mean?” He didn’t want her to move away. He had just made up his mind to pursue her again, and now he was going to have to chase her out of the city if she left.

  She gave him a sympathetic look. “I’ve been wondering if I’m not cut out to do this job alone.”

  That was the last thing he expected to hear her say. “Nonsense. The guys all made it a point to tell me what a great job you were doing without me. You’re going to be fine. You’re doing great already. Don’t underestimate yourself.”

  “But the department is tainted by my father, and I’m not sure I want to keep on with it. My goal now is to find Madden, bring him to justice, and then bring my father down so he can’t control the station anymore. And I know that’s going to mean moving on. I’m okay with it. It’s probably going to be for the best. Everyone is going to figure out sooner or later that my father got me the job. Most know already. It’s embarrassing.”

  She took a deep breath and then ate another forkful of pie. After a moment, she continued. “I might even try something else. I’ve always thought of being a private investigator. Being my own boss. I like to solve crimes and mysteries. I can still do that as a PI, just on a different level. I won’t have anyone looking over my shoulder then.”

  Jake was impressed. He had thought about doing PI work after retirement. “That’s a great idea. You know, I considered it. We could be a crime-fighting team, Thomas and Calloway Private Investigators. That would really stick it to the bosses.”

  Jo laughed. “We do work well together.”

  “Well, some would argue, but we’re going to get our men.” Jake hated that the Hangman was out there somewhere lurking, waiting to get his enemies. Luckily, he’d have to go through the Rockford to do it, unless the assholes got caught elsewhere and off guard. If they had any sense, they’d have left town already.

  “The only thing that could get me to reconsider and stay put is if you stayed too.”

  “You know I can’t do it.” He looked over the water, taking another taste of pie. “And here we are, talking about work again. And in retirement hour. For shame.”

  Jo chuckled. “It’s in our natures. You’re not going to be able to stand it if you do retire. You’ll be good for a month or two, but then, you’re going to be itching to do something with your time. Besides, we could clean up the department, try and get rid of Milner even. She’s not going to be around long. It could change.”

  “How come I feel like you and Milner have been talking?” He had already had it out with the chief over this. He didn’t want to talk to Jo about it. “Don’t you want to do something else? I prefer Thomas and Calloway Detective Agency.”

  “It would be Calloway and Thomas. Alphabetical.”

  “Experience before beauty,” said Jake, shaking his head at her. They shared a laugh, and as she smiled, he saw a different future. Thomas and Thomas. He wondered if she’d go for it.

  “I’m serious. I would prefer if you stayed.”

  “What if I just want to get married and settle down?” he asked.

  That really got her wound up. Jo nearly choked on her pie. “Come on, Jake. Seriously? You’re not even dating.”

  “Maybe I’m waiting for the right person. You never know. But I do like the private detective idea. You’ve really given me something to think about.”

  “Ah, so you’re going to take my idea and run with it, huh?” She gave him a teasing look. “Well, I might be your biggest competitor. You never know.”

  “I’d be up for a little healthy competition too. But I’d prefer you and me on the same team.”

  She stuffed another bite in her mouth and then held her tummy. “I’m getting full. Want the rest of this?”

  “Lightweight,” Jake said, taking her last two bites of deliciousness.

  She eased back in the seat and closed her eyes. “Who knows? Maybe I’ll just be a teacher like my mother wanted. I’ve nearly earned that degree. Just lacked one semester.”

  “You’re a teacher? Really?” Jake laughed. He had pegged her as the teacher type from day one. “I didn’t know that.”

  “Well, I went to school for it, per my mother, but I just didn’t think that was my life. So, I dropped out a little early and joined the force. I don’t usually tell people I quit. But some days, I think I’m more cut out to work with kids.”

  Jake laughed. “I bet some days you feel like you already are.”

  She gave him a glance, and they both laughed. “It’s been nearly half an hour,” she said.

  Jake set his alarm. “Let’s just sit here and close our eyes.”

  “Sounds good to me. We’ll give Sam a little more time to find something.”

  As they settled back, he glanced her way. And for the first time, he could see their futures intertwined as if they were meant to be.

  Chapter 19


  The previous day was so perfect that Jo looked forward to going in to work. After she and Jake spent a full hour napping in the car together after their pie break, which was completely accidental, they had headed back to work to speak with Sam.

  He confirmed that Kendra’s record was clean and that no one knew anything about her having an affair, but he still had a few more people to check off of his list. Even though that part of their day didn’t go as planned, she felt that she and Jake had made a stronger connection, and they had talked to Milner about setting up roadblocks in and out of the city.

  As she killed the ignition and gathered her things to go inside, her phone pinged. But when she glanced at it, it was only a notification for her favorite crime podcast. “Are you actually disappointed it’s not your father?” she asked herself, shaking her head
and wondering if she should be thankful for small blessings.

  She hadn’t heard from him in a couple of days, and while she usually welcomed the silence, something was a little off-putting about the fact that he hadn’t called.

  He’s probably entertaining my brother.

  She put the phone in her handbag and got out of the car to find Jake pulling into the lot. His loud engine couldn’t be missed, and she felt her heart flutter and her cheeks grow warm, as well as other places, as he parked and got out of his car.

  She was going to wait for him, but he was on the phone, so she went inside without him to get her morning cup ready.

  As she walked into the lobby, she heard Dannie arguing around the corner from her desk. “You asshole,” said the other woman. “You promised you’d get the money. I am going to lose my lease because of you!” She paused. “This relationship isn’t going to work if you can’t keep your promises. I thought you wanted to move in with me. How can we do that if I don’t have a fucking house? Don’t hang up!” There was a short silence. “Son of a bitch.”

  Dannie pounded the wall and then looked over at Jo. “Can I help you?”

  “I just heard you were upset. If you need someone to talk about it with, I’m a good listener.”

  Dannie snorted and gave her a withering glance. “Like you could relate. Your life is perfect, and you have Jake eating out of your hand.”

  “You might be surprised, and as for Jake, that’s not even close.” She kept a sympathetic look, but Dannie didn’t seem to want it.

  “Are you blind or just stupid?” she asked, taking Jo off guard. “I mean, I thought you were supposed to be some great detective, and you don’t even see the way he looks at you? You’ll probably end up married and have little detective babies named Sherlock and Watson. Meanwhile, I get to deal with a lying asshole of a boyfriend, who keeps making empty promises that could ruin my fucking life. Thanks for the offer, but no thanks. It’s not like we’ve ever been friends, and from the looks you give me, I’m pretty sure what you think of me.”

  Jo couldn’t deny that she had never thought too highly of Dannie before, but she only wanted to open up and help the other woman. Maybe they could have at least been civil.

  “Well, so much for making friends,” she muttered as she turned to walk away.

  And just like that, her sunny mood was shot.

  She went to the office, and while she put on her cup of coffee and waited on Jake, she decided to call her dad. It wasn’t like her mood could get worse, not after the slap in the face Dannie had given.

  When she called him, the phone went straight to voicemail. “Dad, it’s me. Just trying to check your whereabouts. Since you have a target on your head, I’d like you to at least keep in touch. Talk soon.” She wasn’t sure if the entire message went through or not, but hopefully, she’d get a call back.

  Footsteps brought her head around, and she wasn’t expecting Milner, who stood in the doorway with a cup of coffee. “Do you have a minute?”

  “Uh, sure.” Jo grabbed her hot coffee from the maker’s dock and then turned around to find Milner walking away.

  “Come to my office.” She rapped her fingers on the door jamb.

  “Sure,” said Jo, getting to her feet. “Right behind you.” She didn’t understand why the woman couldn’t wait and wondered what she’d done to piss in everyone’s cereal.

  She went into the office, and Milner gestured for her to take a seat. “What’s this about?” Jo asked.

  “I thought we should catch up on a few things.”

  “Well, if you’re worried about the case, don’t. As long as we can still watch the exits around town—”

  “I’ve already got the men on it. They’re stopping cars, but I’m not so sure it’s going to work, and I can’t exhaust the manpower for more than a day or two. We simply don’t have it, and the neighboring towns are strapped as well.”

  “He’s bound to make a move sooner or later.”

  “Yes, and if he’s already in the city, we’ll find him.” Milner sipped her coffee and put the cup on her desk.

  “Have you spoken to my father?” She wasn’t expecting the chief to look so uncomfortable, but the woman gave a sly smile, and she even tugged at the collar of her blouse at the mention of him.

  “No, I haven’t actually. Not in a few days. Why?”

  Jo had already wondered if the two had ever slept together, and the woman’s actions were making her even more suspicious. She cleared her throat. “I can’t reach him. It’s not like him to not call me at least every other day. Usually every day. This is the most I’ve gone without a phone call since I met him.”

  “You don’t think something’s happened to him, do you?” The chief’s expression was steeped with concern.

  But Jo wondered if it was more than that. “Jake and I did go and talk to my brother.”

  Milner gave a nod. “Maybe you pissed him off, and he’s pouting. Keep on him. If you don’t hear from him soon, maybe you should reach out again, maybe talk to your brother again and see if he’s heard from your father.”

  She couldn’t imagine going to talk to Kyle. “You really think I want to ask my brother? If something happened to our father, he probably did it.”

  Milner looked down at her desk and then pushed a stack of papers at Jo. “These are Jake’s papers for his retirement. I’ve yet to push them through, but I can’t keep them here forever. Not without getting my ass in a bind. So, I called you in here to ask you personally to talk some sense into your partner. Get him to change his mind before I have no choice but to give him what he thinks he wants.”

  Jo thought back to retirement hour the previous day. “What makes you so sure that Jake doesn’t want it?”

  “Because he’s a damned good detective, and he doesn’t have shit else in his life. This is his life. He’s still got good years in him.”

  Not if he kept going without sleep. Jo might have argued with her a day ago, but since then, she’d realized that they both could have brighter futures than Spokane PD. Thomas and Calloway Detective Agency was beginning to sound more and more like a good idea.

  “He won’t change his mind. The truth is, Chief, I’ve already tried. He’s got his heart set.”

  “Try harder. We need him. Especially if you can’t reach your father. If he goes down, then I hate to see what would become of this department and our jobs.”

  Jo realized Milner wanted to protect herself, but if the Feds came in and got a look at how things were being run—and not the crooked Feds her father controlled—the shit was going to hit the fan. She didn’t even want to be around for that when it happened. Hopefully, she’d have a chance to take her father down by then, provided the Hangman didn’t get to him first, and then, perhaps she’d take down Milner too.

  “Is that all you needed?” asked Jo, eager to get back to her desk.

  “For now, yes. Let me know if you get in touch with your father. I’d like to know he’s all right.” She gave Jo a smile and then turned her attention back to her coffee, which she took a long drink of.

  Jo got up and walked back down to her office. Jake sat in her chair with his feet kicked up and a sly smile on his face. On the table was a bag of donuts from Speed’s and his coffee cup, filled to the brim and steaming. “Where have you been?”

  “Don’t think you beat me to work,” she said. “My bag is right there.” She pointed to her handbag behind the chair, and he spun around to see it, giving it and her a playful frown.

  “Oh well. Victory tasted good for a minute.”

  She was pretty sure it tasted like donuts, especially when he brushed a few crumbs of sugar glaze from his shirt and sat up. “Where were you, then?”

  “Milner’s office. She’s hoping I can convince you to stay on with me as my partner, but I told her that I didn’t think that was possible.”

  “You’d be correct. Her tactics are not going to work. But I did like a few of our ideas from yesterday.”

  “Well, she’d shit if I told her about those, so I think I’ll keep that fantasy to myself.”

  “It doesn’t have to be a fantasy, you know?”

  Jo shook her head. He was so sweet to think they could really work together outside of the force, but she wasn’t sure. “It takes a lot to build a business, especially one like that.”

  “Not for us. But okay, we’ll put it on the backburner for another time.”

  Jo chuckled. She wanted to see the future with him and her together, whether it was on the force or away from it, but she also knew that it was going to be a long time coming. First, they had to find their man. “Do you want to go drive around the city and see what we find?”

  “Sure. Let’s see what we come up with.” Jake got to his feet and grabbed his coffee and donuts. “For the road.”

  “We need to find Sam. See if he’s got anything we can check into.”

  “Already did.” He turned to give her a smug look, which quickly turned to a teasing one.

  “And we need to check on my father.” The worry would nag her all day until she heard from him and knew he was safe.

  “Is he okay?”

  “I haven’t talked to him.”

  “Give it time, Jo. We pissed him off. He’s probably sulking.”

  “You’re probably right. He’s probably just trying to make me worry to prove a point.”

  “I’m sure he’s fine.” Jake tried to be convincing, but Jo wasn’t so sure.

  A few more unanswered calls, and she’d have to do the last thing she wanted, and that was go to her brother.

  Chapter 20


  Rousing to the sensation of water being thrown in his face wasn’t Michael’s favorite wake-up call. He had slept in the most expensive hotels in the world and lived a life of comfort, but now, he opened his eyes to his own carefully orchestrated hell.

  Madden towered over him, putting the cap on the bottle of water and throwing it to him. It bounced off of his chest and hit the floor. “Drink.”


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