Vegas Secrets

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Vegas Secrets Page 33

by Jenna Kelly

  The blonde pulled the white towel from her hair, her silken locks dancing on her shoulders as she shook them out. It bought her time to think. "She says I'd be perfect. A mixture of innocence and sexiness."

  "But…" Natalie interrupted, not really sure how to express what she was feeling. "You're not thinking about it, surely, Marissa? I mean, why would you even contemplate such a thing? A porno, for God's sake?"

  "Quarter of a million reasons," Marissa told her sister, unable to sit still. She jumped up from the couch and took her refilled orange juice again, swilling it in a single gulp.

  "Quarter…" Natalie began, the earlier look of shock returning. "You're joking!"

  Marissa shook her head, breathing out a deep sigh. There, she'd told Natalie. It had been weighing on her mind since yesterday. "A three picture deal," she said. "Starring role in each. Rachel will feature in them, too. Kaitlyn thinks the two of us will take the industry by storm. She wants to promote me as the biggest thing ever to hit adult movies. Bigger than Jemma Jameson!

  "Jemma Jameson?"

  "I know, I know. I haven't heard of her either. But that's not the point, Natalie. I loved being fucked on camera. I love the thought of people watching me, masturbating over me. And a quarter of a million dollars, Natalie?"

  "Marissa, you can't," her sister gasped, her hand across her chest as she struggled for breathe. "I mean… you just can't!"

  The blonde flopped back down on the couch again, tearing a piece of the half eaten banana from her sister's hand. "Natalie, it's not just the money, though that's reason enough... it brought me alive—"

  This time it was Natalie who jumped up, walking halfway across the room and then back again. "Just tell me how you explain this to mom and dad, little sister. I'd really like to hear that one!"

  The blonde's face dropped. That wasn't something that had occurred to her. "They'll… they'll never find out…" she hesitantly said, popping the piece of banana into her mouth.

  "Really? My baby sister can guarantee that?" Natalie spat. "Okay, let's assume they won't. What about me, Marissa?"

  "You," her sister said, her brow furrowing in confusion. "Why would you want to do a—"

  "No, you little idiot!" Natalie snapped. "My career! For God's sake, what do you think it would do for my career if my sister was a porn star? I'd be finished—"


  If Jessica felt she was in for a quiet day, her thoughts changed within half an hour of play starting. Mike 'The Mouth' Matusow joined her table.

  "I know you did well at Binion's," he said, immediately targeting the blonde. "But luck can only go so far. And you're in the big league now, girly."

  "Thanks Mike," Jessica quietly responded. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction of rising to the bait.

  "You may have been able to win a few dollars," he continued. "But this is different. Not only is it the big time. You've now got Mikey to face."

  "You're right Mike," she softly replied. "I'm worried now,"

  "You should be," he boasted, the lack of response egging him on. "And those tits of yours aren't going to save you. I've got balls. Big balls."

  Jessica raised her sunglasses, resting them on the top of her silken hair to allow her to look him in the eye. "Well," she gently responded, "If they're as big as your mouth, they must be big."

  The laughter reverberating around the table quietened him, though she knew it wouldn't be for long. He raised the first hand, determined to make his mark early. Everyone folded around to Jessica. In the big blind, she made a speculative call with suited connectors. Nine-Eight of hearts.

  The flop helped. Nine-Two-Three.

  When Jessica checked, Matusow wasted no time following through on his preflop raise. Jessica flat called his half the pot raise. It was possible he had an overpair, she thought. Let's see what the turn brings.

  The Eight gave her two pairs.

  She took her time before betting half the pot, then sat back and arched her back. Give the boys something to concentrate on, she thought. It didn't go unnoticed.

  "Don't bother pointing those in my direction," Matusow barked with a curl of his lips. "They won't help you, girly."

  His pot-sized raise surprised her. She took her time thinking it through. All pointers suggested this was a typical Mike Matusow bluff. Surely, he would've played the hand differently if he'd hit a set? In truth, he could have anything. At best, a high pocket pair. Possibly a straight or flush draw?

  Or nothing at all? She pushed all-in.

  "I got you," he immediately told her, looking for a reaction.

  Jessica nearly responded, but despite the heavy thump-thump inside her chest, she sat still. His failure to instantly call immediately told her she was well ahead.

  "Want me to call?" he asked, staring intently at the blonde.

  Theatrically, she removed her sunglasses so she could look him straight in the eyes. "That's up to you, Mike," she calmly told him. "Just how big did you say your balls are?"

  The laughter made him flinch. Matusow feinted towards his chips, his keen eyes watched for any response. When her eyes stayed steady on his, he waited a few seconds and then folded.

  "Okay, girly, I'll let you win just one," he huffed.

  As she pulled the large amount of chips across the baize towards her, she couldn't resist the dig. There was only one way to deal with bullies. "Your balls shrinking?" she asked.

  Laughter ran around the table again.

  Matusow scowled as he watched her stack the chips, his eyes never leaving the blonde. A silent war was underway—though 'The Mouth' never remained silent for long. Two hands later, he pushed all-in. When everyone folded, he flipped over Three-Two.

  "That's the only way I've got chips this tournament, because I've been card dead," he told anyone who would listen. "You guys get the cards, I play real poker—but don't worry, I'm a survivor. And little Missy over there is going to be giving me all my chips back soon."


  Carrie purred like a cat as she licked around Big Jack's discharged cock. It was her speciality. One of them. She enjoyed licking a man clean, especially when she was able to produce the reaction she was achieving with the gangster. In a few minutes he'd be ready to go again.

  Samson always reacted to her teasing mouth. Without exception. But that man was remarkable. Even at fifty, he could go three times in succession when her mouth got to work. A world record, she giggled inwardly. Jack wasn't quite in that category—yet. Give her another few weeks, she'd have him fully trained.

  "Feel better, honey?" she slurped, her right handing cupping his balls as her mouth gently caressed his crown. He'd been in a foul mood when she'd got to work, but she was comfortable that with each sexual act, she was gradually gaining his confidence.

  "Yeah," he growled, flopping his head back against the chair rest. Somehow the tongue and lips working on him were soothing as well as arousing

  "That's good, honey," she purred, her eyes staring up at him from her position between his legs. She'd worn the short skirt deliberately. Shuffling her body, she pulled the thong down her tanned legs while keeping her mouth on him. Practice made perfect, and she'd had plenty. He was ready for her to fuck him now, but she wanted information first.

  "Let Carrie soothe away all those worries," she murmured, thumb and forefinger circling the head of his cock while her tongue worked its magic up and down his now hard length.

  His head jerked forward at the same time as his hand found her hair. "That's good, baby," he muttered, "but it'll be some time before my worries ease. I'm working on it, though."

  "Really?" she slurped, dropping her mouth to suck in his right ball. Once his fingers tightened in her spiky hair, she let it go. Slowly does it. "What's on your mind, Jack? I bet you're good at getting your own way?"

  He groaned as she sucked in his left testicle. The way she rolled it around the inside of her mouth was amazing. This kid was talented. "Revenge," he growled, feeling his manhood stiffen further. "Revenge's o
n my mind. And I'll get it. In my own time."

  "Revenge?" she innocently asked, pushing up on her knees so she could change angle. She blew on his cockhead. This was good, guys were so easy when they thought with their dicks. "What sort of revenge?"

  "I'll get that bastard Samson Smith," he answered, almost without thinking. Why was the dame asking questions? Suddenly, he was jerking her head upwards, his angry eyes staring down into hers.

  "Ow! Jack—"

  "What's it to you?" he suddenly asked, his voice dark and threatening. "What the fuck's goin' on with all these questions?" He pulled more tightly, causing her face to crease with pain. "Huh?"

  Her mind ticked over quickly. Think, dammit, think! "'Cos I thought you meant Reagan," she gasped, raising her hands to hold his forearms, attempting to ease the pain. He'd pull her fucking hair out! "I was thinking… I could help get her back… if that's what you wanted."

  The pressure instantly eased. "No, I didn't mean that bitch," he growled, his hands now stroking rather than pulling her hair. "But you can bring her to me?"

  She sat back on her haunches, rubbing her head. "Fuck, Jack, that hurt," she snapped, feigning mock annoyance. It was a risky strategy, but the rewards would be worthwhile if he fell for it. "Why'd you do that? I'm on your side. I want to help you, Jack. Why'd you hurt me?"

  His eyes flickered, not exactly with remorse. Probably with the feeling that he might be throwing away something that could help him. "I'm sorry, baby," he said, leaning forward and pulling her head against his shirt-covered chest. "Too much on my mind. You know where she is?"

  "Not exactly," she said, playing for time so that she kept all options open. Her fingers flicked open his middle two shirt buttons so she could stroke his chest. "But I can ask around the other girls. Someone's bound to know something. If I find her, what d'you want me to tell her?"

  The hardness returned to his voice. "Tell the bitch I'll cut her fingers off if she doesn't give me my money!"

  She slid upwards, pushing his pants down from his thighs so she could reverse back onto his lap. "I could, Jack," she hesitantly said, giving the impression of thinking things through. "But don't you think that'll just scare her off? If you want your money, you've gotta be more subtle."

  "Subtle," he growled, jerking his head involuntarily as she gently reached under her, taking hold of his cock. "What d'ya mean, subtle?"

  She had him!

  "Well first," she said, rubbing her wet labia along his hardness, "you've gotta make her feel wanted, just like my pussy wants you." Easing up on her tiptoes, she led his hardness to the Promised Land. "Then you slowly bring her back into the fold," she murmured, feeling Jack's hands cup her tits from behind. Her own hands covered his as she sank down on his thickness. "Then you can fuck her real good," she said. "Just like Carrie's gonna fuck you!"

  The sensation as she began to fuck him was electric—but this time she was more focused on her own pleasure than his. The bastard had hurt her, and her orgasm would be her first revenge. Serving him up on a plate to Samson would be her next.

  The way she threw her arms back behind her and wrapped them around his neck made him growl. She pounded down, his hands tightening on her bouncing breasts as she arched her back in search for fulfilment. Jack was moaning too under the force of her down thrusts. With a twist of her face, she went for broke, jerking down hard and fast as his breath changed to short pants.

  When her climax sought her out, she lost herself in the orgasm, allowing it to sweep over her in long waves, ripples of pleasure permeating through her. The spiky haired woman's body trembled on his cock, until she found a second wind. She'd reached her climax—now for his!

  "Wait," he commanded, wanting to regain control. The brunette had no intention of waiting. She tightened her sucking sex around his cock until he had no option but to respond. His hips thrust upwards, his breath became a wheeze. With a sway of her head and curl of her nostrils, she rode him to his nirvana.

  "Baby," he groaned, his body tensing as he prepared to fire. "Babeeeeeee…."


  Rosemary's Restaurant was a favourite of Kaitlyn's. Michael and Wendy Jordan had put their hearts into the place, and a visit there always felt like a special treat. Taking Marissa to the restaurant was a natural step. The final one, she'd hoped, to bringing the young woman into the adult movie world.

  Her adult movie world.

  But what she was hearing shocked her. "Marissa," she responded, attempting to disguise her frustration. She ran one hand through her short raven coloured hair to give her time to recover her smile. "I was so sure this was going to be the making of you. You were wonderful yesterday. And when we talked afterwards… you seemed to have made your mind up?"

  "I know," the blonde reluctantly agreed, her dull eyes reflecting her mood.

  "And the money!" Kaitlyn continued. "A quarter of a million, I mean—you'd never have to work again, darling. Or you could go on and become the biggest star the industry's ever seen. I truly believe that, darling! Why? Tell me again!"

  She knew why, of course. The blonde had just explained. But if she got the young woman to continue talking, she might find a way to change her mind. After all, this was the first woman Kaitlyn had cultivated, who'd subsequently turned her down. The brunette didn't take defeat easily, and that's what this felt like.

  It wasn't just the wasted effort. This girl was a natural, everything about her spelt sex. She'd be sensational in the trilogy of movies Kaitlyn had planned. The small print included an option for half a dozen more movies, too. All in all, Marissa would be tied in for as long as it took to make Kaitlyn serious money.

  But that meant the blonde would make a lot of money, too—so you couldn't knock it, right? Everyone was a winner.

  It wouldn't quite be a quarter of a million dollars that the girl would earn, of course. Naturally enough, there'd be the usual percentage deductions, agency fees and so on. And the actual earnings would be based on the success of the movies. Those sorts of things were always covered in the small print and the type of girls she dealt with never bothered with that sort of thing.

  Not that Marissa knew any of that detail. Why worry her?

  Right now, all of that counted for nothing. It was clear to Kaitlyn that she'd have to tone down her expectations. Hmmm… or perhaps it was just the timing she'd need to rethink? Never say never. She, of all people, knew that. If she didn't snare the blonde this time, Rachel would tonight.

  "It's my sister," Marissa was repeating, for the third time during their discussion. She spoke in a whisper, so they couldn't be overheard. "What would it do to her career, the public knowing she had a porn star for a sister? I've talked it over with Natalie and I just can't do it, Kaitlyn, as much as I'd like to."

  "I understand," Kaitlyn tried yet again, topping up their glasses with the remains of the burgundy. "You must do what's best for you, darling. Just remember that adult movies are a legitimate profession nowadays. And they can lead to some serious acting offers, too. Just look at Todd and Michelle!"

  Marissa had no idea who Todd and Michelle were, but from Kaitlyn's earnest expression, it seemed they were big stars. The fact that the husband and wife pornstar team's first legit film had succeeded mainly as a result of the publics' curiosity, and the second had bombed completely, was lost on her.

  "Combing that with your modelling career and the sky's the limit, Marissa," Kaitlyn continued, sowing the seeds that she hoped would pay dividends.

  "I understand everything," the blonde answered, her face curled in a mixture of regret. "But I could only do it if Natalie was happy for me—"

  The Agency Head raised a hand, calling for the check. She hadn't long to get to the airport if she was to catch her flight to Miami, but she wasn't letting the young woman go so easily, not after the money she'd 'invested'. "You're sure she's not being selfish?" she threw out as a final thought, running her fingertips along the blonde's golden tanned forearm.

  Marissa shivered at the touc
h. She'd been on such a journey since arriving in Vegas and she felt competing pangs of confusion and regret now the adventure was coming to an end. "No," she told the brunette. "Natalie's always been there for me in every way, Kaitlyn, and I can't do something that hurts her. I just can't!"

  The brunette smiled into Marissa's eyes. The warmness in the look didn't reflect the way she was feeling, but she'd accept the position—for now. Rachel would change the blonde's mind tonight. Or else.

  "I understand, darling," Kaitlyn lied, checking the bill. "You know I only want what's best for you. So tell me, what's next for Marissa Buchanan?"

  The blonde hesitated as the waiter took Kaitlyn's credit card. Waiting until the transaction was completed, she shook her head, her soft blonde waves bouncing on her shoulders. "I'm not sure. Natalie wants me to stay with her in Vegas—"


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