(3 Book Box Set) "Cowgirl Desires" & "Last Chance Cowboy" & "Embracing Love Again"

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(3 Book Box Set) "Cowgirl Desires" & "Last Chance Cowboy" & "Embracing Love Again" Page 17

by Celina Whitley, Kelly Warren, & Stephanie Hunter

  "Don't you dare start crying? It's about us now. My god, how can you just drop us?"

  "I have to take my time and get over him."

  "Time? It's been over two years!"

  She stiffened, seemed colder than ever and she refused to talk to him any longer. She stood to her feet and walked back to the truck. He was devastated. Before she got to the truck, he shouted out to her, not wanting to see her drive away on bad terms. He couldn’t handle that.

  "I can respect your decision. I understand."

  She turned to look at him, but he had already turned around and was walking inside. She slowly drove away.

  Chapter Ten

  No matter how much Brad wanted to run after her, he left her alone. He knew from experience that he couldn't make her change her mind. He was devastated, Cutis had won again. Staying to himself for the next few days, he never left his farm. The only time he got out was when he walked from the house to his garage to work on vehicles. Having the most popular mechanics shop around, he stayed busy. It was Livy who had to find things to keep her busy. School was out for summer vacation, so her job at the school as a substitute had come to an end. She decided to check at the stores in town, or possibly the local bar. Joey's was always hiring due to someone quitting. After putting her application in at several businesses, she landed a part time job at Joey's and another part time job, cashiering at the market.

  In the meantime, Amber had been looking for another job. She worked at the local vet's office, but her hours had been slowing fading away to only part time. With bills to pay at her mother's farm, and her own car payment, she needed more. It was Livy that helped her get a cashier job at the market, and they soon were working side by side.

  "Livy, you need to get back with Brad. I heard he is completely torn up. He won't go anywhere. Just works on those vehicles and he's becoming a hermit."

  "I can't help that. I told him the truth. I'm not over Curtis."

  "How long is it going to take? How many years did you mourn him? You trapped yourself inside your mama's house, seeing no one. That's long enough."

  "How can you say that? Is there some kind of time table for the heart to heal?" Noticing a customer headed for her line, Livy waved her over to her.

  "Hello, I can take you here, ma'am."

  The older woman changed aisles and wheeled her cart into Livy's line.

  "Thank you. I'm in kind of a hurry."

  Livy walked around her register and helped place the woman's items on the belt. Standing there, Amber began to talk about the situation with Curtis again. Livy looked up at her, trying to hint to keep her mouth shut about it, but Amber kept rattling on. Evidently the woman understood. When all her items were rung up, she placed a fifty dollar bill on the conveyor belt and then looked at Livy.

  "You know, I waited on my husband to come back to me for thirteen years. It did nothing for me, but make me old and cranky. I passed up three proposals and a lifetime of children."

  Livy was embarrassed, but she was also interested.

  "I'm sorry ma'am. Do you regret waiting for him then?"

  "Regret? Well, I guess so. I have no children because I sat around weeping for my husband and passed by every chance for love. I cried right through the prime of my life!"

  "See there! I told you that you need to get over Curtis!" Amber said, taking advantage of the lady and her wise words. The lady turned around and stared into Amber's eyes.

  "That's not something you can help this young woman with. Love grows deep, and when that seed is planted, there's nothing that can drive it out. I still love George. I visit him every day at the nursing home to this day."

  "Oh, he's in a nursing home?" Livy leaned out across her line. "You're together then?"

  "No, we aren't together. He came back after years of being gone, running around. But he was sick. What was I to do, abandon him? I've been taking care of him ever since."

  "Does he have regret? Does he tell you how sorry he is for what he did?" Amber grew curious if it had been a happy reunion.

  "That man never said he was sorry to me one time. Now he's so senile, he doesn’t know anything. Bitter. He's just a bitter old man."

  By this time, Amber was standing in front of the woman, at the end of her cart. She looked into the lady's aging eyes. "And you?"

  "I guess I lost my life for nothing. But, what else was I supposed to do? I thought I was supposed to stay a faithful wife. There are many kinds of love. Don't get hung up on only one kind. You can love your husband while he lays in the ground, and still be in love with someone who's full of life." She inched forward, pushing her cart as Livy stepped out of the way. "Honey, you are too young and pretty. You have to decide to let go. When you find you can do that, you'll be free. Can I ask you something?"

  "Sure." Livy was wringing her hands, studying the woman.

  "Is your husband cheating on you? If he is, there might be a chance he'll come around and wake up."

  "No he was faithful. He passed away."

  "Well, now that's something very different. If he has passed on, he knows nothing. He'll never love you back through the years that you put your life on hold. You'll never hear his voice or see his face again. What kind of hope is that? Move on young woman and live. Life is over before you know it. Don't you want children?"

  That was all she was offering that day. Her face was drawn, withered and her heart was still in pain at her age. She turned around and looked at Livy one more time. "If you stay stuck, you'll end up looking just like me. I didn't get all these age spots for nothing. Now I have nothing to even show for these ugly things."

  She pushed her cart to the front of the store and piled her groceries into a small bag she had draped over her arm. Bent over, she looked like she had lived a life of misery. It tugged at Livy's heart to see her so unhappy. Amber walked over and joined Livy's side and just shook her head. "There's your life. Is that what you want?"

  Livy stood and watched the woman as she slowly hobbled out of the store. She could relate to the woman. Love doesn't die. She was sure that she still loved Curtis. But maybe the woman was right. She could still love Curtis in her heart. And she could love Brad Sands.

  Livy couldn't wait for her shift to end. As soon as she punched the time clock, she told Amber that she had some things to do. Not sharing what it was Amber pried for the answer. With no luck, she shrugged her shoulders.

  "Okay. Give me a call if you want to crawl out of your hole and we'll do something."

  Livy was about to do something. She was finding Brad. Without stopping at home to change clothes, she drove to his house, taking curves faster than she should have. She was desperate and she had to get him back. Picking up her cell, she dialed her mother.

  "Mom, I'm on my way to Brad's. I have to see him. I met the most amazing old woman at the store today."

  "Oh yea? What happened?"

  "Nothing except she told me her story of how she waited around for her husband to grow up. He left her and was running around and all."

  "Yea? What happened to her?"

  "She grew old. I'm not going to do that. I'll be home later. Please don't wait up."

  Diane Tifferton couldn't have heard sweeter words. It was like music to her ears. "You go on honey. Home is always here." The phone went silent on her end, and she wasn't even sure if Livy had heard her. Livy was on a mission. Excitement flowed through her veins. She was ready and she was in love. Of all the people in the world, she didn’t want to pass through her life without Brad Sands. She had loved him for years. Even when she was married to Curtis, she still cared for Brad. He had been tucked back somewhere in her heart in a special place. It took a little bent over woman to wake her up. She whispered to herself, there are all kinds of love. She's right. I can love them both. It's not cheating. Curtis is gone. He knows nothing. He's sleeping. I can love Brad because I always have.

  She was only a mile from his ranch. She could see the birds hanging on phone lines, pairs sitting perched side by
side. Leaning into each other, they would peck and cuddle with their feathers stretching, fluffing up. That's love, look how they group together. A happy little love song played on her radio as she took the last curve. Just ahead was Brad's. She hoped that he wouldn't play the hard to get act. But if he did, she was willing to take it. She wanted a future and she wanted children. I don't want to end up like that little old lady, with no one to love her. I don't want to be like Marcy, stuck out in some field, being forgotten and passed by! She began to tear up, just thinking about it. The lady had walked into that store and overheard their conversation for a reason. Livy's mother tried and Amber tried. The lady was right; no one can make you do anything. There are all kinds of love. I choose to love Brad.

  The truck skidded on the road that led to his house. Barely able to keep the tires on the road, she skidded off into the grass a few times. She couldn’t wait to take him in her arms and to get started on their new life together.

  Just as she turned into his driveway, she noticed that his truck was missing. Maybe he parked it in the shed. She inched the truck forward, parked and jumped out. Heading for the side door, she scanned the farm, thinking he might be working in the garage, but she checked the house first. Knocking several times, she pounded on the door. After no answer, she walked to the garage. It was all locked down. The padlocks were stretched across the door, and lights were out. She ran to the barn and walked in, shouting his name.

  "Brad! Brad, are you in here?" The animals were in their stalls, and she found that odd. It wasn't until she looked at his newspapers that had been thrown into a pile at the far side of the front porch, when she realized that Brad was gone.

  He's not here! She fell to her knees. I waited too late. She was beside herself with pain. Where could he have gone?

  She jumped in her truck and headed back to town. Tears streamed down her face and she felt that really big lump form in her throat as she tried not to sob. Her body ached with fear, and her throat hurt from her gasps. Around one curve, she nearly lost control of the truck, and she brought it back to the road, it was hard to see through her tears, and she brushed them away with her hand. He left me! She cried, she wailed and she sobbed bitterly, thinking that he had given up on her.

  Her first stop was at Joey's. He used to be a regular there, sitting around drinking cold bottles of pop. He was never into booze and sat at the bar just talking to the bartender. He has to be there, she thought as she pulled into the parking lot. Just before she went inside, she realized that it was the last place he'd go now. He hadn't been there since she got the job there. I ran him off from there! What have I done? She ran in and checked anyway.

  "Sam, have you seen Brad? Has he been here?"

  "You know he wouldn’t come here. You're here. I haven't seen him since you two broke up."

  She ran back to the truck. She didn’t want to be reminded how she had ran him off from his hangout. She wanted to run and jump into his arms. Checking the stores, she drove by every place in town. There was just no sign of him. Her last stop was the gas station that sat at the edge of town. If he had left town, he would have filled up here, and she pulled in. She jumped out and ran through the door, slamming it against the wall.

  "Mrs. Richey, have you seen Brad Tifferton?" She waited.

  "Brad just left her about ten minutes ago."

  "He couldn't have! I've been looking all over for him."

  "You didn’t; look here. He stopped in after helping Roy Carter with loading up his boat."


  That's why she hadn’t seen him anywhere. Roy lived on that end of town, and she had been all over town, except there. She ran back in.

  "Do you know where he was going? Which way?"

  "He rattled on about getting his head clear. Said he was heading for some cabin. He took this highway out of here."

  He's going to his grandpa's cabin! "Okay. Thank you Mrs. Richey." She ran back to her truck and headed down the highway. She wasn't sure if she could find it, but she had to try. She traveled for nearly ten minutes, checking out the side roads. Nothing looked familiar. She was upset, and about to give up when she happened to see his truck sitting at a road side diner. Skidding across the road, she barely made the turn-off. As she pulled into the lot, she wiped her tears and parked. When she entered, she didn't see him at first and then way back in the corner, sat one guy, one very hot guy. It was Brad munching on a plate of fries.

  Brad saw Livy when she walked in. He was still upset. He was not going to even listen to her, but when she stood next to him, his heart melted. Dried mascara streamed down her face. Her eyes were puffy and her voice was weak. He could hear the shakiness as she spoke his name.

  "Brad, will you at least talk to me?" She struggled to beg him. Her body rocked back and forth as she kicked around at nothing on the floor. Her hands were in her jeans pocket and she pivoted on one heel. She looked gorgeous to him, good enough to kiss. But, he held back.

  She was not good at begging. She didn’t want to beat around the bush. She took a chair and sat down at the end of the table.

  "Will you just come back home and we can talk?"

  Time ticked as she stared into his eyes. She never budged and she kept looking for any hope. He studied her for a time, and then he spoke softly.

  "You're all I ever wanted, Livy."

  That's exactly what she wanted to hear. That was enough to make her jump from her seat. She landed on his lap and grabbed his face in her palms. The kiss came and it stayed. She took in his scent, breathing deeply as she kissed him passionately. Tears still ran down her cheek, mixing with their kiss, leaving a salty taste. She opened her eyes to see him looking back and she broke down in tears and pulled away.

  "Can you forgive me? Please forgive me. I don't want to grow old and miss out on being with you."

  He leaned back in the chair, studied her for a minute.

  "Are you sure?"

  "Very sure."

  That's all he needed. He reached inside his front pocket and slapped a good-sized tip on the table and stood.

  "Let's go home. I'll race you there."

  Two pickups peeled out of the parking lot and chased the trail back to his ranch. She couldn't wait to get her hands on him. Before they even got through the door, Brad had Livy's shirt torn from her body and swooped her up in his arms. He carried her into the house, straight to the bedroom. They made love once, twice and then tried for a third, but their bodies were completely spent. Afternoon turned into evening, and after a bite to eat, they were at it again. When the dim lights finally went out, they cuddled into each other's arms, finally able to trust their hearts.


  The next morning…

  Morning came along with breakfast. After they ran to her house and saddled Marcy up, they rode all over the countryside. They ended the day in Brad’s bed. One thing led to another and before they knew it, they were making a lifetime of commitments. Promising her mother that she would visit every day, she gathered her belongings and piled them into Brad's truck. Then she saddled up Marcy and rode her all the way to Brad's. She was moving in! Her life was just beginning. Leaving Marcy behind wasn't an option. She wouldn’t even consider leaving her at her mom's. Marcy needed to be loved every day, not just on visits.

  Brad and Livy made up for lost time. They spent every minute they could together. Livy quit the job at the bar, and worked the store, while Brad continued running his successful shop. Their time together was filled with all kinds of fun and even more love. Between fishing, canoeing and riding horses, their calendars were full. There was always time to spend quiet moments under the sheets and life was moving on.

  Livy had forgotten about Curtis for the most part. She could still feel her love for him, and she recognized that kind of love. The little woman at the store never did come back in, and she wondered where she had gone. If she never saw her again, her memory would live on because she had taught Livy more about love than she had learned in a lifetime. She still
had that picture of Curtis in her locked jewelry box. It still sat there, staring back with his gorgeous blue eyes. She didn't pull it out anymore. Because she knew what kind of love she had for him, and she didn’t need to prove to herself anymore that she loved him. There are different kinds of love and she loved him with a certain kind. While she loved Brad with here and now kind of love.

  Diane Tifferton became a frequent visitor at Brad's, since Livy moved in. Their time together didn't suffer. She ended up being able to spend more time with Livy than ever before. Seeing her daughter's smile warmed her heart. Amber was happy since Livy was happy, and their lives became filled with family and friends. They had even talked about their futures.

  "I want a bunch of kids!" Livy still couldn't get the old woman and her advice out of her mind. The last thing she wanted was to miss out on children.

  "That's good, because I will need a couple sons to take over with the shop, so I can just sit back."

  "Hey, what if they turn out to be little girls?"

  "Girls make great mechanics. They have more patience."

  "What about helping me in the kitchen?"

  "Well, I guess if the girls are running the shop, then I'll be stuck with the dishes." He laughed and pulled her over, cuddling her in his arms. "It doesn’t matter if they are girls or boys. Let's just hope that they like to work on cars."

  "You mean trucks?"

  "Yea. I guess I work on more trucks, since this town believes cars are for sissies."

  "You know though that we need to wait on kids, right?" Brad was making sure.

  "Yes. I wasn't talking about having one next week."

  "It takes nine months, right?'

  "Yep, nine long months."

  "Then we had better get started!"

  He shoved her off his lap and then grabbed her hand and they both raced to the bedroom. He took her to the bed, undressed her piece by piece and then laid back and looked her over. "Livy, you are the most beautiful woman in the world." Then he leaned into her and devoured her with the most passionate kiss. They made love all afternoon, bringing each other to climax after climax. That's how their days were spent, and they were good at spoiling each other. They both were always bringing gifts home, tokens of their promise. They filled their time with giving back to the town and devoted time to helping out in the nursing homes and local kids clubs.


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