Grant's Deal (The Virgin Surrogates Book 2)

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Grant's Deal (The Virgin Surrogates Book 2) Page 5

by C. M. Steele

  She literally takes about five minutes and I’m cleaned up. “I’m about done today. This one is on the house.”

  “No. You know I can’t accept that.”

  “There wasn’t anything to really trim. Seriously, take a look. Still you got me in here.” She purses her lips, giving me that mom look. “Fine. Here’s a tip.” I drop a two hundred down into her palm.

  “Thank you.” I wink and shake Preston’s hand.

  “You need to hang out with us one of these days.”

  “I’ll call you.” I walk out of the salon, after being a dick to my friend. I’ve become an asshole to everyone I see. What am I going to do now? Beth. I haven’t seen Beth in forever.

  I ring her doorbell and the look on her face registers shock. “What brings you here? Aren’t you supposed to be working?”

  “I took the day off.” She lets me in, and I close the door behind me. She has a nice apartment that I pay for while she goes to school. At nineteen, she will be starting her second year and decided to live off campus. She could have lived with me, but this is much closer to the school. Besides, she wants to feel more independent.

  “Day off? Is something wrong? Please don’t tell me you’re dying or something.” Panic floods her expression.

  I shake my head and smile. “No, but I’ve met someone.”

  “Really? Then why the hell are you here instead of with her?” She’s pouting and I do my best not to laugh. My sister’s expressions always lighten my mood.

  “It’s complicated,” I sigh, dropping down onto her sofa. I’m sure Beth would like her.

  “Life’s that way sometimes,” she huffs, plopping down next to me.

  “What’s up your ass? I thought you’d be happy to see me.” Twisting slightly to look at her wondering what’s wrong with her.

  “I am. It’s just you never take time off. Like ever. You missed out on so much just to work your heart out.”

  “I know. I never expected to fucking feel like I’ve been hit by a semi full of cupid’s motherfucking arrows.”

  “And that’s a problem?”

  “Only because she doesn’t feel that way.”

  “Has she told you that?”

  “Not exactly, but I can read between the lines.”

  A smile spreads on her face, hugging my arm. “I can’t wait to meet her.”

  “Not yet. It’s complicated.”

  “Fine, jerk.” She punches me in that same arm.

  “How’s it going with you?” I ask. We hardly talk in person, so these are special moments even though it’s brief.

  “You know. Same old thing, different day.”

  “Any boys hounding you?”

  “Always, but you know I’m not interested in dating until I graduate. I don’t want any distractions.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  “Don’t ever have little girls. You sound just like dad.”

  While I’m back in my SUV, I send a text to Gwendolyn. I’m on my way home now. Let’s go out to dinner tonight.

  Sorry. I’m visiting my friends. I need some time with them.

  That’s an unequivocal dismissal. My woman doesn’t want to be around me. I know it’s one-sided for sure now. Have fun, Doll. See you tonight.

  Chapter 6


  “Oh my fucking God. He bought me a treadmill.” I reread his text, but he doesn’t give me an explanation. Downstairs there are a dozen treadmills, why did he go out and get me one unless he doesn’t want me going into the gym. He blanched when he introduced me like he didn’t know what to call me.

  Is he trying to keep me trapped in the condo like a dirty little secret? Letting my temper get the better of me, I send another text asking about the contract. I must have missed the part where it says I’m trapped.

  His only response is Soon.

  After working out, I veg out in front of the TV. I need to be preparing for the fall semester. I pull up the cheap laptop I bought with my financial aid. I check my school emails. I need to get my supplies soon. I should do that now, but then I remember he hasn’t left me a set of keys. I’m effectively trapped until he gets back.

  My mother calls me again, so I finally answer. “Hello, mother.”

  “Hello, mother? Could you be anymore annoyed?”

  “Probably. Is there something you need?”

  “Yes, you need to come home and marry Ricky. He’s madly in love with you and you went off to carry some other couple’s baby. The husband probably wants to screw you too. Men are like that.”

  “Mother. I’m not having this conversation again.”

  “Young lady, if you don’t get your priorities straight, you won’t be allowed to come back when you have nothing left.”

  “Goodbye, Mrs. Franks.” I hang up on the woman who gave birth to me. She’s lost her damn mind. I don’t need her to help me. I need some air, but I won’t be able to get back in. I grab my purse and rush out of the condo. I don’t know where I’m going to go, but I really need my girls right now. I look at the time on my phone. It’s only four thirty, so I have plenty of time to hang out with the girls before Grant comes home.

  I send a text to the group chat.

  Me: Can I come over?

  Kalera: Sure, girl. Get over here.

  Kaylee: We miss you.

  Tori: We need deets.

  Me: I can’t. I have a contract.

  Narina: Is it some Fifty Shades shit?

  Me: Not quite. No Red Room.

  Kalera sends me a gif of a pouting woman. I roll my eyes.

  Me: I’m on my way.

  The second I reach the lobby, the lady at the front desk looks at me. “Are you okay, sweetie?”

  “Yes, I am. I just need a cab.” Do I look miserable or something?

  I walk out and grab one of the waiting cabs and give the man their address. As soon as I ring the bell, the door opens, and they all swarm me.

  “Hey, don’t hurt her. She could be already knocked up,” Tori says, nudging the others away.

  “I’m not.”

  “It’s too soon to tell,” she adds.

  “I got my period yesterday.”

  “Girl, you need to read up. It could be the implantation stage.” Damn Tori really dug into the whole pregnancy process.

  “Whatever. So can I come in or are you guys going to talk about my babymaker out here?”

  Kalera grabs my arm and pulls me into the apartment. “Come in. We want details. Well whatever you can tell us. We won’t tell anyone that you’re doing it the old fashioned way.”

  “I’d hardly call it old fashioned. Grant’s paying me a lot of money to get pregnant and have his baby.”

  “What? It’s technically a marriage. You have a contract that already has a divorce date,” Narina says. I suppose that’s one way to look at it especially considering all of Grant’s rules and demands. When he came and picked me up out of bed, informing me that we will not be sleeping separately, my heart melted. Then I woke up and found I curled up into him. He whispered, “Sleep my Doll,” and stole my heart even more.

  “That’s the problem,” I sob, letting all my tears out. “I’m falling for him. What happens when my time is up?”

  “Do you think he wants more than just a contract?” Narina asks.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Does he get jealous or is it just straight fucking and then he bounces?” I shake my head because he’s not the bump and run kind of guy.

  I sigh, remembering the dark look in his eyes as he kissed me. “Today he kissed me roughly before leaving for work because he was mad.”

  “Did you give him attitude?” Tori questions, knowing my perchance to get smart mouthed with my mother.

  “A little after I came out of the bedroom in my pajamas and he had delivery guys in the condo. He told me to go put clothes on. I got smart with him, hoping that he wanted me to put clothes on because me being half dressed was turning him on, but then the men came out of the spare bedroom
and totally checked me out. He was furious and threw them out of the apartment.”

  “Girl, this doesn’t sound like a ‘by the books’ contract,” Kaylee says. I want to believe that.

  “Well, you don’t know each other that well, so it’s possible that you both may want more,” Kalera adds.

  “Still, is he fine? You haven’t answered that question,” Tori reminds me.

  “See for yourself.” I show them a picture of him that I looked up online.

  “Damn, Gwen. He is fine as hell. So, is the ‘making the baby’ part a real hardship?” Kalera asks.

  I clench my thighs together that doesn’t go unnoticed by Narina’s watchful eyes. “You look like it’s really good.”

  “It is. Not that I have prior experience, but if you’re supposed to come multiple times then it’s very good.” They all gasp then laugh. I love these girls, but I miss Grant.

  “Lucky bitch.” Sex isn’t everything. I want more. I loved the way he was playful at dinner and when we talk about anything.

  “Oh no. Are you catching feelings?”

  “Already there. Two days and I want him. I think I need a break. Maybe it’s just the sex mixed with my hormonal ass. Can I stay the night?”

  “You can stay as long as you want. You know that.”

  “Are you going to call him?”

  “No. I’ll send a text.” I’m about to type when he sends his own. I’m on my way home now. Let’s go out to dinner tonight.

  Shit. I want to see Grant, but I’m only falling deeper in love with him. Before I lose my nerve I reply. Sorry. I’m visiting my friends. I need some time with them.

  It feels like forever for him to respond, but it’s merely a minute. Have fun, Doll. See you tonight. My heart races when Grant calls me that.

  “I’m free to go, girls.” If only he wanted more. I’d love to have dinner with him and let him devour my mouth like he did this morning.

  “Good. Then you can go out to dinner with us.”

  “Yay! Let’s get ready.” I try to keep up with their enthusiasm, but I’m sad.

  Chapter 7


  I leave my sister’s and still not ready to go home, so I call my assistant, but Steven’s out at a local bar, so I stop by to kill some time. “Boss, seriously what brings you here?”

  “I need a drink. It’s been one hell of a day.” I don’t tell him how much I miss Gwendolyn and she doesn’t miss me.

  “Well, have a beer.”

  “Thanks.” I take a seat and think about my woman while Steven and his friends talk sports. I should call the guys, but I’m not in the mood for their ribbing. I’m sure Preston filled them in. As the night gets later, I shoot her another text—a drunk text.

  Me: Doll, are you wearing something sexy?

  Doll: Nope.

  Me: Everything you wear is sexy.

  Doll: Sexy? Have you been drinking?

  Me: Only a little. I can’t wait to have your pussy on my tongue.

  It’s a little after ten when I finally build up the nerve to go back to the condo. My driver picks me up at the bar, promising to have someone drive it back for me.

  I open the front door a little quietly. I start undressing the second I go through the door, dropping my clothes wherever they land. I want to hold Gwendolyn and go to bed together, but she’s not there when I enter the bedroom. Searching the rest of the condo, I don’t find her anywhere. Fuck, she’s not back yet.

  I call her cell. “Where the hell are you?”

  “I’m still visiting my friends. What does it matter? It’s not like we can fuck,” she snaps off.

  I want to take her over my knee and stop acting like this is just about sex and the stupid fucking contract. I wish I never made that deal. I should have just kidnapped her pretty ass. “You’re supposed to be here. It’s part of the agreement.”

  “Since you said I have to be in your bed at night, I still have time. It’s e gonna be eleven.”

  “I’ll have our driver come get you, love.”

  “Grant, are you drunk?” Maybe a little.

  “I’m a little drunk. I miss your sexy body against mine. You should be with me right now. Are you going back to your lover in Oregon?” Damn it, I shouldn’t have said that. Fucking alcohol.

  “I don’t have a lover. We’ve known each other for two days, but you should know that already. I’ve essentially become your live-in mistress, and I gave you my virginity, which I’m starting to think was a huge mistake. In fact, I think it’s best we part ways now. I’ll return the money and go. Bye, Grant.”

  She ends the call, so I call her right back. She can’t just give up on me so quickly. It goes straight to voicemail. Gwendolyn must have powered it down. I pace the condo for the next hour, and she doesn’t show up. Pissed as fuck and still a slight bit wasted, I take a cold shower, hoping to ease the ache in my balls and to sober up.

  When I step out into our bedroom, I notice her suitcase is still here. Good. She can have the night. Tomorrow, I’m getting my woman. If all else fails…I’ll kidnap her.

  I slip on some boxers and pace a little longer, but the alcohol is catching up with me. I should have eaten. Damn it. I’ve fucked up big time. I drop my head back on the bed, absorbing her scent, and pass out.

  The pounding on my door shocks me awake. “Doll?” I call out, thinking she’s back. I open up the front door to see Beth.

  “What the fuck happened to you?” she asks, looking disgusted.

  “What are you doing here?” I grumble.

  “Your workaholic assistant was worried. He called you about twenty times. It’s already eleven. You’re supposed to be in the office. Seeing that you’re shouting for your mystery woman, I’m guessing she’s not here, so what are you still doing in bed. Don’t tell me you pulled a Ross on this girl because I won’t forgive you.” She’s typing on her phone, walking through the condo like she still lives here.

  “A Ross?”

  “You know. Friends. We were on a break. Seriously bro.” I shake my head confused. “Is there another woman you’re banging for a rebound fuck?” she explains. My head’s throbbing too damn hard for this.

  “Fuck no, but I’m sure as fuck hung over. I need to get ready. Let me call Steven before he freaks out.”

  “Already sent him a text.” She turns her phone to my face.

  “It’s his fault I got drunk last night.”

  “That’s why he’s worried. You don’t drink.”

  “Well, she’s got me messed up.”

  “That’s because you’re in love with a girl you just met and rushed things.”

  “It doesn’t matter how much I love her. She left me.” My sister slaps my bare chest hard enough to make it sting. “What the hell?”

  “As I recall, you were at my house when you should have been with her. This girl is probably feeling just as overwhelmed as you are. Give it a couple of days. Get your act together and then win her over.”

  “Sounds like a plan. I need to get ready for work, so if you’ll excuse me.”

  “I’ll make you some coffee. Holy shit. There’s food in your fridge.”

  “Yeah, she went shopping and made me food.”

  “Damn you’re in the doghouse for sure. Maybe you shouldn’t have spent the night out drinking like a douchebag.”

  “Thanks for the pep talk. What would I do without a sister like you?”

  “I haven’t the faintest idea. Get your ass ready before your ass-kissing assistant has a hissy fit.” I laugh and head back into my bedroom to get ready. “Here. The doorman had them. Your driver dropped them off.” She passes me my keys.

  “Thanks. I’m such a fucking mess.”

  “That you are. I have to say it’s pretty refreshing. The king of being put together and in control has had his world rocked by a pretty little brunette that’s probably my age.”

  “Damn, how did you know that?” I question. I haven’t introduced her yet.

  “Rachel, at the fron
t desk, showed me the camera footage of the heartbreaker. I’m going to have cute nieces and nephews at least.”

  “I’m going to try as soon as I get her to fall in love with me.”

  Chapter 8


  It’s been six days since I’ve seen Grant and I miss him so painfully. For the past three days I’ve woken up to a large coffee delivered with a breakfast platter and a bouquet of roses.

  A note comes in each bouquet: Miss you, Doll.

  We need to talk.

  I hope you have a great day.

  I love them and it makes my heart glow, but he’s never the one delivering them.

  “Girl, I think it’s more than a contract,” Kalera says as she reads the card while I open up the tray of food. It’s delicious, but my appetite has suddenly vanished.

  “If it was, he’d be here, and I haven’t heard from him.” I made the right move no matter how my stupid heart aches in my chest.

  I’m sure he’ll go back to the clinic and find a new candidate for insemination soon. I’ve gone job hunting and can’t find a thing and I’m not qualified for anything more than a minimum wage job.

  I’m sitting on the sofa, drinking my coffee when a new message on my phone catches me by surprise. I swipe it, hoping it’s Grant, but it’s not.

  I recognize the number though. Hey, Gwen. This is Henrick, and I’m in town. Your mom gave me your new number. Would you like to meet for coffee? I need to talk to you.

  Me: Sure. Where at?

  Rick: I’m staying near Times Square.

  Me: There’s a Starbucks. I’ll meet you there in thirty minutes?

  Rick: Sounds great.

  I need a break from my thoughts about Grant. It does no good to think about him because I’m going to fucking cry again. It’s stupid but his words made my heart flutter then as soon as my period showed up he put me back in my place.

  When I get to the shop, I feel like I’m being watched, but this is Times Square it’s busy which means eyes eventually land on me even in passing. When I enter the coffee shop, Henrick holds his arms out for me and I hug him.


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