The Son of Earp Box Set - Books 1-3

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The Son of Earp Box Set - Books 1-3 Page 41

by Chuck Buda

  He grinned and hung the small towel on the hook. Around the corner, he listened to his guests talking. The conversation was civil. However, the tones were charged with mistrust. Jealousy. Resentment.

  Preacher rolled his sleeves down. He tidied himself up for the supper. Even informal meals within his chapel would be met with grace.

  The plan was in motion. He accepted the fact that things would begin to roll quickly. He already felt the demon within, desperate to slake its thirst. It needed to devour souls. It wanted to feed. The soul sucking gave it life. Power. It sensed how near the source of nutrition was. The urges swelled inside his body. He felt the flames jumping between his fingertips.

  He heard the crucifix on the wall spin upside down. He glared at the religious symbol while he straightened his collar. Fire flickered in his eyes. The darkness in his pupils spread, filling his sockets with sooty blackness. He licked his lower lip because the heat burning inside him dried his mouth.

  The eyes returned to normalcy, the blackness washing away as he stared at the upside down cross on the wall.

  All he had left to do was work on James. The demon chuckled in his gut, agreeing with him that James would be the most difficult. It sensed the power in the young man just as he did, from the day they arrived in town.

  James Johnson.

  The itching spread from his navel around his ribcage to his back. Preacher scratched at the burning as it traveled around his torso. Then it was gone.

  He took a deep breath. The time had arrived to break bread with his guests. It was going to be hard work because the Dark One demanded attention. Keeping the evil tamped down while hosting his visitors was not a task suited for the strongest soul, let alone a weak one.

  Preacher could do it.

  The Dark One had made the deal with him years ago for this very reason. It knew his strength. His determination. His will. And it remained strong even after suffering the defeat of learning his one-sided deal. The Dark One had played him and taken advantage of his passion to save another.

  It used him.

  Preacher swallowed the lump which threatened to sweep up his throat. He cats thoughts of his mother aside so he could focus on the job at hand.

  He opened the bedroom door and joined the others in the chapel for supper.

  Chapter 19

  James was relieved when Preacher joined them for supper. He had grown weary of the bickering between Eleanor and his mother. They both had argued for different table setups. James didn’t care how the food was arranged and he was sure Carson and Preacher wouldn’t care either. It didn’t stop the women from arguing over it though.

  “I appreciate the help with supper, ladies. I apologize for my tardiness. The day had slipped away from me.” Preacher clasped his hands together, soaking in the chicken and vegetables upon the makeshift table.

  James watched his mother smile and nod at Preacher. Eleanor glared at her. He wondered what had gotten into them. He quickly brushed the thought aside, remembering Gunderson’s conversation with the Marshal. And his discovery of the vials of blood.

  When Preacher sat down, Carson scrambled to grab a chicken leg. He brought the meat to his lips faster than a jackrabbit being pursued by a coyote.

  “In the Lord’s house, we say grace before we eat.” Preacher spoke without looking at Carson. The boy lowered the chicken leg to his plate. He opened his mouth slowly and let the chunk of meat drop onto the table. James stifled a giggle but his mother and Eleanor shot Carson’s looks of disgust.

  Preacher said a prayer and blessed the food. Then he waved his hand at the table and Carson stuffed the semi-chewed meat into his mouth. Eleanor and his mother fought over serving James and Preacher.

  “So, how was your new job, mother?” James scooped a piece of squash into his mouth.

  “Wonderful, James. I met so many friendly people. I think we might have a full house at the next service.” She beamed and smiled at Preacher. Eleanor picked up on the look and blurted out her own updates.

  “My day was wonderful, too, James. Thanks for asking.” Her eyes scolded him for not paying attention to her quickly enough. “I gathered supplies for school and prepared the first lesson plan. Anyone can bring people to the church. But it takes a real professional to teach them about His word.” She crunched her teeth down upon the fork tines to finish her barb.

  Sarah pretended she hadn’t heard the comment. She continued to smile and eat. James looked back and forth between the ladies then chose to change the topic to avoid more aggravation. He wanted to learn more about Preacher, too.

  “I was surprised when we didn’t find you here after work. Were you busy?”

  Preacher dabbed his lips with his napkin. “Yes, there has been so much to do lately.”

  James stared at Preacher. “I heard some interesting news today at work, mother.” He kept his eyes on Preacher while addressing his mother. “Marshal Holder was talking with Gunderson about Mrs. Foster’s disappearance.” He noticed Preacher pause, mid-chew, before slowly continuing on his meal.

  “Who is Mrs. Foster?” Sarah’s tone revealed her lack of concern.

  “Apparently, Mrs. Foster was a member of the congregation. Sounds like the Marshal stopped by in the middle of the night to meet with Preacher.” Sarah glanced up from her plate. She looked at Preacher with a questioning expression. Preacher paused chewing again, and then smiled. He dabbed once more at his lips with the napkin and responded.

  “Yes, I was grateful the intrusion didn’t disturb your slumber. I am consulted on many matters in town.”

  “It sounded like you were questioned, not consulted.” James made sure his point hit home. He hoped his mother got the message as well. He wanted her to steer clear of the man, knowing she had feelings for him.

  Preacher chuckled. “The Marshal asked questions of me because I personally counseled Mrs. Foster with her marital problems.”

  Sarah appeared satisfied with his answer. James wasn’t happy with her ability to overlook the strange inquiry.

  “Marshal said Mrs. Foster was last seen here, at the chapel, with you.” He waited so the word sunk in. “And then she...vanished.” James grinned at Preacher and took a bite of his chicken. He picked up a recognition, a darkness, behind Preacher’s gaze. James knew Preacher understood his intentions.

  Preacher sucked his teeth and dropped his napkin on the his plate. He straightened his collar. “Is there something you wish to say, James?”

  James scanned the faces around the table. “I think I already said it.”

  Preacher grinned at James. He nodded at Sarah and Eleanor. “Forgive me, but I must excuse myself. As James said, I had a very late night and I think I will turn in early tonight.” He stood from the table. “The supper was delicious Eleanor. Sarah. Goodnight.” Preacher walked off to his quarters, closing the door behind him.

  Eleanor appeared pleased with Preacher thanking her before Sarah. Sarah had quite the opposite expression on her face. Carson slammed his half-eaten chicken leg on the table.

  “What’s the matter?” James was surprised with Carson’s reaction.

  “You angried Preacher and now I’m angried.” Carson scowled and folded his arms over his chest.

  “Angered, not angried. Look, Carson, I find it strange that Preacher...hides things from us. Hiding could be a form of lying, which is a sin. Especially for a holy man.”

  “James, watch your mouth.” Sarah slammed her fork down.

  “James in entitled to his opinion, you know. He is NOT a little child anymore.” Eleanor took the liberty of chiming in.

  “I won’t be spoken to like that by a...a...hussy.”

  “What did you call me?” Eleanor stood up immediately.

  “Mom! Eleanor! Stop it.” James got in between the women.

  Carson shoved his chair back and ran to the ministry. He slammed the door shut. Sarah, Eleanor and James stared at each other with anger and frustration. The nice meal had erupted into a saloon brawl. Sarah wiped
her mouth and tossed her napkin on the table.

  “I’m going to bed now. You can clean up the table, James, and think about your behavior tonight.” She stomped down the hall to the ministry and slammed the door just as Carson had done.

  James looked at his boots. How did everything come unwound? All he wanted was to find out what was going on and show his mother Preacher needed to be kept at a distance. Instead, all hell broke loose. Everyone was mad at each other.

  Eleanor smiled at James with her hands on her hips. “I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to you, James. But you’re too stupid to see it.” She stomped off to the ministry. She slammed the door too.

  James scratched his faint stubble. He slumped down in the chair, forked up another bite of chicken and then dropped it on the plate. He realized he had lost his appetite.

  Chapter 20

  Carson had been pouting all morning. He hadn’t said a word since they awoke and made their way to the Trading Post. Carson avoided eye contact, too. James enjoyed the silence as he brooded over last night’s events. He replayed the conversation and tried to figure out where it went wrong. He still had a lot of questions for Preacher. James decided he would hold them for a more intimate setting so as to keep the warring factions from further involvement.

  James was bothered by the vials of blood. And the strange writing in the Bible. What did it mean? Who wrote the words? And why? Whose blood filled the bottles? Did Preacher drain himself of blood as penance instead of flagellation? The ancient custom was morbid enough. But to take it another step and collect your blood was creepy. James shuddered at the macabre activity. He hoped he was right about the blood. If the fluids belonged to someone else, then James would put a stop to it, regardless of the religious implications.

  What if the blood was Mrs. Foster’s?

  James shrugged to himself. It could be her blood. He recognized the hesitation on Preacher’s expression when he brought up the Marshal’s tale. If Preacher had nothing to do with Mrs. Foster’s disappearance then why did he react so visibly? Or did James just happen to shock Preacher with the insinuation?

  Gunderson lumbered into the back room. He dug at something in his chin hair. “Awfully quiet back here today. Either you boys are finally working hard or brotherly love has a blackened eye.” He flicked the thing he had picked at.

  Carson ignored the talk. He kept his focus on the sausage skin. James faked a smile for Gunderson.

  “Just a long night is all.”

  Gunderson’s eyes darted between James and Carson. “Uh-huh. Well, save the fight for after work. While yer here I expect complete dedication. Understand?” His tone became serious.

  “Yes,, Gunderson.” James bit his tongue. He wanted to lash out at the big man to use up his anger but decided to control his temper. He envisioned Wyatt Earp smacking a gun butt over Gunderson’s head and it brought a smile to his face.

  “I met a pretty lady yesterday. She’s fixin’ to have me accompany her to services. Does the name, Sarah, sound familiar?” Gunderson appeared to be taken with his mother. His eyes drooped like a love-lorn puppy dog.

  James stopped grinding the meat. He stared at Gunderson. “YOU are going to services?”


  “I thought you said you didn’t believe in God. And you warned us to stay away from Preacher and his church because he was always selling?”

  Gunderson rocked on his feet like a happy little boy. “That was before I knew how nice those folks were.”

  “You’re married, Gunderson.” James scowled at the large man. He didn’t want Preacher near his mother. And the thought of Gunderson near Sarah made him bristle even more.

  “Posh. I’m married, not dead. Besides, ain’t nothin’ wrong with taking a beautiful lady by the arm to church.” Gunderson folded his arms.

  “I’m warning you, Gunderson.” James stepped toward Gunderson. Carson finally raised his head and appeared interested in a potential thrashing about to take place.

  “Warning me of what?” Gunderson stepped into James. “You telling me who I can and can’t go to services with? I’m your boss, James. I suggest you know your place around here.”

  James leaned closer to Gunderson. “My place is between you and my mother.” He rolled up his sleeves. The time had come to give Gunderson a piece of his action. He didn’t care if he lost his job. He’d find another one.

  Gunderson backed up. “I had no idea Sarah was your momma, boy.”

  “Well, she is. And you better stay away from her.”

  “I apologize, James. I would never have said such things if I had known.” Gunderson scratched at his crotch. He sniffed his fingers. His eyes gazed absently past James. “I am still attending services though. I made a promise to Sarah. Your mother. I hope that doesn’t upset you.”

  James tried to calm his nerves. The adrenaline coursing through is veins demanded an outlet. But Gunderson was so apologetic. It wouldn’t be right to continue to go after him, he reasoned. Besides, it gave him a chance to hold onto his job. He needed the money so he could get a place far away from Preacher.

  James exhaled and nodded. Gunderson nodded back and left the back room. James watched him leave, the fire in his eyes still following his boss as he went.

  He glanced at Carson. His little friend glared at him. James decided to confront Carson to get it over with. And hopefully, use up the remaining fight in his system.

  “What is the matter with you, Carson? You yelled at me last night and you’ve ignored me all day. I don’t understand why you are so upset with me.”

  “I don’t like how you treated Preacher. He’s my friend.”

  “I’m your friend, too, Carson. Or have you forgotten that? Preacher ain’t your real friend. Not like me. He’s up to something and I’m going to figure out what it is.”

  Carson kicked James in the shin. Before he knew it, James retaliated with a punch to Carson’s stomach. Carson dropped to the floor, gasping for air with his eyes bulging out. He cried immediately. The tears flowed from his hurt eyes even though he couldn’t make a sound from getting the wind knocked out of him.

  “Carson, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hit you. It just...happened.” James dropped to his knees to console Carson. He felt horrible with his reaction. He never wanted to harm Carson. His body just responded to the shin kick before he knew what he was doing.

  Carson pushed James away. He crawled along the filthy floor until he was able to pull himself to his feet. Carson ran out of the back room, hunched over from the blow to the gut.

  James flopped on the floor. He ran his dirty hands through his hair, exasperated with how bad things had become since they arrived in Dodge City. His first impression had been right. He didn’t like this town. And he needed to get his family far away from Cowtown as soon as possible.

  Chapter 21

  Preacher heard a soft knock on his bedroom door. He rolled over and realized he had overslept. Sunlight streamed through his window, causing him to blink quickly. He made his way to the door and opened it before releasing he was naked.

  Sarah gaped at his nudity. Her eyes spent a little too much time below his waist. She giggled and shoved his chest. As Preacher fell backwards onto his bed, Sarah closed his door and threw herself upon him.

  “Sarah. What are you doing?” He struggled to push her off. Her firm grasp on his manhood brought it to immediate attention.

  “I thought this is what you wanted.” Sarah unbuttoned her blouse. Preacher caught a glimpse of her milky white cleavage which only stiffened him more.

  “What gave you that idea? I’m a holy man.” He wriggled from under Sarah and ran across the room to his pants. Preacher couldn’t close the top of his britches because of the swollen state he was in. Instead, he used his crumpled shirt to hide his excitement.

  “For one, you greeted me without clothes. And, you look like you are happy to see me.” Sarah bit her lower lip and giggled.

  “Sarah, I apologize for my nakedness.
You caught me half awake. I didn’t mean to give you the impression...”

  She cut him off and approached him. “What about yesterday? When you had me on my knees. I felt the energy between us. Didn’t you?”

  “That was the holy spirit, Sarah. Not me.” His heart pounded in his chest at the sudden awakening. He started to come to his senses and realized he could use this awkward situation to further his plan. “I’m sorry if you got the wrong message. My intentions were pure.”

  Sarah stood before him. He could see the inside curvature of her breasts. The smell of her feminine scent drove him wild. Preacher wanted nothing more than to take her and plunge deep within her. But he wanted to control himself. It wasn’t easy. The Dark One had also awakened, and it wanted satisfaction.

  Using her fingers, Sarah stroked Preacher’s bare chest. His muscles flexed as each stroke sent vibrations through his body. “I must say, I am disappointed. You seemed to want me to use my talents to get folks to church. I thought I was doing that.” She smiled at her play on words.

  Preacher took a deep breath and glared at the ceiling. He wanted Sarah to see his struggle and understand his power to control anything he wanted.

  “I am flattered by your attraction, Sarah. But I am a man of God. I don’t sin in the way of regular folk. What I meant, yesterday, was you should use your charm to encourage people to come to services.” His eyes darkened. “Nothing more.”

  Sarah frowned. She backed away from him and he felt relief at the extra space. Preacher used the opportunity to pull his shirt on, thankful the tails drooped over the front of his pants. Sarah sat on the end of his bed. Her face softened and she started to sob.

  Preacher sat next to Sarah. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder as she turned to bury her face in his chest. “Why the tears?”

  Sarah sniffled and spoke through muffled words in his chest. “I thought you liked me. I felt something between us the minute we met. I feel so foolish for believing you could feel the same way for me.” She snorted. “A Preacher falling for a whore. That would be the day.” She cried harder.


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