Alec's Dream

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Alec's Dream Page 57

by Dave Birchbauer

  * * * *

  “It's time we start moving.” Leland slowly got up from his bench, thankful for the lighter gravity. Sofie thought he looked like a pirate, wearing one of the guards’ outfits and covered in bandages. Phyllis and Jade had donned what was left of the other two guards’ cloths along with their swords. They left their guns alone being not quite sure what to make of them. Sofie remained armed with Jessie’s flashlight.

  “We need to move upwards toward the center axis... that's where we came from.” Leland said. Sofie remembered that when the shuttle craft dropped them off at a train station, there wasn’t any gravity. Jade explained it was because the centrifugal forces were much less near the center... something about dividing by the square of the radius. Anyway, she found out that the closer they got to the center of the spin, the less the force of gravity... or centrifugal force. That’s how they knew they were not too far from the center axle, and that’s where they needed to go. Looking at Leland she was glad of that, doubting he was in good enough shape for anything else.

  “Ready?” Phyllis said stepping to the main door, putting her ear to it. “Back!” she urgently whispered. It was the only exit to their cell block and all they could do was back away. Phyllis and Jade drew their swords as they watched the door handle turn. Leland put his good arm around Sofie and pulled her back to give Jade and Phyllis room to move.

  The door opened a few inches. A hand covered with black tattoos grabbed its edge. Phyllis gave a hand signal and Jade positioned herself behind the opening door. The top of a head peeked around the door.

  “Jessie!” Sofie yelled. “I’d know that head anywhere.” She ran forward and had her in a bear hug before she was all the way in. Jade quickly closed the door and joined in on the hug.

  “Shhh.” Phyllis peeked out the door then turned to join in on the hug. After a few minutes, Sofie sat down on a broken piece of rubble and put her head in her hands.

  “Sof? Are you OK?” Jessie looked down at her best friend, worried.

  “Now I'm OK.” Sofie said. She stood up giving her a hug again… crying.

  “Looks like you guys have everything under control.” Jessie examined the mess of twisted metal and broken stone.

  “How did you find us?” Sofie asked, looking at her curiously.

  “I overheard them talking when they took you away.” Jessie said.

  “So, how did you find us? Did you have a map?” Leland had sat on a broken bench, having been forgotten. He eyed her up. “Have you figured out how we can escape?”

  “I'll tell you about that later, but right now we need to get out of here. I've overheard some guards talking. They said they were waiting for a prisoner. I'm guessing they were talking about you.” Jessie went to the door and slowly opened it. She then signaled them to follow her before disappearing behind it. It led to another room. Sofie guessed its occupants were now dead in the cell block.

  “Shhh.” Jessie put her finger to her lips. She slipped to the other side of the desk and cracked open a door behind it.

  Sofie examined the room. A curved desk faced a matching curved wall with eight doors on it; they all looked alike and she couldn’t tell which one they came out of.

  “There’s a room about fifty feet down the hall on the right. We need to go there.” Jessie told them. “I'll go first.”

  Sofie stared at the door as it closed behind Jessie noticing there was a definite change in her demeanor. Phyllis put her ear to the door, counting under her breath. “Leland, can you make the run?” Phyllis gave him a worried look. He was pale, but he nodded and gave an encouraging smile. Phyllis listened at the door again. This time she cautiously cracked it open sticking her head out, then opening it all the way she stepped back to let him out. She closed the door behind him and placed her ear against it again.

  “We'll all go this time.” Phyllis turned to the rest of them. Sofie saw her concern for Leland.

  Phyllis listened at the door again then sharply signaled everyone back as she stepped away with her sword drawn. They stood in silence as the sound of footfalls neared. Sofie pulled out Jessie’s flashlight. As the Kan-ji’s sing-songy voices grew louder Jade reached for her sword. The footsteps faded.

  Phyllis placed her ear against the door again. After a minute, she opened it and signaled them to follow.

  By the time Sofie stepped into the corridor, Phyllis was already standing next to the door down the hallway Jessie had described. Sofie waited for Jade to close the door. Then turning to Phyllis, a chill ran through her as she saw Phyllis staring behind her. Afraid to look back, all she could do was keep staring down the hallway behind Phyllis. The corridor reminded her of Eugene’s work. Ornamental iron works, carved wood and stonework lined the walls and ceilings… creepy. The hairs on the back of her neck tingled and she backed against the far wall, still staring in Phyllis’s direction. Jade backed up to the door she just closed; both of them afraid to look behind. Sofie finally worked up the courage… and was surprised to see three odd looking creatures standing fifteen feet away. They stood looking at them curiously… with their large protruding yellow eyes. Even hunched over, their lumpy heads almost touched the ceiling. To Sofie, they seemed gentle, almost friendly as her fear drained. Without making a sound, the creature closest to them stepped forward. He smiled... it was hard to tell with its lumpy, malformed face... and made a gesture holding up his large three fingered hand pointing to the door near Phyllis. Taking the hint, Sofie and Jade cautiously made their way toward her. Jade pushed Sofie ahead, putting herself between Sofie and the strange creatures. As they reached the door, Phyllis pulled it open and pushed Sofie and Jade in before her.

  Sofie was so relieved to get out of the hallway that she took a half a dozen steps into the room before noticing the trouble she just walked into. Her first indication that something was amiss was Leland laying face first on the floor. The other indication was Jessie standing with her hands tied behind her, facing a red robed Kan-ji with a yellow toothed smile looking at Jessie like she was his next meal.

  Sofie slowly looked around the room. It was unexpectedly large, like a small church. Pews faced a strange looking stone altar at the room’s back. Suspended above the altar was a black cone-like device with fluorescent stars, moons, planets and angels carved into it. She thought it looked a little like Merlin’s hat.

  The door slammed shut behind her, making her jump. She looked back to see two more crimson robed Kan-ji with their swords drawn. Phyllis and Jade raised their hands and slowly walked over to stand at her side.

  One of the priests gestured at her with his sword… she also raised her hands. A Kan-ji voice behind her made her look back to see the yellow toothed Kan-ji making to grab Jessie by her arms. To Sofie’s surprise, Jessie spoke back to him in the Kan-ji language. Sofie wasn’t the only one surprised, as Yellow Tooth stopped his advance. Jessie, taking advantage of his hesitation, kicked him right beneath his robes. He dropped to his knees and as he lowered his head in pain; his face was met by Jessie's knee with a loud bone cracking thud. Sofie didn't know if it came from Jessie's knee or the Kan-ji's face. His head snapped back and he crumpled to the floor.

  “Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow” Jessie cried as she hopped about on one foot.

  Her episode with Yellow Tooth distracted their guards and Sofie sensed more than saw Phyllis and Jade draw their swords. Two sword fights ensued. Jade and Phyllis, dressed like pirates, fighting evil looking red robed priests, twice their size.

  Sofie backed out of their way to stand next to Jessie.

  “Untie my hands.” Jessie said hastily.

  “What should we do now?” Sofie asked as she struggled with the rope. “there!” she added as the rope dropped to the floor.

  “No! Not that!” Sofie reached for Jessie as she saw her pull a flashlight from her pocket. “That’ll kill everyone.” They looked at each other helplessly as the sword fight continued. Phyllis and Jade were holding their own but it soon became apparent they were out-matc
hed… when the door flew open and a brightly dressed Kan-ji soldier joined the fray. Sofie and Jessie could only watch as the new Kan-ji weaved in and out of the battles. Phyllis spun sideways, hitting the floor. Before she could get up, Jade landed next to her, leaving the newcomer battling the two priests alone.

  “Eugene!” Sofie yelled recognizing the newly arrived pirate.

  “Hi Sofie.” He responded as one of the priests folded. A quick flick of his sword and the other one dropped.

  “Hello Jessie.” He said putting his sword away, then raising his hand, he turned and ran out the door before they could say anything else.

  “Leland!” Sofie cried seeing Phyllis leaning over a semi-conscious Leland. Jade helped her turn him over.

  “Eeyou.“ Jessie squeaked seeing his arm. Jade and Phyllis paled, Sofie had to turn away. This time his arm wasn’t simply broken, it was smashed and bleeding. It twisted under him when he was knocked to the floor. The broken bone, broke again, and now poked from his skin.

  “You need a doctor.” Phyllis said to Leland's pale and sweat soaked face.

  “Do the best you can Phyllis, I trust you.” He said through gritted broken teeth. His voice was hoarse and shaking. Without warning Phyllis gave his arm a pull. The crackling of bones setting back in place made Sofie’s knees weak. Leland’s eyes rolled up in his head while Jade supported it from hitting the floor.

  Jessie limped to the stone altar and sat down while Sofie started ripping up robes for bandages.

  “Thanks Phyll, I knew you could do it.” Leland said groggily, his arm now bandaged. Jade rolled up some of the robes for a pillow, and covered him with the rest.

  “We need to get him to a doctor.” Phyllis said as Leland’s eyes closed. “He’s lost a lot of blood and the tendons and muscle in his arm are pretty torn up. He’s going to need a lot of surgery… and by the pieces of teeth on the floor, he’s going to need quite a bit of dental work.”

  Sofie noticed Jessie sitting on the altar holding her knee. “Jade!” She said grabbing Jade’s arm as she remembered the cracking noise of her knee hitting the yellow toothed priest in the mouth.

  Jessie’s knee was purple and swollen. “It should be alright, it might be a little sore until the swelling goes down. You didn't have to knee him in the face you know.” Jade said examining it.

  “Yes, I did.” Jessie responded flatly, a grim smile formed on her face. “And it was worth it.” She gingerly flexed her knee.

  “So Jessie, what was this all about?” Phyllis stood in front of them surveying the three dead and unconscious Kanji.

  “I think they're like priests, I was captured by these guys and I didn't want to go through another one of their sermons.” Jessie replied sarcastically. “I didn't expect them to be here. This is the only room in this section with access to the maintenance shafts.” She slid off the stone and limped over to the side wall. Kneeling on her good knee, she slid aside one of the decorative panels lining the wall.

  “How do you know this?” Sofie asked walking over to her.

  Jessie gave her a self-conscious smile and reached inside. After a few moments the stone altar slid away from the back wall exposing a small entrance to a maintenance corridor.

  “Young lady, you’ve got some explaining to do.” Phyllis said with her hands on her hips, looking back and forth from Jessie to the opening.

  Before Jessie could explain, Eugene returned holding the door open for three of the bulbous creatures. Sofie wasn’t sure if they were the same ones she met in the hall. Jade and Phyllis drew their swords.

  “No, no.” Eugene held his hands up to them. “They’re good. I’ve brought them here to help clean up.”

  They cautiously put their swords away as Eugene turned and spoke to them in a complicated language of clicks, words and grunts. The creatures slowly bowed and went to work. One picked up the two bloodied priests like they were small sacks of flour and left. The remaining two went to work cleaning the floor.

  “Where did you come from?” Sofie asked Eugene, giving him a hug.

  “I’m here to look for you.” He responded as Jessie joined in on Sofie’s hug.

  “But, how? How did you get here?” Jessie asked… then a look of understanding came over her. “Oh. You’re Kan-ji.”

  “Yes, but not all Kan-ji are the same” Eugene started to explain.

  “You’re sure not the same Eugene we knew at GraviTych. For one thing, you’ve lost your accent.” Jade cut in. Eugene smiled and gave her a small nod.

  “You’ve been there to protect them all along.” Leland said from his spot on the floor. He had been conscious and listening to the conversation for a while.

  Phyllis sat on the altar-stone with a look of exasperation. Sofie and Jessie took a few steps back, reassessing him.

  Eugene looked at Leland. “Yes. I’ve been assigned to keep them safe.” Then looking at the girls he added. “I’ve enjoyed this assignment. Not often do I get to make such good friends.”

  “Who?” Phyllis asked. “You said you were assigned to protect them. Who assigned you? And who were you protecting them from?”

  “It is difficult to explain.” Eugene answered… he obviously had no intention of explaining.

  Jessie interrupted. “You mean that black hole in the closet and…” she faded off.

  “You thought it was Eugene!” Sofie admonished her.

  “There were many traps set for you. Some I missed.” Eugene said.

  “Traps? Why not just kidnap us? Why set traps?” Sofie questioned.

  “It wasn’t just about assimilating your anti-gravity technology; it was about using the knowledge of your technology to gain power.” Eugene answered.

  “Uh?” Jessie looked confused.

  Eugene smiled at her. “For Kan-ji, knowledge is power. Misinformation can weaken.”

  “I don’t get it.” Jade said.

  “When a commander has information his underlings do not, that is power. When the commander thinks the underlings have knowledge they are keeping from him. That causes mistrust. Mistrust will weaken the commander.” Eugene tried explaining.

  “So what does that have to do with traps?” Jessie asked.

  “The carefully planned traps provided glimpses of anti-gravity technology to the Kan-ji commander… and to Loomius.” Eugene answered. “That generated mistrust which weakened the commander. Olivia is now in command.”

  “Olivia?” Sofie and Jessie said in unison.

  “Yes, Olivia has taken command of this ship. She was the one that planned the interception of you. I learned of your stowing away too late. I could not stop you... she had already convinced your parents.” Eugene said.

  “So she got what she wanted, she’s in command. Why not let us go?” Sofie asked.

  “Your technology will make her more powerful. She will search the ship until she finds you.” he said to Jessie. “She will use you to get your parents.”

  “What if she doesn’t get us?” Jessie asked.

  “Then she will make sure no one else gets it.” Eugene answered as one of the large creatures tapped him on his shoulder. Eugene spoke with him… or her. Then he… or she, turned and picked up the unconscious yellow toothed Kan-ji and left. The remaining creature bowed to them before closing the door behind him… or her.

  “Who… or what are those?” Sofie asked.

  Jessie answered. “It’s really strange; I don’t have any memory of them. I feel that I should, but I don’t. It’s almost as though something is missing… no… not missing, but wrong.” she said more to herself.

  Sofie looked at her. Jessie looked up, embarrassed, realizing her question was meant for Eugene.

  “Memories?” Phyllis asked. “What memories?”

  Voices in the hall kept her from answering as Eugene stepped to the door with his sword drawn. The voices faded. Eugene looked curiously at Jessie then at the opening behind the altar-stone. “Very few know about these passageways. It seems you have
learned much about our ship.”

  “I… well, I do. I’m not sure how… well, I know how... but not how.” Jessie stammered.

  “Do you know where to go?” Eugene asked glancing back from the door looking worried.

  “Yea, I have the ALEC’S DREAM parked in one of the maintenance bays on the far wall of the center ship section. I’m planning on escaping through one of the portals in the rear section.”

  Eugene gave her a surprised look. “You feel you can do that?”

  “Sure... I think.” Jessie answered.

  “Can you get back by yourself?” Eugene asked as footfalls in the hallway made him look back at the door.

  “Yes…” She started then looked at Leland. “Well, if Leland can make it to the central shaft. There’s no gravity there, but getting there might be kind of hard.”

  Leland tried getting up as Phyllis and Jade rushed over to help him. “Don’t worry about me.” He pushed his helpers away to stand by himself.

  Eugene looked at him and nodded. “You need to go. I must stay. They will have all their forces searching the ship for you. You’ll never make it through the axis, unless I can distract them... make them think you’re somewhere else. Sofie, can I have your backpack?”

  “Ah, sure.” Sofie said taking it off.

  “Thanks, I can use this to buy you a little time.” Turning to Jessie he added. “I’ve always thought there was something special about you. My job was to protect you, but now you don’t seem to need it. If I can, I will try to meet up with you. If not, may God be with you.”

  Jessie looked surprised at his mention of God. “God? Isn’t your god Loomius?”

  Anger flashed across his face. “NO! He is no god.”

  His response shocked Sofie. Loomius? What was Jessie talking about? She saw Jessie studying Eugene as though she was analyzing him. That wasn’t the Jessie she knew. What a horrible ship they were in… that it would make Jessie grow up so fast as she wondered how much she herself had changed.

  “You must go now.” Eugene said.

  Giving him a hug Jessie turned back toward the opening. Sofie looked him in the eyes. “I miss your accent.”

  Eugene smiled and squeezed her hand. ”I see you again, meees Sofie.” She felt tears forming and ran after Jessie. Jade and Phyllis followed with Leland supported between them.

  Once safely inside the passage, the altar-stone slid back, covering up the opening behind them.

  Chapter 27 ~ The Doctor


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