After the Storm (Gifted and Special Adolescents Hospital Book 1)

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After the Storm (Gifted and Special Adolescents Hospital Book 1) Page 11

by Cheryllynn Dyess

  Chapter 26

  After arriving home from Charlie’s, Bec plopped down into the couch and slipped into a deep sleep. For the first time in a while, she had a sleep induced by exhaustion and satisfaction rather than alcohol. Her body was able to rest and when she was woken the next morning by the smell of bacon, she felt rested. Stretching as far as her body could, she groaned, “Good morning.”

  Kyle leaned back, looking from the kitchen into the den where Bec still laid, “Good morning sunshine. Hungry?”

  “You left me out here?” Running her hands through her hair while pulling the blanket back and swinging her legs over to sit up.

  “Yeah. You were sleeping so peaceful that I just threw. A blanket over you. You good?”

  “Yup, helped another woman out last night and apparently came home and crashed,” Bec walked up behind Kyle giving him a pat on his butt as he made her way toward the coffeepot. After pouring a cup and dressing it up with sugar and cream, Bec sat at the two-chair table with one foot in the chair and her arm wrapped around her knee.

  Flipping some pancakes in one pan, the man smiled to himself. He’d never tell her how proud he was of her extra work, but it was the best therapy should have. It seemed as if with each person or family the woman helped; she seemed to heal just a little more. “Pancakes and bacon?” He turned to her over his shoulder.

  “Oh yes. I’m famished!”

  Putting a plate in front of her, he sat across from her with his own. “Ya know. We really should turn one bedroom into a training room and just use the other for us.”

  With her coffee mug halfway to her mouth, she froze. Eyeing him, trying to determine how she felt about this offer, she slowly put her mug down. He didn’t move, didn’t blink. She stabbed her pancakes a few times as she thought over her options. She knew deep down how she felt. While fear had kept her at bay all this time, since giving in to a relationship with Kyle she truly felt the happiest she could ever remember. Even Jake couldn’t compare to what Kyle made her feel. Her heart warmed and a smile slowly crept up. She nodded, “Sure. That sounds like a plan. But… we keep my room. It’s bigger.”

  He knew not to make a big deal ever about any of the decisions that she made involving a relationship or showing her emotions. So, the man nodded outwardly and responded, “Sounds like a plan.” Inwardly, however, the man’s soul lept for joy.

  It was a full day of moving things around and cleaning out his room. Kyle stood in his empty room looking around. “We should redo the floors in here before we bring in any equipment. What do you think?”

  “Hardwood would be much better than this cheap tile for sure. I can call Georgia and make sure she doesn’t mind. It is still her property after all.”

  “You call her and I’ll order Chinese. Want the usual?”

  “Yeah,” Bec replied as she pulled out her phone and dialed the doctor's number. “Hey. Yeah, everything is good. We are moving some stuff around and wanted to know if you mind us redoing some of the floors. No. Okay. Great. Bye.”

  Kyle had walked into the other room to call the delivery service while Bec talked to Georgia but could still hear her side of the conversation. When the woman walked out of the room giving him a thumbs up, he nodded and returned the gesture. Once he disconnected his call, he asked, “How’s the good doc doing?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t ask.”

  He chuckled, “Of course you didn’t.”

  Pulling two beers out of the fridge, Bec rummaged in the junk drawer for the bottle opener, “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing really. But you could’ve asked how she was.”


  He took his beer as he leaned against the table and took a long draw before replying, “Do you ever miss the hospital?”

  Bec stared blankly at him for several silent moments, “It was the only place other than here I’d call home. It was a safe haven for me.”

  “I know you don’t open up much,” he stepped up close to her, placing a hand on each hip. “Bec, you are the most amazing woman to me and I couldn’t imagine you being any different. Please never change.”

  “Me? Hell no.”

  He leaned and kissed her softly. Pulling back just a bit, he whispered, “I love you.” She froze for a second but then rushed in kissing him deeply.

  Stepping back just a moment, her eyes glistened with moisture as her emotions struggled to maintain its peace. “You know I’m not ready to say that yet.”

  “You say it when you truly feel it. Why don’t we find a distraction? We could look at flooring options and have a couple of more beers?”

  Smiling, “Sounds perfect. I’ll get the laptop and meet you on the couch.”

  After about an hour they agreed on pine flooring from a local store. Shutting the laptop Bec took in a deep breath. “What’s wrong?” The man who sat comfortably close asked her with deep concern. He knew that she had agreed to a lot of things today that was out of her comfort zone and worried she would back up and regret it all.

  “I have one more demon to remove from my life and then I think I will finally be free!” She turned herself on the couch to face him. “I feel like it’s my therapy and the only way to heal.”

  He nodded, “Okay. Who is he and where do we find this demon?”

  Her eyes glazed over, “He is my sister’s father and lives four hours north of us.”

  “Is he-” he started to ask then cut himself off. She was talking about the man who first abused her. The man who ultimately stole her childhood from her. The one who scarred her for life and taught her to never trust anyone. The man who was her largest demon and Kyle knew that in order for to truly heal, that demon would need his horns removed.

  Chapter 27

  Six months later…

  Bec was put in solitary for nearly a month after her explosion in the cafeteria and after many sessions with Dr. Wilson, was finally given privileges to return to her regular schedule. It was spring again and the Texas air was warming up again. Kyle and Bec sat on the bench outside, side-by-side in silence. They tilted their heads back and let the warmth of the sun soak in. This had been their routine for the last few months. They never spoke, just sat there.

  Today, Kyle knew he had to speak up. “I’ll be eighteen next week.”

  “I know.”

  “You do understand what that means, right?”

  “That you’re older than I am.”

  Kyle sat up and turned to her, “No. Well, yes, but that isn’t all. It means I am leaving the next week.”

  Bec drew her head upward and looked at him. Her face ashen. “You. You are leaving?”

  “I have to. The state can’t keep me here any longer.”

  “I see.”

  “I’ve put a lot of thought into this. Your birthday will be in three months. So, I can go out and get us a place to stay, get a job. So, when you get out you can have a place to go. Would that be good?”

  “You’re gonna leave here and never think of me again. The crazy girl who throws tantrums and hurts people. Why would I ever believe that you’ll be waiting for me? I am no one.”

  He put a hand on hers, then put his other hand over them both. “I will never abandon you. I will be waiting for you on your birthday. The day you walk out of here, I will be right outside waiting.”

  “Uh, huh.” She pulled away, “Time to go in.” Bec knew that everyone she cared for hurt her or left her. Her mother hurt her. The men her mother let in her life hurt her. Jake left her. Even if he was murdered it was said he was running. So, to Bec, Kyle would leave her too.

  He pulled her arm to stop her and turn her towards him. She glared at him. He smiled. Kyle embraced her and whispered to her, “The world would have to kill me to get me to leave you or hurt you. I’ve loved you since the first time I saw you. I will always be here for you, however you need me to be.” He kissed her forehead and walked indoors.

  Bec turned to watch him walk away, her emotions were confused. She wanted to believe
him but life had taught her hard lessons, lessons she would not soon forget but hope welled up inside her. It would be nice to have someone she could depend on. Kyle was there to help her the day she found out about Jake. He defended her from the guards when they tried to use tranquilizers on her. He stood in-between her and everyone else until she was calm enough to walk out on her own.

  Over the next week, the days were a blur. Breakfast, class, lunch, sessions with Georgia, outside in the yard, back to her room then dinner. The routine was an endless cycle that she seemed to float through with no regard. Bec’s mind was working on how to cope with the fact that the one person she had grown accustomed to being in her life daily was leaving and that he had told her he loved her. The last man who told her that died so what would she do with those words he spoke. Did he mean them or did he just say it to distract her from his departure?

  It was the morning of Kyle’s eighteenth birthday as he sat in the same chair Bec sat in when seeing Georgia Wilson. “You’ve come a long way, Kyle. Are you ready to go out into the world on your own?”

  Kyle shrugged, “I guess. I really don’t have a choice now, do I?”

  “Don’t be that way. You have to know I wouldn’t send you out there with nothing!”

  “What do you mean, Doc?” Kyle never used her name when he spoke to her, only ever called her doc.

  “Kyle, I have some connections out there. I’ve set you up with an apartment and a job if you want it.”

  “What kind of job?”

  “Mechanic for a classic car shop. You interested?”

  Kyle smiled for the first time that week, “Hell yeah, I’m interested.”

  “Good!” Dr. Wilson stood and handed him a large white envelope. “Everything you need is in there along with some money to get you started.”

  Kyle opened the envelope and went through its contents. Inside there were two sets of keys, one to a door that he imagined was the apartment and another to a car. Also, inside was a smaller envelope that contained two thousand dollars and all the vital records he’d need. Kyle stood and hugged the doctor, “Thanks doc, this will definitely not be used in vain.”

  As he walked to leave, Georgia called out to him, “Oh and Kyle?”

  He looked over his shoulder as he held the door handle in one hand, “Yes?”

  “She will need you.”

  He nodded, “I have no intentions of abandoning her.” He turned the handle, left the doctor's office and walked towards the entrance of the hospital. He smiled as he walked up, seeing Bec standing there pacing. “I knew you’d come to see me off.”

  “Don’t make some big deal out of it okay.”

  Kyle could only give a chuckle. “I got a deal for you. In three months, I’ll be waiting outside for you.” He dangled the keys in the air, “I already have a place and a ride. But, when you get out we are going to work on getting rid of your demons… our way. Deal?”

  “Get rid of? I hope your mind and mine are on the same track and then we will have a deal!”

  He waved his arm to get her to come closer. He put his arms around her and squeezed her tightly. He inhaled her scent and closed his eyes. “I will be here and we will make things right.” He pushed away from her and walked out of the hospital.

  Bec stood staring at the doors long after he had disappeared through them. Could she believe he’d be there for her? Could she really get rid of her demons? Only time would tell, but she didn’t plan to hold her breath!

  Chapter 28

  “I found him!” Kyle heard Bec call out from the living room while he worked out in their new training room. Walking out, he wiped his face with a towel, “Found who?”

  She looked up at him, her eyes greyed the color of steel. “My biggest demon.”

  “How? Where?”

  Turning the laptop around, she pointed to a blinking red dot on the map that filled the screen. “There. I’m going tomorrow.”

  “What about the shop?”

  “Charlie is going to manage the shop while I go handle some personal business.”

  “Personal business? Is that what we are calling this now?”

  “Well, it’s the best name I could come up with besides revenge!” Bec chuckled as she walked past him to get her backpack. Opening it up she pulled out two short daggers and laid them on the bed. Next to the daggers, the woman laid out a pair of spiked brass knuckles, just before pulling out an envelope from the drawer in her nightstand.

  Standing at the door, Kyle watched the woman as she meticulously set things up. “What’s in the envelope?”

  Bec turned in shock, “I didn’t realize you were there watching me.”

  “Yeah, well, there is no way I’m letting you do this part alone!” He walked up to her and placed a hand on her hips, placing a soft kiss on her forehead, he whispered, “You will never be alone again!”

  “Thanks,” Bec sighed into the man’s chest. Inhaling his scent, her body relaxed. “The envelope is proof of the things he did. I’ve been holding onto them until I could face him and get him arrested.”

  “So that is your end game? Have him arrested?”

  Bec pulled back enough to look up at the grey eyes that stared down back at her. “I plan to make him feel some pain first, then the police will get a call to come get him.”

  “When do we leave?”

  “In the morning. I want a good night’s sleep before we drive up there and go find him. I have his work information and a possible home address. If find him at work then I can take care of things when he gets home.”

  Kyle pulled her in tight once again, “Then let’s make the most of the night and finish this up in the morning?” He nodded to the items on the bed.

  Bec giggled just a bit and leaved in for a kiss. As their lips brushed against one another’s, the energy between them sparked. Kyle put a hand behind her head holding her tight and deepened their kiss. After that no other words were spoken.


  As the sun rose above the horizon, Bec was already up and getting prepared for her trip to make her demon feel the disaster he created in her all those years ago. Kyle was currently in the kitchen finishing up his breakfast. “You about ready?” Bec called out to him as she placed her daggers inside the thigh-high boots that were her everyday shoes.

  “Yup. Just need to brush my teeth and we are good to go.” He passed her quickly as he went into the bathroom to clean up.

  Gathering the envelope, the car keys and her cell phone, Bec said aloud. “Ok. I’m ready. I have everything. I’ll start the car.”

  By that time, the man was coming out of the bathroom and had walked up behind her. He lightly placed his hands on her waist and gently kissed the back of her neck. Bec was still getting used to letting someone touch her so freely so for a brief moment she froze before she allowed herself to relax.

  Smiling back at him, “Ready to go I take it?”

  “Absolutely! Let’s get this done and get back home!” He smiled back at her.

  They walked out of the small apartment home and headed four hours north until they found the place where Darren worked.

  The building was older with historical embellishments on the outside with a large wooden sign that had the hand-painted words, The Shop, in plain lettering above the door. Bec backed into the parking lot across the small two-lane road that ran through the original part of town. With her car facing the shop, she and Kyle had a direct line of sight to see inside the store.

  Four men talked on the phone while another walked through and to a separate office in the back. Bec squinted to try to identify who the men were. It was another hour before the lights started to turn off and the men began exiting the building. Bec sat taller in her seat when the third man walked out and turned right onto the sidewalk. “That’s him!”

  Kyle stretched to see him, “Are you sure? It's been some time since you last saw him!”

  The woman glared at him, “Oh, I will never forget what he looks like. I could never forget no matter
how hard I tried.”

  “I know. Let’s go ahead and follow him before he gets too far ahead of us.”

  Bec didn’t reply. She didn’t talk at all the rest of the time that they followed Darren to where his car was parked or across the town and over to the next county where he lived. They left about three car lengths between them until they turned on an older county dirt road where they were the only vehicles. Bec slowed way down until they could just see the lights of the car the man drove. She had an idea of where the man she called her demon lived.

  Darren pulled into a narrow dirt driveway that was lined by pine and oak trees. As the drive rounded to the right, the drive opened up to a large yard with a small older mobile home sitting in the middle. As Bec pulled into the driveway, she immediately turned off the car lights and let the moonlight the rest of the way. Just before the opening, she pulled the car over and turned off the engine. The two watched the man go inside and a few lights lit the man's path as he went through the home. After an hour of waiting, all the lights but one went off and Bec opened her door. Leaning back in, she told Kyle, “I’ll be back.”

  “You don’t have to do this alone ya know,” He called out to her.

  “I know, but I need to. You can listen in if you want.” She tapped her temple then gave him a wink and closed the door softly.

  Walking across the yard, Bec could hear Kyle speaking to her, “Be safe and don’t kill him.” His words were loving but also made her chuckle. Taking the steps slowly, Bec raised a hand to knock on the glass of the screen door but paused just before her knuckles made contact. She listened first. Silence. Instinct made her open the outer door and check the handle of the inner one. With a slight twist the door crept open.


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