The Wolf’s Forbidden Mate

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The Wolf’s Forbidden Mate Page 3

by Carson, Jenny

  I hear his growl, the noise increasing as the seconds move by. His wolf is right at the surface, this ferocity causing the hairs on my hairs to stand on end.

  “My father won’t stop. That’s why I ran. I wanted to find my mate, to find love. Being all but sold off to another wolf to strengthen our pack, to form some kind of alliance, is not how I see my life. It’s not how I’m going to live my life.” I feel tears start to track down my cheeks and Colt lifts his hands and rubs his fingers along the wetness, wiping them away.

  “Mark my fucking words. No one is going to take you from me. No one is going to make you do anything you don’t want to. You’re mine, baby, my mate, my other half. If they want you, they’re going to have to go through me.” Colt shakes his head slowly. “And going through me isn’t fucking easy, especially not when it concerns my mate.”

  * * *

  “You sure about this?” I ask as I shove my clothes in the bag and look up at Colt. He’s leaning against the wall, his arms crossed, this smug smile on his face. I straighten. “What?”

  “Nothing, except you’re looking pretty fucking hot right now.” He pushes away from the wall and strides toward me. “I mean, look at you, all gorgeous and fucking primed for me.” I see the way his nostrils flare, knowing he scents my desire, knowing there is no hiding the fact I am wet and needy.

  “You’re insatiable,” I whisper and hear him growl in response.

  “Only for you. Only for my mate.” He kisses me passionately, possessively, and I melt against him.

  I want nothing more than to say screw everything I’m going through and just be with Colt, right here, right now.

  “Baby, I could mate with you all over again,” he all but growls against the side of my throat.

  I can feel how hard he is, his stiff cock pressing against my belly. A fresh gush of moisture leaves me and I moan.

  “But keeping you safe is more important.” He kisses the side of my throat and pulls away, and I don’t stop myself from whimpering in disappointment. “Later, baby. Later I’m going to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk comfortably.”

  A flush steals over me.

  He pulls back and winks, and if not for the fact I am a wolf and being mated is the one thing we all want, this reaction to Colt might scare the shit out of me. It’s just so intense, so consuming.

  We grab our things and head out to where his car is parked beside mine. He said something about having a cabin out in the middle of nowhere, a place we can be alone, where no one will find us. It sounds like heaven to me.

  Just as we are about to get in the car, the sound of an approaching vehicle has me looking up. My heart stalls when I see my father’s SUV, followed closely by two more dark vehicles.

  “My father and the pack are here,” I say softly and Colt is in front of me a second later, keeping his arm behind him and his hand on my waist.

  “They want you, they’ll have to come through me, Jasinda, and that’s not going to fucking happen.”



  “Jasinda, it’s time for you to come home. You’ve embarrassed your family long enough.”

  I look at the older man who stepped out of the front vehicle. Even if he hadn’t spoken, I would have known he was Jasinda’s father. Their features are strikingly similar from the color of their hair and eyes to the shape of their faces. Although Jasinda is softer and beautiful, where her father comes off cold and hardened. Then again, that’s usually how an Alpha is. She may look like him, but that is where the similarities end.

  “You are trespassing on Unforgiven Territory,” I say in a deep growl.

  “Are you the pack leader?” he asks, and that familiar burn returns, but if this scruff thinks the fact that I don’t rule my own pack will stop me from defending and claiming my mate, he needs to think again. I will not allow him to give my female to another man.

  I’ll die first.

  “I’m not.”

  “Then you’re of no subsequence to me, pup,” he responds, waving me off and showing blatant disrespect.

  “I am the pack leader of the Unforgiven.”

  Wyatt steps out into the clearing, several of my brothers with him and they flank me, Wyatt standing tall beside me.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask, talking to him through our mind link, but staring straight at Jasinda’s father as his own men get out to gather around him.

  “Your mate’s fear, along with your aggression, alerted the pack. You’ve claimed her. She is one of ours now and we’ll protect her no matter what.”

  Wyatt’s words ring in my head and cause a burning in my chest. It’s been a while since I felt a part of my own pack. The fact that despite our issues, Wyatt has shown up now means a hell of a lot.

  “Jasinda belongs to me now,” I tell her father, and I see his expression grow even harder.

  “Daughter, let’s go,” he orders without responding to what I said.

  I feel the quiver of fear that runs through her, but she beats it down. She moves from behind me and faces her father, her shoulders pulled back, her chin tipped up in defiance.

  “My place is here with Colt now. We’re mated.”

  “You’re promised to Stark,” her father says in response, his voice laced with anger.

  “As Alpha of the Unforgiven and ruler of this territory, I’m ordering you to leave. Jasinda has chosen her mate’s clan over you and she is now under our protection,” Wyatt declares and something else slips back in place. Something that has been missing for a long time. I feel part of my brothers again. I feel my link with my Alpha slowly thread back together. “Under shifter fate and law, when a mating and claiming has occurred, there is no discussion of fighting. It’s set in stone. You have no power in these parts, and I’m demanding you leave.”

  “She’s my daughter,” he growls.

  “She’s my mate. I won’t let her go. She belongs with me now.”

  “She’s been promised to me. I have claim to her,” another male says, standing beside Jasinda’s father, his face a mask of anger.

  My wolf growls and I feel my eyes begin to change as my vision sharpens. It’s all I can do to hold him back. I’m a hair’s breadth from shifting.

  “Why do you want me, Stark? We’re not in love. I’ve found my one true mate. You should be happy for me. I hope that one day you’ll find your mate, too,” Jasinda says and I snarl. I don’t like my mate talking to another male. I smell the want he has for her. He may not be her mate, but he covets what’s mine.

  He reeks of envy.

  “You were promised to me, as well as being Alpha of your clan one day. I will not step aside for that, Jasinda.”

  “I’m mated. That can’t be undone.”

  “But it can. If I kill your male, the bond will be broken.”

  “No! I won’t let you harm him,” Jasinda growls.

  “What say you, Beta?” Stark snarls, thinking his use of words degrades me. He wishes to mock me and have me react in anger, make myself vulnerable. He doesn’t realize that Jasinda is much too important for me to be stupid. He’ll soon find that out, though.

  “Wyatt, protect my woman, please.” I reach out to him in my mind. I ask him in a way that I thought I never would again. The word please does not come easy to a strong shifter, and it shouldn’t. But my mate is all that matters. I need to make sure she’s safe.

  “Kendra,” Wyatt calls out and I sense Kendra behind me, her arms going around Jasinda.

  “Let’s go to the edge of the clearing with the others,” Kendra murmurs softly.

  “My place is beside Colt,” Jasinda argues, and pride thrums through my body, my cock growing heavy with desire and the need to claim her again. She has such fire and spirit. She makes me proud to call her mine.

  “We’ll only distract them. You don’t want to be the reason Colt is hurt,” the wold named Kendra says, and I must admit in that moment I misjudged her. She’s not weak, she’s not even afraid of Jasinda and even I know my
mate’s wolf is ready to attack.

  I turn to my mate, confident in ways that I haven’t been in years that Wyatt is guarding my back. I look deeply into my female’s eyes, my fingers softly caressing the side of her face. I let them trail down the line of her neck, moving over my mating mark.

  “All will be well, my beautiful little mate. I’ll take care of Stark and then you and I will go to my cabin like we planned.”

  “You promise you’ll be okay?” she asks stubbornly.

  “Don’t you have faith in your male, sweetheart?” I ask her softly, a smile sliding on my face as I fill with peace.

  “You are, aren’t you?” she asks softly, stepping into me.

  “I am what?” I ask, slightly confused, but that’s probably because I’m getting lost in her beautiful eyes. If I could have dreamed the perfect mate, it would be Jasinda. There’s not one thing about her that I would change. The only thing that would make her better is if she was heavy with my child. But perhaps that seed has already been planted. If it hasn’t yet, it will be by the time this night is over.

  “My male,” she responds and I can’t stop myself from leaning down to taste her lips. It’s not the kiss I long to give her, but it’s a small one full of promise.

  “I am, sweet Jasinda. Completely yours. Have faith, sweetheart. I’m not giving you up now that I just found you,” I vow.

  “Then go kick some ass,” she says with a smile, most of the worry fading from her face and confidence now in its place.

  She believes in me.

  That’s all I need.

  “I accept your challenge, Stark. Come try to take me, if you think you can,” I taunt him, stepping into the clearing away from Wyatt and the others as I take my shirt off and throw it on the ground. Next, I kick off my boots as my wolf bleeds through the surface.

  My vision shifts as Stark steps up and begins undressing. We shift almost simultaneously and as my paws hit the ground, I let the aggression I feel in my body take over. I will end this quickly. I have a woman who needs me now.



  I can’t watch, not when my mate shifts, not when I feel the air electrically charged, or the rush of emotion and aggression fill the air. Two waging packs, standing on either side of the males, ready to see who becomes the victor.

  Although this won’t be a death match, I still can’t watch, still can’t see if Colt gets hurt, which undoubtedly, he will since I know Stark is a fierce fighter.

  I have my hands covering my mouth and I’m shaking my head, wanting to go to them, to tell Colt this isn’t how it has to be. I’m a grown woman. I can make my own decisions, decide who I mate with.

  Kendra has her hand wrapped tightly around mine, gently pulling me away. It’s probably for the best. I don’t think I could’ve controlled myself if and when it started.

  We’re walking through the woods now, the sound of the fight loud, intense. I look up at her with wide eyes, shaking my head, tears streaming down my cheeks. She gives me a small, sympathetic smile.

  “It’ll be okay,” she says and a part of me knows that that’s true. But another part of me screams for me to go back, to make sure things end the way they should.

  Because even if Stark comes out the victor, I know Colt won’t let me go. He won’t stop until he’s dead.

  “Stark won’t win,” Kendra says and I realize I’ve said that out loud. “Is this your first time seeing a dominance fight?”

  I’m nodding but my focus is where we’ve just left, where the fight is going strong, where the growls are echoing off trees.

  “I feel so out of it.”

  “It’ll be okay. Colt is strong. I can see that in him, smell it in the air. It’s why Stark wanted to fight. He wants that strength, wants everyone to know that he can best the best.”

  I let go of her hand and take a step toward the fight when I hear a loud roar rip through the air. I’m shaking my head, my heart racing.

  No, I will not be weak. I will not be pulled away and hope for the best.

  I’m running through the woods, back to my mate. I see the wolves fighting for dominance, their big bodies going after one another, the iron tang of blood coating the air. I can’t control myself, can’t control my emotions. They’re too strong.

  I feel the shift coming over me. I feel my bones breaking and realigning, my hands turning into paws, my nails into claws. My face elongates, my snout forming, my teeth popping out, fangs emerging.

  I drop onto all fours and tip my head back, howling out in anguish, in anger. I’m not going to let anyone take this from me. I’m not going to let anyone, least of all my father, take my mate from me.

  Without thinking, I jump into the fight, my teeth digging into the back of Stark’s neck, my claws defending myself and my mate. Colt snaps at Stark, a warning for me to go, his voice in my head urging me to leave, that if I got hurt he couldn’t live with himself.



  The sound of the two Alphas rang through all of our heads, stopping us, causing the fight to cease.

  My father steps into the clearing, the three of us shifting back to our human form. Kendra is by my side instantly, giving me her jacket to cover up. Colt is right beside me, his hand on my waist, keeping me close, trying to pull me back behind him, to protect me even now.

  The silence stretches.

  “You’d risk your life for him?” my father asks in a hard voice.

  I look at Colt, smiling, crying. “I’d die for my mate.” I look back at my father. “Surely you know the feeling? Didn’t you feel that way with Mother, before she died?” I see this pain flash over my father’s face, know that bringing up my mother was hard on him. But I need him to know, to remember, that a mate is worth everything.

  A shifter who found their mate, but then had them taken away, is not something most survive. But my father did. He had to be strong, had to rule the pack and take care of his child.

  I see the memories flash across his face, know that this was painful for him, but that he knows I am right.

  “Remember how you felt for Mom. That’s the love I have for Colt, the connection. A mated shifter is unbreakable. You know this.”

  He closes his eyes and nods. “And I tried to take you from that.” He opens his eyes. “I’m sorry,” my father says and cups my cheek. “I’m so sorry for forcing you. That wasn’t right of me, and seeing what you’d go through for your mate reminds me of that unbreakable bond.” He lets go of me. For a moment he says nothing, just stares at me, but then he looks around. “My daughter has found her mate and we have no right to change that.” He looks at Stark. “Let’s go.”

  Stark looks at Colt, the intensity of his expression speaking volumes. He doesn’t want to leave, but the Alpha of his pack has spoken, and when that happens you listen.

  They turn and leave, but I know my father won’t be gone for long. We’re family. I love him and he loves me. No matter what has happened, family is family.

  Colt pulls me into an embrace immediately and I rest my head on his chest, listening to his heart beating, smelling the blood drying on his skin. His wounds will heal by tomorrow, and for that I’m thankful.

  “Don’t ever do that again, mate,” he says softly. “I can’t lose you. I’ve only just found you.”

  “I couldn’t let you get hurt. I can’t lose you either.”

  He cups my face and leans down to kiss me. “Let’s go, mate.”

  And those words are exactly what I need to hear.



  “I can’t believe it’s finally over,” Jasinda says with a sigh when we make it back to my cabin.

  “That might be over, but we’re just beginning,” I remind her, coming up behind her, wrapping my arms around her, pulling her back into me, and nuzzling her neck.

  “I can’t believe it, Colt. I never knew I could be so happy.”

  “I’m going to spend the rest of my life making you happy, Jasinda.”
r />   “You do make me happy. Just being with you like this brings me more joy than I ever knew was possible, Colt.”

  “Wyatt and Kendra want to have a dinner formally welcoming you into our pack tomorrow. Are you up for that, mate?”

  “I’d like that, Wyatt. I feel at home here. My place is here, by your side.”

  I can’t wait another moment. I pick her up in my arms and carry her to the bed. I can feel my wolf panting with his pleasure. Always in times of great emotion the urge to shift is near. Just because it’s happiness doesn’t mean the urge is any less now. I allow just my hand to begin to change, my fingers sliding out into razor-sharp claws. I grin down at Jasinda. Her eyes are dilated and filled with heat and passion. Her lips have formed a perfect “o” in surprise. I lightly slide my claw down her shirt and then deepen it just enough to slice her bra open too.

  “What if I really liked that shirt?” she mumbles.

  “I’ll buy you a new one,” I laugh.

  Before I can get to her pants, Jasinda is already undoing them, sliding them down her legs.

  “I’m not giving you the chance to ruin my pants, Colt,” she laughs, shaking her head.

  I let my claw retract and tamp my wolf back down. Then I slowly undress as my mate watches me.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  “Men aren’t beautiful,” I joke. “Besides, I’m staring at beauty,” I tell her, bending down to let my hand slide against her flat stomach and then up higher to squeeze her breast, loving the weight of it in my hand.

  “That feels so good,” she murmurs.

  I get on the bed, angling myself over her. I move my fingers between her legs, wanting to prepare her body for mine. When my fingers glide against the lips of her pussy, I realize she’s already dripping wet for me. I inhale deeply, taking the scent of her hunger into my lungs. My hand goes down to my cock and I position myself at her entrance, then let the tip of my cock slide through her slick depths to grind against her swollen clit.


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