Grant's Deal (The Virgin Surrogates Book 2)

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Grant's Deal (The Virgin Surrogates Book 2) Page 1

by C. M. Steele

  Grant’s Deal

  The Virgin Surrogates

  C.M. Steele

  Copyrighted © 2020

  All Rights Reserved

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is purely coincidental.

  Cover design: C.M. Steele

  Cover Image: Deposit Photo

  The use of actors, artists, movies, TV shows, and song titles/lyrics throughout this book are done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way be seen as advertisement. Trademark names are used in an editorial fashion with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

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  This book is intended for mature adults only. Contains sexual content and language that may offend some. Suggested reading audience is 18 years or older. I consider this book as Adult Erotic Romance.

  Created with Vellum


  Grant & Gwendolyn

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8


  Six Years Later

  About the Author

  Grant & Gwendolyn

  The guys talked me into this. Make an heir using a surrogate.

  How had I let my life get to this? That answer had been easy. I worked like a dog, making my millions without bothering to actually live. Sixty plus hours a week and not a single moment spent in the arms of a woman led me to this point. I was tempted to turn around and go back home until I saw her walking my way. Long chocolate-colored hair, blowing in the breeze, drew me to her gorgeous face. Her hand touched that handle, and I was out of my limo. I didn’t need a surrogate. I needed her.

  She looked at me like I was nuts as I tossed out my offer. It was a deal of a lifetime for a girl looking to sell her body for money, but if she were willing to give away her womb, she’d have to do it the old-fashioned way with her under me.

  Once I get her to make a deal with the devil, there would be no way I’d let her go even if that were what I promised. The devil never plays fair. I never play fair.

  This is book 2 in The Virgin Surrogates Series:

  Stefano's Peach by ChaShiree M.

  Grant's Deal by C.M. Steele

  Royce's Fate by Annelise Reynolds

  Gerard's Wish by S.E. Isaac

  Preston's Luck by MK Moore

  Chapter 1


  I can’t believe that I’m doing this.

  This is fucking stupid.

  My hands thrust through my short black hair as I attempt to rationalize my situation. I’m sitting in my limo with my driver well aware of my destination. I should have driven myself, but I’m not in the right frame of mind for driving anywhere.

  I’m a grown-ass man about to nut in a cup to get a woman pregnant instead of finding one to let ride my dick until I come into her unprotected womb.

  But I work too much to find a woman to date, let alone fuck. That’s my biggest conundrum. Owning six-hotels, running most operations from my corporate office gives me no time to meet a woman worth slowing down for.

  I stare at the building. It’s nondescript except for the bold sign on the door—Hope Fertility Clinic of New York City.

  I hate this.

  I should turn around and forget this insane plan. After all, this is a cockamamie idea that we put into motion out of the blue, my friends and I. How is it that five of the wealthiest, fairly intelligent men in the city decide to pull a stunt like this? Shaking my head, I whisper to myself, “I’m not doing it.”

  Just before I press the button to the driver to tell him to go to the office, my phone vibrates in my pocket, halting that request.

  Believing it’s my lawyer who I’m waiting to hear from, I answer it without hesitation. “Masterson.”

  “Are you there yet?” Damn it, I shouldn’t have told them I was going right now. Next time I need to check who’s calling. It’s a simple thing to do.

  “What the fuck do you want, Stefano?” The evident irritation in my voice is enough to get most to back off, but not Stefano. We’ve been friends since college, and he’s an asshole too. He’ll needle me until he gets what he wants.

  “Are you jerking it already? You know that’s fucking sick that you’re answering your phone while watching porn and beating off.” I can hear the laughter in his voice. I’m saving my retaliation for later when I get a chance to deck his ass.

  “Relax, you sick son of a bitch. I’m still in the limo. I’m having second thoughts. There’s no fucking way I’m comfortable with all of this.”

  “Get on with it. We’re all going to do it.” I want to tell him to go fuck himself, but I guess that’s what he’s going to do when it’s his turn. I shake my head, and that’s when I catch something out the corner of my eye.

  My entire head whips toward the direction of a petite brunette in a tiny light pink sundress. My eyes eat up every inch of her, cataloging it, memorizing every single detail. From her dark hair to her natural glossy lips down to the swell of her full breasts and flat waist that I plan to change very soon, and that round pert ass, calling for my hands to hold. I bite back a groan, adjusting my cock, forgetting I’m on the phone with my friend.

  She’s tiny compared to me; the top of her head only goes up to my chest at the very most. Something in her gait tells me she’s nervous. Her head turns to the sides, scanning the area anxiously. Does she sense a predator behind her ready to strike his prey? Because I’m coming for her.

  “I’ve got to go,” I grunt. Primal instinct leads me out of my limo and two steps behind the woman entering the clinic. She’s going into the same place. Shit. Fuck me, she’s trying to get pregnant. No way. The only way she’s getting knocked up is with me in my massive bed with my cock balls-deep in her as she screams my name for the next fifty years. I don’t know where that came from, but it’s what I want. There’s no way in hell I can think of anyone else filling her up.

  I lick my chops like a hungry wolf and stalk closer.

  Her long hair is braided down the middle of her back, but a few strands fall loose and frame her face. Standing behind her isn’t enough. I need another look. Adjusting my cock again because the bastard refuses to go down, I grab the door that closes behind her and whip it open.

  I’m known for going after what I want in the boardroom, but this little girl is about to find out that I’m not going to let that stop me outside of the office.

  Fuck, the office, the desk, the con
ference table, the sofa. Hell, all over every single hotel I own as well.

  My dick is thinking of all the places I can drill into her while I’m at work. I’ve fucking lost my mind. I haven’t even heard her speak. She could have a voice that grates my nerves or be a total bitch who hates me. With the way my body has come alive from just one look, I might just look past it all.

  “Excuse me…I have an appointment.” Her voice kills me, it’s soft, low as if just above a whisper yet there’s a hint of a smooth husky heat to it. Not grating at all. What little resistance I have is crumbling. I’m standing way too close to her and the receptionist sees it, making the wrong assumption.

  “Are you Mr. and Mrs. Smith?” she asks, smiling at us both. No, but we will be Mr. and Mrs. Masterson soon if I get my way. And I always get my way.

  “No.” She turns around and finally takes a look at her future husband. A small gasp escapes her parted, pale pink glossy lips. There’s a hint of desire in her honey-colored eyes that I’d seen a thousand times over in my life, but this is the first time I want to act on it. A desire that I know I’ll be able to satisfy.

  “What’s your name, beautiful?” I question as her eyes remain on me.

  “Lynn.” She instantly blanches, feeling her face flush as if she’s not allowed to tell strangers her name. God, she’s adorable. I want to pull her to me and touch that soft cheek. Damn, does she know how much she’s stealing my soul? Probably not because I doubt people do this thing—falling for a complete stranger with one just look.

  “Lynn? I’m sorry Miss, but I don’t have a Lynn on my list today,” the receptionist says. I cock my brow up, thinking they’ll just send her on her way, and I can talk her into being mine.

  “Oh sorry. It’s Gwendolyn Franks. I’m here for surrogacy,” she whispers to the lady as if I can’t hear her. I’m practically touching my sweet woman.

  “Ah, yes. We have yet to match you with a family. We’ll do that after we run some tests. You look physically healthy enough, but there’s a lot of tests before we get started. I need you to fill out these forms. Did you bring your ID and medical records?”

  “Um. Yes.” She fidgets with her messenger bag ready to hand it over when the receptionist interrupts her movements.

  “Okay. When you fill these out, you can hand in that information.” She nods and takes it, when she turns to go to a table set up in the corner, she doesn’t realize I’m so close and slams into my chest. My hands go to her arms, stopping her from falling backward or at least that’s the excuse I’m going with because I want to touch her. She feels so good in my arms.

  “Excuse me, sir. You’re in my way.” She pulls out of my grip, and with a huff, she steps around me. It’s cool. I’m not giving up that easily. Hell, I’m not sure I could ever give up on the idea of my Doll and me.

  “Sir, how can I help you?” the receptionist asks, practically purring her words like an eager kitty. I don’t care because it’s not her who has my attention. My little kitten’s hissing at me instead. Fuck, I’m glad my suit jacket is hiding my hard-on. Although what I’m here to do, being hard is the intention. At least that’s the excuse I’d use.

  “I’m scheduled to give a sample. Grant Masterson,” I say, dragging my eyes away from my beauty for just a moment.

  “Oh, Mr. Masterson. Yes, sir. We need you to fill out a few things, but we’ve been waiting for your arrival. You will have a choice between a lot of these candidates.”

  “I already have one in mind,” I remark, turning my head back to my little thing who although pretending to be focused on her paper has stopped to listen to our conversation.

  “I’m sorry, sir, but she’s not available for donation, but strictly for surrogacy. You will need to find a female donor.” The woman actually huffs. She has no idea that I can have what I want and the only thing I want is not far from me, looking adorably embarrassed.

  “Give me the papers,” I growl. The receptionist gives them to me with unsteady hands. Good. She should be afraid of me. No one is getting in the way of what I want.

  Without hesitation, I sit down next to my woman a little closer than is considered polite, but I just can’t stop myself. “So Gwendolyn, I’m guessing you are here to become a surrogate and for a couple you don’t even know.”

  “How do you know all that?” She narrows her eyes at me.

  “I have ears, and they are tuned in on everything you.”

  Her brows scrunch up and she shakes her head. “Are you hitting on me before going to donate sperm? Do you like to have a ton of children in the world with your genes?”

  “Ha. No, doll. I’m not interested in that at all. I’m here because I’m a busy man, and I’m looking to find a woman worthy of giving and carrying my baby. I need an heir. And you look like the perfect candidate.”

  “You know nothing about me.” I know that my body believes she belongs to me, so that’s all that matters, but maybe I should learn more.

  “I know enough.” I snatch her paper and see that she has a four-point-o GPA out of high school along with excellent penmanship. Fuck me, she’s barely legal. Okay. Take a deep breath and read on. Learning every useful detail and storing it in my memory box strictly for my little Doll, I let a plan roll around my head before setting the paper down next to her.

  “Well, I know nothing about you.”

  I pull out my business card. As she reads it, I say, “I’m Grant Masterson. I grew up here in New York and the only family I have is my sister. I spend most of my time working and that’s the reason I’m here. I need someone to leave my company, fortune, and legacy to. Someone with the Masterson name. I have a clean bill of health.”

  When she reaches out to pull her paper closer, I quickly grab her hand and intertwine our fingers. “Here me out. I have a deal for you. I want you to give me a baby. You give me my baby with you as the mother and stay until the baby is six months old at least and then I’ll pay you a million dollars.”

  “A million dollars?” she screams out, slapping her hand to her lips before anxiously looking around the room. “A million dollars,” she repeats in a whisper.

  “That’s what I said. Now what do you say?” Please say yes. Her hair drifting slightly over her face gives me an excuse to touch her that I don’t miss. As I push it behind her ear, I watch the visceral reaction coming from her. It’s wonderful to know I’m not alone in this primal attraction. Fuck, it’s like her womb is screaming for my seed.

  “I…I don’t know. That’s a lot of money for a man like you. Why don’t you find a wife who can do that for you?” Because I’ve just found her.

  Smiling at her, I ask, “Are you trying to talk me out of it? I heard the normal going rate for a surrogate is thirty-k and with medical expenses covered.”

  “No. No. I’m not. I’m just shocked.” Her eyes widen as if she’s afraid that she’s blown the opportunity of a lifetime, but she has no idea how determined I am. I see a shadow out of the corner of my eye before I see this asshole approach us.

  “Sir, you can’t be making deals with clients. It’s unethical,” he says with his eyes trained to my woman’s breasts. I’m about to kill the fucker and that’s more than unethical.

  Standing up, I snarl and in a low whisper, I utter, “If you’d like to live, I suggest you get your eyes off of her. Doesn’t matter because we’re leaving.” I take her hand and her papers with us, leaving my papers because I have no intention of filling them out anymore. Storming out of the place, I only stop because she’s not moving a step past the closed door.

  “What’s wrong?” I bite out, feeling out of sorts watching that fucker eye my woman.

  “I haven’t agreed to anything. Besides, I think they’ll need to do all that technical stuff.”

  “Look, I have no intention of jerking off into a cup only to let some sick fuck like that asshole in there, stuff it into your pussy. If we’re going to do this, I want to go the old fashioned way. My cock deep inside of you until we’re both too tired to
walk and your womb is filled.”

  “Um…I don’t think that’s a good idea.” The bravado she just displayed a moment ago is gone and her eyes focus on her cute but cheap shoes. Damn the thought of her in a pair of heels over my shoulders gets my dick even harder. My tailor’s going to get a bonus for the strength of this zipper. Still, it’s not me that I need to worry about. I have to get her to agree to my plan.

  Needing to get her attention, I close the distance and press my finger to her chin, lifting her gaze to mine. Damn those eyes are killer. “Listen, do you want the million dollars?”

  “Of course. I want to go to college.” She seems to be considering her options, biting on her bottom lip. I pull it from her teeth before she makes herself bleed.

  Needing an answer before I commit a felony and kidnap her ass. “Shit, properly invested and you wouldn’t need to go to college, but if that’s what you want as long as you’re healthy through the pregnancy, you’ll be able to go online. Yes or no?”

  She sees the limo behind me and then her eyes narrow and her mouth hardens into a grimace. “I think this is out of control. Are all rich people nuts?”

  Shrugging because other people are not my concern. Getting her naked and tied to me is all I can think about. My heart’s pounding wildly as I wait for her to respond. “Not sure about the others, but I see what I want, and I take it. So, Doll, are we doing it the easy way or the hard way?”

  “I’d say the hard way.”

  “Okay. The hard way it is.” I bend down and flip her over my shoulder and carry her into the limo, sitting her down on the seat before closing and locking the door.

  “I thought we were doing it the hard way with all the in vitro stuff.”


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