Hot Shot

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Hot Shot Page 15

by Pratt, Lulu

  “So are we,” Tori told us and my mouth dropped open. “I’m moving to his place since it’s bigger.” I knew that Justin lived in a three-bedroom condo at the edge of the city from a previous visit, and I hugged Tori.

  “Oh, my God. I never thought this would happen to you, much less me. This is crazy.”

  The guys looked on as we blubbered and talked about our plans. When the food came, we toasted with cold beers and clinked the bottles together. We chatted happily throughout the meal and walked out together, holding hands and deciding what to do now. We went for a drink, and then Ryder drove me home, having enjoyed fewer drinks so I could have fun with Tori. He pulled me into his condo and pulled me into his arms.

  “So, are you going to set up a studio here?” Ryder asked me before claiming my lips hungrily. I stilled, realizing we didn’t talk about that over dinner or drinks. He stroked my back slowly, pulling away to look at me with troubled eyes. “You still want this, don’t you?”

  “Yes. I do. I was thinking of keeping my old place for a studio, Ryder. I’ve had a few places offer me space over the last few months, but I paint better alone. That room I’ve set up is perfect.” He frowned and scrubbed a hand through his hair.

  “I could get you a room set up here. The windows offer great light during the day. You can do anything you want there.” He was worried that I didn’t want to move in, and I needed to tell him how I felt.

  “It’s not you or your place, Ryder. I started seriously painting alone, and it’s how I work best. I get lost in it and don’t want to worry about being rude or inconveniencing somebody.” I cupped his face and kissed him gently. “I want to be here with you.”

  “You do,” he said as I nodded. “I thought you were backing out, and I’ve never been so happy before, Elyse.”

  “No. I’m just trying to sort through this painting thing, is all. I am not used to any of this.” I smiled, and he hugged me tightly. “I’ll get more stuff tomorrow while you’re at the rink and settle in a bit.”

  “Perfect.” As he kissed me again, I touched the necklace that he gave me and realized that I was utterly in love with this man.

  Chapter 19


  I WAS RELUCTANT TO leave Elyse in bed late the following morning. I was scared that she might disappear from my life, and told myself I was a fool in the car as I waited for it to warm up. She wasn’t going anywhere, and in fact, she’d be here every night. I loved the idea of us being together in my bed as well as the idea of her being safe when I was out of town. I didn’t think her place was in a bad area or unsafe for any reason, but I preferred her here in this building.

  I headed to the rink for the skate and greeted my team with a smile. We moved to the ice and went through the usual practice skills as well as some extra conditioning. The team we were playing tonight was known for their speed, so we’d be busy out there. I joined the team in the gym for a hard workout, and Justin jumped in to spot me lifting weights.

  “Are you happy, buddy?” His face broke into a smile when I looked up at him.

  “Yeah, I am. She wants to keep her place as a studio. I don’t know how to feel about that,” I admitted, and Justin frowned.

  “She’s been through a lot, Bells. You know that as well as I do. She might cling to that little space of her own, and Tori told me that she paints better alone. That doesn’t have to do with you,” Justin tried to assure me, and I nodded, wondering what the hell was wrong with me. I never felt this shaky about any woman.

  “That’s what Elyse told me. Do you feel anything like I do about this?” I asked, and he smiled.

  “I don’t know what will happen, Bells. We’re not supposed to. We just need to go with our hearts.”

  I pressed a hand to my chest and feigned shock. “Did the biggest Casanova in sports just say that? Who the hell are you?” I teased him. Justin shook his head and laughed.

  “I have no fucking idea, but I like this new guy.”

  We finished the long workout and headed home for a few hours to relax. Elyse was out talking with the latest gallery to show her work, but she was coming to every game before we went on another road trip in two weeks. I hoped to see her before the game, but I took the alone time to talk to my family in Canada for a while. They watched all my games and made the ones they could get to, and I appreciated their support. Mom asked about the holidays just over a month away, and I told her that I wasn’t sure about my schedule yet.

  I did tell her about Elyse. I’d held back before now, but it was serious, and they deserved to know. They were both thrilled and urged me to bring her home to meet them. I was tied to Colorado with my job during the season and Dad had to keep his design company going at home, so it made it difficult to get together. “I swear I’ll get us all together soon. I want you to meet her.”

  I ended the call and watched a show before I dressed to leave for the game. I heard a voice and walked to the door, looking through the peephole to see Elyse on the phone. Her face strained as she spoke urgently into the device as she paced. I knew she was upset but waited to see if she was in any danger before stepping in. Her voice rose and she dropped the hand holding her phone as she looked up at the ceiling of the corridor. I opened the door and looked out. “Elyse? Are you okay?”

  “Yes.” She sucked in her breath and walked towards me. “My aunt isn’t so happy. She’s against everything about you and us.”

  I frowned. “She doesn’t want you happy?” I asked, pulling her inside by the hand.

  “She’s protective. You know that. Anything big in life like this worries her, and she thinks I’m going to get hurt. There hasn’t been a lot of incidents, but she did it with Tori. She wants to keep me in her protective bubble, and I love her for that, but I need to live my life.” Elyse slipped her arms around my neck and pressed her body against mine. “I finally feel a little free now that you know everything. I don’t even care if the public knows as much as I worried about you knowing the truth.”

  “She’s allowed to love you, but you are also allowed to live your life,” I assured her before pressing my lips to hers. “Still coming to the game?”

  “Of course. Tori is picking me up for sushi before, and we’ll be there.” She pressed her mouth to my neck, and my body jerked in response. “I’m coming back here with you tonight.”

  “I know, love. I saw your stuff,” I told her as she dropped her head to look at me. “I like it.”

  We talked until I had to go, and she promised me with a kiss that she’d see me later. I hurried down to the car and made my way to the game to meet the others. We were all stoked and went over plays and the things we needed to watch out for with certain guys.

  When we skated on the ice in front of our fans, everyone clapped and yelled at us. I grinned and looked around as my eyes made their way to the seat Elyse should be in, seeing her cheering for me. She looked so pretty, and I winked at her before we moved to one end so the other team could come out to loud boos. Our fans were faithful if nothing else.

  We started the game and had control of the puck right away. I went with it, passing it back and forth to Justin before he took a shot and scored the first goal. We circled together in a hug as the crowd went wild, and I suddenly felt great about this game. We kept it going and won three goals to their one, and everyone chanted after the game ended. We decided on the bar, and Justin sent Tori a message telling her the plans before we showered and dressed. We did the after-game press and headed to our cars to meet the girls at the bar.

  They were already there, and we headed to the table through the crowds of fans. They stopped us to congratulate us, offered to buy us beer and asked for pictures. We spent some time with them and then headed to the table where drinks were waiting for us. The girls wrapped themselves around us, and I laughed as I pulled Elyse close.

  This woman was mine and living in my home. I was going to make this work with her. We had a few drinks and appetizers and watched the replays, yelling at each other as th
e fans cheered us on. I left the bar holding Elyse’s hand, and we went home as I grinned. I locked the door and took her right to my bed, where we celebrated the fact that we were living together.

  I was busy with practices and games throughout the week, and time flew by. I felt like I blinked, and it was the night before we were flying out for a week. We had dinner at home that night and were in bed early, making love like we were saying goodbye forever. I left early the following morning after a long kiss in bed, promising to keep in touch.

  I felt better knowing that she was there though Elyse did have a busy week ahead. She was painting a lot and getting some stuff set up in galleries with Tori’s help. I was proud of her and told her so, but I also reminded her to be careful. Her past did bother me, and the fact that the killer was never caught made me worry about Elyse. It didn’t seem like they ever saw her or knew her, but there was so much press behind the crime. I was happy that she seemed to be healing from the event and hoped that would continue. I loved her and wanted to protect her.

  We talked as much as we could while I also focused on the games. We won every single game but one, and the travel between cities was exhausting. I loved playing hockey, but the travel periods were rough. By the end, I was ready to go home and sleep for a day.

  I asked a few of the guys how they balanced hockey and families. They explained that every moment was full, and they kept their focus on what was in front of them at that moment. It didn’t come without some exhaustion, but they all said they wouldn’t trade it for anything. I saw the way their kids were involved in events and realized I wanted that for myself. Elyse and I hadn’t discussed it much and I wondered if we should, picking up my phone to call her in my free moment in the hotel room.

  She didn’t answer, and I left a message before dropping the phone on the mattress. Elyse was busy this week and I knew that, but something seemed off. I chalked it up to her growing career and closed my eyes, letting everything I had in my head swirl together for several moments. Justin said Tori seemed fine and the girls were glued at the hips. I reminded myself of that before taking a small nap before the game that night.

  I couldn’t get ahold of her the following morning and stared at the screen. There was a slight time difference, but not enough that we were in different parts of our day. I headed down for the skate and asked Justin if he heard anything, but he swore that nothing was going on. We also agreed that they’d keep a secret if they deemed it necessary, but he told me not to worry. She was trying to build her career and likely using the alone time to get a lot of painting done.

  Chapter 20


  I SPLASHED COLD WATER on my face, drying it gently. This flu was lingering, and I cursed my luck. I had stuff to do. My phone chimed, and I stumbled to my bedroom to see that Tori was messaging me. She was headed over for lunch and helping me take some stuff to a gallery in a borrowed moving truck.

  I wasn’t sure if I could handle feeling this way.

  I dropped to the mattress and breathed in, wanting this to pass. I raised my head and slowly walked to the kitchen to pour some orange juice since coffee had smelled too strong all week. There was a knock at the door, and I walked over to open it, blinking at Tori.

  “What’s wrong with you?” she asked, pushing her way into the townhouse to feel my face. “Do you have a fever?”

  “I don’t think so. Just sick.” I walked to the couch and sat down wearily. “I’ve been feeling it off and on for the last couple weeks. I can typically push through it and get stuff done, but today it’s intense.”

  “Huh.” She stared at me as her eyes narrowed in thought. “Have you told Ryder?”

  “It hasn’t been that bad, and he’s so busy. I’m fine.” I waved my hand and took a long drink of the juice. “I just need a quick shower and we’ll go. That should bring me back to life.”

  “I think our plans changed.” Tori pulled out her phone and typed out a long text before joining me on the couch.

  “What? I have to get these paintings to the gallery, Tori.” I stared at her in disbelief, and she shook her head.

  “That’s what I have people for. All they have to do is get them there safe, and the gallery will take it from there. My guys know damn well to be careful, and I don’t think the gallery wants to lose money.” Her phone chimed and she responded before staring into my eyes. “It’s handled. Let’s get down to business.”

  “Business?” I repeated, and she licked her lips.

  “Are you late?” Tori pressed, and I tried to figure out what she was talking about. Late for what? I’d been doing good with my dealings, and everything was good apart from today. I was exhausted, but it would be worth it at the end.

  “I know our cycles sync to a degree and I’m hopped up on pain pills right now. Are you?” Her eyes were wide, and I gasped. My period.

  “I’m not. I didn’t get anything but forgot all about it. I’ve been so busy.” I pressed my hand to my chest and pushed the possibility away. “That can’t be it. I’m on the pill and take it every day.”

  “Yeah, and that’s so perfect. Things happen, Elyse. You should take a test or ten.” Tori smiled slowly, and I felt tears in my eyes.

  “We just moved in together. It hasn’t been that long.” I wiped my eyes as they fell. I had no idea how to even think about being a parent after what happened with my family.

  “No, but Ryder is crazy about you. He won’t turn you away, and I think he might even be happy,” Tori shrugged.

  “You’re insane,” I said, and she tilted her head at me.

  “Let me buy some tests. We can find out and know where you’re at. If it’s negative, you just have a little bug. Either way, everything will be fine.” She leaned forward to hug me, and I slipped my arms around her slim waist.

  “This would be better for you. I have no idea what the hell I’m doing with any of this. I barely got the art in a good place.” I sighed and rested my head on her shoulder.

  Tori pulled away and kissed my cheek. “I’m going to run to the store, and we’ll get to the bottom of this.” She picked up her purse and gazed at me. “Want coffee or anything?”

  I felt my face pale, and she raised an eyebrow at me. “No. It hasn’t tasted good.”

  “You love coffee. Something is definitely up.” Tori left, and I dropped back against the cushions, closing my eyes. I felt like I could sleep for a week, but there was too much to do. My phone chimed from my bedroom and I groaned, too weak to get it. I knew Ryder was trying to keep in touch with me, but I needed to know what the fuck was happening before I spoke to him.

  I felt someone shaking me, and I gasped as my eyes shot open. “It’s me.” Tori smiled. “Did I scare you? I’m sorry.”

  “Just a dream,” I breathed out as she dropped the bag on the table and stared at me. “That’s the test?”

  “I got a few to use just to be sure,” she assured me, and I scowled. “Can you pee a lot?”

  I drank a large glass of water and waited until I was ready. We set up the tests, and Tori gave me privacy while I took them, setting them down on the counter once I finished. I stood and washed my hands thoroughly before drying them and looking at the various squares that would reveal my future. There would be lines and even something that spelled it out for me.

  I knew I had a few moments and walked out of the bathroom to the kitchen, deciding to have something to drink. I had a fresh pot of tea ready and stepped up to the counter, staring blankly at it.

  Could I have tea? Was it harmful to the baby?

  I didn’t even know if I was pregnant yet. Fuck. I rested my head on my hands and began to cry. Tori walked behind me and wrapped her arms around me. “It’s okay, Elyse. What do you want?”

  “Can I have a cup of tea? It sounds awful, but I need it,” I replied, and she rested her head on my back.

  “If it doesn’t sound good, probably not. Do you want a cup of herbal tea or something?” she asked, and I took several deep breaths.

  “Yes,” Tori told me to sit down, and I wandered back towards the bathroom to look at the tests scattered on the counter. I made a note to clean up so thoroughly that he never knew if I wasn’t pregnant. I leaned down and peered at the little boxes before I reached for the box. I read the instructions after looking at the picture on the front and my knees went weak.

  “Elyse, what are you doing?’ Tori caught me as I slipped, and settled us on the floor before reaching for a test. I wrinkled my nose at the thought of her touching it but stared at her.

  “Oh, girl,” Tori grinned. “You’re having a baby.”

  I started to cry again, and she slipped an arm around my shoulder. We cried together as she murmured soothing words to me about how everything was going to be okay. I didn’t think that Ryder would be happy about this, and I didn’t know how to feel. I was young, and starting my career out, and pregnancy could shift everything. I didn’t even know how to be a mom, and the memories of my own were vague.

  I cried harder as I missed her and at the idea of doing this without her. My father didn’t care about anything, and he probably wouldn’t want anything to do with his grandchild. He’d throw money at the problem, which would help, but I needed support around me. I didn’t even know if Diana would be a part of this. More than anything, I worried about Ryder.

  Tori calmed me, and we walked to the couch. She got my tea and poured some for herself, sitting close beside me as I stared through the windows. “This is a cute place.” Her voice filled the silence, and I smiled.

  “It really is. I feel like I’m at home here,” I replied and looked at her.

  “He asked you to be here. You weren’t that girlfriend who is bringing stuff over and dropping hints. You weren’t desperate. He wants you here, and he can handle this.” She wiped a tear away, and I breathed slowly. “Think of the wives. They’ll be thrilled and help you with everything.”

  “That’s true. They’re kind.” They weren’t family by blood, but didn’t people say that didn’t matter? The person I loved the most wasn’t here any longer.


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