Deadly Obsession

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Deadly Obsession Page 1

by Beck, J. L.

  The Obsession Duet

  Please be advised Deadly Obsession is Part Two of the Obsession Duet. It is NOT a standalone.

  Book One-Cruel Obsession needs to be read prior to this book.

  Thank you and enjoy!


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26


  About the Authors

  Also by the Authors

  Want more Xander?

  Copyright © 2019 by J.L. Beck C. Hallman

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover Design by: C. Hallman

  Editing: Kelly Allenby


  Cinder blocks weigh my eyes down. I attempt to roll over but every muscle in my body tenses. It feels like I’ve been tossed off a ten-story building, landing flat on my back. Groaning into the air, my fingertips graze something soft, a sheet…or blanket. I don’t know, but it’s not cold or hard. Shifting, I realize I’m no longer on the cold concrete but somewhere else. Confusion clouds my mind.

  “Shhh, the police are on their way. Everything is going to be okay. They’ll find the person who shot you.” A voice soothes, but that’s not the effect it has on me, and instantly my eyes snap open. Frenzied, I look around the room. The smell of antiseptic assaults my senses, and I piece the puzzle together very quickly.

  Hospital. I’m in the hospital. The same hospital where Christian left me in the parking garage to die. Joke’s on him though, because I’m not going to die. At least not today. Pain erupts across my body, and my muscles protest as I push off the bed and stand on unsteady feet.

  “Sir, you need to lie down!” The nurse rushes over to me, her eyes panicked but I pin her with a dark look that promises pain, and she stops in her tracks. I don’t say shit as I walk out of the room, my body screaming at me, begging me to turn around and go lie down.

  That’s not an option. Dove needs me. Fuck. I failed her. I let him get to her. I can’t imagine what he’s doing to her right now. Touching her. Breaking her. She’s too fragile for a man like Christian. Like thin glass, he’ll shatter her with a single touch.

  My heart thrashes in my chest. Revenge. I need it. I’ll take it. I’ll bathe in his fucking blood for touching her and if he does anything to her. If there is a single hair out of place on her head… I can’t allow myself to think that.

  Hobbling out of the hospital, I get a barrage of dirty looks and some shocked ones as I pass people. Looking down at my shirt, I realize the entire thing is soaked in blood. All I can do is shrug because I don’t give a fuck. My side is burning with each step I take, and I’m dizzy as hell. If I’m going to be there to save Dove, to save us, then I’m going to need to find a way to get this bullet removed. As I walk—to where I have no fucking idea—I play over in my head what Christian told me.

  The Castro’s, the rival mob family to the Sergio’s, is the reason he wants Dove dead. But why? Who is Dove to the Castro’s? Gritting my teeth, I know exactly what I’m going to have to do and that I’m going to fucking hate every second of it. The last thing I want is to leave Dove in Christian’s hands any longer than I have to, but even with the raged haze that surrounds my head, I know there isn’t any way I can save her if I go in there guns blazing by myself.

  I need weapons, a plan, and to get this goddamn bullet out of my side and stop the bleeding before I really do die. Which means I’ll have to go to the Castro family. Sagging against a nearby wall, I squeeze my eyelids closed, and force myself to breathe through my nose. The pain in my side is nothing compared to the way my heart feels in my chest right now. Even though it’s hard as hell, I force myself not to think about Dove in that instant. Shrugging out of my shirt, I take the fabric and press it against my side as hard as I can. My fist clenches and pain radiates across my skin. It feels like razor blades are slicing through my flesh, leaving deep cuts in their wake. My eyes flutter closed, and I force myself to think about anything but the pain. Shutting down is my only option right now.

  Car. Weapon. Castro’s. In that order. Pushing off the wall, I continue limping my way down to the car. By the time I reach the car, there is a sheen of sweat on my forehead, and my muscles are protesting with each and every step I take. Swallowing the pain down, I open the car door and slide inside. Sagging against the seat, I start up the car and lean over the center console ripping open the glove box.

  Pulling out the gun that I keep there just in case, I check to see how many bullets I have and then place it down beside me. Backing out of the parking spot, the tires squeal as I take the twists and turns to get out of this labyrinth of a place.

  Following the exit signs, I slam my foot against the gas pedal and drive out onto the street. The sound of a car horn pierces my ears, but I don’t pay the driver any attention. I’m on a mission. Determined. I don’t need directions to the Castro estate. As soon as Christian told me about his rivalry with them, I started keeping tabs on the family. Figuring out their schedules, where they live, how they spend their money and time.

  Going to them might get me killed, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take if there is even a chance that I’ll be able to save Dove. I’ll make any deal; kill anyone they want. There is nothing that I won’t do, no one I won’t hurt. I have to get her back. I have to save her.

  No matter what happens to me, I have to make sure she survives. She is all that matters to me. If she dies, then I die.

  The wound in my side pulses with its own heartbeat as I drive through the city and to the town over. My insides twist and twist until there is nothing but a knot of fear in my belly when I arrive at the gate of the Castro mansion. There is a twelve-foot wrought iron fence surrounding the place, and the fact that I’m going to have to haul my ass over that fence to get inside is not a welcoming feeling. My side is already screaming at me, might as well plunge a knife into the wound. Staring up at the fence, I cook up a plan, one that has a fifty percent chance of getting me killed. Walking up to the fence and ordering them to let me in isn’t an option.

  I’m going to need to cause a scene, force Matteo Castro to see me face to face. Driving a ways down the road, I pull off on a side road and stash the car in the trees. If they haven’t spotted me on the security cameras yet, I’ll be shocked as hell. Hobbling down the road, I force myself into a steady jog. The air outside is cold, and when it clashes with my heated skin, I shiver. I feel weak, so fucking weak, but I have to do this.

  I need someone in my corner, and since Christian wants to go to war, I guess I’ll be the one to bring it to his door. But first, I need to get Matteo on my side.

  Reaching the edge of the fence on the property line, I gaze up at the mountain I’m going to have to climb. Exhaustion coats my insides, and I have to force myself to continue forward. Think of Dove. Off in the distance, something catches my eye. Not something, someone. Two men are headed right toward me. Beefy, musc
led, and with guns strapped across their chests.

  I’m in no position to fight. Hopefully, they don’t kill me, because fuck, would that be a shit way for this to end.

  “Either you have a death wish, or you have a fucking death wish.” One of the men sneers when he gets closer. The fence is still between us, but I know that won’t save me. If they wanted to kill me right now, they could.

  “I need to speak to Matteo,” I grit out.

  The same guy who spoke moments ago lets out a bemused chuckle. “You need to speak to Matteo? Sorry, buddy, but that’s not how this works. If the boss wants to see you, you’ll know. Now get the fuck out of here.” He makes a shoo motion with his hands, and if I wasn’t in so much fucking pain, I’d grin.

  My gun sits heavily in the waistband of my jeans, and I know as soon as I reach for it, they’re going to shoot me. It’s a risk I have to take though. Shooting one of them will definitely get me to Matteo. Dead or alive? Not sure.

  Moving with agility I didn’t even know was possible, I grab my gun and aim it at the guy that laughed at me.

  “No hard feelings,” I grunt as I pull the trigger. At the same time, his friend pulls a gun and shoots. The bullet rips through my shoulder and into the tender tissue. How much more blood can I lose before I die? My skin stings where the bullet lodges itself inside, and I stagger backward, my knees shaking. I can feel the ground coming into view. Who knew that the mighty would fall so hard? After all I’ve done, everything is crumbling to the ground. The man always killing and ending lives has finally been caught by karma.

  Landing on the ground with a hard thud, all I can do is look up at the sky.

  “Idiot,” The guy who shot me growls as he walks over, his face coming into view. The toe of his boot collides with my ribcage and pain ricochets through my body. Fuck. “You got your wish. Looks like you’ll be leaving via a body bag, after all.”

  Pain encompasses me, and I watch through heavy lids as he lifts his gun and pulls the trigger again. Another bullet sinking into my flesh, burning through muscle. Another bullet that I’d gladly take if it brings Dove back to me. Blackness and pain are all I feel as my eyes close for what I feel is going to be the very last time.

  * * *

  The first thing I notice when I come to is that I’m alive. Scratch that. I’m not alive. I’ve died and gone to hell. Actually, hell would be a vacation compared to what I’m dealing with right now. My entire body is like a flame, burning and pulsing, gushing gasoline on a never-ending spark of fire. Every muscle tightens as I struggle to make sense of what’s going on.

  “Welcome back, Zane,” an unfamiliar voice says, and I twist in the direction of it. Finding nothing but darkness. It’s then that I realize my wrists are handcuffed to the sides of the bed. The metal dinging with my sharp movement. Tugging on them to the point of pain, I grit my teeth as the metal digs into my skin. Slowly, everything starts to come into perspective. Looking down at my bare chest, I find I’m no longer bleeding. Each of the bullet holes that littered my chest are now clean, and the wound covered with gauze.

  What the hell happened?

  “You can say thank you at any time.” There’s that voice again, and it grates on every last fucking nerve ending. I didn’t go through all this for nothing and every second that ticks by is another second that Dove could be somewhere hurting or worse…

  “I need to talk to Matteo!” I growl.

  “Well, it’s your lucky fucking day, boy.” Out of the shadows appears Matteo, the man I need to speak with. His honey-colored hair is slicked back, and his dark eyes are menacing, well, about as menacing as a small dog chewing on your ankle. “I don’t really appreciate you shooting one of my men, but I suppose we’re even since he took one shot, and you took three.”

  “Not that it matters, but I was shot when I got here. Your guy only shot me twice.”

  Matteo narrows his gaze, a smirk twisting his lips. “I see. Still, you deserved to be shot, showing up here and shooting one of my men. Hell, he should’ve killed you. I will say that I’m surprised that I finally get to meet the infamous Zane though. Hitman for the Sergio family. Did you know there is a bounty on your head?”

  All I do is shrug. “I’m not here about the bounty, and if you want to hand me over to Christian, then do it. He has something of mine, and I want it back. You’d be doing me a favor anyway.”

  Matteo stares at me, just stares. “You know that’s not how this works. Your balls must be the size of Texas if you think you can come in here and ask for my help.”

  At this point, I don’t care about anything. All that matters is saving Dove, making sure she is safe, alive, and protected. “I’ll tell you all of his secrets. Kill whoever you want. Do anything that you need. I just need some guns and manpower. That’s all I’m asking for. It’s not a marriage or relationship. It ain’t shit. You help me. I will help you.” I try not to sound as fucking weak and desperate as I feel, but I don’t think there is much I can do about it at this point.

  Matteo gets up from the spot he’s perched on. “And why the fuck would I help you? I don’t know anything about you, and the last thing I need is your help. I know the odds are stacked against you. As the hitman for the Sergio family, a family that is a rival of mine, that continues to fuck with my business, I should kill you. In fact, give me one good reason not to shoot you straight in the fucking head right now.”

  “I don’t have one. All I have is the knowledge that Christian wanted you dead. You were next on my list. Now, if you aren’t going to help me, then let me fucking go.” I tug against the handcuffs again, my muscles burning with exhaustion. Matteo looks indifferent, and I wonder what the hell is going to happen next.

  “What is it that he has that would tempt you to make a deal with the devil?” I swallow thickly, hating that I’m going to have to explain to him who Dove is to me. It’s obvious I’ll burn the entire world down for her, so there isn’t any point in hiding that she is my biggest weakness. I’ve already exposed that myself.

  “Dove. He has her. She is mine, and I want her back.” I growl.

  Matteo chuckles. “You want to start a war over a girl? Over some pussy, which you could get from any woman?”

  “She isn’t just anyone, and he’s going to hurt her. I…” It kills me, rips me to fucking shreds to say my next set of words. All my life, I’ve vowed to be strong, to look death straight in the eyes and smile, but this isn’t just about me anymore. Dove wasn’t cut from the same cloth as me, and she can’t handle this world. “Please, she is my entire world, and I…right now, I have nothing. I am a walking target, if I go in there to save her on my own, we’re not getting out. You’re my last chance…”

  Matteo cocks his head to the side, drumming his fingers against his chin. “And why would he steal your precious little girlfriend?”

  “Because he’s been looking for her for ten years… I don’t know why, but I know he plans to use her for something. He claims it’s your fault that he wants her dead, but I haven’t figured out the connection yet.”

  “Interesting…so this girl, he assumes I know her?”

  I nod. “But we won’t be able to figure out how or why until we get her back.”

  A spark of curiosity fills his eyes, and I know I’ve hooked him.

  “Fine. I’ll help, but you’ll be indebted to me, Zane. Indebted till I say otherwise.”

  Hope springs in my chest. I don’t care what it is, or what he needs me to do. I’ll do it. All that matters is Dove. My sweet Dove.

  “Fine, just help me find her.”


  My bones are aching, every muscle in my body is stiff. My whole body is sore, and there is a permanent crater, an ache in my chest, that’s accompanied by a never-ending emptiness. I’m so exhausted, my body and mind.

  I’m not sure how long I’ve been here or how much longer I can take this. There are no windows, and the single light bulb hanging from the ceiling is always on. Someone brings me food, but the times
are not regular. I know because sometimes I’m so hungry, my stomach is rumbling, and a pit of pain fills my belly.

  Of course, it’s nothing compared to the pain of losing Zane… William. I still can’t wrap my mind around it. How did I not see it before? How could I have been so blind? He wasn’t the boy I thought died all those years ago, but he still made me feel safe all the same. I should have known. Now I’ve lost him all over again.

  Wiping the tears off my cheek with the back on my hand, I stare at the same wall I’ve been looking at for the last few days. I’ve counted every brick, memorized every crack because I have nothing else to do. Nothing to keep me sane.

  The room I’ve been kept in only holds a dirty mattress, a thin blanket, and a bucket in the corner for when no one is there to take me to the bathroom. So far, that’s the only time I’m allowed out of my cell—to go to the bathroom down the hall. I know I’m in some basement, a heavily guarded basement, but that’s pretty much all I know.

  I still don’t understand why Christian is keeping me here, why he wants me in the first place, or what he is going to do to me next. All I know is that it can’t be good. The days blend together. Night and day. I’m terrified of the unknown. Of what’s to come.

  Pulling my knees up to my chest, I wrap my arms around them, hugging myself tightly as if that would somehow keep me from falling further apart. Letting myself sink down onto the mattress, I curl up in the fetal position.


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