Flight 437: The Nightmare Begins

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Flight 437: The Nightmare Begins Page 2

by Linda L Barton

  “You can whine all you want because once we get back, I’ll be leaving for my vacation. Jeff and I have tickets for two weeks in Barbados, and I plan to lie on the beach and drinking umbrella drinks the entire time,” Maria laughed. “Did you hear that Jim’s retiring? I guess his wife has cancer, so he’s decided to stay home to be with her while she goes through the chemo and radiation treatments. I overheard him talking to Bill about it before you showed up for the pre-flight safety meeting.”

  “How horrible, she’s a lovely woman. I had the pleasure of meeting her a few months ago when she came to see him off. You could clearly see the love between them,” Patti shook her head, wondering what it must be like to face something so frightening.

  “Well, I hate to see him go. He’s been a pleasure to work with, and an excellent Flight Captain. Do you think Bill will get promoted from co-pilot?” Maria liked Bill, but she knew he did not have the experience that Jim did. Jim had been a pilot with the United States Air Force before he began flying commercial planes, so Maria always knew they were safe with him.

  Patti looked at her and smiled, “Does our opinion even matter?”

  “No, but it would be nice for a change,” Maria chuckled.

  Patti nodded her agreement.

  “I sure hope Randy doesn’t give Sherry a rough time. You know how he can be.” Maria never had a problem working with the others flight attendants, but Randy was and entirely different matter. The title of Head Attendant had gone to his head, and he didn’t mind letting people know he was in charge. Now with one fresh out of training, Maria worried Randy would feel the need to flex his authority even more.

  “So, what do you think of Sherry? Do you think she’ll be ready for what’s expected of her from our demanding leader?” Patti shook her head wondering how Sherry would handle Randy’s moods.

  “She’ll be okay. I’m sure she’s had to deal with her fair share of divas in the past,” Maria chuckled at the surprised look that appeared on Patti’s face.


  When Captain Jim Powell boarded the airplane, he felt a rush of excitement surge through his body.

  I’ll be home soon, Sweetheart, and the next time I board a plane, you will be by my side. He smiled as the vision of his beloved wife, Carol, the morning two days ago, when he had left for this final round to Paris flowed into his mind.


  “I wish that I didn’t have to go, but I promise you that I’ll be home in three days.” Jim leaned down to kiss his wife tenderly on the lips before leaving.

  “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. I’m feeling stronger; really.” Carol smiled, but she knew he could see through her lie.

  “Mrs. Ferguson is preparing your breakfast and will bring it to you in a few minutes. I want you to promise me that you’ll try and eat as much as you can, alright?” Jim knew she didn’t have much of an appetite, but she had lost so much weight during her illness that he worried she wouldn’t have the strength needed to win this battle.

  Carol looked up into the loving eyes of the man she had been married to for nearly forty years. She was thankful when he had decided to retire early. He had told her that he wanted them to travel the world together once she was well.

  “I will, I promise,” she smiled, seeing the look of relief cross his face.

  “Well, I need to get going, so I’m not late. The flight can’t leave without me,” he chuckled. “I love you, sweetheart.”

  “I love you, too. Please be safe, and hurry home to me.”

  Jim turned to walk toward the door when a strange feeling came over him as if something was wrong. He turned back to face Carol, but once he saw the smile on her face, he pushed the feeling aside. “I love you, and I’ll see you in three days.”


  Jim was doing a final check when Bill rushed into the cockpit.

  “I was wondering if you were planning to join us. I gather you must have gotten distracted by some lovely, young French gal again?” Jim teased, seeing the flushed look on his co-pilot's face.

  “Well, I have to admit she was mighty fine looking,” Bill grinned.

  “You better be careful, or you’ll find yourself an old married guy like me,” Jim winked playfully.

  “Only if I can find one as special as you did. You got yourself a rare jewel when you married Carol. I only wish she had a sister my age,”

  “If she had a sister your age, I’d make sure she stayed as far away from you and your wondering eyes as possible,” Jim chuckled at the look of agreement on Bill’s face.

  “Jim, I want you to know that I’ll miss you, but I respect your decision. It’s about time the two of you explored the world together. You both deserve it.”

  “Thank you, and I will miss working with you, as well. It has been both an honor and pleasure, and I know there are great things ahead for you with the company.”

  Jim tried to hide the sadness he was feeling about retiring and leaving everything he had worked so hard for behind. “Oh, I forgot, we will have a hitch-hiker with us on this trip. He has some sort of family emergency and needs to get home as soon as possible.”

  No sooner had Jim told Bill that they heard a knock on the cockpit door.

  “Captain Powell, this is Ron Harned, he will be your guest for the flight,” Maria smiled, stepping aside to allow him to enter.

  “Welcome aboard, why don’t you take a seat,” Jim motioned to the seat behind Bill reserved for special guests.

  “Thank you.” Ron sat in the offered seat. “I really need to get home.”

  Bill turned to face Ron and held out his hand. “I’m glad to meet you, Ron, I’m Bill Myers. So, what’s the big rush to get home?”

  Returning the offered handshake, “My daughter is in emergency surgery as we speak, and I need to get home. She was walking to school, and a car hit her while she was crossing the street. The damn thing about it is she was in the crosswalk, and the light was green for her, but the asshole who hit her decided he was in a hurry, and couldn’t wait. He turned right into her, tossing her several feet away.”

  “That’s terrible; do they think she’ll be alright?” Bill could not image how frightening it would be to face such a thing.

  “They’re not sure yet. The last time I spoke with my wife, they said there was some swelling on her brain, and they’re concerned about spinal damage,” fear clearly shown on his face.

  “She’s only eight years old. She shouldn’t be going through this,” Ron turned his face, trying to hide the tears forming in his eyes.

  Jim and Bill exchanged worried glances but decided to let it go for now. Besides they had more to do before it was time to leave.

  Chapter 3

  “I can’t wait to get home. It’s nice to travel, but it’s always nice to go home,” Sandi sighed, as she handed her carry-on luggage to her husband, George to put in the overhead storage.

  “I know, but I don’t look forward to going back to work,” George teased.

  “I just hope I can fit in the seat after all that delicious food I ate,” she glanced down at the coach seats that somehow seemed narrower than they had on the flight over. “Maybe we should have upgraded to First Class?”

  George looked at her and snickered, “You don’t have to worry about that, Baby. Besides, if you get stuck I’m sure we’ll be able to pull you out of it.”

  “You’re horrible,” Sandi slapped him playfully on the shoulder.

  George never did understand why she was worried about her appearance. As far as he was concerned, she was as beautiful today as she was the day they met. “Why don’t you take the window seat, and I’ll set by the aisle. I know how you hate to have people walking by and bumping you.”

  “Thank you, you know me so well,” After taking her seat, she reached for the Emergency Manual tucked in the pocket on the seat in front of her.

  George had to laugh. No matter how many times they flew, she would always read the Emer
gency Manuel. He found this trait adorable. He then sat next to her and leaned over pretending to read along with her. “Anything change from last week?”

  Sandi glared at him, trying to feign anger. “No, but I just want to be sure that I’m clear on what to do in the case of an emergency.”

  “Honey, you’ve studied that thing every time we’ve flown. I guarantee you that nothing has changed in it,” seeing the look of determination on her face made him love her even more. “Okay, I’ll leave you alone, but I want to know if anything is different from last time.”


  “Excuse me; I was wondering if you would mind trading seats? I have a slight prostate problem, so I need to use the restroom often. I don’t want to bother you repeatedly during the flight,” the older man asked while putting his carry-on bag in the overhead compartment.

  Mark did not like the idea of sitting in the window seat, but he did not want to have this guy climbing over him throughout the entire flight.

  “Sure, no problem,” he groaned, then moved over to the window seat.

  “I’m sorry; I don’t want to be a bother, but as I’ve gotten older things just don’t work the way they did when I was a young man. My name is Jacob Newton,” he smiled and then offered his hand.

  “My name is Mark Saunders,” said with a tone of annoyance in his voice.

  “I’m glad to meet you, Mark. What brought you to Paris?”

  Oh, just great, this guy is going to talk my ear off the entire flight. Mark thought to himself. “My brother moved over here a few years ago, for his business. I came for his wedding.”

  “How nice, weddings are a blessed event. I’ve always loved to officiate at weddings. Was it held in one of the beautiful churches in the city?”

  Officiate? Crap, I’m stuck next to a preacher. Shit, I’m going to be trapped eight hours with this guy. Mark had never understood why people believed in God. As far as he saw it, you were born, you lived, and then you died… nothing more, nothing less. To believe you have a spirit that lives on after death is just plain foolish, and anyone who thought that was delusional as far as he was concerned. “Yeah, her father is a very wealthy man, so it was a grand affair. I had to fly in to be my brother’s best man.”

  “How wonderful that you and your brother have a good relationship, so often today families don’t stay in touch. Did your parents come also?”

  Damn, is this guy going to talk the entire flight? “No, our parents are dead. It’s just my brother and me,” Mark turned, and stared out of the window, hoping this would get the man to leave him alone.

  Jacob realized he had apparently stepped over a line with his constant questioning. “I’m sorry; I just sometimes get carried away when I meet someone new.”

  Leaning back in his seat, Jacob decided it would be best to leave his new friend alone for a while.


  “What a pretty kitty you have there,” Patti said to the excited little girl boarding the airplane with her parents.

  “Thank you, my daddy bought it for me,” Kimi beamed proudly.

  Dave looked down at this daughter. “Yes, she has a way of getting me to bend to her wishes.”

  “If I had such a sweet, little girl like her, I wouldn’t be able to say no either,” Patti smiled.

  “Your seats are seven rows down in the center. I hope you and your kitty enjoy the flight,” she looked at the happy, little girl and wondered what it would be like to have a daughter of her own.

  “Thank you,” Dave smiled, and then he followed Samantha and Kimi down the aisle to their seats.

  “I like her, Daddy. She’s a nice lady,” Kimi giggled.

  “Yes, she is.” Dave enjoyed watching Kimi walk down the aisle, giggling the entire way.

  “Our daughter doesn’t seem to know a stranger,” Samantha shook her head as she watched Kimi wave to each person sitting in their seats while she walked by.

  Dave knew he should warn her about being so friendly with strangers, but he could not bring himself to ruin this moment. When she had become so sick, and they were worried she would die, he swore to always treasure the special moments because you never knew when they might be the last ones you have. “Here we are. Sweetheart, let your mommy sit first, that way you can sit between us.”

  Samantha slid over to her seat, and Kimi jumped into the seat next to her mother. Spinning around, she looked over the back of the seat at the person sitting behind her.

  “Please turn around and sit. You don’t need to be bothering that lady,” Samantha scolded.

  Kimi turned around and sat in her seat, holding the stuffed cat to her chest. “Mommy, you’re no fun.”

  “I may be no fun, but you still need to mind your manners.”

  Dave could not help but chuckle at the look of defiance on Kimi’s face. “I know you’re excited, but you need to mind your Mommy.” Dave did his best not to smile at the expression of disappointment on Kimi’s face.

  “Excuse me; I was wondering if it would be alright if she had one of our pins?” Patti held out the small shiny pin the airline would often give out to passengers.

  Kimi’s eyes lit up at the sight of the pin in her hand. “Can I Mommy?”

  “I guess, as long as you promise to behave yourself,” Samantha smiled, seeing the look of pure delight on her daughter’s face. “Now, what do you say?”

  “Thank you,” Kimi giggled, as her mother took the pin and attached it to the collar of her blouse.

  “Thank you, that was very sweet of you,” Dave said.

  “You’re welcome. I thought she might like it,” Patti enjoyed seeing the grateful expression on the face of the adorable, little girl. “Well, I need to get back to work. We’ll be taking off soon.”

  “You softie,” Marie teased when Patti walked back to the front of the airplane. “She is a little cutie, though.”

  “Yeah, she is,” Patti said absentmindedly. She did not understand why, but for some strange reason, she felt drawn to the little girl with the bright, pink stuffed cat. “She did seem to like the pin, though.”

  “Well, come on, let’s get everything ready for take-off,” Maria smiled, seeing the look on Patti’s face. She needs to stop waiting and begin having babies because her biological clock is ticking loud and clear.

  “Miss, when can I have a drink?” the young man asked with a look of fear etched on his face.

  “I’m sorry, you’ll need to wait until we are in the air.” Maria wondered if he was going to be a problem. She never did like having to deal with white-knuckle flyers.

  “Fine,” mumbling with disappointment clearly showing on his face. “I knew I should have stopped in that bar on the way to the airport.”

  “Excuse me; did you say something, Sir?” Maria turned to face him again.

  “No, I just hate flying. Well, to be honest, I hate the idea of crashing.”

  Hoping to ease his fears, Maria’s voice softened, “What’s your name.”


  “Mike, you don’t have anything to worry about. This plane is the top of the fleet, and our Captain has many years of experience. I can guarantee that you will arrive safely in New York.”

  Their gazes met, and he suddenly felt foolish. “Thank you.”

  Gently touching him on the shoulder, “You’re welcome. Now, why don’t you relax? We’ll be taking off soon.”

  “Maria, Sherry’s in the galley,” Patti announced, as Maria walked back to the front of the airplane. “Now, be nice. Don’t make her nervous on her first flight.”

  “I’m always nice. It’s Randy she has to worry about,” Maria teased.

  “Hi, Sherry, I’m glad to see you here. It looks like we’re going to be busy,” Maria chuckled at the nervous expression on Sherry’s face. “I hope you’re ready for this crowd?”

  “Ah, yes…I’m ready.” Unsure of what Maria meant. “Is there something I should be worried about?”

�Quit scaring her. She may decide to run before we take off,” Patti chided.

  “I’m sorry, I’m just teasing. I’m sure this will be a normal, routine flight. I’ve only seen one white-knuckle flyer so far,” Maria winked, playfully. “At least we won’t have a full house. This flight will only have 189 passengers to deal with. So, Sherry, I understand this is your first flight with us?”

  “Yes, I’ve done this for four years, but I was ready to move up to international flights. I’m so excited to get this opportunity,” her face beamed with excitement.

  “I don’t understand why you’re starting out on this end of the round, though?” Maria quizzed.

  Sherry snickered, “Yeah, I am a bit backward, aren’t I? I wanted to spend some time in Paris before starting this job, so I flew over here for a long-awaited vacation. In fact, my best friend is returning home on this flight. We had such a good time, but now it’s time to get back to work.”

  “Ladies, it’s nearly the time for take-off. We need to be sure everything is ready,” Randy growled, as he stood outside of the galley entrance.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll be ready,” Maria rolled her eyes then flashed an amused grin. Once she knew he was gone, she turned to Patti, “I can’t stand working with him. He always treats me like a child.”

  “Don’t let him get to you,” Patti chuckled. “Just picture yourself lying on the beach with an umbrella drink, and Tom rubbing suntan lotion all over you.”

  “I don’t know who Tom is, but that sounds fantastic,” Sherry giggled.

  “Come, ladies, the sooner this plane gets in the air, the faster I’m on that beach,” Maria enjoyed the playfulness of this conversation.

  There were several procedures to complete before a commercial plane can take off.

  First, before each flight, a safety check must be conducted to ensure that all equipment such as life vests, flashlights, as well as firefighting equipment are on board, in the right quantity, and in proper working condition. The attendants were responsible for assisting with loading carry-on baggage, checking it for weight, size, and any dangerous goods. They also had to make sure those passengers sitting in the emergency exit rows were willing, and able to assist in the case of an evacuation. Next, they would do a safety demonstration, or monitor the passengers as they watched a safety video. Finally, they had to secure the cabin by ensuring all the tray tables were stowed, all the seats were in their upright positions, armrests down, and carry-on luggage was stowed correctly with all seat belts fastened prior to takeoff.


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