Hot Shot

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Hot Shot Page 17

by Pratt, Lulu

  “Productive.” He kissed my nose. “Need any help with dinner?”

  “I just need gravy for the potatoes, but everything else is nearly ready.” I heard the beep of the timer and grabbed the mitts to pull the chicken from the oven. “I tried to make it healthy, but the potatoes were too tempting.”

  “I can work it off,” he assured me, reaching into the pantry for the gravy we enjoyed every so often.

  “I’m just going to get fat.” I hated the idea, and Ryder stared at me.

  “You’re not. We talked about you working out at the gym with the other girls so you can feel better about things.”

  I knew he didn’t mean to hurt my feelings in any way, and I did talk about that. I just felt tired when I wasn’t working and needed to find the energy.

  “You look incredible, Elyse. I’m not telling you what to do, but just reminding you about what we spoke about before. You know what I need to do with my job in the gym, and I support anyone else with that.”

  “I know. You’re a machine.” I laughed and hugged him. “I do want to do something to maintain this. The doctor said it would help with the delivery as well. That’s always a plus.”

  We sat down to eat, and I listened as he described their week away, feeling sad that he’d be gone. My hormones felt like they were taking me over right now, and I had trouble controlling them. Not only would I miss him being with me, but I’d miss the way he made me feel at night. I loved the way he fed into my increasing desires and sent me off to sleep in pure exhaustion. Without him, I’d be all alone unless Tori stayed with me. She wasn’t the same as Ryder.

  “Love? Are you okay?” Ryder asked as I blinked, coming back to reality.

  “Yeah. I’m missing you already.”

  His face fell, and he took a long drink of his water. “I hate that I have to leave you.” His words were low and solemn.

  “It’s your job. I signed up for this, Ryder. Thanks to you, I have so many people helping me do all of this.” I forced a smile to my face and leaned forward to stroke his face. “It’s fine. My hormones are all off-kilter lately. I cry at everything.”

  “I’ve noticed, and I hate it. I never want to be the reason you cry.” Ryder looked like I wrecked him, and I rushed over to hug him.

  “You don’t. I react too much to everything.” I kissed his face, and Ryder breathed in deeply. “Ryder, I don’t want to make you feel bad. It’s okay that you need to leave for work. I have so many people who are here for me now because of you.”

  “I know, love. I wanted it that way. I miss you every time I’m gone.” Ryder kissed me, and I smiled. “Is there anything else the hormones require?”

  “I can think of a few things.”

  I woke up in the morning and heard the TV on in the living room. Ryder must have gotten up early, and I reached for my phone to peer at the clock. It was ten to nine, and I yawned, thinking of the stuff I had to work on today. I had a few paintings to wrap up at my old place, but I also knew that Ryder was leaving tomorrow. I smelled coffee and smiled at the fact that I wanted it now. I rose slowly and used the bathroom before pulling a robe around my body. It was getting cold and I was looking forward to the snow falling.

  Ryder was drinking coffee and chatting on the phone, and I made my way around him to pour a cup of the decaf he made for me in a smaller pot. I added some cream once I used the fancy machine to froth it and turned to look at my boyfriend. He was eyeing me, and I grinned as he told the person on the other end he’d call later, ending it with an endearment I knew he only used with his mom. “I want to tell her about the baby.”

  “I know. I want you to, and we’re in the safe zone.” I walked over to him after a long sip of coffee and set it down. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him sweetly. “I also want to meet her and your dad and your sister. We skipped a few steps.” I giggled, and he pulled me closer.

  “I have a tight schedule, but we can have them here for Christmas. If that works for you.”

  “I… I’d like that.” I knew that he was close to the rest of his family. The condo did have room for guests, though I’d have to clean.

  “Elyse, I’d like you to look at houses while I’m away. Find a few to look at once I get back, and we might be able to be in by New Year’s,” Ryder urged as I stared at him.

  “You want me to house hunt?”

  He nodded.

  “What do you want in your house?” I asked.

  “I think I’d like a lot of square footage with room to grow. Let’s think four bedrooms and as many bathrooms, since family will be visiting, and we’ll need a nursery.”

  I blushed at the words.

  “The way I see it, why stop at one?”

  “Ryder, let’s get through this baby.” I smiled and gazed into his eyes, and he nodded before kissing me again.

  We made some breakfast and ate on the couch, sipping more coffee. I knew he was going to the gym with his friends, and headed to my studio, parking on the road as a delivery truck blocked my driveway. I got out and smiled when I heard a familiar voice.

  “Perry, how are you?” I asked, turning to smile at him.

  “I’m good, sweetheart. Sorry, I’m just getting a new freezer delivered and they can’t manage my driveway. They’ll only be blocking it for a few minutes. I miss your face around here.” He walked up to hug me. “How is everything going?”

  “Good. Don’t worry about the delivery truck. I’m twelve weeks, and I think I can relax.” I smiled at him. “Ryder has been great. We might look at houses, so I might return the favor and block your driveway with a moving truck at some point.”

  “He’s a good man,” Perry said. I had told Perry about the baby straight away over dinner at his house with Ryder. The two got closer slowly, and while Perry would always be protective of me, he understood that Ryder had my best interests at heart. “I know that he can take care of you the right way.” Perry glanced at the house. “Here to work?”

  “Yeah. I still have a connection to this place. I think I’ll keep it as a studio and use it as a write off like Tori keeps suggesting. I’ve had offers of space in galleries, but I feel at peace here.” I winked at him. “It’s also safe with the neighbors around.”

  “That’s good, because I’ve just set it up with a security system that rivals any other. There are cameras and motion detectors at every entrance. If anything happens, the department is called out within moments.” He looked at my shocked face. “I made a deal with Ryder. Just don’t be here late at night and leave by yourself.”

  “I have a bed in there if that happens.” I giggled and hugged him. “Thank you.” I knew it was a safe neighborhood, but there was valuable art in there. I kept the location low key out in public, but carrying paintings outside had to attract some attention.

  “Good. We’ll all keep an eye out as well.” Perry pulled back to look at me. “What happens if you get a house?”

  I looked back at the place that my father purchased for me a few years ago to give me somewhere stable. Yes, he bought me a place, but he never visited me or showed real love. “I don’t know. I guess I’ll decide when the time comes.”

  “Good girl.” He nodded at me. “Come for some lunch in a couple of hours. I have the day off, and Kelly is spoiling me.”


  I walked up to the front door, almost afraid to unlock it. I did and heard the beeping throughout the house before I typed in Ryder’s birthday. Everything went silent, and I blinked before closing and locking the door. I made my way to the kitchen for some water and then into the studio where my work was waiting for me. This room faced the side yard, so I opened the blinds and let some air in before sitting down.

  I loved this house even if it was just another cold-hearted gift from my dad. It gave me a place to live, and so much had happened here that was good in my life. I didn’t need to live here to love it, and it would make an excellent studio for my future. I turned on some music and started to work, getting lost in
it. I was painting so freely these days with so much going on, and loved that. I jumped when a chime interrupted the song playing through my phone and reached for it. Lunch time!

  I smiled and stood up from the stool to wash my hands before I went over to the house. Kelly hugged me and rambled about the baby as she served soup and thick sandwiches for lunch. Their twins, now seven, ate and proceeded to run around the house like maniacs. I watched them, scared of my own being this way, and Kelly chuckled.

  “It’ll all work out just fine,” she assured me as I sipped my water.

  “I know. I think I’m glad it isn’t twins. No offense.” They both laughed and smiled lovingly at each other. I helped clean up and headed back to my townhouse.

  The place seemed a little stuffy, so I left the side door ajar for a few minutes to get some fresh air into the townhouse. I settled down and started working on the piece I had been talking to Lucas about. It featured purple mountains and I had managed to make the clouds look like a face peering down on the scene below. I worked on the picture for what seemed like minutes, but was probably at least an hour. I was startled when I heard the outside door slam shut with a gust of wind. I guess I had been too absorbed with my art and forgotten about the door. I decided it was time for a break and walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water and check my messages.

  Both Ryder and Tori had texted me. Ryder asking what I wanted for dinner, so I dialed his number. As his phone rang, I heard the unlocked outside door open.

  My heart started racing. I crouched down and froze as I saw Lucas walk into my house, seemingly unaware of me in the kitchen, and make his way towards my studio.

  Ryder picked up the phone after the third ring.


  “Ryder,” I quietly interrupted.

  “What’s—” he started to say.

  “Tell Perry to come to my place immediately. Side door.”

  “What? Okay.”

  The line went dead.

  I grabbed a knife from the counter and slowly made my way to my studio.

  Lucas was standing there with his back to the door looking at my almost finished picture. In one hand he had a picture I had finished the week before. He walked up to the painting and went to take it off the easel. He pulled away his hand and turned the palm towards him to see the wet paint stain his hand.

  He looked to the left and then the right and slowly turned around. His face was ashen and his eyes grew wide as he saw me with the knife pointing at him.

  Lucas dropped the canvas and raised his hands.

  I screamed as loud as I could.

  “What are you doing here, Lucas?” I asked, sounding braver than I felt.

  “Your SUV? I—I thought you weren’t here,” he said.

  At that moment, Perry arrived. His gun was drawn and he nodded at me. I stepped back and Perry entered my studio. Lucas got down on his knees. Perry pulled out a pair of handcuffs and began reading Lucas his rights.


  Ryder stood in the doorway.

  “How did you get here so quickly?” I asked, dropping the knife to the floor.

  He walked up to me and pulled me into his arms. “I was hoping to surprise you and I was in the neighborhood.”

  I started to cry. Memories of the worst night of my life started to flood my mind and I could not fight the emotions.

  Ryder led me into the living room and sat me down. He got me a glass of water and listened to me tell what happened.

  A few moments later, two officers appeared. One started taking down my statement while the other took photographs and began dusting for prints.

  “Did the alarm not work?” Ryder asked after the police left, taking Lucas with them.

  “The room was stuffy,” I replied. “I opened the side door for some fresh air. Something I never do. This was my safe space.”

  “Your safe space is now with me. I’ll protect you,” Ryder said as he kissed my forehead.

  He took me to the studio, left much the same as before everything happened. Ryder stared at my work with an expression of awe on his face.

  “This is incredible, Elyse. Your work takes my breath away.” He shook his head and turned to face me.

  “Good,” I stepped into his arms and gave him a slow kiss. “Perry told me what you two cooked up about this place, which through no fault of yours or Perry’s didn’t prevent me from letting in a burglar.”

  “I want you safe always.” He looked into my eyes. “You need to focus on something else. I’d love to take you to dinner tonight.”

  I had him make a list of what he wanted in a house over dinner, which was perfect as I thought about our future home together instead of what had happened that afternoon.

  I still felt weird doing this and wanted every detail I thought I needed. I took it and read through the wants and needs, chuckling. “This sounds like a great house already.” There was a budget at the bottom of the paper that reminded me of just who my boyfriend was.

  “I think so.” He paid the bill, and we headed out. We drove his car to the condo and went right to bed, making good use of the time. I slept deeply despite what had happened the day before. I kissed him goodbye in the morning and settled back on the huge bed to close my eyes again. I had an afternoon shift at the store, but nothing more planned. Tori met me at the end of that, and as we left the store to grab dinner I told her about what happened the day before as we walked to the restaurant. She was silent as she listening to me retell the story. She shook her head and swore under her breath at the end.

  “I had no idea that Lucas was so scuzzy,” Tori said as we arrived at the pizza place.

  I felt confident all of a sudden. I had a man who loved me, a baby on its way, people cared about me, my art was selling, and I’d confronted a thief. Life was good.

  “Why are you smiling?” Tori asked.

  I shrugged my shoulders. “Where’s your tablet? Let’s start looking at houses.”

  I took the tablet she handed me after we ordered pizza.

  “I feel like I’m mooching,” I said as I found the first real estate site that came up.

  “You are well on the way to becoming a successful artist, so don’t. This is every bit of your house as much as it is his.” She took a sliver of the pie and plopped it on my plate before grabbing her own. I sipped my water and shifted in my seat before I compiled a list of what we wanted. I nibbled on the pizza as the results loaded and set it down when the first house popped up on the screen. Tori leaned over, and we both looked at the pictures listed down the screen.

  “Oh, God. This is a lot of houses,” I murmured as I scanned the choices. “All of them.” We looked at each one and decided on our options through dinner. I compiled a list to send to Ryder with my mind on what he wanted and what grabbed me in the pictures.

  It took a couple of weeks, but we settled on one and went to see it when he was in town. It was a five-bedroom house with three large bathrooms located on two acres with a great view of the mountains. The feature that sold me on the house was a little mother-in-law cottage, which was perfect for my art studio. It offered a lot of space without being obscene, something I teased him about through the search. It was also empty, and there was a good chance that we’d be in it in five weeks for Christmas. As we made a cash offer on the house, which was immediately accepted, the real estate agent handed over the keys to us in record time.

  I asked him to pinch me when we were in bed later that night. Ryder laughed and kissed me instead. “This has to be a dream.”

  “It’s real life, baby. We’re going to have our dream.” I chuckled, since this whole dream thing was new to both of us. Living together in this condo was a big step to begin with. The news of the baby only moved everything else right along.

  “I didn’t know I had one other than being an artist. You’ve shown me so much, Ryder.” I snuggled against him and kissed him softly. “Living here with a man who loves me and wants to give me the world on a string is more t
han I ever could have hoped for. I didn’t know that men loved women like this apart from seeing my father when he lost my mom. Now, we’re buying this beautiful house to raise our baby in. It’s too much.”

  “It’s not enough,” he assured me, pulling me against him as our bare skin heated up. We fell asleep, and he told me that he wanted to swing by the new house to measure something the following night. I agreed and we picked up some food since I was starving out of the blue. He unlocked the door, and I followed him inside, gasping as I looked around. The living room was lit by flickering candles, and I stared around.

  Ryder stepped forward and cupped my face in his hands once dinner was set down. I felt tears in my eyes as my stomach growled. “Oh, love. You and this baby mean the entire world to me, and I’ll do anything to give you both whatever it is your heart desires. I see so much in our future, but it needs to start the proper way since we’ve been out of order everywhere else.” My heart raced, and I slipped my arms around his waist. “I want you to be my wife, Elyse. I’ve never loved anyone the way I do you, and I want you in my life forever. Please marry me.”

  “Yes. A thousand times, yes.”

  He kissed me, holding me carefully among the scattered candles, and I clung to him. When we broke free, Ryder managed to move me to slip a shimmering band with a large round diamond on my left hand, making me cry. “Oh, Ryder.” I kissed him again, and he lifted me to bring me to the counter as my stomach growled again.

  “I think we need to feed the baby,” he murmured against my lips as I laughed through my tears.

  “Someday, we can tell them how they ruined a good moment.” My voice was shaking, and Ryder gazed at me.

  “Not ruined, love. It just reminded me of the gift you’re giving me.”



  Six weeks later

  WE WERE MOVED into the house a week before Christmas. I was further along and stressed about how we were going to host a dinner, but Ryder assured me that everything was going to be okay. We bought furniture before moving in that was delivered days after and set up along with the things Ryder brought from the condo. We set the living room up with couches in warm colors around the mantel and the huge TV. It was an open floor plan and the kitchen was to the right, offering everything a cook could want. Ryder’s family was already excited about cooking there, and I smiled as I walked to the back door. We had a large deck with room for entertaining and lots of grass for our children and future dogs to play on.


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