Hot Shot

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Hot Shot Page 8

by Pratt, Lulu

  “You love it,” I murmured happily at this moment. I didn’t want him to leave, but I needed to finish up things for the art show and focus on that. When I was with Ryder, I just wanted him any way that I could have him. “I’m going to watch your games.” He invited me to tonight’s game, but I had a meeting with Tori at the gallery to fine-tune the details for the night of the show.

  “I hope so. I wish you could be there tonight.” He pulled me close, and I smiled against his chest.

  “I know. Everything is just happening so fast.” He kissed my cheek and slowly pulled away. We headed back to his room, and I slipped into my clothes from last night. Ryder walked me to the door, making sure I had everything I needed before he kissed me breathless at his door.

  I stumbled to my car and slipped into the seat, taking a deep breath. That man was dangerous for me, but I couldn’t walk away. The weeklong break would be good for me, but I’d miss him so much. I started the car and headed home to finish the last few paintings for the show before dinner with Tori, followed by the meeting.

  Chapter 12


  I TUGGED AT THE flowing sleeves of the deep green dress that I was wearing as Tori drove us to the gallery. We’d had some sushi for dinner, but I was too nervous to enjoy it. She tried to get me to drink saké, but I told her that she was insane. I was a light drinker at best and needed to have my wits about me.

  We pulled up, and I looked at the beautiful building with huge windows in the front and soft lighting throughout. It looked small from the front but went far back and split up into a few large rooms. I couldn’t believe that I was going to be showcasing my work here the following weekend.

  “Let’s go, pretty girl,” Tori said as I gazed with wide eyes at the building, rooted in my seat. “It’s going to be great, Elyse. Don’t worry.” She hopped out and walked around to grab my hand and lead me inside.

  “I’m so nervous,” I murmured as she tapped on the door, watching as a tall blond man walked over to unlock it. He gestured for us to step in, and I smiled as Tori introduced him after explaining that he was the manager of the gallery. We’d dealt with the owner up until now, but he was out of town for a couple of days. This man was as tall as he was built and looked like a Viking to me.

  Lucas showed us around, explaining that my paintings would be in the front rooms. There would be an open bar set up in another for opening night with catered appetizers. The lighting would allow guests to make their way around safely but highlight my work, making the paintings the focal point in the rooms.

  I followed him as he spoke, gesturing around the rooms. It was great in here, not stuffy like some galleries could be. I could see it now and smiled at the image of the people walking around, talking, and laughing. There was soft music playing now, something indie. Lucas told me that it would be background noise so as not to distract anyone from my work.

  Some of my paintings were already here, and I glanced around, not seeing them. “Looking for your work?” Lucas asked as I slowly nodded. “We have it locked up in a secured room until the day of the show. We wouldn’t want anyone getting an early look.” His pale blue eyes caught my gaze, and I blushed. “It’s great work, by the way. You’re talented, Elyse.”

  “Thank you.” My voice was soft as I looked at Tori. She was smiling at me, and I shot her a quick, dark look.

  “If artists do well here, we sell their work after their showing. I think you’ll be on that list.” This man was charming, and I smiled and nodded, looking away.

  “Thanks.” Tori took over, and they nailed down the event as I watched. She was so classy but flirted constantly. He seemed to enjoy it, but his eyes kept moving to me, and I felt heat wash over me.

  “Would you ladies like to have a drink with me? I’m finished here.”

  Tori looked at me, and I felt Lucas’s eyes on me.

  “There’s a place right around the corner that’s great.”

  I didn’t know what to say. Lucas was flirting with me and probably wanted me to join him more than Tori. That was already rare, and I thought about Ryder. He was leaving tonight, and we weren’t that serious, were we? The sex between us was amazing and I liked him well enough, but I had the right to have a drink with a man if he asked.

  “We’ll join you for a bit, Lucas,” Tori said. “I do have to work early in the morning, and this girl needs to put the finishing touches on her last few pieces.” Tori wrapped an arm around my shoulder, and I blinked at her. “It’s nine, Elyse. We should head home after the drink. Not stay out too late.”

  What happened to the time? “Oh, sure. I didn’t realize how much time had passed.”

  “Thank you for agreeing to join me,” Lucas said.

  We all rose, and he shook our hands, holding onto mine for a beat longer. I gazed into his eyes and wondered what was happening before he pulled away and smiled at Tori. She took my arm, and we waited outside.

  “Let me get this place closed up.” Lucas made quick work of shutting the lights off and setting the alarm before leading us out.

  “He’s into you!” she whispered as Lucas quickly took a phone call.

  “I… I don’t think so,” I hissed back as she smiled at me.

  He told us the bar was just a block away, and Tori grabbed my hand as we followed him.

  “Just relax and have a drink. I know you’re not going home with the guy, but there’s something about a woman getting some that brings the guys running. Enjoy the attention and remember what he told you back there.” She smiled at Lucas as he looked back at us, telling him we were right behind him.

  He led us into a small bar to a table, and we ordered drinks. There was a pool table here and several big-screen TVs, and I looked at one to see the end of the hockey game. The score was in Ryder’s favor, and I smiled as they replayed a goal that he assisted with. I already missed him.

  Lucas was intelligent, and we talked about art over a drink. He turned out to be the owner’s son, and it was evident that he’d grown up around it. He even admitted that he messed around with a few things himself, though not seriously. I asked him what he enjoyed and ended up talking for an hour.

  I blinked when Tori touched my arm to get my attention, feeling the effects of the alcohol. “It’s ten, Elyse. We should get out of here so I can deal with work tomorrow.” I looked into her eyes, knowing that she worked all hours and the time didn’t matter. She smiled, and I blinked at the screen to see Ryder celebrating with his team on replay.

  “I had no idea it was that late. That sounds good,” I agreed, and she smiled at me.

  “Thank you for meeting me, ladies. I will see you next week. We’ll be in touch.”

  We said our farewells, and I took Tori’s arm as we made our way to her car.

  “You got into that. Do you like him?” she asked once we were locked inside the car.

  “He’s an artist. That makes him interesting to me, but I have Ryder,” I replied slowly, thinking the night over. Lucas didn’t make me feel the same way as Ryder, but he was good to talk with.

  “Well, I think he’ll be paying some attention to you over the next week. Lucas seems like a man who goes after what he wants.”

  I agreed with her and watched as she drove to my place.

  She pulled up and smiled at me. “Finish those paintings. You are going to be famous in a week.”

  “Hardly.” I hugged her, and she watched as I walked to my door. I locked it behind me and dropped my stuff on the counter, letting out a yawn.

  Tonight was so much. The preparation for the show and the attention that Lucas gave me confused my already twisted mind. Tori was always the one who men flocked to, not me. I had a guy who was into me, one who a lot of women would want. They might even be enjoying him while he was gone. I saw what he did to them at games, and I’d be a fool to think he was going right back to the hotel after games.

  Ryder and I didn’t talk a lot but did send messages when we could. It depended on where he was and the time. Ry
der was still present, and some of his words made me blush.

  I walked to my bathroom and washed off the make-up from my face. Tori urged me to wear it for tonight, and I knew she’d get ahold of me the night of the showing as well. She had a lot of plans for that night. I changed into my loose T-shirt to sleep in that I “borrowed” from Ryder’s place, sniffing it after I was under the covers. He smelled so damn good, and I missed him.

  He would be gone for another three days. I sighed as I thought that over, quickly reminding myself that I had paintings to finish. There was a lot to do before the showing, and I’d need every second to get ready for the big night. Ryder being away was a blessing. I turned to my side and closed my eyes as the silence in the house settled around me. There were times that I had trouble with it to this day, expecting chaos to break at any given moment. Ryder soothed that when he was sleeping with me.

  I hadn’t told Ryder about my past. There was no way that I could even consider opening up to anyone else. I groaned, knowing that there was nobody else. I wanted Ryder.

  The next few days were a rush of painting and obsessing over small details on my work. I always loved art, but once I knew I was going to make something of it, the insecurity set in for me. Tori was always cheering me on every time we spoke, and I loved her for that. She told me a few times that Lucas even mentioned that I was incredibly talented and how successful my show was going to be.

  The day Ryder returned home, he offered to come over with dinner to give me a break. I was neurotic by this point and opened the door to his gorgeous form and bags of Thai food.

  I stepped aside as he strode past me to the kitchen. Ryder set the bags down and turned to scoop me up in his arms, fiercely kissing me as my arms slid around his neck.

  “I missed this mouth,” Ryder growled before kissing me again. He didn’t only kiss me, he claimed me. My need for solid food dissipated as desire flooded me. My nipples ached and my thighs heated up as I gripped his hair in one fist. He placed me on the counter and slipped his hands under my shirt, sliding it up. I protested since I knew I was a mess, but his mouth moved over my neck and shoulder too fast to mention it.

  We had sex on that counter within moments. It wasn’t the first time. I rocked into Ryder as he drove inside me, crying out his name. I needed this. Ryder seemed to feel the same way as he moved harder, deeper. We came together, and I memorized the sound of his voice calling my name as I gripped him, feeling myself flying into pleasure.

  Ryder kissed my thighs when he finished, making me come back to the present. “That felt incredible.”

  “It did. I didn’t realize how much I needed it.” I smiled at him, watching his muscles flex as he stood up. Ryder fetched us water and smiled as he grabbed plates for the food.

  “I’m not finished with you. I need to eat, and based on your appearance, you need some real food. Have you been taking care of yourself?” Ryder asked as he pulled out containers, smiling as I inhaled the combined scent of the various foods.

  “No. I’m living on coffee and naps. I feel like everything needs to be perfect for this weekend. How do you handle playing pro sports?”

  “I get nervous like the next guy on the ice, but I think ahead to the game. I know I’m meant to be out there and how good I am with the puck.” He broadly smiled as I excused myself to change into something comfortable. I walked to my room and slipped on short shorts and another T-shirt. I pulled my messy hair into a top knot and glossed my lips quickly. I knew it would take a few minutes to jump back into manic artist mode, but I had a delicious dinner waiting for me in the kitchen. I also had a hot hockey player near-naked sitting at my counter.

  We caught up over dinner. He told me about the week away and the crazy actions of the team along with the wins. They won every game. He asked me about every detail of the showing and looked at the work in my small studio with a wide smile. “This is beautiful. You’re going to be a star.”

  “I don’t know about that. There are a lot of artists out there. It’s a broad talent,” I reminded him, knowing that he understood that. He lived in a similar world, and as I smiled at him, he looked at me like I was the only person in the world.

  “I have a game on Saturday evening, but I will do everything I can to get to your opening,” Ryder promised me as he stepped closer to cup my face. I had a brief thought about his reaction to Lucas should he see something he shouldn’t. Ryder could defend what he thought was his, and Lucas had been flirting with me at the bar. When Ryder kissed me, I pushed the thought away and slipped my arms around his neck.

  I went to the gallery with Tori to look it over. It was all ready for the showing, and the dim lights and intimate vibe of the building were perfect. Lucas showed us the mini bars, and Tori squeezed my hand as we grinned at each other. The paintings were in the backroom and would be placed in their spots the following day. Tori assured me that catering was all set and it was going to be amazing. She picked the newest and hippest company in the area. That was something she liked to do because in Tori’s eyes, people deserved a chance. She was also firm in telling people that it was important for everyone involved that they did a good job. Tori had a way about her that made you want to do your best. It drove me crazy at times, but I loved her for it.

  Lucas looked into my eyes before we left, clasping my hand between his large ones. “I look forward to tomorrow night, Elyse. I am planning a perfect show for you, and you are going to be the next name all over town.” He looked sincere, and I smiled with a nervous giggle.

  “Thank you.” I meant it. He told Tori that he’d see us in the morning, and we left as she let out a breath.

  “He is so obviously into you.”

  “Yeah. I’m worried about something, Tori.” My best friend glanced at me as we paused near her car. “What if people look into my background?”

  “Oh, honey. Nothing that happened to you is your fault. I know it’s all public record now, but if anything, it shows you as the strong woman that you are.” She pulled me into a hug.

  “They might feel pity for me. They might not see any talent. I haven’t even told Ryder what happened.”

  Tori tensed, and I waited for her reaction.

  “You haven’t told him?” she asked in a low voice.


  “Well, now that you’re going to be a public figure, he’s likely to find out. You had to know that going in. I don’t know why we didn’t discuss it before.” Tori held me tighter. “There’s nothing we can do now. It’s public record. It happened years ago. You were the victim, and while life was so hard for you, you were merely the victim. You pulled yourself up, and you are going to be successful. People will see that work over anything else. I also have a great PR contact for you, if needed.”

  “You’ve thought of everything,” I told her, and she chuckled.

  “It’s my job.”

  We had dinner, and she looked over the dress and shoes that she picked for me to wear the following day. It was a purple flirtatious boho number that Tori swore matched my artist personality. The shoes were a high Mary Jane style in black that I was a little worried about. I made Tori promise me that she’d limit my drinking of the Champagne that would be flowing so I didn’t make a fool of myself. She was having hair and make-up done at my house, and I thanked her again before she left that night.

  Tomorrow. My art was being shown tomorrow. This was getting real, and I sipped the wine from my glass. I wasn’t sure that I could handle any of this at the moment, and paced my small living room.

  I thought about my past being possibly revealed, and repeated Tori’s words out loud. I was the victim. I suffered but worked hard to overcome that stigma. I did it by myself, and Tori always told me how proud she was. My mother’s killer had never been caught, but the detective on the case promised that he kept an eye on similar crimes. This one had not appeared to be personal, and they assumed it was a robbery gone wrong. My dad never told me anything about it, leaving me with broken memories that thera
py could only do so much for.

  I thought about the invitation to the showing that I sent my small family. My aunt, Diana, was excited to come, but I heard nothing from my father. Diana was coming early to have dinner with Tori and me and take in the entire experience. I couldn’t wait to see her again, and I forced myself to the fridge for more wine.

  The following morning, I woke up early and started drinking coffee right away. I knew it wouldn’t help my nerves, but I sipped it as I walked through my studio to make sure everything had been taken to the gallery. I knew it did because Lucas was all over every detail, and Tori was second in command. Well, probably first as she always had a stronger personality.

  Tori arrived with her clothes and two girls to take care of my hair and make-up at three. They were both sweet and easily chatted as one did my long hair in loose curls after adding some temporary purple color to the ends. It looked like my dress, and I ran my hands through the soft strands.

  The make-up artist did my face, making me appear ethereal. She accented my pale face with subtle highlights and gave my eyes a smoky finish to make the color pop. They were all dark and sexy, with a hint of purple to match the hair. For my lips, she lined them with a pink liner to fill them in and followed that with a gloss that was a mix of pink and purple.

  I stared into the mirror in shock. I looked like my mom more than ever, and everything was flawless. Tori came over, clapping her hands as she touched my shoulder, and I blinked up at her. “You look beautiful, Elyse. You always do, but tonight you are going to turn heads.”

  We hugged the girls after Tori paid them and then checked the clock. “Diana will be here in about half an hour. Don’t do anything to mess up your face. We’ll get dressed soon.”

  I felt like a princess as we left my place dressed up for the night. Tori had reservations at a five-star bistro, and the three of us caught up over good food and wine. We finished just in time to get to the gallery a bit early to check everything over, and I felt my body go numb as I entered the building.


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