Alec's Dream

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Alec's Dream Page 42

by Dave Birchbauer

  “Here we are.” Sheldon nervously stood on a street corner looking at an old tannery building.

  “This is the old slaughterhouse district. They say the streets ran with blood in its heyday.” Ernie Simpson looked around the decaying neighborhood. His huge frame leaning against Sheldon’s black Cadillac caused it to sag a bit.

  They were interrupted by a chirp from Sheldon’s cell phone. He curiously looked at it and after a few minutes of texting said. “Jodi McCoughe has a rescue ship in need of a pilot. According to her, I’m the only one available.” Sheldon said thoughtfully. “I wonder where they got a ship from.”

  “Do you think it has something to do with that Jake guy you told me about?” Ernie asked.

  “Joshua.” Sheldon corrected. “If I recall, he said he had some powerful friends. Anyway, Jodi said she would pick us up… looks like she doesn’t want to tell us their hiding spot. I told her we’d be at my place by midnight.” He said slipping the phone back in his pocket.

  “Does that mean you don’t have to do this?” Ernie looked hopeful.

  “C’mon Ern, if there’s any trouble, I know you’re muscles can get us out of it.” Sheldon slapped him on the back.

  “I’m just a computer geek. You hired me for my mind.” Ernie flexed.

  Sheldon grinned. Ernie was the epitome of ironic. One would think that with his bulk and physique he’d be an athlete, body guard or explorer, but instead turned out to be a computer expert. Nothing got by him. He could work on anything from accounting to propulsion systems. His real expertise was networking and internet; a hacker extraordinaire.

  “You know we have to do this.” Sheldon shook his satchel containing his seizure papers. “I don’t believe this should take long. We’ll have a long drive ahead of us when I get back.”

  A week ago, after the GraviTych takeover, he had flown back to Big Sky to find his front gate blockaded by a half a dozen squad cars. His old friend and sheriff, Jack Brady met him there. ‘Hi Sheldon, I’m sorry about this.’ Jack had said handing him an envelope ‘I asked the Judge if this was all legal. He just told me not to get involved… he looked scared. Just what the hell did you get yourself into?’ On the other side of the sheriff’s blockade Sheldon had seen that a small army had settled into his parking lot with armored vehicles, helicopters and a throng of nasty looking soldiers dressed in black. ‘There are more documents at the courthouse.’ Jack told him in a low voice. Sheldon took it as a hint to get his butt out of there.

  Jack was right about the documents, except he neglected to tell him their size. Sheldon and his lawyers had spent the next few days digging through the phonebook sized stack. There was eminent domain, expropriation and seizure of property for public interest. They covered all the bases; with local, federal and even international laws. It was going to take years to sort them out. Even if he did... with all that artillery and armed men surrounding his offices, he couldn't just walk in and contest them... not without a small army of his own.

  His contacts in the Department of Defense, the FBI, CIA and Homeland Security, all said those papers were something they didn't use. In fact, they had never even seen anything like them. With Ernie’s help, they were at least able to sniff out the paper trail… and it started at this old tannery building.

  “You're right. This does look like one of those old criminal hideouts I used to see in the movies. I wonder if the floors are crooked.” Sheldon gave an edgy laugh. “You wait here... keep an eye out.” A corny thing to say, but their situation was… well, corny.

  With satchel in hand, he entered the building through its glass entrance doors. The inside looked like it had been hastily retrofitted into an office space. The sparsely populated directory board showed his destination to be on the fifth floor.

  “Can I help you?” the receptionist asked as soon as he stepped off the elevator. The floor space was an open area scattered with neatly organized desks. Her desk happened to be closest to the elevators. A handful of professionally dressed people bustled about behind her, some on cell phones while others carried papers from desk to desk. To Sheldon they looked like extras on a movie set.

  The receptionist waited patiently for an answer. He noticed she was wearing oversized glasses and just the right amount of makeup to make her look like the perfect receptionist... perfect. Something felt terribly out of place, almost as though he was being set up. But how would they have known he was coming?

  “Hello, I’m Sheldon Moon. I was just wondering if there was anyone here I could discuss these with?” he pulled his seizure papers from his satchel and handed them to her. She took them and acted like she was reading them. Giving him a tight lipped smile she picked up her phone and punched in some numbers. Sheldon swore he saw her punch 1-2-3-4.

  “I have a Sheldon Moon that would like to see you.” She said into the phone.

  He quickly searched the open expanse of desks for the person she was talking to, with no success. The actors still looked like they were following their scripts.

  She politely cleared her throat to get his attention then gave him back his papers. “Please take a seat. Someone will be with you shortly.”

  Twenty minutes later, after reading a couple of year old fashion magazines, an imperfect man; actually one that didn't look like a movie extra entered the area. He was nicely dressed wearing a jacket and tie… but somehow still looked unkempt being short with thinning black hair topped with a bandage. He smiled and extended a hand. “Mr. Moon, welcome, can you follow me sir?” he said in a mousy voice. They walked along the wall to a partially hidden corner office.

  “Please, take a seat.” he pointed to one of two guest chairs. Sheldon noticed that unlike the other desks scattered about the floor, this one was filled with 'real' paperwork, an open laptop and a black office phone. “My name is Jeffery Lewis. What can I do for you?”

  Sheldon saw he didn't have a name plaque nor did he tell him his title or position, or even the department he was associated with. “I've got some questions about these papers I received.” He handed them over. After some minutes of studying them, Jeffery set them down in front of him.

  “These papers look in order, what kind of questions do you have?” he quipped.

  “Well, for one thing, are these for real?”

  “Of course, they’re very clear. Big Sky Corporation is now under the ownership and control of our organization.” Jeffery leaned back in his chair while pressing his fingertips together. “I am sure that if you look up the company filings, you should see that all the paperwork is in order, such as the titles and ownership papers.”

  “Which organization are you talking about, I find it unclear.” Sheldon prodded.

  “The Office of Technology Stabilization, under authority of the Department of Commerce.”

  “I am, or once was the owner of Big Sky. I never voluntarily gave it up. It seems that it was forcefully taken from me by a bunch of people with black SUV's, helicopters and guns.”

  “Are you calling us a criminal organization? You should be careful Mr. Moon, a statement like that could be used against you in a court of law.” Sheldon thought he sneered.

  “By the way you guys work, I wouldn't think a court of law would be your style.” Sheldon regretted saying it as soon as it left his mouth, realizing he had just cut off any chance he had of getting any useful information out of this venture. Jeffery's reaction was proof of that.

  “Well, I guess I’m done here.” Sheldon grabbed his papers and stood.

  “I’m afraid you’re going to have to stay with us a while longer.” Jeffery’s voice was stone cold as he now held a gun.

  Sheldon froze. He definitely wasn’t prepared for this; all his past experience with government agencies usually meant dealing with incompetents or bureaucrats. “Hold on there.” he said holding his hands in front of him. “No need to get testy. I was just going to leave.”

  “No need Mr. Moon. You’re no problem at all.” Jeffery pushed a button on
his desk phone and two large thugs entered through a door behind him.

  “I need you to collect Mr. Moon’s friend.” Jeffery pointed with his chin to the window. Outside Sheldon could see Ernie still leaning against his black Caddy, watching their building. Jeffery’s two friends wordlessly turned and left the way they came.

  Jeffery waved the gun in the direction of the window. Sheldon moved to stand in front of it while Jeffery leaned against his desk behind him. They watched in silence as the goons approached Ernie. Ernie stood to his full height towering over them. After a few words and gestures, Sheldon thankfully watched Ernie follow them back to the building.

  After a few minutes of silence Sheldon asked. “So what are you going to do with us?” He cautiously sat back down… secretly glad Ernie had came quietly; not wanting to see him lying in a pool of blood on the street. Jeffery didn’t respond as he returned to his seat, still pointing the gun at him.

  “You’ve got my business and everything I own. I’m powerless to do you any harm…“ Before he could finish, they were interrupted by the sound of something big hitting the door behind him. He turned to see one of Jeffery’s henchmen fly backwards through the door. His partner followed, landing on top of him.

  “Hey boss…” Ernie stopped as he saw Jeffery’s gun. “Guns? Since when do government lackeys carry guns?” The two goons climbed back to their feet and roughly pulled Ernie to the chair next to Sheldon.

  “Sorry boss, I figured I’d let them lead me to you instead of searching the building myself.” Ernie half whispered to him not really caring if the others heard.

  “That’s OK Ern, it looks like I’ve got us into quite a mess.” Sheldon said. Then turning back to Jeffery he continued their conversation. “So, like I was saying, why this? I’m completely powerless, why not just let us on our way?”

  Jeffery sat back. “I know that. What I’m really interested in is finding out where McCoughe is hiding. I think his wife would probably know where he is.” Jeffery nodded to one of his goons who grabbed Sheldon by his arms. The other searched his pockets until he found his cell phone. He handed it to Jeffery.

  “Looks like I have an appointment to meet them... your place around midnight?” Jeffery put Sheldon’s phone in his pocket. Sheldon struggled against the guards grip. Ernie made to get up, but the laughing Jeffery pointed the gun menacingly at him.

  “You know, you really ought to be more careful with text messages. They really aren’t very secure.” Jeffery pointed to Ernie. Before the guards could grab him, Ernie was already holding out his phone. They handed it to Jeffery who put it in his pocket with Sheldon’s.

  He turned to his comrades. “I’m leaving. You know what to do. Make it an accident. I’m sure the authorities will understand poor Mr. Moon’s despondence and his need to be drowning his sorrows. Too bad he decided to do it in such a nasty part of town.” Jeffery laughed.

  “Wait. You’ve got everything I own, why kill us?” Sheldon pleaded. Why? This just didn’t make sense. It was like a bad movie. The guards grabbed his arms, tying his hands behind him.

  Jeffery ignored him as he continued to muse about Sheldon’s situation. “The irony is that you’ll be dead because of losing your business, but you never knew that you haven’t lost it… yet.” He laughed so hard he choked.

  “I thought these papers were final.” Sheldon said softly. How could he have missed that? How could his lawyers miss it?

  Jeffery gloated. “You don’t know? With all those high powered lawyers? You see, the papers have a 10 day void clause, no getting around it. All we were able to do was make it nearly impossible to void them.”

  “We can get them back? Big Sky? GraviTych?” Ernie asked Sheldon.

  Sheldon racked his brains trying to remember anything in those documents that mentioned that.

  “Something about a commerce clause…” Sheldon started.

  Jeffery nodded. “If you would have looked further into it, the trail would have led you right to…” He stopped himself before giving the information away, then red faced he got up to leave.

  Sheldon couldn’t help asking. “Lead to where?”

  Jeffery stopped with his hand on the doorknob. He stood for a few moments, as though thinking about answering, and to Sheldon’s surprise, he did. “I report directly to the Commerce Secretary. I just want you to know how badly you failed.”

  Sheldon struggled at his bonds.

  “Wait till after dark.” He told his henchmen before closing the door behind him.

  “Commerce department?” Ernie asked after their guards had left them alone.

  “That’s a cabinet position.” Sheldon replied. “We need to get to Washington. I think it’s time to call in some favors and get an appointment with this guy.”

  “Aren’t you forgetting something?” Ernie asked.

  “Come on Ern. You should be able to get us out of this.” Sheldon said while pulling at his bindings.

  “We’re in a pretty nice mess here. These aren’t your standard ropes. I can’t budge them.” His arms bulged as he struggled. “Sorry boss.”

  Their guards returned multiple times throughout the day to check on them; re-securing their bindings each time… very professional; always coming through the back door. No food or water. They didn’t even talk, no matter how much Sheldon tried. As dusk arrived, they came again. This time dressed in black where they cut their leg binding and roughly pulled them to their feet.

  “It’s time boys. Don’t give us any trouble. We can make this trip pretty miserable for you.” One of the guards said pressing a knife up against Ernie. They left through the door Sheldon originally came in. The office area was dark and empty and as they were led to the elevators a movement caught their attention. “Hey, you.” The guard behind them pointed his gun at a dark shape rummaging through one of the desks.

  The figure stood and faced them. “Oh, he’s one of them.” The guard lowered his gun.

  The intruder took a few graceful strides in their direction. Then without warning he lashed out, easily disarming the stunned guards. They had no time to react as the intruder then spun and kicked one in the mid section, making him fly against a closed elevator door. He crumpled to the floor. The other guard charged. The intruder jumped and somersaulted over his head to land behind him. A blurred hand movement and the second guard also hit the elevator door to collapse on top of his partner.

  Sheldon backed away as the intruder turned on them. “Meester Moon?”

  “Eugene?” Sheldon recognized his voice in the darkness.

  Eugene pulled out a long ugly looking curved knife. “What are you doeeng here?” He asked cutting their bonds.

  “I was just about to ask you the same question. Not that we’re not happy to see you.” Sheldon said looking around the room.

  “I beeen looking for Meester MeeCuf and Meester Matteeson. I worry about dem.”

  “You won’t find them here. But I know they’re safe.” Sheldon rubbed his wrists. “How did you find out about this place?”

  “I leeestened when dey took over GraviTych. I stay der and work. Dey not bother me, I not bother dem.” Eugene said looking a little guilty.

  “So you spied on them.” Ernie said impressed. “That took a lot of guts.”

  “I not brave.” Eugene shrugged. “I glad Meester MeeCuf and Meester Matteeson are safe.”

  “They might be, but Jodi might be in real trouble.” Sheldon recounted his discussion with Jeffery.

  “Dat’s bad!” Eugene’s face turned red. “I stop heeem!”

  Looking at their two guards lying on the floor, Ernie asked. “Those guys weren’t pushovers. You handled them like they were kindergarteners.”

  “Kindergarteeners?” Eugene looked confused.

  “I mean you beat them up like they were little kids.” Ernie restated.

  Eugene leaned his head to the side. “Ahhh, I surprise myself. I guess I jeeest afraid.”

  Sheldon eyed him up.
Eugene wasn’t afraid, those were skilled moves. He knew exactly what he was doing. Strange… how did he know to be here? Well, he had no choice but to trust him… he knew Alec and Jodi did. “We need to warn Jodi. Jeffery’s got our cell phones. Do you have one?”

  “No, I weeesh I did, maybe one of dees guys.” Eugene pointed to their unconscious guards.

  Ernie returned after riffling their pockets. “Out of luck” he said. “Now what should we do?”

  Sheldon stepped to one of the desks. “Well, why not try one of these office phones.”

  Ernie slapped his forehead saying. “Geez, don’t I feel stupid.”

  “Dead, try the others.” Sheldon pushed some buttons on the office phone.

  “These are dead too.” Ernie said after trying a dozen more.

  “Just what I thought, this was nothing but a façade.” Sheldon said. “I was wondering if you have Jodi’s number?” he asked Eugene.

  “No, I thought you deeed.” Eugene said.

  “It was on my cell phone.” Sheldon said. “Ern, you wouldn’t happen to know it.”

  “Why would I?” Ernie responded.

  “It looks like we have to get back to my house before Jeffery does.” Sheldon said. “Think my Caddy can do it?” he looked at Ernie.

  “It’s at least a 5 hour drive. I can do it in maybe four and a half... maybe four hours. That’s if we don’t get stopped on the way.” Ernie looked at his watch. “It’s already after eight... it doesn’t look good.”

  “I can geet der.” Eugene said.

  Sheldon looked at him again. There seemed to be more to Eugene than the buffoon he’s been pretending to be. “How? Can you fly?” Sheldon said before realizing what GraviTych was all about. “Oh... I suppose you can.”

  “Yes... I have Meester Stan’s platform. Eeets on the roof.” Eugene said.

  “You’ll need help.” Ernie said.

  “No, de platform too small.” Eugene shook his head.

  “Do you think you can handle it?” Sheldon asked. He then looked at the two guards still crumpled on the floor and realized it was a stupid question. “You know he’s armed.”

  “I can do eet.” Eugene looked Sheldon straight in the eyes. Sheldon had seen that look before, usually from soldiers.

  “We need to get to Washington D.C. I’ve got to have a discussion with the Secretary of Commerce. It seems we might be able to get our companies back if I get there in time.” Sheldon told him.

  “Dat’s good.” Eugene’s face brightened.

  ‘He really cares’ Sheldon thought to himself. “Tell Jodi I’ll pilot her ship as soon as I’m finished.”

  Eugene nodded, and as he stepped towards the stairwell door Ernie asked. “Eugene, what did they mean when they said you were one of them?”

  He looked back and shrugged. “I not know. Maybe I look like one of der friends. I go now.” He opened the door, leaving them alone.

  Chapter 19 ~ In Search of a Pilot


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