Royally Screwed

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Royally Screwed Page 11

by Godiva Glenn

  Clothing had rarely caught his attention before he’d met Brook. Now he lived to see what she’d appear in next. The traditional dress of Prism wouldn’t have been suitable to her boldness. This creation embodied her well.

  “You look radiant,” he said once he could speak.

  “Thank you,” she replied cordially. Her eyes lowered to the bouquet in his hands. “Are those for me or are you accessorizing?”

  He held them out to her and she took them. As she sniffed them, a genuine smile curved her lips, but only for a moment.

  “They’re lovely.”

  “Can we talk?” he asked.

  “Not now…” she glanced to the doorway. “The guests are arriving. We can talk later, when there’s no rush.”

  He heard the footsteps and cursed. He hadn’t arrived as early as he’d hoped, or the fae were eager to get the party started.

  “Kerren,” Catriona called.

  He looked over his shoulder for a second then back to Brook, who had already placed the flowers down on the gift table beside her.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  Her eyes closed, and she turned away from him. He couldn’t tell if her reaction was good or bad, but either way, he had to step back and join the King and Queen. At least he hadn’t been slapped, though. Vevina insisted that human women loved to slap men.

  * * * *

  At first, Kerren thought he was imagining Brook avoiding him. But now that she’d practically raced across the dance floor to escape him, he knew it wasn’t in his head. She wasn’t going to make an apology easy.

  Artur appeared at his side and Kerren fumbled at first, resorting to the decades of programming that told him to drop everything and bow to the King. Who knew how long it would be before he thought of Artur as family. As a father.

  “Your intended seems to be on a mission,” Artur commented.

  “She’s not my intended,” Kerren said somewhat bitterly.

  Artur placed a hand on Kerren’s shoulder. “What did you do wrong?”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “Having been married for over a century, I can spot the signs. Catriona can literally suck the noise from a room so that it’s devastatingly clear when she’s giving me the silent treatment,” Artur confessed in a deep voice.

  Kerren’s lips quirked in amusement. “Yes, well… how do you fix it?”

  “In your case? Wait for the embrace. You can’t catch her in here, but you can catch her out there,” he said, motioning outside. “Nature can hide you.”

  “I’m not sure a sneak attack is the wisest, and I’m not that stealthy.”

  “You have my blood. Shifting came naturally because you expected it. Blending into the shade and trees is easier than remaking your entire form to suit your spirit. Trust me.”

  Artur patted his shoulder and left. Kerren made his way outside and sat on a bench. During the embrace, Brook would be united with the land of Prism. She wasn’t going to be claimed by a family or a person, but the spirit of the world itself.

  And in everything that had happened, he hadn’t even had the chance to explain it to her.

  He watched everyone move in and out of the palace; Chatting, mingling, waiting for the ceremony to begin. The sun had already set, but nothing would start until the moon was above the palace.

  After what seemed like forever, most of the crowd filed out into the large garden and gathered around the tree that stood central to the landscape.

  Catriona and Artur guided Brook forward and Kerren stood, the breath escaping his lungs at the sight of her again.

  The tree seemed to light from within, and pixies appeared in the branches, sitting and waiting like the rest of the crowd. Catriona took Brook’s left hand and held it out towards the tree. The aurleis vines hiding in the shadows came to life and reached out to her, circling her wrist like a bracelet of lush purple blossoms.

  The Queen whispered to Brook, no doubt giving her instructions. Everyone else present understood the ceremony, but she would be in the dark.

  “Do you accept the gift of the land and air, the waters and fade, and the spirit of our blood?” Artur asked.

  Brook cleared her throat, and after a quick glance to Catriona responded, “I accept this gift and offer my life’s essence, that which flows through my heart. I request to be reborn into a vessel of this earth and be an instrument of her will.”

  “Your heart is pure, your sacrifice welcomed,” Artur intoned.

  Brook stepped closer to the tree and placed her palm flat against the trunk. The vines twisted tighter and held her in place. A second passed, then she gasped.

  Kerren flinched and watched as she pulled her hand away as far as the vine would allow. A thorn remained exposed on the trunk, glistening with her dark blood.

  “Mortal blood to feed the past,” she said with a slight whimper, holding her hand aloft and displaying the cut. “Given freely and with reverence to seal my future.”

  The crowd murmured thanks and bowed. Slowly, the vines released Brook and Catriona pressed a cloth to the wound.

  “We have witnessed the birth of a new daughter of Prism. All celebrate the binding of Lady Brook Donovan, who shall now tend the southern valleys of Weylan Barrows.”

  Kerren clapped along with the group. While some hated to have their land divided, he saw no issue with Brook having a claim on a portion of the Barrows.

  The majority of men and women headed inside, and Artur looked Kerren’s way before heading in himself. Brook looked up into the tree and seemed to be conversing with the pixies hiding therein.

  Once the crowd had thinned he slipped into the shadows. With careful steps, he placed himself at Brook’s back.

  She jumped and turned, hand to her chest. “Where did you come from?”

  “Could we talk?”

  “I have to head inside,” she insisted.

  She looked over his shoulder and into the ballroom. Music had begun to play again, giving him an idea.

  “Dance with me?” he asked.


  “Just one dance. I’m not trying to ruin your night,” he promised. “If after one dance you’re sick of me, I’ll be scarce the rest of the ball.”

  She exhaled, brows furrowed. “Fine.”

  He took her by the hand that wasn’t injured and led her to the dance floor. The existing occupants cleared away, giving them wide berth to dance and talk.

  Placing a hand on her waist and guiding her to the rhythm, he stared into her eyes.

  “I love you, Brook,” he started. She pursed her lips, but he continued, “My timing was terrible, but my intentions were honest. I had already made up my mind to tell you this before I was summoned.”

  “You say that,” she muttered.

  “It’s the truth,” he insisted. He spun her around and pulled her close again. “There was too much going on yesterday, and everything became muddled. I want to stay with you. Prince or not, I was ready to lay it out on the line.”

  “You should have said something,” she hissed.

  “I should have, I know. Part of me was scared that it wouldn’t be approved, and part of me wondered if perhaps you were only with me because I was your only choice.”

  He hadn’t planned on saying it, but once the words escaped his lips he heard how foolish it sounded.

  “I’ve never been afraid before, Brook. I didn’t know how to handle it. But know that if you weren’t called here, if we were back on Earth, I still would love you. And you’re right—I should have told you before I told anyone else.”

  Her expression softened, and he bent over her to speak against her ear.

  “I was bored and lonely for decades. Yet you come into my life and suddenly I see everything so clearly. You awakened me. I appreciate so much more than I did before. I see the world through your eyes, the wonder you experience, and I realize that I have missed so much.”


  “I don’t want to miss anything else. I w
ant to share every minute with you. I can’t imagine my life with anyone else, and I don’t want to. There is no one more perfect for me than you,” he confessed.

  Something wet brushed his cheek, making him pull back. Light reflected off the trails of tears falling over Brook’s face.

  “I’ve made you cry,” he whispered.

  “Damnit,” she said with a soft laugh. “Yes, you have. Because I needed to know this. I needed to know that you’d be happy here, or there, or wherever. I needed to know that I was enough for you.”

  “Of course, you are.”

  “Then my answer is yes,” she said.

  He blinked in confusion then stopped dancing. “Yes?”

  “Yes. It’s been so fast, and so crazy, but yes. I’ve never been more certain of anything than this—I want to marry you,” she said, fresh tears falling.

  He wiped the moisture from her cheeks with his thumbs and bent over her, pulling her into a kiss. Drawing back, he laughed.

  “Oh… Gerri said to call her if you needed anything.”

  Brook arched a brow. “That… she… of course. I can’t believe you went to Gerri.”

  “I didn’t. Vevina did for me.”

  “That makes so much more sense,” Brook murmured.

  “Pardon me,” Catriona interrupted. “Since you too have finally come to your senses, Brook, I wanted to discuss your future employment.”

  “Right now?” Kerren asked. “We’ve just—”

  “Brook expressed a sincere desire to be involved in her future, which means yes, right now, because it’s the right moment,” Catriona said firmly.

  Brook eyed him before stepping away. “I’ll be back.”

  “I’ll be waiting.”


  Fae weddings were nothing like the weddings celebrated by the humans of Earth. The vow exchange didn’t make anyone sleepy, there was no white dress. No rings to exchange and no bridesmaids or groomsmen.

  Just promises of love, ceremonial blood-letting, and lots of drinking.

  Brook had absolutely no complaints.

  Well, on second thought, she could always do without blood-letting.

  She wandered through the garden of partying guests, one hand on her extended belly. The fae saw no fault in her marrying while already swollen and pregnant, and the lack of judgment was a huge relief.

  On the contrary, this would be the first fae birth in the last five years, so she was overladen with congratulations and well-wishing.

  She wasn’t due for another few months, but she’d taken time off from her job until then.

  “There you are,” Vevina said with a hint of playful frustration. She held out a plate of fruit and sweets, scolding, “Eat before you pass out.”

  Brook took the assortment of finger foods with a sigh of relief. “Thank you. I’ve been too busy greeting everyone from here to the isles.”

  “And farther. You’ve got guests from off-world, dear. But save the socializing skills for your job,” Vevina teased. “Damn. I need to run. I can’t find Kerren… I think he’s using his magic to hide in the bushes.”

  Brook watched Vevina rush off. As she munched a honeyed cracker, she waved to a group of dragon shifters from another planet.

  The Queen had made Brook an official ambassador for the fae, and though she primarily secured relations between Prism and Earth, she also interacted with the many other planets. Kerren often joined her, and if not, she went with Vevina, who she’d found the heart to fully forgive.

  “It’s been centuries since we had twins,” a woman mused.

  Brook turned to see a petite and curvy fae staring at her stomach. “Excuse me?”

  “May I?” the woman asked, extending her hand.

  Brook always thought she’d hate strangers touching her stomach, but the fae seemed to leave pleasant tickles of magic, and they adored children, so the aversion had quickly vanished.

  “Sure,” she replied.

  The woman gently pressed her fingertips to Brook’s large stomach. A smile grew on the stranger’s lips and a soft glow emitted from her entire form.

  “Yes. Twins. Strong and eager to meet the world,” she whispered.

  Brook rubbed her belly. “Are you sure?”

  The woman nodded.

  “Brook,” Kerren called.

  Brook turned and saw Kerren making his way over. Glancing back, she didn’t see the stranger anywhere. Kerren came close and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

  “If we’ve both made rounds, perhaps we could find someplace quiet?” he asked lifting his brows suggestively.

  “Wait… someone just said we’re having twins.” Brook’s eyes searched the crowds around them to no avail. “But she disappeared.”

  “Twins?” He placed his hands on her and dropped to his knees. With his cheek against her stomach, he glanced up. “Do you know how rare that is? How blessed we are?”

  “Well, yes, I can imagine,” she said slowly. “But who was that woman?”

  Kerren closed his eyes and seemed to be listening to the babies.


  His eyes popped open. “Ah. What did she look like?”

  “Short…curvy like me. Long pink hair and eyes.”

  “Fianni.” He stood and wrapped an arm around her. “It’s not her original name, but current. She’s the aspect of Harmony. If she touched you, she blessed our children.”


  “Will you ever get tired of being surprised?” he asked.


  He kissed her forehead and ran his fingers through her long hair. “Brook Donovan, I will never tire of any part of you. Especially the way you make love to food.”

  She slapped his arm and giggled. “Speaking of making love…”

  The scene around them faded as he pulled them both into the shadows. They were hidden from everyone, and he led her far from the party to a clearing beyond the trees. He released the cloak around them, bringing the world back into brightness.

  “I must be the luckiest man in the world,” he said, nuzzling her neck.

  “Probably,” she agreed.

  He sighed. “You make it hard to give an honest compliment.”

  “What can I say? I like it hard.”

  Thank you for reading my contribution to Milly Taiden’s PDA series. I hope you had as much fun reading it as I had writing it. For more romantic adventures, you can find all the PDA stories written by authors like me here.

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  Remember, if you liked it, please review it!

  More by Godiva Glenn

  Night Wolves

  Night Discovered

  Night Revelations

  Paranormal Playground

  Supernatural Delights

  About Godiva Glenn

  Godiva Glenn is a nocturnal being, much like vampires and cats. She holds a B.A. in Literature, which more or less means she has spent more hours reading and writing than she would ever care to admit to. Luckily, all that knowledge comes in handy for her creative pursuit as a purveyor of classy smut.

  Most of her recent writing endeavors circle around the paranormal/supernatural. Wolves are her preferred sexy shifters, but who knows what the future holds. Regardless the situation, she loves strong women and men secure enough to love them.

  She resides in the U.S. with her amazing husband and two delightful giant cats, and dreams of traveling abroad to research locations.

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