No More Secrets

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No More Secrets Page 32

by Cate Beauman

  She’d left Callie’s party as soon as it had been polite, then rudely texted Brad, interrupting his workout with Nate and Cade at the compound, asking him to discreetly meet her at the clinic on his only day off.

  “Let’s check on baby and get you a due date,” he said as he rolled his stool back to his original spot. “A little bit of cold gel and pressure,” he said as he inserted the probe, then moved himself closer to the ultrasound machine.

  She turned her head, staring at the screen, watching as a sweet little fetus appeared like magic. “There’s really someone in there,” she whispered, touching her hands to her lower stomach.

  “He or she is really there.” Grinning, Brad pointed to the screen. “There’s the heartbeat.”

  Gwen smiled, watching the rapid fluttering before her gaze wandered to tiny paddle-like arms and legs. Not all that long ago, Kaitlyn had looked just like that. Now, she was cruising around with the help of the furniture and blowing kisses.

  “Let’s get a crown to rump. I like to measure three times.”


  He clicked several buttons, making colored lines appear on the little figure. “Eight weeks, one day.”

  She blinked, shocked all over again. “Eight weeks?”

  He nodded, confirming the measurement two more times. “Yeah. That’s definitely right.”

  For two whole months, she’d been growing a new life and had absolutely no idea. “That was when we first started having sex. This must have happened almost right away.”

  He pressed more buttons, making several lines appear. “Sometimes it does.”

  “How did I not know? With Kaitlyn, I didn’t even need a pregnancy test to tell me.”

  He stopped what he was doing, frowning as he looked at her. “Didn’t Liam’s condom break?”

  “Yes, but still.”

  “So, you knew there was a possibility. That doesn’t seem to be the case this time around. Cut yourself a break, Gwen, because there’s been a lot going on.”

  She shrugged. “I imagine you may have a point.”

  He chuckled. “You’ve been taking the vitamins I suggested, and you’re eating well?”

  She nodded. “My appetite’s been a little off with everything that’s been going on—or I thought that was why my appetite’s been off. But, yeah, I’m taking my supplements and mostly eating well.”

  “Then you’re off to a great start. Baby looks perfect—nice and healthy. The stork should be arriving right around May tenth.”

  “May tenth,” she whispered, trying to feel something other than complete overwhelm. By the time the next high season rolled around, she would have another baby. She would be taking two little ones to the splash pad next summer—a toddler and a newborn.

  “How about a listen to the heart?”

  She nodded, reaching for her phone above her head on the bed. “Cade will want to hear this.” Or she hoped he would. Pressing record, she captured the image on the screen, watching rapid little blips appearing on a long, thin line, matching the loud, steady whooshing rhythm filling the room.

  “Right around one hundred seventy beats per minute,” Brad told her.

  “That’s so fast.” She turned off the recording. “I forgot how fast it sounds.”

  “And perfect.” He continued his exam, peeking at her ovaries, then pulled out the probe, tossing away the sheath and his glove. “Let’s get you up,” he said, helping her sit up. “I’ll print off some pictures for you to take home.”

  She sent him a small smile. “Thanks.”

  He held her gaze. “You’re looking a little shell-shocked.”

  She swallowed, settling her hand over her lower abdomen—over the life growing there. “I’m having a baby. We’re having a baby,” she amended, thinking of Cade. “If I say it a million more times, it might start sinking in.”

  “This was pretty unexpected.”

  “If by ‘unexpected’ you mean that I never saw this coming in a million years, then I think we can definitely say that.”

  He grinned, taking her hand. “I know we have a triple relationship thing going on these days—friends, family, and doctor/patient—which has taken some getting used to.”

  She nodded. “But you’re excellent at what you do. I’m glad you’re here, even if you know way too much about me.”

  He chuckled.

  Grinning, she squeezed his fingers. “I’m glad Molly has you—that you two have each other.”

  “Thanks.” He smiled again. “As your doctor, I can tell you that you and baby look good, so keep on doing exactly what you’re doing. If you and Kaitlyn want to continue nursing, go for it.”

  “We do. I’d like to make it to at least a year.”

  He nodded. “As your family and friend, I’ll say that I think everything’s going to work out. Cade’s a good man—a stand-up guy. He loves you and Kaitlyn. He’ll love this baby, too.”

  Cade was a good man—one of the very best she knew. And he was wonderful with Kaitlyn. She had no doubt he loved her and their little girl, but that didn’t mean this was something he wanted—baby number two. Marriage and more children had never been a discussion. They’d been too busy enjoying their status quo. “He just unpacked his boxes last week.”

  He squeezed her fingers this time. “We’re all here for you guys. We love you.”

  “We love you, too. Thank you for doing this, Brad—for meeting me here.”

  “Anytime.” He stood. “I’ll duck out so you can get dressed, then we’ll get you out of here.”

  She nodded, growing anxious all over again. It was time to go home and tell Cade. It was time to go home and change everything.

  Chapter 31

  Gwen sat in the driveway, gripping her steering wheel tightly, staring at Carter House’s massive front door. Dad had been watching Kaitlyn for the majority of the day. He was most likely ready for a break, yet she couldn’t make herself walk up the steps and go inside. It currently felt impossible to slap a smile on her face and be present for her little girl.

  Grabbing her phone and the folded pictures Brad had handed her, she got out of the Audi, moving across the lawn. She slipped off her sandals to walk to her favorite spot on the beach—her go-to place to stare out at the water and contemplate life whenever things got too messy.

  Typically, she sat down to let the breeze play with her hair and soothe away her troubles. Today, she was too restless to be still, so she strolled along the shore, sinking her feet deeper into the warm sand.

  She paused when her phone alerted to a text. She wanted to ignore it, but she looked at her screen anyway, needing to be sure that everything was okay with Kaitlyn. Swallowing, she read Rory Gilbert’s message.

  We just got an offer on the house—full asking price. You and me, we’re killing it. I know you’re not up for a drink these days, so tell me when I can take you out for dinner. Let’s celebrate one hell of a season!

  Wow! Congratulations! Let me get back to you, and we’ll definitely celebrate. Sighing, Gwen started walking again, sending off the message when the last thing she was thinking about was dinner or her career.

  She and her team had scrambled over the last week. Greg and his crew, plus the painters, had all put in extra time, helping her kick some serious ass. She’d done some of her best work on the last-minute staging project. The thirty-five-hundred-square-foot home had freaking shined when she’d walked out the door for the last time, yet none of that seemed to matter right now.

  It was still hard to fathom that only two hours ago, she’d been happily typing up her list at Callie’s party, oblivious to the fact that everything was about to change. Nothing was turning out the way she’d planned—the new and consistent theme in her life.

  Exhaling another long breath, she stopped, letting the frigid surf rush up to wash over her toes as she stared at one of the pictures of her baby, resting her palm on her lower stomach. “You’re really in there, huh? You’re really coming.”

  She let h
er eyes wander to the waves, attempting to relax her shoulders, remembering that Kaitlyn had been a surprise, too—one of the two best things that had ever happened to her. “I’m sorry I didn’t know. I certainly do now. This is pretty big news—the biggest—so I’m definitely going to need a few days to adjust. But I promise I’m going to love you. I promise I’m going to give you and your sister the very best that I’ve got.”

  She flinched when she heard Cade call her name. Turning her head, she watched him lift his hand in a wave as he walked her way from the compound. He was gorgeous—perfect—as he grinned, wearing a white sleeveless compression top and black mesh shorts.

  “Oh God,” she whispered as her heart raced, suddenly terrified. Her family had assured her that everything would be okay. But what if it wasn’t? What if he didn’t stay? He’d been endlessly patient—wonderfully sweet. But everyone had their limit. What if this was his?

  “I can’t do this.” Turning, she walked away, picking up her pace because she wasn’t ready for this conversation. She couldn’t bear for Cade to stare at her the way Liam had—to see the anger and disappointment radiating in his eyes.

  “Gwen!” Cade called again, gaining on her.

  She moved faster, even when she knew he would eventually catch up.

  “Hey.” He snagged her arm, turning her to face him, frowning as he held her gaze. “What are you doing?”

  She tried to pull away, bursting into tears.

  “Whoa.” He pulled her against him, wrapping her up in a hug. “What’s going on, love? Did something happen at the party?”

  She returned his embrace, letting herself cling to him, afraid that this might be the last time he would want to touch her. “Yes.”

  He slid his hands up and down her back in soothing strokes. “Did you and Callie have a disagreement?”

  She cried harder because she wished it were something so simple and silly. “I have something I need to tell you, but I don’t know how.”

  He eased her back far enough to keep her close but wipe her cheeks with his thumbs. “You can tell me anything. Always.”

  More tears fell because he had no idea what was coming.

  “Gwen.” He cradled her face, kissing her. “Please tell me.”

  Sniffling, she held his gaze. “I’m pregnant.”

  He dropped his hands, taking a step back. “What?”

  She lifted her chin as his actions wounded her deeply. Clearly, this would be no different from when she’d told Liam about Kaitlyn. “I’m pregnant.”

  He shook his head, still staring at her. “I thought you were on birth control.”

  The accusatory tone stung. She knew it well. Somehow, this was her fault—just hers. She narrowed her eyes because she wasn’t doing this again. She’d done just fine as a single mother. And she would again. “Clearly, it didn’t work.” Growing angry, she shoved the pictures at him, slapping them against his chest. “Your baby. As much as mine.”

  He let the row roll open, staring at the first of the half dozen shots. “This is our baby?”

  She crossed her arms, readying herself for whatever he would say next. “Yes. Brad gave me an ultrasound. He met me at the clinic after I took a pregnancy test at Callie’s. Apparently, I like olives again.”

  He moved the strip to study the second picture. “How far along are you?”

  “Eight weeks and one day.”

  His gaze flew to hers before his green eyes went back to scrutinize the pictures.

  “The baby’s the size of a lima bean,” she added. She’d looked it up on her phone when she hadn’t been able to make herself back out of the clinic parking lot.

  “What’s this thing?”

  She looked to where he pointed at the image. “The yolk sac.”

  “Our baby has a yolk sac.”

  She simply swallowed, because she wasn’t sure what to say or do. She couldn’t quite read him.

  “Little arms and legs. We have a bean, Gwen. Our bean has arms and legs.”

  She felt her brow furrow. “So, you’re happy?”

  “It’s still sinking in, but yes. Hell, yes.” Laughing, he surprised her as he picked her up, spinning her once. “We’re having a baby, Gwen!”

  She let herself smile, relaxing a little. “We are.”

  His grin faded as he set her on her feet. “Are you happy?”

  Tears welled in her eyes as she nodded. “I know I will be when the shock wears off. I had no idea, Cade. None. I wasn’t sure what you were going to think.”

  His grin was back as he kissed her, stroking his fingers through her hair. “I think I’ve created a child with the woman I love. We’ve made a brother or sister for Kaitlyn. You’re going to have your two kids close together after all.”

  She’d let that dream go, but now, she still got to have it—siblings who would grow up together. “I recorded the heartbeat.”

  She found the video on her phone, holding it up to his ear.

  The rhythmic whooshing echoed for them both to hear. His eyes filled with wonder as they watered. “I’ve never heard anything better.” He got on his knees in the sand, wrapping his arms around her waist, kissing her lower belly. “My baby’s in here. Our baby.” He kissed her tummy again, looking up to stare into her eyes. “When can we find out if we’re having a boy or a girl?”

  She laughed because everything was going to be okay. She finally knew what it felt like to have a partner who would welcome the joys and wonders of a new life just starting. “In a couple more months.”

  “A baby,” he murmured against the fabric of her jumpsuit. “Whoever you are, we love you. We can’t wait to meet you. When do we get to meet him or her? When are you due?”

  “May tenth.”

  “May tenth.” Standing again, he wrapped her up in another hug. “I love you, Gwen. It’s crazy to think that somehow, I’m going to love you more tomorrow than I do right now. I’m not sure how that’s possible, but I know I will.”

  She beamed, her heart melting, knowing that this was the man she would adore for the rest of her life. “I love you, too.”

  “Let’s go home and tell Kaitlyn that she’s going to be a big sister. I need to call my family. And we need to tell yours.” He scooped her up.

  She laughed, locking her arms around his neck, kissing him. “What are you doing? I’m perfectly capable of walking.”

  “I know you are, but right now, this seems better. I want to keep you close.”

  She rested her forehead against his. “I can live with that.”

  Cade lay in bed, staring into Gwen’s eyes as she snuggled on her side, feeding Kaitlyn in the dim light glowing from the bathroom. He grinned, rolling to silence his phone on the side table when it alerted him to another text—like it had off and on ever since he’d called his family to tell them the big news several hours ago. “They’re still excited.”

  She smiled as he turned back. “I’m not sure whose parents are more over the moon.”

  Chuckling, he scooched closer in his boxers, letting Kaitlyn rest her back against his chest as he slid his fingers through Gwen’s soft hair. “I know we have a lot going on over the next couple of weeks—the wedding, helping Molly and Brad move into their new place, Ava’s arrival. I thought that once things settle down, my mum and dad could come out for a visit. I know they’re crazy to meet you and Kaitlyn.”

  She nodded, smiling again. “Definitely.”

  “Or maybe, I can fly us out to L.A. for a week now that the high season’s over. I can show you ladies around. We could make it a tradition until the kids start school.”

  Smiling, she brought his hand to her cheek, turning her head to kiss his palm. “That sounds amazing, too.”

  They were talking about their family—their children. He was still taking it in that this was actually happening—that he would soon be a dad. Twice. The last few months had brought him endless surprises, but this was the absolute best of them. “It’s hard to believe that there will be four of us lying here
next summer.”

  Gwen’s smile was back. “Another little person for us to love.”

  He held her gaze as he heard her quiet sigh. “What?”

  “I don’t know. I’m trying to decide if it makes more sense for us to create a new bedroom for Kaitlyn or just design a new nursery in the room next door—keep everyone close, but give them their own space.”

  He played with her fingers, bringing them to his lips, loving that they’d found out about the pregnancy mere hours ago, and she was already planning. “We probably have a little time to make that decision.”

  She shook her head. “Design takes a while, and the next seven months are going to fly by, especially when we’re finishing things up at the airport and I’ll be helping Mom with the hotel décor. Plus, I’ll need to help her find a new assistant.”

  He frowned. “And why’s that?”

  She blinked at him. “Because we’re about to have two babies under the age of two. I won’t have time for stagings and decorating projects.”

  They would make the time. “Your job lights you up, Gwen. There’s no need for that to change.”

  She huffed out a laugh. “Newborns are a lot of work. And Kaitlyn’s going to need plenty of individualized attention. Our babies deserve the very best start—the very best that we can give them. There’s nothing more important.”

  “I agree.” He kissed her palm next. “We can still bring in the nanny—”

  She adamantly shook her head. “No.”

  Damn, she was stubborn sometimes—downright unmovable. “All right. Then I’ll slow down the timeline for the airport expansion. Charlotte’s finally agreed to oversee the day-to-day operations. We can get another couple of pilots on board. I’ll only have to be in the air once or twice a week.”

  Her brow furrowed as she stared at him.

  “We’re partners, Gwen. We’re in this together. This isn’t going to be all on you. You have dreams, too. You get to make them come true.”

  She swallowed as the battle light vanished from her big blue eyes. “Have I ever told you that you’re the best? I don’t want you to slow down your timeline, Cade. I want you to have everything you want.”


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