DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst

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DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst Page 1

by L M Lacee

  Dragon’s Gap Fantasy Romance Box Set 1-3

  Plus Love’s Catalyst

  By L.M. Lacee

  Copyright © 2012 L. M. Lacee. All rights reserved. Published by PrivotelConcepts

  This Dragon’s Gap set No.1 is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Ant resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

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  Reighn & Sage

  Sharm and Edith’s Story

  Love’s Catalyst

  Storm and Charlie’s Story



  This is a work of fiction!

  This Dragon’s Gap set No.1 is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental

  Reighn & Sage

  By L.M. Lacee

  Table of Contents































  S age Harris, stood with three hundred females in the backyard of their Alpha’s property, waiting for him to acknowledge that they were there. Anger pulsed in the air, smothering all other emotions, except for the crushing pain emanating from the female standing beside her.

  As she looked around the yard, she knew life was about to change for herself and all these females born of the union between a human mother and a shifter father. As well as the Alphas who they awaited. Robard and Pearl Harris, Alphas of the Western Mountain Pack ruled the world, at the will of the Shifter Goddess.

  Like all these females Sage too had come to her Uncle Robard’s territories for protection, living here had been most of these females only recourse. Safety for themselves and their children drove them to live within the territories of the pack. This was not because the pack offered a prosperous way of life… far from it.

  Unfortunately as with the non-shifter world the pure-blood shifters viewed the half-bloods with suspicion and distrust. Unable to identify as full-shifter or full-human was a constant burden for the females. Sadly not everyone liked the results that came from the unions of humans and shifters. Although there were benefits to being the offspring of the association. Sage like many of the females appreciated, the gift from her father that flowed through her veins. Along with the many benefits they all received, like the healing abilities they were endowed with and especially the slow rate of aging. As with the full-bloods, the females all looked younger than their actual age. Unfortunately, these were only a few of the good and positive gifts about being a shifter. Sadly those same gifts that made being a half-shifter wonderful, in the world they had very dangerous consequences for half-bloods. Resulting often in abuse and sometimes even death.


  L ife, as Sage knew it on this fateful night, came to an unexpected end when the Goddess appeared to her in her apartment. This evening was one of the few times her uncle had not insisted she join him and Pearl. She had just finished her own meal when a golden ball of light appeared and coalesced into a female with long blue hair that fell in a curtain around her body. Her gown was a mixture of blues and greens. The material Sage was positive could not be of this world. She desperately wanted to reach out and feel if it was as soft as it looked. The apparition was hauntingly beautiful, with skin that glowed and eyes that were a deep green. Sage was positive as she stared at her, that the Goddess could read every one of her thoughts and look deeply into her heart and soul. Instant knowledge of who stood before her blossomed within Sage’s heart and mind. She dropped to her knees. “Goddess!”

  Ahh! The perfect daughter of my Terrac and Skye, a blessing long awaited. Rise sweet Sage we have much to discuss.

  Sage had risen and stood with joy and wonder in her heart and soul to find herself in the presence of such grace. Sadly this euphoric state did not remain. She asked Sage if she knew of the agreement between her and the Alphas. She assured her she did, as it was one of the first things anyone who came to live within the territories was instructed in. Then she recited what everyone was taught.

  The Goddess who oversaw all shifters had entered into an agreement with the Alphas and pack of the Western Mountains territories. They were tasked with the safety and protection of all half-bloods. It was not an arduous agreement for Robard and Pearl Harris to abide by. And for their dedication the Goddess gave the Alphas the right to rule the Shifter Nation and endowed the pack with riches. The benefit at the time to the modest pack and which reportedly swayed not only the Alphas. But every member to accept the deal was the promise of new pack membership and territory. An Alpha’s value was measured by the size of his pack and the land he held. To hold the Shifter Nation made Robard and Pearl the King and Queen of Shifters.

  Once again Sage mentally shook her head with a mixture of sadness and anger at the stupidity or naivety of the pack. Standing in the presence of the divine as she had. She wondered how her uncle and his mate had been so naive in not realizing that all gifts came with their own share of consequences.

  Sadly in the last few years, she had come to the realization that it had been greed and power that had decided for the Alphas and pack. Not altruism, as she had first hoped when she had learned of the agreement.

  Now as the Goddess told her that her uncle had been lying to her and to all who came to live in his territory. Her heart had cried when she learned that every time she had assured the females of the pack that he, her uncle loved and wanted them here to protect and keep them safe. She had unwittingly been lying. She listened as the Goddess told her how her uncle Robard and his mate Pearl and the pack themselves, had broken the agreement and her trust. When Sage stood stupefied in disbelief. The Goddess with a flourish produced the agreement she unfurled the scroll and handed it to Sage urging her to read the
clauses for herself. With anger and pain beating at her temples, Sage read the clauses the Goddess had highlighted.

  One: Both the Alphas could not be absent from their immediate territory at the same time.

  Two: The pack would provide and allow settlement within their home territory, for all half-blood shifters of all species.

  Three: The Alpha pair would demand that the pack members keep safe all the progeny of a union between a male and a human female. (As no female shifter ever had a child outside of a mating, this caveat never applied to them, other than they were expected to treat all progeny as pack.)

  Four: The Alphas and all the Western Mountain pack members were never to intentionally hurt, abuse or kill any half shifters under their protection.

  When Sage was finished, she raised eyes filled with confusion and asked the Goddess. “Why hide this?”

  The Goddess delicately shrugged. I do not know. You can see my Sage that it was not a difficult agreement to abide by. The Alpha’s went into this agreement on behalf of their pack with complete understanding of what was expected of them and their members.

  Sage had nodded, she did see and she also knew that within a month of accepting the deal with the Goddess, the Western Mountain pack had flourished. Each year that passed they had become more dominant, wealthier and the demand to reside within their borders rose.

  The Goddess had then spoken of how she had waited for Robard and Pearl to correct the behavior of the full-bloods. And to reinforce the agreement between them, but this was to no avail. Heartbroken Sage had pleaded on her uncle’s behalf. Telling the Goddess all the good he did for the full and half- bloods alike. And what he intended to do in the future, the plans he spoke often to her of.

  With a look of utter sorrow on her perfect features, the Goddess had taken Sage’s hands in hers. Then with a thought, she had placed the images of his neglect in her mind. She had shown her some of the females under his care and the exploitation of the many half-bloods by the pack in and out of his immediate territory. She showed Sage the appalling conditions the half-blood females not in his immediate territory were made to work in. As well as the squalor, they were having to live and house their children within. She showed her how some could barely feed themselves let alone their young.

  Then sadly she showed her how they were often punished by the ones that should have been their protectors. Finally, she showed her how Sage’s uncle and aunt were not securing the safety of the half-bloods as they had sworn to do. She pointed out the many times Sage had gone to her uncle to discuss her concerns and the concerns of the females. And how he had dismissed her worries and the females cares with a wave of his hand. Sage could not dispute his behavior but still she argued on his behalf. She swore her uncle would do something about the plight of the half-bloods that he would make it right. Especially when she explained it to him. She begged the Goddess for a reprieve.

  The Goddess had cupped her cheek saying softly. You are truly your father’s daughter. He would have been so proud of you but my dear child it is far too late!

  Sage looked down as the Goddess’s beautiful face contorted into a mask of abject sorrow as she placed her finger between Sage’s eyes. Showing her why there would be no reprieve for the Alphas and the members of the Western Mountain Pack.

  With dawning horror Sage became a witness to a horrendous crime as she watched an image shimmer into life on her dining room wall. A picture of Pearl and her betas torturing and finally delivering a killing blow to an innocent young girl played out in front of her very eyes. She watched the sweet, kind-hearted teenager with a heart of gold who everyone loved. Fall to the ground in a tangle of limbs as the three females stood over her and laughed.

  Sage screamed with pain as she dropped to her knees crying out from the depths of her grief. Beating her fists against the floor as she wept for an innocent’s life. “No… No! Oh Pearl what did you do? She was a not a threat to you. Why… why? She should have been safe. She should have been protected. Why?”

  Finally, her despair quietened to sobs as she pressed her forehead onto the floor. Words barely audible flowed from her throat. “Forgive me, Flora. I let you down. I should have kept you safe. Sweet Flora, sweet kind lovable Flora…”

  The Goddess, her beautiful golden face fill of pain and anguish leaned down and lifted Sage to her feet. In a voice harsh with sorrow, she asked. Now do you see my Sage? It is too late for them now. I have found a safe, wonderful place for my chosen. Where they can find mates and have families, where the young will be accepted. There are adults just waiting to be parents, hoping for the love of a child. Little ones will find love and a life worth living. They are desperately wanted. Will you become my voice for my chosen? Her voice softened to a mere whisper as she told Sage. I made a mistake when I made the decision to have only one Alpha, and his pack become the guardians of my chosen. Your father disagreed with what I wanted to do and stepped down as Alpha. He believed that the guardianship should have been spread over all the Alphas and packs. It is why he left his home and found your mother. He knew even when I did not and would not see. That the agreement I eventually entered into with your uncle and his mate was wrong! I have seen too late his wisdom. I sadly chose wrongly. With tears filling her voice, she cried. I was wrong!

  She dropped her hand from Sage’s face as she pleaded once more. Please, Terrac and Skye’s daughter will you help me to right this wrong?

  Sage listened to her inner voice. Listened to the words of her Goddess but most of all she listened to the long ago spoken words of her father when he had advised her. “It is never wrong to fight injustice and the fight can take many forms. It is only wrong to not try and sometimes, you have to know when to leave and let nature take its own course.”

  He had done that, and this was one of those times Sage knew she too had to step aside and let nature find its own way. So she found her voice and swallowed her anger and sadness, locking them away for later. She straightened her shoulders, wiped the tears from her face and said one word. “Yes.”

  At her acceptance the Goddess shone, engulfing Sage in her Grace! Thank you Sage now show my chosen to their new home. Save as many of my children as you can. Empower others to do the same. I will assist when it is possible. The days, when the pure-blood shifters dominated the world are ending. Stand for my chosen Sage.

  So here she was! Just past nine o’clock on a cool summer’s eve while the world started its descent into night waiting with thousands of others for their life to change. Wondering how all these females had t known to come here this night, at his time. Then like a lightning bolt realization hit her, the Goddess was responsible!

  Sage closed her eyes and felt the essence of the Goddess in the very ground they stood upon. She knew many more females beyond the borders of the pack’s home territory waited for their Goddess’s word to leave their homes tonight.

  She sighed as she finally admitted to herself that she had been toying with the idea of leaving her uncle’s home. Before her aunt did something stupid like pressure her uncle into arranging a mating between her and the asshole, Dick Rynne. One of her uncle’s betas, a male that sent chills down Sage’s spine each time he was near. His underlying hatred of all non-pure bloods was intensely frightening.

  Sage knew her uncle and aunt, in fact, all within the house were well aware she and all the females were there. She knew her uncle had known the minute the females had walked across his boundary line. She looked around at the poorly dressed, work worn females who held in their arms children theirs or someone else’s. Other young children or teenagers stood close to the adults. Too many of them were underfed and looked unwell. How she wondered did the Alpha’s miss this abuse. How had she?

  Sage understood that the territory had grown quickly and many packs aligned themselves with the Western Mountain pack. Growing the communities and territories throughout the world but surely the Alphas of those packs reported to her uncle. He was often gone from home visiting those areas, how did he no
t see what was happening.

  Cynically she decided he had seen and turned a blind eye to the female’s treatment. Because it was plain to see that with the help of the half-bloods, the packs income had increased substantially. Pack members became rich almost overnight and had successful businesses throughout the territories.

  Supposedly to help provide for the half-blood shifters, the full-blood members employed them exclusively to work in their companies. Small businesses grew into large prosperous enterprises with the ever increasing workforce again almost overnight. Factories that were on the decline, suddenly were producing and expanding to dominate markets throughout the world due to an abundance of workers. Unemployment was a thing of the past for full-bloods businesses. The industries were not the only ones to take advantage of the increased workforce.

  Pack members were overjoyed to find nannies and housekeepers within the half-blood community. Wages for half-bloods were just above the poverty pay rate and sometimes not even that. As far as the full-bloods were concerned they were fulfilling the terms of the agreement. The half-bloods were provided for and employed which meant they were protected.

  This was a win-win for the Alphas and the full-blood shifters. Unfortunately as time passed, it became clear it was not a win for the half-bloods. Exploitation was rife as Sage now witnessed she wondered if her uncle would see what she was seeing. Then just as quickly she realized it would make no difference if he did, sometimes it was too late to fix what was broken. She shifted uncomfortable with her thoughts, and the sadness and anger as well as the underlying taint of hatred that hung heavily in the air.

  Flora’s sister Mary stood beside her while silent tears ran unchecked down her face. In her arms she cradled the lifeless body of her just turned thirteen year old sister. Her body forever held in the shifted half-form. Dead from a knife thrust into the back of her neck. Others joined with Mary, crying their own silent tears at the death of the much loved girl. Her happy innocent nature forever lost to the world. A sad sacrifice to someone’s hatred. Many of the females were beyond tears only hatred and rage filled their hearts and minds, along with betrayal from the ones that were meant to be their protectors


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