DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst

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DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst Page 31

by L M Lacee

  Scarlett told her again. “Patience and communication now go, your male looks lost and lonely, go dance with him.” She pushed Edith away a little.

  Edith grinned, “Well okay seeing as you are the Queen.”

  Scarlett nodded. “I command you to go and dance. And to enjoy yourself!”

  “Fine.” She stomped off. Sparrow, Queen Scarlett’s guard captain said. “I like her. She is so delightful and so irreverent!”

  Scarlett replied. “I know. I think I like that about her the most. Prudence dear are you going to take up her suggestion?”

  “Oh may I?”

  “Of course, it will be good you. The Grove will benefit from the contact.”

  “Then I would like your permission to apply for the position?”

  “Good, you have it. Now go talk to healer Ella and see what she says about you becoming a faerie healer.”

  “Yes my Queen.” Prudence said with a bow, she walked quickly away just as Verity and Grace arrived. Verity handed Scarlett a glass with a deep red wine in it and asked. “Well?”

  Scarlett smiled. “As you thought, hurtful words and misunderstandings, we can only hope they work it out.”

  Grace nodded. “That is all we can do, new mating’s can be hard to navigate.”

  Verity sighed then said brightly. “Scarlett are you having fun?”

  “I am and this wine is delicious.” Scarlett said after several sips of the nectar. Verity smiled, “I know, it is from my Rene`s private cellar. I have given it to Sage so all can enjoy it. Mind you I kept one or two bottles back for us.”

  “Oh my!” Grace said. “Are you annoyed?”

  Verity opened her eyes wide in mock surprise and within them was easy to read the anger she was hiding. “Why would you think that?”

  “Rene’ had only twenty-five bottles of that wine left.” Grace said amused. “I should know he boasted of it last time he was home.”

  “Well now he does not, he should have been here, as he is not. I decided for him.” Verity said, she was indeed angry, Rene` swore to attend and had backed out at the last minute. Taking his wine was passive aggressive she knew, but it did not stop her enjoying the alcohol!

  The other two held their own counsel it was obvious Verity was hurt and angry with her shadow. Scarlett said. “Sparrow you and Lao go and have some fun, go show the dragons how to play the knife game.”

  Sparrow grinned as Lao high fived her. “As you will my Queen.”

  Sparrow and Lao slipped through the crowd until they came to the group of youths who were playing.

  “Shall we, ladies.” Scarlett said as the three of them walked over to where Verity had reserved a table for them. Two bottles of the honey rose wine sat on the table along with glasses and several platters of delicious looking food.

  “What is the knife game?” Grace asked as she looked to where Sparrow and Lao had gone.

  Scarlett shrugged. “It is when two opponents throw knives at each other’s feet and they have to stretch to reach it. They must be in bare feet, no shoes.”

  Grace nodded. “As young, we played that, but we called it chicken.”

  “Good name choice.” Scarlett agreed. “Sparrow is very good at the game, she has never been beaten.”

  After an hour and several glasses of Rene`s fine wine and loads of laughter with not only Scarlett and Grace but most of the matrons. Verity pointed out Lars and Stan who were heading to where Sparrow was still playing, they decided to go and watch the game.

  Edith had not gone directly to Sharm she had skirted the area he was in, and talked to Ella again and several others she knew. Caught up with a very drunk Sage and June who were now on something called Dragons Ale with Reighn and Johner. She met Keeper and found him intelligent and interesting they talked books for a little while. Then she worked her way towards Sharm, finally coming to a stop in front of him. Her eyes warm with emotion she said. “So the Queen said you looked lost and lonely are you?”

  “Yes.” He said as he let his eyes rove over her face and rest on her eyes. He saw the soft look enter hers and a slow smile appeared on his face, as he asked. “Do you have an answer to that my soul?”

  Edith rocked on her heels as she too smiled. “Well as to that, want to dance?”

  “For a start!” He said as he took her hand and before she knew it she was in his arms and they were swaying to the music. Edith breathed in his scent as his hands held her closer. With her eyes closed she sighed and felt his warm breath on her skin. Felt contentment steal over her from her bear and his dragon as she tipped her face up to capture his mouth with hers.


  T he next day Edith met with Verity for breakfast. The party had finally wound down around three in the morning, so Henry had told her. She and Sharm had left around midnight and returned to the apartment in a better frame of mind than they had left. They had made love until the sun peeked itself over the rim of the world and when exhausted had fallen into sleep. Only for Sharm to be roused just after seven for an emergency.

  Henry admitted Verity into the apartment. “Lady Verity it is nice to see you. I have set up on the balcony.”

  “Thank you Henry, how is everything?” He crossed is fingers. “So far, so good!”

  Verity smiled and whispered. “Well keep them crossed that they remain so.”

  “I intend to Madam.” He told her just as quietly, then he showed her through to the balcony. As they neared the table, she asked Henry. “Did you have a good time last night?”

  “I did it was most enjoyable. I will bring your tea Madam.”

  “Thank you Henry.”

  Edith smiled at Verity and Henry, she was dressed and had been sitting watching the rain clouds gather.

  “Good morning Lady Verity.”

  “Good morning Edee how are you?”

  “I am and you”

  “Well a little sad Rene` could not make it last night but there you go.”

  Edith frowned. “Why did he not make it?”

  “Oh something came up I suppose. Never mind he will be back when he can. Everyone enjoyed the wine he donated, so that was lovely!” And the way she said that clued Edith into the fact Rene` may not have been the donor. Maybe Verity was not as passive as Edith thought when it came to her males. Something to mull over later, her bear suggested.

  Verity asked. “This is lovely but why am I here so early?”

  Edith wanted to pursue the topic of Rene`, but she let it go for another day as she took a drink of her coffee and said. “I have an idea?”

  “Oh what is it, can I help?”

  “Well yes, I think that Dragon’s Gap deserves a museum and art gallery.”

  “Oh well, I suppose it does. I cannot think why we have never had either one before?”

  “Population or not the right time maybe, or no one thought of it. I can think of loads of reasons.”

  “Well yes, I see your point.” Verity mused as she took a sip of her tea.

  “So what do you think?”

  “That it is a splendid… absolutely splendid idea. What can I do to help?”

  Edith grinned. “Organize the museum. I thought with all the art and antiques you have here at the castle and all the people you know. You may be able to get them to loan items to display. There would be enough to open a museum. I am sure there are a lot of people that have treasures they would like to show off. What do you think?” Edith asked her nervously as Verity just sat still not saying anything, after a few minutes she smiled and said. “Oh Edee it is a marvelous idea, there are large storage rooms here filled with artifacts from so many centuries. Items we could display, I am sure Sage will allow it?”

  “She will, I already ran it by her, she said she loved the idea as long as she didn’t have to do anything. Lazy cow!”


  Edith grinned at the admonishment. “Oh sure take her side!”

  Verity laughed just as Henry arrived with their breakfasts. He arranged their plate and re
filled their cups then departed all with swift efficiency. Edith sighed and said. “It takes getting used to.”

  Verity asked. “What does dear?”


  Verity smiled as she told her. “Sage has the same trouble, it does become easier in time just treat everyone with respect and they will do likewise.”

  Edith nodded as she applied herself to her food. When she had finished, she used the napkin then asked. “So Lady Verity want to be an administrator and the first curator of the very first museum of Dragon’s Gap?”

  “Why thank you Lady Edith, I would be pleased too. What shall we call it?”

  “Your decision. I am only the ideas person.”

  Verity grinned. “Edee think of the stories I can tell and the pieces we will display.”

  “You could have a shifter exhibit, Grace and the matrons would help with that I am sure or at least point you in the right direction. Also an exhibit for the Faeries, people could learn and understand who and what they are. I bet the Queen would like that. Also, there should be a human exhibit. I am sure there are several people in town who would be delighted to be asked to contribute, not that I have spoken with them or anything!”

  “Oh of course not.” Verity laughingly agreed.

  “There have to be dragon families, who will have things to loan the museum for an exhibit?”

  “Oh I am sure I can find many who have and will be willing to do so.” Verity agreed, she frowned as she said. “I will have to employ people?”

  “Yep, Sage and Reighn said the castle and Dragon’s Gap will split the costs for the museum.”

  “What about the gallery who is to run that?”

  Edith grinned. “I am, I have always wanted to own and run a gallery to showcase talent, and this is the right time and place.”

  Verity asked. “Will Reighn and Sage also fund that?”

  “Well no, I want to buy it. I need something of my own. Well me and the bank, sort of.” She looked off to the mountains in thought then asked. “Do we have a bank?”

  Verity said. “Yes of course and no I will fund the buildings for the gallery and the museum.”

  “Oh no I did not...”

  “I know dear but let us call it a gift from me.”

  “Well I can pay you.”

  “Edith, a gift is a gift. Payment negates the sentiment do you not think?”

  Edith bowed her head and said, “I thank you Lady Verity. I have never had a gift so large before.”

  “Do you have a building in mind?”

  “Yep!” Verity was pleased to see how excited Edith seemed it took the bruised look from her eyes. “It sort of joins with the one for the museum or at least if you like it, it will. I thought that way we could overlap if we needed to.”

  Verity thought about that for a minute then nodded. “Well that sounds splendid. We will go visit it after we have done something else I wanted to do today.” Before Edith could ask her what she meant, she said. “Now what did Sharm say about the apartment and the gallery?”

  Edith’s face closed off. “We have not discussed either yet.”

  “Why not?” Verity raised her eyebrows, Edith had been so excited when they had parted the day before. What had happened to make her loose that excitement, this seemed more than a misunderstanding which worried her.

  Edith said abruptly. “We argued when I got home before the party. We will sort it out. I do not feel right discussing this with his mother.”

  Verity gently asked. “Then who?”

  “No one, there is nothing to discuss. It is just new that is all.”

  “Alright Edee, we will leave it there.”

  “Thank you.” Edith tried for a smile but failed.

  To change the subject. Verity asked. “So what of the art, will you still be able to restore it?”

  “I will be doing that too. The gallery will take a while to get established. I want to do it right, like the museum. Nothing happens overnight.”

  “Well it sort of does dear at least here at Dragon’s Gap, it can!”

  Edith grinned. “Oh well yeah. I forgot that. I will just take my time. You can do what you like for the museum.”

  “Do you really think I can do this?” Verity asked excited but apprehensive as well.

  Edith asked. “If not you, who?”

  Verity thought about what Edith had asked, it really was a wonderful opportunity and she would be busy, it would be thrilling to be working again. “I can think of many who could do it, but I want too.”

  Her dragon said. It is a good idea. We will meet people and talk and show them how smart we are.

  Well, that is true, we are very knowledgeably on art and antiques.

  “Good!” Edith said, then asked. “You are worried about something what is it?”

  “Well only a little, I was just wondering what Rene` and the boys will think?”

  Edith opened her mouth to say she didn’t care what they thought, but she held her tongue and said instead. “I am sure it will be okay. So I need a work room if I am to be the royal conservator.”

  “I have spoken to Reighn and Sage they like the idea very much and also they are pleased that it is you who is doing the restoring.”

  “Sounds like someone did some checking?” Edith said with a smile. Verity blushed slightly as she said. “It would seem Johner looked into your background, are you angry?”

  “Why would I be? If you remember I told you to have that done, it was just sensible. Verity your art is priceless, I would have been offended if they had not.”

  “Oh well aright!” She hurried on as though she wanted to forget what had happened and said. “Reighn also hoped that you would take on other artists or people who wished to be artists. Either to teach or help you. The castle would of course, pay all the wages, yours included. What do you think?”

  Verity had worried Edee would feel like she was being pushed into something she was not ready for or wanted to do. But Reighn had made it a stipulation of Edith doing the work. He felt it was too much for one person and wanted her to know they would pay for other artists to help her.

  Edith disabused her of that idea instantly. “Oh your son is clever. I will need help with the amount of art to be restored and the tapestries, they need some specialized attention. It is a good idea. We will need a bigger room for that, though?”

  “Oh I know, Reighn suggested when you are ready to take people on, you could make use of the rooms down in the utility level. What do you think?”

  “I see what he is saying. But we need access to sunlight as well as artificial light.”

  “Ahh! I see, well we will find something later I am sure.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Verity smiled as she said. “For now let us go see what I think is the perfect room for you to start with. Although I think you will like it enough to keep it as your studio. It is an unused drawing room. Really it is a sitting room on the main floor. Which the ladies in the past used occasionally.”

  Intrigued Edith asked. “What did they use if for?”

  “Well, if they had the vapors, you know?”

  Edith almost snorted at the idea. “I did not think Dragons would get the vapors?”

  “They did not, they were just ridiculous females who had doting, idiotic males wrapped around their fingers.”


  “Guilt! The males feel guilty that the females cannot shift, and the females made them pay for the fact that as males could. It was all unnecessary but that was life then.”

  Edith said. “It all seems sad really.”

  Verity sighed. “It was… it really was and still is, to not be able to shift as you know is like an ache in our souls for us both dragon and human.”

  Edith did not have the heart to tell her she had no idea what that felt like. Her and her bear did not in fact miss shifting. Henry came in then to clear the table, Edith said. “Henry, I am going out with Lady Verity.”

  “Very well Madam, will
you require lunch.”

  “No thank you, I have shopping for buildings to do and an art studio to organize.”

  Henry nodded then said. “If I might suggest Lady June may help with anything the town does not have, she has buyers.”

  “Thank you Henry.”

  “You are welcome.”

  They left shortly after that Verity took Edith to look at the morning room she had picked out which she immediately fell in love with. The light was perfect as one whole wall was just glass doors that led onto a ground patio. The floors were of wood but Verity shrugged when Edith pointed out they would be marred.

  “Five hundred years ago I had a preservation spell placed on the castle that means. Edee dear you cannot damage the wood no matter what you drop on it. Now tell me what else you need in here?”

  Edith looked at June who grinned as she came in. “Well I need a desk and chairs and a couch, a long one. Is there a bathroom?”

  June nodded. “A powder room through that door.” She pointed to a closed door. “It will be expanded to accommodate a shower.”

  “Thank you, and I will need a workroom for supplies and to care for my equipment.”

  “I thought we could use the small closet there as a supply room, it can be enlarge too. We can have a sink as well as counters installed plus shelves for storage. Something like a pantry style storage room.” Verity suggested with a satisfied smile.

  “Oh good idea!” June agreed. Edith nodded visualizing the space, then she said. “Okay in here I will need shelves and several easels then at least two step ladders and paints, brushes.”

  June told her. “Email the list to me.”

  With a nod she pulled out her tablet and emailed the list she had prepared to June who glanced at it and said. “I can have all that in three days, will that be alright?”

  Edith smiled. “Thank you, that will be great I have my own work tools in my car so I will bring them here.” She rubbed her hands together as she said. “I am going to have so much fun. I love my work! Now to pick out paintings.”

  Edith, Verity and June spent the remainder of the morning with several guards picking out the paintings that needed attention immediately. By lunch time her studio had shelves and a large desk and chair installed, a large black couch was brought in and placed against one wall while they watched.


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