A Cruel Love: Cavalieri Della Morte

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A Cruel Love: Cavalieri Della Morte Page 24

by Soto, S. M.

  “Say it, baby. Call me daddy. Tell daddy how you want it.”

  “You’re going to hell,” I groan out, feeling his shaft hit that spot.

  “Call me daddy, Blossom. Let daddy make you cum.” My core tightens and my pussy spasms.

  “Oh fuck, we’re both going to hell,” I choke. The pressure around my neck tightens. Everything seems to tighten, and before I realize it, I’m panting over and over.

  “Harder, daddy. Yes, daddy. Oh, fuck, right there, daddy.”

  He pounds me into the counter. My hips dig into the cool marble, but all I can seem to focus on is the pleasure. And when my orgasm rips through my body, he swallows every sound, devouring me whole.

  He slides out me, placing hot, wet kisses along my neck. “Such a fucking dirty girl.” He chuckles, and I elbow him. We pull back from one another, growing serious. A heaviness fills my chest as I stare at him, here, in my childhood home in one piece.

  “I really was worried about you earlier.”

  Percivale’s face softens and he reaches out for me, cupping my cheek in his warm, calloused palm. “I’m sorry.”

  His lips descend upon mine and they press against me slowly at first. It’s soft and sweet, so unlike Percivale. As if realizing it, he deepens the kiss, his teeth scraping my bottom lip, his tongue tangling with mine, his hands digging into my skin,

  His darkness was my darkness.

  Our love was deeper than the earth. Beyond this flesh type of shit.

  It was a cruel love, one I craved with every fiber of my being.

  After we get cleaned up and he changes into his extra set of clean clothes, we walk down stairs and I try not to act like a man just fucked me in my childhood home and made me call him daddy.

  “Percivale, son, you changed,” my dad says, rounding the corner with two beers in hand. “We were wondering where you two went.”

  Percivale takes the offered beer with a smile and a twinkle in his eyes. “Yeah, I got a little dirty at work earlier, so I brought an extra set of clothes. Just in case. I didn’t want to show up too late, so I figured I could change once I got here. Blossom then gave me a little tour of her childhood home.”

  “Of course. Our home is yours. I know how dirty I get on jobs, so I don’t blame you.”

  Percivale chuckles. The sound is dark. “Oh, you have no idea.” He glances down at me, and I roll my eyes. He takes my hand in his and squeezes gently.

  After dinner together, we spend the evening with my parents like a regular couple would. I can’t wipe the smile off my face the entire time. Watching him interact with my mother, talking sports and life with my father. It fills my chest with warmth and has tears springing to my eyes. I never thought I’d be able to have something like this with Percivale. It’s not perfect. It’s not safe. It’s not logical. Hell, it isn’t even ideal. But it’s us. And I wouldn’t change it for the world.

  On the drive back to the hotel from my parents’ house, I can’t seem to ignore the flutters in my belly and the smile on my face. Percivale notices too, because he just laughs and pulls me in for kisses that should not be shared while operating heavy machinery.

  My mom calls later that night to remind me we’re having brunch tomorrow and then to tell me I forgot my jacket.

  “I’ll grab it tomorrow, Mom, thanks.”

  “Your dad really liked him, sweetie. A lot.” She laughs, referring to Percivale. A smile spreads across my face.

  “What about you, did you like him?”

  My mom blows out a sigh and is quiet for a few seconds. My stomach starts to curl with anxiety. “He’s a little rough around the edges, but…yes. I loved him. The way he is with you, it’s all we’ve ever wanted, sweetheart.”

  My chin quavers and I sink my teeth into my bottom lip, trying not to cry. “I love him.”

  “I know,” she whispers, sounding choked up. “He loves you too. Maybe more than you think.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  I can hear the smile in her voice. “He asked daddy for his blessing.”

  I stop breathing. I almost drop the phone too.

  “He w-what?” I choke.

  Mom laughs. “While we were cleaning up and he was sitting with your dad, he asked for his blessing. Your dad didn’t know if he wanted to punch him or hug him.”

  My heart is pounding. I can’t seem to process what she’s saying.

  Percivale asked my father for his blessing.

  He wants to marry me.

  Oh, my god.

  I rush my mother off the phone and don’t waste any time, sliding open the glass slider and walking out onto the balcony where he’s sitting. He’s looking out across the city, a cigarette in hand. My eyes trail across every inch of his exposed flesh, taking in the multitude of scars and tattoos.

  Closing the distance, I plop myself down onto his lap and twist to face him. I lock my arms around his neck, bringing his attention to me. I search his gaze. And he lets me. He leans back a bit, letting me see whatever I need to see.

  “Is it true?” I ask, my voice smaller than I’d like.

  He presses the lit end of the cigarette into the ashtray and drops it. Then, he takes a drink from the glass. Each movement is methodical, slow and drawn-out for effect.

  “I’m guessing you’ve heard.”

  I nod. “So, you…you want…” I trail off, trying to gather my racing thoughts. Clearing my throat, I try again. “You want to…”

  “Marry you?” he finishes for me, a crooked smile on his face.

  I laugh, darting my gaze down to his chest, feeling my skin flush red with embarrassment. I have no clue why. I’ve been through everything with this man, done everything with this man, and yet, this one topic has me reacting like this.

  “You seem surprised,” he muses, watching me closely.

  I raise my brows, trying not to laugh. “Well, yeah. You don’t really strike me as the type of man who thinks about marriage.”

  He smirks. “You’re right. But I know it’s something you’d think about. Something you want. You’re already mine in every way that counts. This isn’t for me, it’s for you.”

  I frown. “I don’t know if I like that answer.”

  He grins, tugging me in closer. “I knew you were mine a long time ago, Blossom. You were mine even when you didn’t belong to me. Even when you didn’t want to be mine.” His hand slides up my back, fisting into my hair. “Now, I’m just making it official in the eyes of the law. Making it impossible for you to run from me.”

  A chill travels down my spine as he leans in, tracing my bottom lip with his tongue. My stomach coils with need.

  “That’s creepy, yet oddly sweet,” I mumble, transfixed by his skilled tongue. He finally kisses me, and I moan into his mouth, sliding my tongue over his, unable to get enough of him. I start grinding my hips over his erection, feeling that warm sensation in my gut grow stronger and stronger.

  Glancing up, his eyes are clouded which makes it hard to tell what he’s thinking, but I know what’s inside of him. His heart. His soul. I know how quickly he’d give his life for me. And just like right now, he’d give me anything, even marriage, to keep me happy. Percivale and I may not have a traditional relationship, but I wouldn’t trade him, or anything about us, for anything on this earth. He’s mine. And I’m his. It’s the only thing I’ve ever been sure of in my entire life.

  Percivale pulls away, freezing my hips midroll with his hands. I continue watching him through eyes half-mast and whine at the cruel glint in his eyes.

  “Why did you stop?” I pant.

  He leans in. “Patience, dirty girl,” he taunts, and I groan, dropping my forehead to his chest.

  “You’re cruel.” My words are muffled in his chest, but he still hears me and laughs. He slides his hand into my panties and dips his head near my ear.

  Percivale licks the shell and whispers in that seductively huskily voice. “This is a cruel love, baby.” Then he slides a finger inside of me, and I’m lost i
n the bliss.


  To my family! I’ve come to realize that not everyone is blessed with such an amazing support system. Thank you for dealing with me when I had deadlines. When it felt like I blew everyone off because all I had time to do was write. I love you all so, so, much!

  Michelle and Annette! With each acknowledgement I write, I try to find a better, more articulate way to tell you guys what you mean to me. And yet, here I am once again, preparing to tell you the same shit I always do: You ladies mean the world to me. You are my family. You are my cheerleaders. You are my book-momma’s I can always count on. Thank you for falling for Percivale and looking past his darkness. Thank you for seeing the fierceness in Blossom and finding a kindred soul in her. You ladies are irreplaceable. I love you both to the moon and back! <3 #madones

  Rebecca and Sarah! I have no words. I thank my lucky stars that I have you both in my life. Sarah, your teasers and graphics are out of this world. Thank you for constantly dealing with me and my indecisiveness. You’ll never say it, but I’m sure it drives you nuts. And Becky, thank you for believing in me and my stories enough that you’re willing to read, even when I’m sure it seems like a seven-year-old wrote it. Each piece of advice and each correction is precisely why my stories are where they are. Thank you for helping me dig deeper and write my characters to their full potential. Thank you for the hard questions and all the necessary challenges.

  ARC/Street Team Babes! Thank you guys for your enthusiasm. Thank you for sticking out this ride with me with each and every story. But most of all, thank you for loving my characters like they’re real people. I love you guys!

  Jessica! Your help and advice is invaluable. With each release I mark off a new achievement and I’m certain I have you to thank for that. For helping me get my shit together. For being more organized than I can ever be. For reminding me when I’m supposed to be posting in that specific party. LOL. Here’s to making that list hopefully sometime soon!

  Bloggers and Readers! I do my best to comment and like each post. I try to pride myself on being able to make a connection with each of you. Whether you love my books or hate them, just know I appreciate you. Each and every one of you. I would not be able to do this for a living without your constant posts or your constant support. Thank you!

  And also, this is for my readers who read Ache and wanted a certain someone to die. Even though this isn’t the same story, the same characters or the same thing…you’re welcome.

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