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Turning Dreams into Reality

Page 4

by Yuval Tabib

  Set your goal, then create intention and desire. Desire’s role is complete the moment you chose a goal. Only the intention remains, and it will accompany you until you realize it. Intention creates all of the activity in the universe. Intention is a natural process that flows quietly, knowing that the goal is achievable. When the milk runs out and you need to go to the supermarket to buy more, it’s natural for you to go buy more. The pursuit of fulfilling your goal should be natural to you, like going to the supermarket to buy milk. You obviously need to take actions in that direction, but not with excessive desire and not overenthusiastically. You should approach the objective that you set in exactly the same way. In order to prevent these physical balancing forces from interfering with the realization of goals, you will have to proceed peacefully and perform actions in the direction of the goal without becoming obsessive. Stay relaxed and you will see that achieving your objective is simple and pleasurable.

  Subliminal Messages

  Subliminal messages are signs or messages that penetrate a person’s mind without them knowing. The conscious mind doesn’t hear them but the subconscious mind does. Since you can’t hear the messages and or see the signs, you aren’t able to create resistance and over time the subconscious will receive the messages and begin to create change in your behavior.

  How can subliminal messages help us to apply the Law of Attraction?

  The Law of Attraction has the power to materialize your thoughts, beliefs and feelings. Many people fail to achieve what they want because occur primarily they are working from the conscious mind and not in the subconscious mind. The moment that conscious thoughts are not synchronized with the thoughts that have been fixed in the subconscious mind, it will be next to impossible to implement the law.

  Subliminal messages can be a tool to synchronize between the conscious and the subconscious mind. You can access audio tracks of subliminal messages according to the topic that you want to be influenced in your subconscious. You can listen to these audio tracks when you are sleeping or doing daily activities at home or outside. Listen to them as much as possible throughout the day, every day. How much time passes before it starts to have an effect? The amount of time it takes for it to have an effect depends on the depth of the beliefs and barriers stored in your subconscious. Generally speaking, you could start to feel a change after 21 days. Be patient, listening to a subliminal message once or twice will not lead to change. You must be persistent. You can combine these subliminal messages with affirmations and meditation.

  The Law of Attraction -

  The Ten Commandments

  Your subconscious mind is a direct line that connects you to the universe/God.

  Know that everything at your disposal in this world is the fruit of your thoughts and your choices.

  Always remember that you are positive energy and your thoughts will help you achieve your goals.

  Avoid frustration each step of the way - think positively, feel positively and make choices from a positive approach. Everything you’ve chosen will be built around you and results will not be long in coming. It all depends on you!

  Be strong and love yourself with all your heart. Love other people and be compassionate to your surroundings, the way you would want to be treated. It all starts with you!

  Dream, visualize, and feel your desires because your goal in life is to fulfill yourself.

  Remember that there is no good or bad in the world, good luck or bad luck. You determine which world to live in.

  Don’t be obsessive about your goals and about the material world, so as to prevent resistance.

  Never ever doubt the Law of Attraction. Every bit of doubt will distance you from achieving your goals.

  Persistence is the key to success - never think about when and how the desired moment will come in which you’ll get what you asked for. Focus only on yourself and on achieving your goals.



  How did I manage to gain control of the financial snowball that threatened to destroy every bit of happiness in my life?

  I hope this personal story will assist you in dealing with money. I’m sure that many of you will identify with it because, after all, we all want more abundance in our lives.

  For years I would complain about how my expenses were particularly high; income taxes, social security payments, etc. I felt like it was as though the whole world is plotting against me for no reason at all. One day, I got a parking ticket in a spot where parking was allowed, but due to a slight deviation of a few centimeters from the entrance of a house, the traffic officer chose to write me a ticket. Over time, I was confronted situations that I would typically not give much significance to, but they were increasing; as if the world was trying to tell me something. My response was to be frustrated and angry, but I had no idea that it could be solved.

  One evening, a good friend of mine came to visit. He noticed that I was lacking vitality. I wasn’t a depressed or sad person, on the contrary, I was loved and accepted and usually full of joy. But, at that time, I was feeling lonely and frustrated. He asked me if I was okay, and I told him that I was a bit grumpy lately.

  He opened my laptop and showed me an interesting lecture on the topic of consciousness. At first, I didn’t understand how it related to me, but I told myself to go with the flow, what did I have to lose? Five minutes later I was glued to the computer screen as though I were watching a thriller movie. The clip was so powerful, such a turning point, that it completely changed my life. The next day, I started reading books related to creating reality through thoughts. I investigated the subject through an endless number of sources and tried to understand how and why it works. I would study day and night, and was soon applying the principles to myself and those closest to me. I continued investigating the subject on a physical level, on a quantum level, and learned about a philosophy called Reality Transurfing developed the astrophysicist Vadim Zeland. I was repeatedly amazed to discover that we, and only we, are responsible for creating everything that happens to us in our lives. What amazed me is that it’s all based on physics. Of all the sources of information I had at my disposal, I decided to concentrate on the most powerful materials, that were, in my view, the most effective.

  From the day my friend showed me that fascinating lecture, I decided to stop complaining and speaking negatively about my life! Not only that, if I were to receive a bill, I would happily pay it, without negative emotions. As evidence, it is no wonder that not only did the pace of which I was receiving fines, debts and things of this sort become dramatically reduced, but I also ‘suddenly’ started to receive credits from various sources. For example, because I was a dance instructor, I was eligible to receive unemployment payments during the summer months when none of the dance studios were operating. I usually received very small amounts of money, and one time I even received a notice that I was required to return approximately $2000, with the claim that they had miscalculated and overpaid me. This time I decided not to get infuriated and not to complain. I sent a letter to the National Insurance Institute with hopes of reducing the amount owed and the result was that the debt was not only reduced, it was completely wiped clean! Considering that it was a time in my life when the troubles and debts were arriving in bundles, I saw this as a miracle. This is one example among many in which I learned to apply and leverage the Law of Attraction in favor of my bank account balance.

  With the help of the Law of Attraction, you can achieve wealth, good health, a good relationship, and anything you’ve dreamed of, that you thought was not possible for yourself. In this chapter, I focus on various techniques so that you can achieve what you want quickly. It’s important that I point out that only persistence over time (21 days or more) brings results, and more importantly, the moment you start to apply the Law of Attraction, you will immediately receive ‘treats’ from the universe, meaning serenity, patience, love for those around you
, etc.

  If you know and concentrate on exactly what you want and turn your focus to them, you will achieve what you want because there is no other option, it works!

  The universe always, and I mean always, gives us what we want, but we must act according to the Law of Attraction.

  There is no limit in the universe to the level of wealth or the amount of money you can desire or request. It all depends on the level of faith and patience that you have for the amount of money you desire and how it matches your abilities to convince your subconscious mind that this goal is realistic for you. As we know, abundance is not only money, but also a house, harmony in the family, love, quality of life, a car, and anything else that makes you happy.

  Before you start to get to work according to the Law of Attraction, you should know that the action is simple, even really simple, and that there is no need to be stressed. It is also important to know that your connection with the universe/God is through your subconscious mind and that you will attract to your life exactly what you believe and transmit through your thoughts, feelings and expectations.

  The universe matches our thoughts, feelings and beliefs – in other words, it matches the frequency that we transmit.

  Money Equals Energy

  Our energy and the frequency we transmit are a result of:






  About a year ago, a client came to me for a series of meetings. Her only goal was to make more money. I told her that it’s impossible. She glared at me and said, “How can that be? Didn’t you say that it’s possible to achieve anything through the Law of Attraction?” I replied that anything is possible but not in the state of mind that she is in and not with her attitude towards situations in life.

  I explained to her that she must first work on her negative emotions - to raise her vibration and to change her behavioral patterns regarding money and her life in general. I provided her with tools that she could use to change her negative attitude, that is, to avoid negative thoughts as much as possible, to be grateful for what that she has in life, to stop complaining and to respond positively even in negative situations. I taught her different ways in which she could raise her vibration.

  Two weeks later, she came back to me, glowing. I could feel the change she had gone through the second she walked through the door. She was standing up straight, smiling and glowing with joy. It was a dramatic change. We talked a little about the process she had gone through, and only then could we turn to the main purpose for why she had come to me - to summon a higher salary. She had the right tools in her pocket, and from the many years I had known her, I knew she was a person endowed with perseverance and determination. The results came quickly; her relationship with her coworkers and her boss had improved. About a month later, she was called into her boss’s office and he told her the news: she would be moving into her own private office. Not long afterward, she was called again to the boss’s office and this time he told her that her request for a raise had been approved, perhaps not exactly the amount she had hoped for, but pretty close.

  Throughout the entire day, we transmit frequencies by which we receive situations, have experiences, and meet people that match the frequency that we are transmitting. Look at yourself for a moment and think about how many times you heard or said to yourself, “I don’t have any money” or “I’m not worthy of such an amount of money” or “I earn what I deserve.” Some of you even heard your parents say more than once the phrases “money doesn’t grow on trees” or “rich people are greedy.” Each of these beliefs are fixed in your subconscious mind and create barriers to economic prosperity.

  Every person has the possibility to achieve and earn any amount of money that he or she wants. If you earn $25,000 a year and you would like to make more, let’s say $60,000 a year, you will succeed, as long as you know how to raise your vibration to the frequency that money transmits and treat it like energy rather than an existential need.

  In order to rise to the frequency of money, you’ll have to change your attitude in a few situations. For example: if you express dissatisfaction, complain and grumble when you are asked to pay payments, fines or bills, you express an attitude of lack and you transmit a low frequency. This frequency draws and attracts more lack into your life. In other words, different unexpected payments will continue to appear in your life; like fines or bills, whose sums will only increase or at least won’t decrease. The moment you realize that money is energy and nothing but energy, it will be easier for you to change your behavioral patter and feelings towards money, and your frequency will also change accordingly. Try to react calmly and relaxed towards any payment of a fine or bill, even if you need to pretend. React optimistically and with a smile, avoid feeling frustration, anger or deprivation. Relate to money as though it’s energy, and not as a material resource.

  As long as you feel deprived and frustrated by the payments you must make, the more you will receive! As long as you express a positive approach towards any amount of money that you have or that you must part with, even if it is a tiny sum, the more you will enjoy a decrease in expenses and money will start flowing to you more easily.

  Your relationship to money must be like any other relationship you have in your life. Think about it. If you want to receive love, and you know how to transmit these frequencies, you’ll receive love in return. It’s the same with money. Money is an energy that vibrates and transmits frequency, like anything else in the universe. The key to the abundance that you will have later on is to know how to love money, to appreciate money, to treat it with respect and to be grateful for any amount you have.

  Barriers to Money

  When I was a child, I didn’t have the means and abundance that children have today. I always heard my parents say phrases like, “We need to save for a rainy day.” This phrase doesn’t necessarily have a bad message in it, but they would also say phrases like, “If you want money, you’ll have to work hard for it!” The message I absorbed is that money is a difficult resource to obtain and you must strain and work hard for it. It took me a long time to understand that if I think that money is difficult to obtain, then that will be a self-fulfilling belief. I remember the first time the ‘walls of the paradigm’ in my mind started to crack. When I experienced for the first time in my life that money could come easily, mistaken thought patterns and childhood assertations around money started to dissolve. My father, may he rest in peace, wanted me to be an aerodynamic engineer; I had studied it in high school and I also dealt with it in the military. Even back then I knew it wasn’t for me. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to sit for ten or more hours in the same place, with the same people, and the same salary. I would feel like a robot. So, I turned to where my heart pulled me, to the world of dance. In the world of dance, you don’t make a lot of money, especially as a dancer, though when I started to teach dance, I realized that for one dance lesson I could make six times what an average company employee makes. I could make do with teaching for 3-4 hours, three times a week, and my monthly salary was no less than that of an average engineer or even of an aerodynamics engineer. This was the first time I began to understand that money can come relatively easily without special effort, if you only know how to change your perspective towards it.

  Sometimes people do not understand why, despite the correct actions they take to implement the Law of Attraction, they do not feel an economic change in their situation. The reason is there are barriers that stop the energy and the right frequency. The barriers can stem from their feelings, negative opinions that they have formed as a result of exposure to messages about money such as “money doesn’t grow on the trees” or “money is the source of all evil” and so on. A person’s physical condition can also have an effect or even create a destructive relationship they get trapped in. Thus, it is very important to make sure that all othe
r areas of your life are functioning properly: relationships, mental/physical condition, family, etc.

  Money, like energy, needs to flow. If you have money, don’t zealously save it. This doesn’t mean that you should spend it excessively and break into your savings. What I mean is be generous with yourself and others. Let some of your savings go, treat yourself or other people and allow this energy to flow. If you have money and you are holding on to it tightly, it’s reasonable to assume that you are blocking the flow of money to you. For example, if you have the financial means to dress in new clothes and you still wear the same worn out clothes or worn out shoes, you are acting in opposition to the flow of energy. If you have the financial means, know how to let go and pamper yourself and your loved ones. That’s how you will enable the energy of money to flow and not get stuck.

  As mentioned, the frequency of money is a high frequency and to reach this high frequency, you must be happy with what you are doing. If you love what you are doing, money will flow to you more easily. Most people who love what they do have a lot more money in their pocket than those who don’t. Therefore, it is very important that you love what you do and, if not, seek out other challenges in your life, the kind that will get you excited and make you work with a smile and a sense of satisfaction. A person who is frustrated by his work, whether he is a paid employee or self-employed, cannot be vibrating at a high enough frequency to enable money to flow into his life.


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