Clara and Claire

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Clara and Claire Page 13

by Lindsey Richardson

  The doors creaked open, and Alec ushered us inside. I did not wish to push aside what Declan revealed, but I held no control over the situation. Once I returned to Rajoor any hopes of us being something more would vanish. Ezra smiled upon my entrance, and I immediately averted my eyes and focused on Jhase.

  “Clara,” Jhase said, standing up and facing me. “The Council has decided you will stay in Claire’s place. Our search will begin immediately, but our findings will not leave this room. I will assign tasks to individuals after breakfast. Everything outside this room continues as normal. Nothing changes.”

  He gestured for everyone to stand up, and one by one they exited the room. I remained last, following behind Declan. Chatter erupted amongst the group, though conversations focused solely on breakfast. I hoped with our stomachs filled we would be able to accomplish more.

  As the others descended the staircase I stopped and glanced at the room across from where I stood. It was the first to the right of the hallway, and one I had passed by numerous times. Something seemed to draw me toward it, and not knowing whom it belonged to, I decided to take a closer look. I waited patiently for the others to be out of sight before approaching the door.

  The door opened easily, but the room inside was dark. Only a thin beam of sunlight lit up the room enough for me to see numerous cribs. Cribs lined the four walls while the center remained empty for someone to move around. I advanced further into the room, astonished by the amount of cribs. Every single one was empty, and some carried dust along their wooden frames. It seemed in previous years Jhase had dreamed of a large family. I approached the one closest to me as it stood out the most. A white blanket hung over the side of the crib with the name “Claire.” Tears filled my eyes, but the floorboards creaked, and I quickly wiped my eyes.

  Turning around, I watched as Ezra stepped closer to me. He glanced down at the blanket and smiled. He said, “Jhase always told us his best memories remained in this room. It’s been years since anyone has walked in here...”

  My head dropped, and I whispered, “Declan tells me you were born in Rajoor like me.”

  He grunted, seemingly lost in thought, but I decided to push further. “Why didn’t you mention it? Rajoor is the only home I’ve ever known. All this time I believed no one understood where I came from...”

  As I glanced up he advanced to the crib where I found the blanket and stared down. With a sigh he responded, “Like you I have a... haunting past.”

  “And I bear bruises and scars from Isaak... the words make it more real, but it can no longer hurt you,” I replied cautiously. After accusing Ezra earlier, I accepted I might not deserve answers. Hopefully he realized the sincerity in my voice instead of thinking I wanted this solely to prove his innocence. In this moment his story mattered to me as much as my own did. How could I ever put my faith in someone who I only knew in the present?

  He leaned against the crib and placed his hands over his eyes. “Vague memories of Rajoor reside with me. My parents died fighting until their last breaths. I moved to Ninomay with my aunt and uncle. That’s when I met Claire, and my uncle enlisted me in school to be properly trained.”

  I moved in closer, trying to listen as he spoke softly. I bit down on my lip, wondering if there was more to his story. No one in Rajoor ever shared their hardships with me. If other children lived with an abusive parent, they never shared it with me. I feared worse was to come from Ezra, seeing as he had not struggled to share any of this information so far. The darkest parts caught you off guard and left you choking out the words.

  Clearing his throat, Ezra continued. “My aunt and uncle never resented the fact that I came from Rajoor. They seemed grateful to have me, as for years they had been unsuccessful in having a child of their own. When I wasn’t in school my uncle took me here for his Council meetings. Claire and I ran around the castle without a care in the. We owned the world —or at least for a time it seemed so.”

  “And then, like a miracle, my aunt finally had a child —a girl,” Ezra said. He stood up straight and walked past me, approaching the window. Though he blocked the sunlight, he touched the glass. I turned my head but remained where I stood, hoping I could hear him at a distance.

  “Naenia was her name, but everyone called her Nia. Technically she was my cousin, but to me she was like a sister. She would come here and play with Claire and I. We were the closest of friends, and for years it seemed like nothing could stop us. Into our teenage years Claire and Nia matured, becoming even more beautiful. Claire spent more time with suitors while Nia constantly spoke about traveling.”

  He glanced back at me, as if checking to see if I had stayed. I nodded, encouraging him to continue. I still held the blanket in my hand, though now the room’s energy shifted. Ezra stared back at me with pain filled eyes, and he walked toward another crib, wiping off the dust with his fingertip.

  “One night Nia stole my uncle’s key and traveled to Shadowland. The next time she was not so close to home. She traveled to a distant land inhibited by the last known seers. She learned about her future, but she refused to tell anyone the details. Uncle forbade her to go back, but nights later she told me about a man she met there. I begged her to stay with us...”

  His eyes lowered, and he exhaled a long sigh. I stepped closer to him and grabbed his arm, squeezing gently.

  “She didn’t listen, did she?” I asked in a whisper.

  He shook his head. “No. She stole the key again and never returned. Instead I received a letter several days later. She asked me to tell mother and father that she was dead. She had fallen in love with a seer. Marriage between mages and seers was unheard of. If mother and father knew it would be a great dishonor. I asked Claire for advice, and she told me love, true love, is rare and precious. One day she sought to change society’s beliefs, but for the time I should obey my sister. And so I did... I made a promise, one that broke my family’s heart. So much death in such short time...”

  “Ezra, where is your sister now?”

  He pushed my hand away and advanced to the door. “I should go... I’ve been here too long, and Jhase would be furious if he knew. See you at breakfast.”

  I opened my mouth to object, but he quickly rushed out into the hallway without another word. Perhaps my question had pushed him over the edge, but more remained to his story. No one mentioned Nia, and with the way he spoke about her, I knew the tragic truth. Somehow Nia passed, but finding out why and when would be for another time. It was left in Ezra’s hands now if he wanted to tell me the ending.

  Quietly I returned the blanket to the crib. Mother had rarely spoken about my birth, but I never thought to question it. This nursery contained the answers I needed. Though I belonged in the dining room, I could not resist picking up Claire’s blanket. I lifted it to my nose and sniffed, inhaling the smell of a cherry perfume.

  Though I tried to drop the blanket, my hands remained glued to it. My feet dragged across the floor, begging me to obey them. Without further resistance I gave in. I had read about strong enchantments like this that could lead a person to a specific area. It required strong magic; definitely not something any ordinary mage could do. Though I did not know where the blanket would lead me, I worried more about who enchanted it. Ezra claimed the nursery had been abandoned for years. The appearance of the room suggested the same, and I was helpless in this situation. I left the nursery and stepped into the hallway; no one appeared present. Enchantments could not be easily stopped, especially one like this where I fell victim to its abilities. Unless someone well experienced found me I had no choice but to be a puppet. This was Claire’s blanket, and I wanted to believe she was responsible for this. Perhaps she would give me the sign I had been waiting for.

  I approached the staircase and slowly descended. No sight of Ezra or anyone else offered me an escape. This was an adventure I accepted as my own, and the potential of its discovery could hold significance. The blanket tugged me further, feeling as though someone held my arms and pulled w
ith all their strength. I reached the first floor and opened the front doors, walking outside. Days ago this was everything I had dreamed of: escape. Now it sent me into full alert because although I lost control over my body my mind remained intact. Once again the castle proved that it held terrible secrets. Whether I was ready to find them or not I no longer held a say in that decision.

  Jogging outside of the mansion, I headed closer to the garden. I remembered the path from my private conversation with Jhase. Everything looked different in the sunlight, and the cloudless sky brought out the garden’s greatest features. Roses were in full bloom, and the bushes remained full with color. Though our world was known for roses, only the normal red kind grew on the islands. Their thorns could not harm us the way the white roses could. The bushes were set up in a maze, though they remained low enough to see the exit. I stepped carefully, trying not to get my dress caught in the thorns.

  My feet halted in front of a bush, causing me to fall flat on my face. I glanced around and listened, slowly brushing dirt away from my face and clothing. Raising my head over the bush, I noticed Lukas. He stood facing away from me, taking a bathroom break. I quickly shielded my eyes and waited until he was done to look again. I regained full control of my arms and legs. It appeared this was where the blanket wanted me to be taken. Might Claire be somewhere in or near this garden? Thinking back to the second letter, I shuddered at the idea of her being in the ground beneath me.

  Lukas turned around and caught glimpse of me. “This will be our little secret, eh?” He smirked as he adjusted his pants.

  I hid the blanket behind my back and stood up. He advanced toward me, and I recalled our first encounter at lunch. Though I knew little about him, it was safe to assume he also shared a connection with Claire.

  “Do you come here often?” The words left my lips quicker than I could stop them. Though the question seemed harmless, I did not know if Claire was familiar with Lukas’s whereabouts. If they usually saw each other in the morning this might be an alarming question. I contained a serious face while awaiting his answer in hopes that he would not see through me. Something in the garden held the key to Claire’s disappearance. I refused to treat this as a coincidence.

  Lukas chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. He flashed a bright smile. “Of course I do, sweetheart. Don’t tell me you already forgot about the mornings we spent together?”

  “I, umm... Think your father is looking for you,” I said with a straight face.

  “We should do this again soon,” he replied, winking. He walked past me, and I backed away to avoid making contact with him. I watched him leave and let out a sigh. Had Lukas revealed another relationship of Claire’s? It seemed odd she had been romantically involved with both Pavlou siblings. The question was something I would have to ask my allies later on to confirm. Lukas seemed the opposite of Declan, being tall, scrawny and covered in freckles. His charm offered a redeeming quality, but it would not distract me.

  Kneeling down, I searched the ground for clues. Lukas might not be what the blanket wanted me to find. Besides a few sticks and leaves I saw nothing of significance, but I scanned the top of the bushes. A piece of light blue fabric caught my eye. I stood up and picked it up, staring at it in my hands. This clue meant everything, though I could not be certain the fabric belonged to Claire yet. If we could confirm it as hers we had a place to start our search. She might have been in the garden the morning she went missing.

  I walked deeper into the garden, but I saw no more evidence. With the blanket in one hand and the fabric in another, I ran back to the front of the castle. This had to be Claire’s, and if this was a piece of her I gained an advantage. Both of these objects were directly connected to Claire. Even without someone else’s confirmation, I knew this had to be hers. This was not a coincidence; it was what the enchantment led me to. I had to find her like she had unknowingly helped me find myself.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Dangerous Hopes

  Everyone waited in the hallway for our meeting to reconvene. I slowed my pace as I approached the councilors, but Declan and Ezra noticed my haste almost instantly. They separated themselves from the others, and we joined together in a close-knit circle. I stood between Declan and Ezra still holding onto the blanket and fabric. No telling how soon Jhase would arrive, I had to show the men as much as I could in advance. Declan warned me to be careful with what I said to the Council. I could barely stand still at the thought of what this discovery meant.

  Whispering, I said, “I found this blanket in the nursery. It was enchanted and led me into the garden where I found... this.” I held up the fabric and the blanket, handing one of each to the men. While I waited for their response Gemma approached the doors and stood with the others. Her icy gaze reminded me we had not included her as much as we should. She had yet to pull her own weight in our group, especially when the men already proved their worth to me.

  Declan returned the fabric to me. “That definitely looks like one of Claire’s dresses. She loves the color blue.”

  “The blanket was enchanted? And by who? I’ve never seen anyone enter the nursery. Its existence isn’t commonly known,” Ezra responded, also returning the blanket. I shoved them both in the pockets of my cloak.

  “I want to show them to the Council. The garden holds significance. Claire might be closer to home than we realize. We should start our search there,” I said.

  Declan frowned. “Careful. Hope is a dangerous thing to have when you still have something to lose.”

  Ezra nudged my elbow and whispered, “We need Gemma on our side. She fought for you to stay while the others debated.”

  Voices filled the hall as more councilors arrived. I glanced past Declan and looked to Gemma, who remained preoccupied in other conversations. It remained unclear if piling up people around me would support my cause or be my downfall. Either way, if I wanted to keep my possibilities open I needed allies. Ezra and Declan trusted Gemma, and despite my relationship with her, I might need her too. A loyal person was not someone I could afford to lose. The Council was strong with numbers, and I needed to do the same.

  Sighing, I left the men and approached Gemma. Tapping her shoulder, she noticed me and backed away from the others. I said, "Can you help me with something?"

  Upon seeing her nod, I continued in a lower voice, "Were Claire and Lukas ever romantically involved?"

  She shook her head and laughed. "No, never. She wasn't his type, especially after her and Vanessa's breakup. Lukas prefers easier women than Claire."

  I processed this slowly and wondered what Lukas gained by lying to me. It seemed even Claire might have hidden secrets from her loved ones. Gemma's judgment of Lukas definitely did not seem like a person who would have approved of the relationship. However, Claire was a public figure, and with enough searching, I might be able to find someone who knew what happened behind closed doors. Declan had already caught onto Ezra and I, and Lukas did not seem like the type to hide his relationships, especially one his parents would approve of. His actions left me puzzled, but I could not pursue it any more until after our meeting.

  Jhase approached and opened the double doors, inviting everyone to step inside before him. I walked in last behind Gemma, debating how much to reveal to the Council. Assuming the mastermind behind Claire's disappearance was amongst us, I needed to be careful with what information I shared. Small questions like the one I asked about Lukas were harmless. There was so much to learn about Claire's life.

  Everyone took their place at the round table, and Declan and I returned to our seats in the back. Jhase advanced to the front of the table and gestured for me to join him. I had not shared any recent evidence with him. Thus far he seemed to trust me with making decisions based on my own judgment. Though it seemed like I had a lot to offer, I also needed to present everything correctly. Without saying a word Jhase motioned for me to start the meeting. I did not know how to start formally and instead jumped straight to the point.

p; “Since Claire's disappearance we have found new evidence. Two letters have been delivered to me, suggesting Claire had an enemy we were not aware of.”

  I looked to Ezra, and he slowly placed both letters in the center of the table. While the others read and analyzed the writing, I chose to not mention how I found the letters. It seemed irrelevant to our search, and I did not want Vanessa or Ezra assumed as suspects. As Declan warned me, I could not throw anyone's name out. This was a puzzle, and if I did not move the pieces carefully they would crumble.

  Once everyone seemed familiar with the letters, I placed the piece of blue fabric on the table. I carefully explained that it had been found in the garden by “accident.” With Elias and Bellona sitting at the table, I also neglected the fact that Lukas had been present prior to my discovery. Gasps and murmurs spread, but hopefully the facts in front of the councilors would further motivate them. The story behind the fabric was left incomplete, and I hoped Declan and Ezra respected my decision. I made choices on Claire's behalf, trying to think like she would if facing her greatest enemy.

  Jhase clapped his hands together. "Thank you, Clara. I want the search to commence immediately. The search teams are as followed: Alesia and Dorian, Alec and Gemma, Declan and Elias, and Bellona and Ezra. Clara and I cannot officially help in the physical searches, as

  While I agreed with his logic, it would not stop me from searching during my downtime. Now with the evidence lying in front of me, I realized how far I had come since my arrival. Jhase explained how the selected groups would search. Groups were only allowed to search during the early morning and late night. They would be the safest times where councilors were less likely to be seen. Watchers would also be placed on high alert for anything suspicious, though they would not know the full details of the situation. The less people who knew about Claire's disappearance, the better. Word of her missing would throw off our plans and send everyone into panic.


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