Alec's Dream

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Alec's Dream Page 30

by Dave Birchbauer

  The freshness of a late afternoon thunderstorm hung in the air. Alec leaned against the Plymouth watching Dolores give their front door handle a final tug as Clay waited halfway down their front walk. They walked back to the car hand in hand; the soft light glowing through the house’s half drawn shades in the evening dusk.

  Alec opened the front passenger door for Clay who was getting the preferred seat… a perk due to his injuries. As Alec squeezed into the back seat with Jodi and Dolores, Jodi asked Joshua “Are you sure our houses will be looked after?” Joshua had chosen to drive since Clay couldn't and Alec wouldn't. Besides, Joshua was the only one who knew where they were going.

  “Yes, we’ll do our best. I'll have someone check them every day or two to make sure there are no problems.” Joshua answered over his shoulder. “I'm sure we're all being watched right now and the first thing they'll want to do is search your houses. We'll make sure everything is put back in order.” Sticking his arm out his window, he gave a 'wagon ho' signal and the pickup truck in front began moving. “We're going to keep it on the ground; at least until we know we're safe.” Joshua said. “As long as we’re on the ground we have the trucks for protection.” A pickup behind them followed as Joshua pulled away.

  They travelled southward in nervous silence, listening to the road noises and Joshua's muffled discussions with their escort trucks over his radio headset. Whenever a plane flew over or a truck passed, they held their collective breath half expecting an attack. They drove for hours and as midnight approached, their small convoy pulled into an all night gas station where they stretched their legs while the trucks gassed up. After a light meal at the adjoining diner they were back on the road. Tensions eased enough for them to start asking Joshua questions… and surprisingly found him talkative.

  Alec started by asking the questions on everyone’s mind. “Who are those guys, and as a matter of fact, who are you, and what the heck is really going on?” The past two days Joshua had been in and out, organizing and giving a few curt instructions. They trusted him solely on Jodi’s intuition.

  “It's a good thing we have a long drive ahead of us, the answers will take some time.” Joshua paused collecting his thoughts. “As to who are 'those guys', they are a group that is loosely tied to the government, sort of like a secret agency...”

  “Like you guys.” Jodi cut in.

  “I guess you could say like us, but I'll get to that later. In order to describe who they are, who we are and what is going on I'll need to provide a little background.” Joshua went quiet as a semi passed. He chatted with the escort trucks. “About three years ago, the aliens from that giant spaceship first came in contact with Earth... or to be more correct, with Earths major governments, individually. They said they came in peace and wanted to set up trade routes with Earth. They offered technologies, wealth and power through trade agreements.”

  “If that was three years ago, why haven't we heard or seen anything?” Dolores asked.

  Alec perked up at that statement. “You know, that's something we've been noticing. It's not like there’s been any new technologies lately, it’s the lack of technologies. Clay and I have talked about this a couple of times... GraviTych seems to be the only company that has introduced any new technology in what seems like ages. Even computers haven't advanced like they have in the past.”

  Jodi joined in. “None of this makes any sense. If these aliens or whatever they're called...”

  “Kan-ji.” Joshua answered.

  “So if these Kan-ji are to be providing all these new technologies, why hasn't anything new been introduced?” Jodi finished.

  “You've identified the crux of the situation. Why… why isn't there any trade? Why hasn't any new technologies advanced? Or even, why hasn't GraviTych taken off by now? You guys should be billionaires by now. Haven't you ever wondered why your technology hasn't gone anywhere other than with Big Sky?”

  That hit at a sore point with Alec and Clay. “We've tried everything, but because of the liability issues that threatened the car companies and even the aircraft industry, they didn't want to touch our stuff. If it wasn't for Big Sky, we'd be broke.” Clay said dejectedly. “I never could figure it out. I would have bet my life that every company in the world would have been busting our doors down.”

  “Like I said, it's my fate. It seems that every time I get another golden goose, it dies.” Alec said.

  “You're lack of business or bad luck had nothing to do with you. The Kan-ji established rules for the governments and GraviTych broke those rules.” Joshua paused, talking into his headset again. They waited anxiously for him to finish. “It seems that the Kan-ji did not want any new advances in technology, they said they wanted to become familiar with our current technology so they could integrate with it… merge with it.”

  “So what's the big deal, they must be light years ahead of us. Why it should take them more than a couple of months is beyond me.” Alec questioned. “Anyway, that sounds kind of lame.”

  “Your right, nothing adds up.” Alec felt like Joshua was reading his mind. “The Kan-ji said that in order to set up trade, they needed to wait for the arrival of their 'seeker' ship. The ships that the Kan-ji originally arrived in were called scout ships which are based out of these larger Seeker ships. These scout ships look for planets, or as the Kan-ji calls them, opportunities, like Earth. Once found, the seeker ships arrive to finalize the trade routes.”

  “I take it that was a seeker ship Leland and the kids told us they saw.” Alec said feeling a pang of sadness at the mention of the kids.

  “That still doesn't make any sense. If those Seeker ships are so big and slow, what good are they for establishing trade, unless they're nothing but big transport freighters?” Clay questioned.

  “I would think that trade ships would be big and fast.” Dolores added to Clays comment. “The only reason a monster ship like that would be needed, would be...” She let her thoughts go unsaid.

  “There is a group of very powerful and influential people that came to that same conclusion. They quietly formed an organization that's prepared to fight and defend the earth. Kind of noble isn't it?” Joshua gave a gracious smile.

  “What about the bad guys in the SUV's?” Dolores asked. “They can't be from the government, can they?”

  “Yes and no. All of those governments that were contacted needed to enforce the Kan-ji's rules, so they formed an international agency whose purpose was to quell the development of new technologies. Most of this is done through the courts and by lawsuits. This agency, of course, has the assistance of the governments themselves… and what governments do better than anything else is creating bureaucracies and meaningless laws and regulations that open the doors for meaningless lawsuits.” Joshua made it sound so simple.

  “I take it that GraviTych was just lucky to get as far as it did.” Clay said grimly.

  “As a matter of fact… anti-gravity... I mean come on, that's not just a new technology, that's like the invention of the wheel. That along with the fact that you guys built such a solid business and business plan, you were almost untouchable. Their only option was to scare your customers away… and it almost worked if it wasn't for Sheldon Moon. He wasn't scared away. In fact he invited the challenges and threats. He almost did it too, but right now, he's fighting for his life. I wouldn't bet against him to not just win, but to come out bigger than before.” Joshua shook his head chuckling under his breath.

  “You act as though you know him pretty well.” Jodi said interested.

  “I don't, but I've been keeping a watch on all of you over the past year. That guy has quite a background.”

  “So if that government agency is nothing but a legal bottleneck organization, what's with those black SUV's and that killer chopper?” Alec asked the question bothering him the most.

  “It looks like they've grown some teeth. Now that the seeker ship is here, they want to make sure nothing goes wrong.” Joshua sounded grave.
/>   “I'm surprised we haven't had a visit from them yet.” Alec was still curious why they haven’t personally been attacked.

  “These organization are good at going after groups and companies, they’re not comfortable going after individuals. But I think they’re learning. Besides, I don't think they want you anymore.” Joshua said. “They've taken over GraviTych and now they think they've hit the jackpot with Alec’s lab. But I feel it'll take less time than you think before they find the ruse you left them. Once they find that you didn't leave you're secrets behind, they may determine you need to be eliminated. For now, it's likely they just have a tail on us.”

  “I thought that this place you're taking us to is secret, shouldn't you be worried that they're following us?” Dolores asked.

  “Not much, now that the seeker ship has arrived, everything will soon be exposed.” Joshua answered then talked into his headset again, this time ending their conversation.

  “Eugene!” The thought occurred to Alec. They’d been driving in silence for nearly an hour, pondering what they’ve learned.

  “What about him?” Clay asked.

  “You know, there had been some odd things going on. Eugene seems to almost always be in the middle of them. Nothing big, just… well, strange…” He had decided not to tell anyone about the girl’s adventure in the storeroom, or the backwards exploding toy helicopter.

  “So, what are you saying?” Jodi grabbed his arm.

  “He could be a Kan-ji spy.” Alec regretted saying it as soon as it came out. It sounded so juvenile... a spy?

  “A spy? Eugene?” Clay questioned. Alec wasn’t sure if he was sarcastic or not. “Hey... Joshua”

  “Yes?” He answered holding his hand over his headset’s microphone.

  “What do the Kan-ji look like?”

  “Oh... they look human. And like us, they are all unique, but in general they are... I would say... prettier.”

  “Prettier?” That was not the word Alec was expecting to hear about a bunch of invading aliens.

  “Yes. They are... taller, well formed... statuesque... graceful. Their only flaw seems to be their teeth.” Joshua hesitantly answered recalling pictures of them.

  “That could be Eugene.” Dolores said.

  “Yes… but I don’t think he’s a spy.” Jodi said matter-of-factly.

  “Really?” Alec looked at her. She was serious. He wanted to question her more but thought better of it. He let it be and so did everyone else.

  The next night, after spending the day trying to get some sleep at a roadside motel, they found themselves driving alone on a desolate desert highway. After about an hour of not seeing signs of other vehicles, Joshua slowed and pulled over.

  “It should be here.” Alec heard Joshua say into his headset. After a short pause he nodded and the truck in front slowly moved ahead. Joshua waited for it to make some distance before starting forward himself as he stared out at the road looking for something. “Thanks, I’ve found it.” He took off the headset and turned onto a small dirt side road leaving their escort trucks behind. It wasn’t long before Alec noticed that the jarring ride of the dirt road smoothed out. He looked out to see the ground falling away. Glancing off to the side, he spotted a pair of helicopters closing in. “I thought those guys weren't interested in us anymore!” The panic in his voice woke everyone.

  “Those are friends.” Joshua said over his shoulder as he waved out the window to a helicopter pulling even with them. The pilot responded by signaling them ahead. They were soon hovering above a small desert mountain. Looking down, Alec could see a warm glow coming from a small crevice between two of its peaks. Joshua easily lowered them through the narrow opening onto the hidden helicopter landing pad.

  “Welcome to your new home away from home.” Joshua brought the car to a halt in a marked parking spot against a wall where some Humvees, SUV's and compact cars were already parked. As they climbed out the car, a handful of soldiers, at least they looked like soldiers, ran up to grab their luggage while Joshua led his confused passengers into their new mountain home.


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