Alec's Dream

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Alec's Dream Page 46

by Dave Birchbauer

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  “OK, you know what to do. You just need to find where he’s being held and get out of there as fast as you can.” Ernie went over Jodi’s instructions one last time.

  Saying goodbye, she stepped out of the Plymouth into the dark alley behind the building. The sight of the car’s insides disappearing behind the closing cloaked door gave her a sense of finality. She could hear Dolores’s voice come out of the emptiness where the car had been, telling her to be careful.

  She walked down the alley to the buildings back entrance. Looking both ways to make sure she was alone, she pulled out Jessie’s old card reading device… a pleasant surprise they found in the glove compartment, and scanned the reader next to the door. She slipped in and quietly closed the door behind her.

  “I guess I should start on the third floor.” she said to herself as the stairwell she was in only went up. Putting Jessie’s card device away in her bag, she pulled out a clipboard, hoping her disguise as the cleaning company inspector would work. The stairwell exited into a small alcove off the main hallway. It was empty. She turned left and nervously walked down the corridor with clipboard in hand, checking each room. The first room was a large area filled with cubicles and desks. She walked through as though doing her inspection, writing on her clipboard and checking the empty garbage cans; for the sake of the security cameras. The next door down opened to a small group of offices where she did more inspections. She slowly worked her way down the hall finding each room empty while dutifully writing on her clipboard. The hallway circled the building and as she was about two thirds around she felt her pulse race as she stood in front of a large set of double doors. ‘If I were a betting girl, I’d say that this room has promise.’ she thought. The other side of the doors led to a small empty lobby. Walking quickly through it, she entered the inner office... and found it occupied.

  “Excuse me sir, I'm just doing an inspection of the cleaning services, I won't be long.” Jodi said recovering from her surprise. ‘I should have been more careful’ she thought while looking at the garbage cans and floors and writing on her clipboard.

  “I thought the cleaning inspections were usually done on the weekends.” the rotund man sitting behind the desk looked at her curiously. “What happened to Maria?” he asked.

  “Oh, Maria is on vacation, I’m just filling in for the week.” Jodi knew she was a terrible liar and hoped she could pull this off as she continued her inspection. Acting like she was done she headed for the door.

  “I didn't catch your name?” he asked, now standing between her and the exit.

  “Jodi.” Forgetting what name she was supposed to use.

  “I don't believe you work here.” he said almost to himself. “Maybe your here for another reason, perhaps you're looking for something or somebody?”

  She didn't know what to say. She just stood staring at him, waiting for him to let her go.

  “Please sit down.” he gestured to a chair by his desk. She timidly sat while he sat on the edge of his desk.

  “Jodi McCoughe, you should have used a different name. By the way, I was just looking up your files, and almost like magic, you showed up in my office. What should I make of that?”

  There was something familiar to him and Jodi couldn’t quite put her finger on it. She wondered if she should try to run but in the end she just sat there.

  “I would guess that you’re looking for Mr. Moon. I could tell you where he is, if you want.” He talked as though he was lost in thought, almost like he was arguing with himself.

  “Sure, I would like to know where he is.” Jodi now recognized him as the Secretary of Commerce. To her surprise, he told her the room number and even described where it was located down the hall. Not knowing what else to do, she stood and walked to the door. As she reached it, she looked back half expecting him to stop her. Instead he just sat staring back at her, seemingly preoccupied with some internal struggle.

  Even though it was agreed that she return as soon as she discovered Sheldon’s location, she decided to check out the room first since it was just was a few steps down the hall. She ironically noted that if she would have turned right on leaving the stairwell she would have found Sheldon right away. The double entrance doors led to another small entry room, just like the one outside the Secretaries office. She tried the door to the inner office and found it locked… as she expected.

  “Sheldon?” she whispered at the door.

  “What do you want?” his angry voice came from the other side.

  “Are you OK? This is Jodi McCoughe. I'm working with Ernie to get you out of here.”

  “What? Jodi? Can't you just open the door?” she could hear Sheldon standing next to it.

  “I don't have a key, I'll look around.” she whispered back to the door and went for the only piece of furniture in the room, a desk. She barely had time to rummage through its top drawer when the outer door flew open. Not having time to run… not that there was anywhere to go… or hide, she could only stand and watch as the defeated looking Secretary entered followed by two grey suited agents and two ominous looking men dressed like pirates.

  ‘Those must be the Kan-ji.’ She thought.

  The Secretary’s head jerked up as he saw her standing there. One of the Kan-ji gestured at her with a deadly looking curved sword. A gray suited guard opened Sheldon’s prison door while pointing a gun at her. She walked sideways with her back to the wall, hoping they wouldn’t notice the bag hanging over her shoulder. She gave the guard holding the gun a nervous smile and quickly backed into the room. Sheldon, who originally was standing just inside the door ready for an opportunity to escape, backed up to the far side of his prison room. Jodi continued backing in until she stood next to him. Before the door slammed closed, the Secretary was roughly thrown in, landing face down at their feet.

  Fitzsimmons stood and looked angrily at Jodi. “I didn't mean for you to try to rescue Sheldon, I wanted you to get out of here with the information.”

  “I just wanted to make sure you were telling the truth.” Jodi defended her decision then realized that she had no reason to defend herself. “What's it to you? Why would you tell me where Sheldon was anyway? You're the one who locked him up?” she shot back.

  “The situation was getting out of control and I was trying to put a stop to it, but once the Kan-ji arrived, I knew I was next.” He sat down on a couch putting his head in his hands. “I was hoping that if you were going to rescue Sheldon, I would be rescued with him.” He looked up at her. “It looks like our chances of getting out of here alive are pretty slim. Nobody will be able to get close to this building now. Why didn’t your husband just take my offer?”

  “Huh?” that last comment took Jodi by surprise as she now realized why he seemed familiar. “McDonald!”

  “That’s me. If it wasn’t for your husband and his partner’s stubbornness we wouldn’t be in this mess. You’d be happy and wealthy and none of us would be here.”

  “This is all very interesting, but right now we need to figure out what to do.” Sheldon interrupted.

  Jodi continued glaring at Fitzsimmons for a second longer then looked around the room. “Why don’t you just bust open the door? It’s only an office door. They’re usually not much stronger than cardboard.” Jodi said looking back at the door that had slammed shut behind them.

  “Two reasons; one is that door is stronger than you would think. The other reason is that there are guards out there.” Sheldon responded rubbing his shoulder.

  “There weren’t any guards when I came in.” Jodi rebuffed.

  “That’s because they were collecting me.” Fitzsimmons cut in.

  Sheldon sat on a chair next to the bathroom door. Jodi sat on the couch next to Fitzsimmons. “Jodi, how were you planning on rescuing me? And how did you know what was going on?” Sheldon asked.

  “Well, he’s right. I was only supposed to find where you were being kept. Ernie was going to make the plans for rescuing you.
” Jodi admitted.

  “So you’ve met Ernie? He’s safe?” Sheldon sounded relieved.

  “Why don’t you just ask him?” Jodi asked reaching in her bag.

  “This room is RF shielded.” Fitzsimmons said holding his cell phone. “These won’t work in here.”

  Jodi pulled out her walkie-talkie and stepped to the barred window overlooking the back alley.

  “Sorry, but that won't work in here either.” Fitzsimmons shook his head.

  “Dolores, Ernie, you out there?” Jodi spoke into it.

  “Jodi, are you OK, the buildings surrounded by agents.” Dolores’s voice came over the radio.

  “What the heck?” said Fitzsimmons, “We spent a fortune shielding this room from RF and you're getting through with a toy walkie-talkie?”

  “I'll tell you about it later.” she said over her shoulder then turning back to her radio she said. “I’m locked in a room with Sheldon and Secretary Fitzsimmons.”

  “Can you tell us where you are? Are you near a window?” Ernie’s voice asked.

  “Ernie, is that you?” Sheldon grabbed the radio from Jodi, “Can you get us out of here?”

  “Hey boss, we lost the Cadillac... sorry about that.” Ernie was obviously glad to hear from his friend.

  “That's OK. I'll just take it out of your next paycheck. What do you need us to do?”

  “What do you see out your window?” Ernie asked.

  “We're on the third floor, overlooking the alley, near the center of the building.” Jodi said into the radio in Sheldon's hand.

  “Right, we see you; you'll need to stand back. We're going to try pulling the bars off. As soon as they’re out, we won't have much time. So you’re going to have to move fast.” Ernie said.

  “What do you mean move fast?” asked Fitzsimmons. Sheldon repeated the question over the radio.

  “We going to get as close as we can, you'll have to jump.” Ernie said and at the same time the glowing insides of the station wagon appeared, floating just outside their window.

  “What in the world is that?” Fitzsimmons gasped looking out the barred window. The station wagon was cloaked, but once the back tailgate was lowered, it’s exposed inside made it look like an eerie apparition.

  “That’s our ride.” Jodi said.

  “Can someone try barring the door?” Sheldon realized that the locked door can work both ways. Jodi and Fitzsimmons pushed the couch in front of it. “You realize the doors open outward.” Sheldon said.

  “Oh.” Jodi said and grabbed a coat rack then tied it across the doorknobs. “Better?” This time she got an approving nod from Sheldon.

  By now the inside of the car was backed up to the window. Ernie was leaning out the back with a chain in his hand attempting to place it in Sheldon’s hands sticking through the bars. A gentle toss did the trick as Sheldon expertly wrapped his end of the chain around the bars, securing its hooked end to one of the bars. Giving Ernie a ‘thumbs up’ he stepped back.

  “I hope these seat brackets are strong enough. If they are, we'll back up to the window. Be ready to jump.” Dolores said over the radio. Jodi watched Ernie climb over the back seat to join her. As soon as he was safely in the front, the car shot forward. The chain tightened and with a surprisingly dull sounding crack, the bars broke free falling downwards. Ernie was quickly undoing the chain while Dolores backed the car to the window. A tense moment later, the chain fell. Ernie leaned out of the open tailgate with his arms extended.

  “OK, jump.” Sheldon said to Jodi already sitting on what was left of the window sill. She grabbed Ernie’s outstretched hand and pushed off, landing on the open tailgate. She scrambled over the seats to sit next to Dolores. By the time she looked back, Fitzsimmons was rolling into the back seat while Ernie and Sheldon were pulling the tailgate shut.

  “Go.” Ernie yelled rolling up the back window making them invisible again. Before Dolores could react, one of the aliens appeared at the window firing at them with his curved sword expelling a lightning bolt that covered the car in a blue ribbon like electrical discharge.

  “Wow, did you see that?” Ernie said from the back, “Those swords shoot bolts of lightning… pretty cool.”

  “Not so cool. Our cloaking doesn't seem to work anymore, that shot must have burned out the circuits.” Jodi flipped the toggle switch.

  “I guess we’re lucky they didn’t have time to integrate the cloaking into the rest of the controls.” Dolores said looking at the touch screen control box mounted on the floor below the dash as she flew off into the darkness flying low between buildings and houses.

  “Do you think we're safe?” Jodi wondered.

  “I hope you guys planned out an escape route.” Fitzsimmons complained from the back seat. “They have a lot of weapons and resources at their disposal, and they're not shy about using them.”

  “Why did you allow this to happen?” Sheldon glowered at him.

  “My orders were to hold back the technological growth for a year, using legal means and not through force. We were working in concert with other countries. It was never clearly defined where our authority started and others ended. When I found out about the forced takeover of your company and GraviTych, I started digging into the Office of Technical Stability and found that I became a figurehead, and it was really the Kan-ji who were in control; manipulating us from behind the scenes.”

  “McDonald?” Dolores growled seeing him for the first time through the rear view mirror. “What? Why are you here?”

  “His name’s Secretary Fitzsimmons… as in Secretary of Commerce.” Jodi told her.

  “So there’s a lot more going on than we thought isn’t there.” Dolores concluded. “So why didn't you stop them?”

  “I couldn't, they were in charge of my agents. I don't know what was offered, but it wasn't long before I became a prisoner here.”

  “Couldn't you talk to the President or the military?” Sheldon still didn't believe Fitzsimmons was telling the whole truth.

  “They wouldn't listen. This whole thing was brought on by secret trade agreements where we had to give them our technologies, so they could integrate theirs with ours… so they said. Once done, they would add us to their trade routes.” Fitzsimmons responded. “What do you know about the Kan-ji?”

  “That we can't trust them.” Jodi replied from the front seat.

  “I agree with you wholeheartedly. One thing I discovered is that they are not any more technically advanced than us. They've developed things differently from us, but not any better. But now they have control of your anti-gravity technology.” Fitzsimmons went silent as he seemingly checked himself from saying too much.

  “They may have control of GraviTych, but they don't have the technology. Anything of technical value was either destroyed or removed before your goons got there.” Dolores told him.

  Fitzsimmons seemed to perk up from that. “I would guess that not all is lost… so just where is Alec now? Maybe we could get together to form a resistance.”

  Jodi didn't bite on that. She still didn't trust him. Neither did Dolores. “We've moved in with some old friends of ours. Alec is doing computer repair work until he can find a job. It's hard for someone in his late forties to find a job these days.” Jodi said looking at Dolores who nodded.

  “I'll have to set down on the freeway when it gets light. I hope we can hide in the rush hour traffic.” Dolores said changing the subject. “We’ll drive in shifts, you guys work out who sleeps and when.”

  Ernie looked at Fitzsimmons, “Where do want to be dropped off?”

  “I... I was hoping you would take me with you. We were going to be delivered to some Kan-ji priest or god. Even M’bron seemed afraid of that.” Fitzsimmons sounded worried.

  “I think I can talk for everyone here. We don't trust you. You're not telling us everything.” Jodi said to everyone’s approval.

  Fitzsimmons sat with his head down as though debating with himself. “They are going to t
ake us over, the entire planet, not just us. While I was trying to find out about your companies, I came across some transmissions. Originally their plan was to take us over politically, but something happened over the past few days, now they’re gearing up for some kind of military action.”

  His news was rewarded with shocked silence. “We need to tell Joshua. I've got a feeling he'll want to talk with you.” Jodi reached for her bag containing the walkie-talkie.

  “Heads up.” Dolores pointed to a silhouette of a black helicopter against the moons backdrop flying fast in their direction. She descended to just above a wide highway as they listened to the helicopter fly past them. She quickly turned into a subdivision where she hovered between two houses.

  “Do you think they saw us?” Jodi whispered.

  “I'm not sure. I think I got low enough to avoid their radar. It's dark and the car is painted black. They would have to have pretty good eyesight to see us fly in here.” Dolores answered.

  “Unless somebody saw us and called the police; they could be monitoring the police channels.” Ernie added searching the skies.

  “It’s starting to get a little lighter out. We'll need to hit the road soon. Hopefully we’ll be able to blend in with the traffic.” Dolores didn’t sound too confident in her own plan.

  As the sky brightened and the kitchen lights of the houses began going on, she was forced to leave their protection. Instead of setting down on the subdivisions road she continued flying, hoping to find a place to land near an entrance to the freeway. Her gamut flopped as out of nowhere the copter dropped from above to hover in front of them; blocking their way. Dolores reflexively accelerated in the direction of the highway. “I guess we've been discovered. No sense hiding now. We might be safer if we’re seen.” she said flying directly above the highway with the black helicopter in close pursuit.

  “I can't believe their chasing us! That's pretty bold of them, to be attacking us in front of witnesses.” Sheldon looked down at the morning rush hour traffic.

  “They can't attack while we're flying over populated areas, can they?” Jodi asked nervously.

  “We can out maneuver them and don't need to refuel, that's to our advantage. If they do decide to attack, we're landing and going on foot.” Dolores decided.

  “We seem to be attracting a lot of attention.” Jodi pointed to the flashing lights of the police cars converging on the highway ahead. They sped over them, leaving them in their wake.

  “We must be some sight… a flying Plymouth station wagon being chased by a black helicopter.” Jodi cracked surprised to hear a couple giggles.

  “It would be hilarious if they wouldn't be trying to kill us.” Fitzsimmons grumbled. Jodi thought him to be a real a buzz-kill. What else would you expect from a bureaucrat politician?

  “I'm not sure how fast we can go. This car isn't very aerodynamic you know.” Dolores said as the helicopter easily kept pace with them. The sun broke over the horizon behind them in the eastern sky. “I wonder what they're plan is? They can't chase us forever.”

  “Whoa, what was that?” Jodi said as an earsplitting roar came from something streaking past them.

  “Fighters! They’ve gotten the military after us?” Sheldon yelled over the sound of the jets.

  “That’s not our military. Look at the markings.” Ernie said pointing at one of the two fighters as they turned for another pass.

  “Holy cow, those are Kan-ji… in our air space. And nothing is being done about it?” Everyone but Dolores stared at Fitzsimmons.

  “I think it's time we abandon our current course of action.” Dolores said as she banked to the right looking for a place to land. The fighters turned in their direction.

  “Over there!” Jodi pointed to a football field behind a high school. Dolores turned and accelerated. Luckily for them, her quick turn caused a couple of rockets to just miss them… they would have been nothing but a fireball if she had stayed her course. The wayward missiles continued on, taking out a billboard.

  “As soon as we land, we need to make a run for it, and fast.” Dolores said bringing the car down on the edge of the field.

  Ernie had already rolled the down the tailgate window and jumped out the back while Sheldon, Fitzsimmons, Jodi and Dolores all leapt out their doors running for the subdivision behind them. Unfortunately for Dolores, Fitzsimmons was not only a buzz-kill bureaucrat but also a klutz and he stumbled out of the car. Dolores didn’t see him as she ran around his open door and tripped over him, hitting the ground hard. He got up and ran away leaving her lying there, stunned.

  It was Jodi who looked back to see her friend on the ground. Without hesitation, she turned and ran back. Dropping to her knees to help her up, she saw Dolores staring upwards past her shoulder while mouthing a soundless ‘no’. Jodi looked back in time to see the two alien fighters release their missiles; their vapor trails drawing a line straight towards them. Dolores grabbed hold of Jodi in a feeble attempt to get up… but they ended up just holding on to each other… waiting for the inevitable; saying a prayer as the missiles exploded.

  “Are you OK?” Jodi looked down at Dolores who was just opening her eyes. Dolores pointed up and smiled. She turned. Hovering above were 2 unmarked shimmering silver fighters hovering tail to tail; noses pointing outward. Further up, she could see the alien fighters being chased by two more unmarked silver fighters.

  Two black boxy shaped vehicles landed on either side of the parked Plymouth as Jodi was helping Dolores up. Their doors opened and Clay and Alec leapt out running to grab hold of their wives, embracing them while the rest of the car’s runaway occupants returned.

  “Is everyone OK?” Joshua asked, assessing the situation.

  “Yes.” Dolores whispered somewhat dumbfounded. “What happened? We were about to be blown to bits.”

  “You realize that we heard everything you said over your radios. We listened to your rescue. When it became apparent that the agency no longer cared about keeping themselves secret, we knew it was time for us to move.”

  “But you’re secret is out.” Jodi said seeing the two fighters return to take up residence next to the ones already hovering in their protective positions.

  “Whatever happens… happens.” Joshua replied.

  Jodi watched a semi-truck sized vehicle land in front of their car. A half a dozen uniformed men poured out the back guiding the Plymouth into its open storage bay.

  “Let's get out of here.” Joshua said and gave a hand signal to a tall woman in a blue uniform. Responding to his signal with a nod, she began barking orders into her headset generating a flurry of activity. The ground teams hustled back to the transports while the truck carrying the Plymouth rose, turned west and vanished.

  “I know you.” Sheldon said to Joshua, “Aren't you that crazy guy we met the day our companies were taken over?” Joshua just smiled as he shook Sheldon's hand.

  “Yes, that would be me, Joshua Wells. I'm pleased to meet you Mr. Moon.” Joshua said as they turned and walked together to the transport ships. Fitzsimmons followed with Ernie keeping an eye on him.

  Chapter 22 ~ Jessie to the Rescue


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