Treasured Secrets (The Coveted Saga #1)

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Treasured Secrets (The Coveted Saga #1) Page 5

by C.M. Owens

  Chapter 5

  Fantasy meets Reality

  What happens when the reality you knew was actually the fantasy all along?

  After driving around aimlessly for twenty minutes, I started feeling like someone was watching me, possibly following me. I looked in my rearview mirror and saw a blue car. I decided to test my theory and turned down a random road that was off to the side. The car pursued me - turning down the same road.

  "Calm down, Aria. It may just be a coincidence," I mumbled aloud.

  I looked around, frantically trying to devise a plan. I saw an old dirt road on the side. I slammed on my brakes and turned just as I got to it. I could feel my car fishtailing, but I quickly regained control.

  The blue car squealed when it braked as I had, and then it continued to follow me. I sped up, and my eyes darted from the road to the mirror in rapid repetition. I was familiar with dirt-road driving. That was all we had in Haluali - narrow dirt trails.

  The car tried keeping up with me, but I took a sharp turn to the right. When they tried to do the same, they cut the wheel wrong and the car flipped into the air. It rolled into the pasture beside the dirt road and landed it on its top.

  I gasped as I saw the chase ending in the mirror. I slowed down, watching carefully to see if they were alive or dead. As soon as I saw movement, I breathed out in relief.

  I wanted to check on them, or at the very least find out who was tailing me. I was too scared though. It made me flash back to the conversation Iris and I had shared. She seemed worried, even asked me if I had felt threatened. I didn't at the time. But now, I wondered if there was something I needed to know.

  Who would follow me and why?

  I sped back up, letting the blue car vanish from sight before I could identify my chasers. I was hoping the road wouldn't dead-end. It was a long, winding path that seemed to go on forever. There was a small cluster of trees not far away.

  "Some woods. Thank God," I said in relief.

  I definitely needed a sanctuary now. I couldn't go home while I was shaking and terrified. I would worry everyone.

  I parked way off the road so no one would see my car. I started walking, holding my sketchbook to my chest. I found a rock resting next to a small trickling creek. It seemed peaceful, and I definitely needed a calm retreat.

  Should I tell Iris about this?

  I decided it would be best to hide out in the covered area until I knew for certain the blue car people were gone.

  My feet crunched against the leaves that had fallen from the old, dry trees. I took a deep breath, still trying to calm my nerves. I wanted to try and sketch the small creek, which paled in comparison to the magnificent waterfall I had once sketched, but I couldn't find the will to do so. There was something else on my mind, so I started sketching the one thing that did inspire me.

  I was content for the moment in my accidental hideaway, but as I finished my sketch, I heard something. It started as a slight rattling of the leaves, but then it became more defined.

  I could hear something running - something that seemed to be moving unbelievably fast. It had to be an animal. Judging by the speed and incredibly loud crunching, it was a big animal.

  I couldn't help but think of how everyone cautioned people about all the poisonous and dangerous animals in the jungle surrounding Haluali. I had never once come across any fatal creature. Now, here I was in Massachusetts, and something large and fast was coming right toward me with such unbelievable acceleration that it seemed almost impossible. I hate irony.

  Even if I ran as fast as I could, I'd never get away, so I stayed still, praying it didn't sense or smell me.

  Finally, the mystery creature came into view. To my astonishment, it was a person that had been racing toward me with such unnatural velocity. A man with short blonde hair approached me slower than he had raced in.

  He was young, early twenties maybe, with an odd facial expression. Then I got sick at my stomach when I thought of the car that had chased me earlier. Maybe he was tied to them in some way - or he was one of them. I found my mind racing for answers as to why anyone would have such interest in me.

  I tried to think of any other reason he could be here with me right now unless he intended me harm, but nothing came to mind, so I went with playing dumb. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves before speaking.

  "Hello. Is this your land?" My voice cracked slightly and the lump in my throat began growing. I found it almost impossible to breathe when my chest suddenly felt like there was a heavy mass pressing down on it.

  He said nothing. He just looked at me so strangely, like he was confused and excited at the same time. His head was cocked to the side, and his mouth ever so slightly turned up in the corners, edging itself into a bone-chilling, ominous grin.

  His brow was furrowed, which scrunched the spot in the middle of his eyes. His eyes shifted from side to side, as if he was looking for someone or something. He just continued to move toward me slowly, while still scouring our surroundings in a cautious fashion.

  I stood up from the rock - shakily - and tucked my sketchbook in the back of my pants as I started moving backwards, ready to run. I could hear my voice crackle much worse this time while I spoke.

  "I'm sorry if I disturbed you. I was just looking for a quiet place to go. I'll just be leaving now." I turned around slowly, planning to sprint to my car.

  Perhaps I exaggerated his speed. It's not possible a man raced in here as quickly as I thought he had. With the large gap between us, I thought I had a chance to outrun him. But, as I got my body turned around, I released a bloodcurdling scream.

  He was suddenly in front of me. As quickly as I had turned around, he had gone from a few hundred feet behind me to being directly in front of me.


  He had a thick lock of my dark hair clasped between his index finger and thumb, rubbing the hair between his fingers. His stench was horrific. I'd never smelled something so foul. It reminded me of the way the man at the coffee shop smelled, but ever so much worse. His eyes glared at me as he raised his other hand to my face, gingerly touching my lips.

  "Why would you leave, when I only just got here?" His voice was so eerie. He was so lanky and pale.

  I was frozen in horror as his black eyes stared into mine. He lowered his nose to my lips and sniffed me.

  "Aahhh," he said through an exhaled breath of elation.

  He acted like he was getting high... on me. His hands moved to be forcefully holding the sides of my cheeks. As fear consumed me, my tears spilled free, ravaging my cheeks with a merciless flow.

  His eerie voice spoke in a terrifyingly calm tone. "Don't worry, little witch. This will be over quickly. I promise." He licked his lips as he moved in a step, bringing his mouth closer to mine. "You smell strong. You must have a powerful bloodline. You smell stronger than anyone I've ever had. Mmm. This will be so good."

  He glared at me so excitedly as more tears flooded my face. "You'll give me just what I've been needing."

  In that next second, I felt my body getting weaker. I felt like the life was literally being sucked out of me. His mouth was close, almost touching mine, but not quite. I looked up at the tops of the trees, focusing all my attention on them as they swayed in the wind, oblivious to the depravity going on below. I didn't want the last thing I ever saw to be this monster draining the life from me.

  I couldn't believe I was really going to die, and I didn't even know what he was doing. I grew up in one of the most dangerous places in the world, and I was going to die in one of the safest. The irony of it all made it even more tragic.

  Just when I accepted the fact my fate was sealed, I heard something. It was fast, large, and charging toward us. The only thing I could think of was that this guy, or this thing, had a partner who was going to join him in this… whatever it was killing me.

  A gust of wind flew by my head and I fell to th
e ground. I coughed hard and then gasped in a breath of air while grabbing my throat. I felt my strength coming back quickly, even though I still felt more brittle than I ever had before. At least I didn't feel like I was dying anymore.

  I glanced up to see the lanky blonde man looking around, as if he wondered like I did, what just happened. He spun in circles while screaming into the treetops.

  "Where are you?! Show yourself! Fight like a real eternal!"


  I had no idea who he was talking to. I never saw anyone. I tried to stand to my feet to run away, but the lanky man turned his attention back to me. Keeping his dark eyes on me, he yelled back into the woods to the mystery presence.

  "If you want her for yourself, you'll have to fight me for her! I won't give her up that easily!"

  He was back in front of me in a blink again. He grabbed me by my throat and lifted me back to his mouth. I was fighting uselessly, trying ineffectively to pry his hand from my collapsing airway.

  Then my same savior whooshed past me again. And just like before, I landed on the ground. I looked around again, but nothing. The lanky man threw off his long jacket.

  "Come on! Come on! I can't smell you, but I know you're there! You can't be a witch or a changer, so you must be a bodyguard. You can't possibly defeat me. Run away or show your face, coward!"

  What the hell is he talking about?

  Every time I thought it couldn't get any crazier... it got crazier.

  His yells could have been heard for miles, if there had been anyone else around to hear it. Then I saw a flash. From tree to tree, there was just a blur. Then suddenly, before the lanky man could reach me again, there was a body standing between us.

  Every breath I tried to take evaded my grasp when I saw who it was. I recognized the body that stood in front of me, saving me. I'd spent weeks memorizing it from the back. It was Tallis.

  He quickly turned to me and pointed behind me while speaking in a forceful, slightly panicked tone. "Get back, Aria!" Then he turned back around as the lanky man charged him.

  They began to fight. Well... I think. It was all happening so fast, so it was hard to see. Trees cracked, leaves crunched, and grunts released as the blur of motion went on to further traumatize my widened eyes. I didn't know if I should run or hide, but like the petrified fool I was, I stayed there, staring open-mouthed at the mess of impossibilities.

  In less than a blink, Tallis was behind the man, grabbing his arm and throwing him into a tree at least a hundred feet away. Unbidden, a gasp slipped through my lips, and I covered my mouth before it made any other unsanctioned sounds to draw attention my way.

  The man stood up and charged Tallis. They were face to face again within seconds. The man grabbed Tallis by the neck and slammed his head into the rock where I had been sitting earlier. A muffled squeak fell out of my covered mouth, but the man was too busy to acknowledge me.


  The rock shattered, shocking the crap out of me. Tallis was unscathed.

  How is that possible?

  He retaliated by breaking the man's hands and kicking him in the chest simultaneously. It seemed like sparks flew as he connected his foot with the man's chest. Amazingly, it threw the man backwards at least sixty feet.

  The man shook his hands and the bones cracked as they reconnected. It wasn't natural, and I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed. Sickness now joined my fearful adrenaline rush.

  Tallis couldn't fight this monster. There was no way.

  Then the man stared at Tallis and smiled as he reached to the sky, as if he were trying to grab something. Suddenly, fire blazed from his hands.

  I gasped loudly, scrambling backwards instantly and tripping over a stone. I thudded against the ground, but I crawled backwards until a tree halted my retreat.

  My eyes couldn't possibly get any wider. This couldn't be real.

  A blazer... like Iris's story.

  Tales of magic and mayhem struck me with realization, making me almost convulse. He was trying to steal my essence - that was what he was drawing out of me. That meant I was a… but this couldn't possibly be… None of this was making any sense, and a single coherent thought refused to process.

  There was no way that all of that could be real. I had to be dreaming, or having a nightmare, rather.

  "Wake up, Aria!" I said frantically to myself, half-crying, half-laughing through hysteria. But it wasn't working, it was all still happening. There's no way-

  My thoughts were interrupted as the man sent fire blazing right at Tallis. Tallis jumped, spiraling through the air, landing on his feet behind the man. The man turned around swiftly, but Tallis kicked him again, sending him sailing.

  He landed next to me this time. The man jumped up and grabbed me with one arm around my neck and one hand pointed to my head like a weapon.

  "I'll kill her now and neither of us can have her. If you want to share with me, I'll let you go first. Otherwise, neither of us get her."

  Then the man stared at Tallis for a moment and gasped slightly. "You're a light eternal. You plan to save her! It'll never happen. If you're a guard, you shouldn't have a light. Why can't I smell your essence if you're a-" He didn't finish his sentence, which only added to my mounds of confusion.

  He was breathing heavily, more than likely out of breath after that epic battle. More tears streamed from my eyes as the overwhelming amount of panic flooded me mercilessly.

  Tallis smiled as if he knew something I didn't. Then he winked at me as he threw his right hand forward. The man's hand that had been beside my head was now gone.

  Ashes fell from his arm where his hand should have been. The man screamed in pain and stared in shock. He dropped me and turned to run. Tallis jumped over to me in one gallant bound. Then he threw both of his arms forward with his hands pointed upward and his fingers spread apart. I watched as the man turned to solid ash, and a loud boom erupted through the forest. The man was no more. Not even a speck of dust remained.

  My heart was still racing, refusing to find a slower rhythm.

  Tallis turned to look at me. His eyes were riddled with panic and sincere concern as he gauged trembling hands. He knelt down and scooped me up in his arms. I whimpered involuntarily, terrified of what else might be out there.

  He started walking, carrying me effortlessly. He looked down with his still sad eyes.

  "Are you okay?" he asked softly, treating me like a frightened rabbit caught in a trap.

  I cleared my throat nervously. Despite everything I just witnessed, I wasn't even the least bit afraid of him. Although I was so ridiculously confused.

  "I th... think so." My voice went out for a moment, making it impossible say any more.

  His eyes now looked even more concerned. "Are you sure? I wasn't sure how long he had you."

  I could hear the uncertainty and shakiness in my tone. "Yeah… Wh…what…what-" I couldn't finish my question. I'm sure a grave sense of shock played a part in that.

  "I know this is going to seem crazy, probably more than crazy, but it was a follower from the Dramus circle. It's actually the Graven circle now. Your grandmother told you most of the story, or at least the story she knows. It's overwhelming, I know, but you have to grasp this as reality right now. I have to get you to my place and make sure he didn't do more damage than we realize."

  Grasp this as reality? Are you kidding?

  I couldn't possibly grasp the bedtime story Iris told me as reality, even though I saw it for myself. It all seemed too psychotic to be real. It had to be a dream. I felt like I was insane for even considering such a possibility.

  I was still trying to make sense of the irrational situation.

  "So you're a… I mean... you can… And that guy was a… that means that I'm a-"

  He just smiled encouragingly at my stammering attempt. "Welcome to the real world, Aria. I just need you to try to understand and trust me ri
ght now. I know it's a lot to digest, but we have to get out of here."


  Okay? I didn't know why I said that. It just came out. Absolutely nothing was okay, other than him holding me. Despite all logic, I felt safe in his arms - protected. He'd just battled some fire wielding demon to save me.

  I had one arm wrapped around his neck and my other was flat against his chest. His heart was beating fast, too.

  Well duh, he was just in a massive fight with a blazer.

  Oh my gosh… this was real. I started crying, overwhelmed by the complete absurdity of it all when it crashed down on me.

  "It's okay. I promise. It's all a little much at first, but it gets better. You'll like my sister. She'll be able to help the overwhelming emotions you're experiencing. My mom can help you understand things better. Just be prepared for Desmond, my brother... He's going to be intense at first. He's harmless though. My dad may surprise you a bit, considering what you have been told."

  It sounded like he was talking gibberish, though I'm almost sure it was English.

  His voice was so sincere and calm. Regardless of everything that had just happened, he was calm.

  I didn't have the strength to speak anymore. I just nodded in acceptance of what he said, and the next thing I knew, he was putting me in the passenger seat of my car.

  I had never noticed before, but that same symbol I'd seen all over the house was imbedded on the headrests of my seats, as well as the dashboard, and even the floor mats - the crescent moon inside the eye.

  How have I missed these? Great. I was just attacked by something that shouldn't exist, saved by a guy from school with exploding hands, and my concern was symbols etched in my car. Perfect. I've lost my mind.

  As soon as he shut my door, it seemed like he was opening the driver's door. I couldn't process all of this right now. It was too much too quick, but I knew I had to. Someone or some... thing just tried to kill me. If it hadn't been for Tallis, the monster would have succeeded in his quest.

  The music played dully in the background as he drove away from the dirt road. I had to ask him something. I had to know how he knew - about me in trouble and who I was, when I didn't even know.

  I could hear my voice still weak and shaky as I overloaded him with my incessant list of questions. "How did you know where I was? How did you know he was killing me? Who are you really? Who am I? What are we exactly?"

  He smiled compassionately, but never took his eyes off the road as he responded with his voice still calm. It was like it was nothing out of the ordinary for him.

  "I was worried about you driving while being so upset, so I followed you. I kept a good distance, tracking the slight scent you were leaving behind. It’s not hard to follow. You have a strong essence. That's why he wanted you so badly. McKee and Taryn were a little less obvious. I have to admit, I was impressed by your dirt road driving skills. The way you shook them off your tail was-"

  I interrupted him with panic in my voice as I sat straight up. "That was Taryn and McKee? Oh my gosh! I have to go see how badly they're hurt! I didn't know they-"

  "Whoa, relax. They're fine. They never saw me either. I was on foot. They aren't hurt at all. There's a lot you don't know about them. I know he's your lover boy and all, but he walked away without a scratch. I promise. No need to panic, Aria."

  I sighed in exasperation over his comment. "He's not my lover boy. I just met him and his sister the first day of school. They're friends of my grandparents." I paused briefly. "How could they possibly be okay? That car rolled off the road and looked like it lost a fight with a compactor."

  His head bobbed once with a bit of a laugh, surprising me. Then he smirked, still not taking his eyes off the road. "They're invincibles, or bodyguards, whatever you want to call them." He seemed to be enjoying all of this.

  He spoke like I was supposed to know exactly he was talking about. I knew the confusion in my voice was unmistakable. "What is an invincible?"

  "Your grandmother doesn’t go into a whole lot of detail on them during her story, but an invincible - or bodyguard - is a being that is nearly indestructible. They're immune to many witch powers, and they're sheer brute force. They have a talent for hiding a witch's essence from the wrong person, too.

  "That's why they were following you. Your essence is so strong though, so they weren't doing such a good job. I am, however, a better tracker than most. I'm sure Iris told them not to take their eyes off you. They're probably going to be in big trouble when she finds out one of the dark followers attacked you."

  He snickered at that last part, enjoying the fact McKee screwed up. Then his face turned more worried. It was as if he just realized how close I came to dying. Then he didn't find that so funny. His lips pursed with extreme distress.

  I broke his concentration as my voice rang out in panic yet again. "First of all, Iris can't find out! Secondly, who is Graven?" I was so lost.

  "Oh, Iris has to find out. Otherwise, the next time may be far worse. I killed that guy back there so no one would find out about you, but your essence is so strong when completely unguarded, that he probably smelled it thirty miles away the second you stepped out of your car.

  "Who knows who else caught a whiff without a bodyguard around to hide you. I'm surprised McKee and Taryn didn't track you down after the wreck. Iris needs to be on the lookout. When you shook your tails – meaning McKee and Taryn - you shook your protection. They were so preoccupied tumbling that they lost their grip, and your essence most likely attracted a lot of unwanted admirers."

  He talked about killing that guy as if it was an everyday occurrence. I still hadn't even tried to reconcile that part of the day in my mind yet. I was going to need more therapy than I'd ever be able to afford.

  "So... can you disguise my scent?" I was starting to worry about being sniffed out again, which was evident in my tone.

  He laughed, finding humor in my question for no real good reason. "No, I'm not a bodyguard, although I can slightly mask your essence when I'm close enough. I'm sort of just like you, but with a bit of a twist. You'll see."

  Then I thought of how he reacted to me at the coffee shop. The man who smelled almost the same as this man... he was one of them. Tallis had thrown himself almost on top of me.

  "Is that why you did that at the coffee shop? You already knew who I was, or what I am? What am I again?"

  He smirked slightly as he replied. "Yes, that's why I did that at the coffee shop. If I'm close enough to you, I can mask your scent to a certain degree. I knew you were a witch, I just didn't realize that you were a Bradbury. Someone has been masking your blood smell as well. It's mixed with Weislen blood, so that dilutes the smell slightly. They've most likely masked your blood with a symbolta potion though."

  "A symbolta potion?" I turned my nose up slightly.

  He laughed... again. Glad I'm a one-girl comedy act.

  "It's a tasteless liquid they most likely poured into your drink once a day. I use the same thing to mask my blood. The crest is liquefied and… well, it gets complicated."


  I squinted slightly, regarding him curiously. "Why would you need to mask your blood?"

  He smiled. "You aren't the only one with strong family connections. Sometimes, it's better to be safe than sorry. You have to try to smell blood. It takes concentration. I, however, don't like to leave things to chance, especially with so many of your coven around. If I had known you were a Bradbury, then I would've been a little more careful and not taken you to the coffee house. I would've just brought you to my house instead. I promise I didn't mean to put you in danger."

  I shrugged slightly at his comment. "What does it a matter if I'm a Bradbury? How did you know I was… um... that?"

  I couldn't bring myself to say witch. It almost seemed silly to use such a word.

  "They kept you masked well at school, but I could tell
you had magic coursing through your veins. I'm a little different than most in the magical world. Not too many can do as I do.

  "Everett is part of the magical community as well. Most likely a bodyguard, given his behavior and stature. The way he concentrated in the coffee shop gave him away. He was working hard to cover your scent completely. I knew I couldn't have masked you that well. That guy was far too close not to smell you without a strong guard nearby."

  I ignored the last part. It was all becoming too overwhelming for me to digest. I went back to the part where people could smell me from thirty miles away. "What if they find us right now? What if they're following us?"

  "Not likely. Those are protective marks." He pointed to the symbols that had piqued my curiosity since I'd gotten to the Bradbury Manor. "That's your family's crest. Anyone considered a part of the Bradbury coven is protected by it. It won't completely cover your scent once you've evolved - or inherited your powers, rather - but for now, it'll keep you safe. Only a slight bit of your essence escapes, however, I haven't sensed anyone close enough to track you, though your scent is still all over the woods.

  "The crest only works in small places like this one, your house, and your yard. The ownership of something pushes the link to be stronger, and you can't own too much of a vast area or it weakens the crest. You can own a lot and crest a lot, however, it has to be in smaller clusters, as opposed to one massive area. It's the only safe way to do things."

  I felt like I just flunked a class in school. It was too much.

  Then he smiled really big for no obvious reason.

  "By the way, Aria, you dropped this during the attack earlier. I picked it up for you while I was saving you…yet again." His shirt slid up slightly as he pulled something from the waist of his jeans. Then he continued speaking in an even more adorable, but teasing tone. "I guess I must have made quite the impression."

  His cocky little smile was so smug as he handed me my sketchbook that I had been drawing on earlier. It had his face on the open page from where I had been sketching before the lanky man attacked me.

  Yep. I wish the blonde monster had just killed me.

  I felt like crawling under something... anything. I reached over and jerked my humiliating binding out of his hand. And then I found my self slinking down in my seat awkwardly. He chuckled at my expense, and my cheeks burned even hotter.

  My sketchbook now smelled like him though. I'd never forget the fact it was touching his body.

  "I have to admit, it was flattering to know how well you had my face memorized."

  His tone grew to be even more teasing, and my embarrassment swallowed me whole. I had to change the subject before my beaming red face gave him anymore amusement.

  "So, that's twice you've mentioned my grandmother's house and the story she told. I never saw you there during the big party." And I know I would have noticed you.

  I bit my lip, hoping he would just forget the sketch and answer the question.

  He smirked even more smugly.

  Then, with complete sarcasm, he responded, "Subtle."

  I stifled a laugh. He was definitely cute when he was teasing me. He laughed a little more, but he decided to answer my question.

  "I was curious as to why all the bodyguards were in town. They're hard to miss with all of their bulging muscles. I heard of at least thirty or forty witches coming into town, too. It was obvious that a young witch was soon to arrive, but I didn't know which coven they belonged to until the-"

  "The coffee shop," I interrupt, sick of talking about that day already. It's like he was reassuring me he had no idea who I was related to. What's the big deal?

  He chuckled and nodded,

  "I know the Bradbury story like the back of my hand. I just wish the Bradbury's knew the whole story. Once you told me who you were, I knew you had heard your grandmother's story."

  I swallowed hard, trying not to study him too intensely. My heart was thudding for new reasons as my eyes trailed the curve of his jaw to his soft lips.

  So not the time for these thoughts.

  Fortunately, Tallis didn't notice my wandering eyes and distracted train of thought, so he continued. "Less powerful bloodlines don't draw as much attention as the stronger bloodlines. Even though your essence is masked, it still screams for attention. It draws people in without them even realizing it.

  "I've felt drawn to you since the first day I saw you. I felt you that day at the mall. I never saw you, but when I met you later at the restaurant, I felt that same tug. I didn't realize the reason for such a strong pull until you told me of your bloodline. You've pretty much got a target painted on you. I'm glad I followed you after you ran out of the gym."

  I cringed very noticeably. I almost forgot about how Elaina humiliated me, given the more serious, life threatening events I just endured.

  Then I smiled at him in a slightly mischievous way. "So, you're like … stalking me in a protective manner?" I couldn't help but tease him a little for a change.

  He laughed harder. "No. I'm just trying to keep you alive. You have a knack for the whole 'wrong place, wrong time' scenario." I looked at him with a slight scowl. He smiled and shrugged at me playfully. "Just saying."

  The car veered right, pulling down a long paved driveway. It had symbols, too. They were more tribal than ours, and they looked just like his tattoo. My mind flashed back to the matching tattoos Ash and Jay shared. Those lying, shady jerks!

  My eyes fell and fixated on the tribal symbol Tallis had on his shoulder. He saw me staring at it.

  "That's my family crest." He touched his shoulder where his tattoo was. Then he continued. "My mother and father constructed it centuries ago."

  He reached over and unbuckled my seatbelt, though I wasn't sure why. I could have done that myself.

  He continued speaking while driving slower. "Whenever you become fully eternal, your coven crest - or your family crest - marks you. If you should change covens, your crest will change as well. It's magic's way of claiming its children."

  This driveway was massive, and gallant trees bounded in front of us, blocking all else. Everything was so lush and green here, like it was spring instead of fall.

  "So why didn't you come to the big welcome party?"

  Grandma Iris invited all kinds of beings from the magical world obviously, so I couldn't imagine why he wouldn't have been invited as well, or why he wouldn't have come.

  He seemed distracted, looking around as he gave me a very nonchalant, vague answer. "Oh, well, you know. Family stuff. Long story."

  He parked directly in front of a house that somehow managed to sneak up on me in my distracted frame of mind. It was so massive and contemporary. It was an A-frame type architecture - three or four stories high. It had amazing attention to detail. The stacking stones layered it, making it all the more breathtaking.

  As soon as the car quit rolling, my door flew open and Tallis was scooping me up, carrying me swiftly to the door. He was so fast. I guess that's why he unbuckled my seatbelt before we even stopped.

  I smiled at him, looking him directly in his breathtakingly mystifying eyes, as I spoke with a playful tone. "Show off."

  He smiled bigger than I'd seen him smile yet, as he carried me in and placed me on the couch that felt like voluptuous folds of sheer heaven. It was so soft and everything smelled so good, almost tropical. The whole house had such a peaceful and relaxing feel to it.

  I started to stand up as he walked out of the room, but he quickly rebuked my attempt.

  "What're you doing? Sit back down."

  He was back at my side in an instant, gently forcing me back down on the couch.

  My voice was nervous again from being in his home. I wasn't prepared for the nerves to hit me like they were.

  “I need to use your restroom."

  "Oh, no problem." Then he scooped me back up, treating me like an infant. My eyes widened.

sp; "You're so not carrying me in there. I'm good to walk."

  I could feel my face blushing deeply yet again. He smirked, now slightly blushing as well.

  He spoke in a softer, less worried tone. "Okay, but I'm walking you to the door."

  I stared at him, trying to figure out a way to sidestep the awkwardness. He noticed what I was thinking and spoke to me somewhat comically.

  "I'm not going to stand at the door and listen to you do your business."

  Oh this was so mortifying. "I just need a minute to compose myself before I meet the rest of your family." I started to finger-comb through my hair as I spoke. "I think it would be better if I didn't look like I was just drug through the woods."

  "Whatever you say. You look good, considering how much you were tossed around." He leaned forward and caressed my cheek softly. "You're going to be okay, you know. I'll make sure of it."

  He was so close to me. His body was discharging the most sensational heat I had ever felt before. It was like he had his own gravity field that pulled me in.

  He leaned over and I prepared myself for whatever he was about to do. I started to close my eyes as he opened the door to a bathroom behind me. “Here it is."

  I felt like a bit of a fool now.

  "Oh, yeah, thanks."

  He bit back a grin, but it was pointless. He finally walked away, laughing, and leaving me with my humiliation for thinking he was about to frigging kiss me.

  He enjoyed making me squirm. I was sort of enjoying it, too. I just wish I didn't sound like a babbling goof all the time.

  It suddenly hit me, and I grew incredibly nervous. I was about to meet his family. I'd never met any guy's family. Albeit this wasn't a date or anything. It was still gut-wrenching.

  I tried to reason with myself, lessen the severity of the situation.

  It's just a meeting with someone who's going to explain all the crazy to me. And it just happens to be his mother.

  Nope. No better.

  I fought off the panic attack that was begging to take hold of me. When I realized I was fighting a losing battle, I splashed cold water on my face. It was then I was thankful for Aster and Ash's thoroughness with the waterproof makeup. I looked bad enough without also looking like a raccoon.

  I tamed down my hair that had been blown all over the place. I really regretted not changing out of my gym clothes at that moment.

  I walked out of the bathroom and turned off the light. I exhaled loudly before I started walking back into the living room, and there they all were. They were all sitting, waiting, and staring at me. I felt so incredibly uncomfortable as they studied me, making me feel on display.

  Tallis jumped up and walked over to me, snaking his arm around my waist to lead me to the smaller sofa, and then he sat down beside me. His arm slid across my shoulders, trying to help comfort me... I guessed. But it didn't help very much.

  The pretty girl I saw with him at the restaurant was here - his sister. She walked over to me, and I suddenly felt so peaceful and comforted. She smiled warmly at me as serenity filled my veins.

  Her hair was so blonde it was almost white. Her skin was flawlessly pale, but her cheeks were a perfect subtle light pink - an almost natural blush color. Her eyes were icy blue, the lightest blue I'd ever seen. Her slender body was cloaked with a white hooded cape. She wore a knee-length, white lacy dress under it.

  She pulled off her hood as she walked away, resuming her place beside her mother.

  Then a darker haired woman spoke in a very soft and warm sort of tone. "My name is Allaysia. I'm Tallis's mother, as I'm sure you've already guessed. Don't worry, you're safe here. They couldn't have tracked you. Tallis is good at spotting tails."

  Tallis looked at me and raised his eyebrows up and down in a cocky manner. He was proud of the confidence his mother had in him.

  Allaysia was amazingly beautiful. She didn't look old enough to be their mother. She looked maybe thirty-four, thirty-five. She had long black hair and midnight blue eyes. She wore an elegant knee-length, high-waist skirt, with a cashmere button-up blouse tucked into it. She had a beautiful pearl necklace and a pair of pearl earrings to complement the bracelet that was also made of pearls.

  "Tallis told us who you are and what happened today. There have been scouts coming in and out of here. They know a new witch has reached an age where the guardians can no longer mask her. They know you're here - they just don't know who you are... yet. We have to talk to your family and let them know what's going on."

  I didn't even know what was going on. Guardians? Reached what age? Of all the questions, there was one that plagued me the most. Why does she seem scared of facing my family? Why do they all seem apprehensive about it?

  "Okay," I murmured. "Let’s go. I'll call my grandma to let her know we're on our way."

  Tallis's brother was sitting beside Allaysia. He was incredibly stocky and seemed very displeased with my being there. He startled me when jumped up in protest to my response and its casualness.

  "No! I don't feel like fighting off an ambush from the Bradbury coven! They'll hang us up by our feet before they even let us speak! She shouldn't be here either. This is all outrageous."

  I was taken aback by his outburst. I wasn't expecting that.

  "Desmond!" Allaysia scolded, but he ignored her, his eyes intensely focused on me, silently willing me to disappear forever.

  I looked over at Tallis who was glaring at his brother. "Not necessary to yell at her, Des. She has no idea what's going on right now. Until today, she didn't even know what it meant to be a Bradbury. Not until some half-wit blazing scout was seeking her out. Do you mind telling me how she's guilty of anything but being oblivious to all the secrets of our world?"

  His tone was so strong and steady. He seemed to sound incredibly protective of me. It made me feel better just hearing such emotion from him. Although, I wasn't sure what anything he said meant, nor did I understand what Desmond had meant.

  Desmond responded to Tallis with a more callous and exaggeratedly dramatic tone than before. "She doesn't know because they shelter their witches - like their so coveted. I bet none of them can do what you do. Not even her. I bet none of them can do what I can, or what Ayla can either. They've probably never seen anything like our power. That's the real reason they hate us."

  "Hate you?" I questioned impulsively, not intending to. It just popped out of my mouth as unexpectedly as a random hiccup. I coiled myself into the protective arms of Tallis, in fear of another outburst from Desmond.

  He started to unleash a new wrath on me, but then I saw Ayla touch his cheek and he sat back down. His face seemed to return to a normal color instead of the bright crimson red that had taken over.

  He went from angry to peaceful within seconds. Then Ayla spoke. Her voice was soothing - as gentle as a cool breeze on a hot day. It seemed as if she was completely neutral.

  "They don't hate us. They don't yet even know we exist. They'll hate where we come from. They only know what they've been told. They haven't heard the whole story. No one has ever tried to tell them either. We've all worried they would reject our story and then the shred of hope for an alliance would be shattered.

  "We haven't given them the opportunity to make a decision - right or wrong. We can only assume the history between our families will cause them to judge too quickly. But, now we have a young Bradbury, which Tallis has saved, to vouch for us. She has seen who we are. This has been necessary for a long time, and she has given us a reason to do it."

  She returned to her mother's side and pulled her hood back over her head.

  Allaysia patted her daughter's leg. "Ayla's right. We haven't given them the benefit of the doubt. I think no matter what happens, it's time. I want you to hear first," she said, turning her attention to me. "They may listen a little more if one of their own understands. Tallis promises that you're a good person. His faith in you is enough fo
r me."

  I looked up and smiled at Tallis. He looked down and grinned at me, making my stomach flutter. His arm got tighter around my body. It felt so warm and perfectly safe. His mother got a book from the shelf, similar to the one I had seen Iris read from before, only thicker. I leaned against Tallis, resting my head against his chest.

  He looked down and concern flashed across his face. "Are you okay? Are you hurting? Should I-"

  "Shh," I interrupted, and then I spoke in a whispered voice as I continued. "I'm fine. I just haven't gotten all my strength back yet."

  I leaned in a little more, and he held me tighter in response.

  The truth? I was plenty strong enough to sit up. I just wanted him to hold me closer. Pathetic, I know, but effective nonetheless.

  Despite the unbelievably disorienting day I'd dealt with, it was so nice to finally be next to him. His absolutely magnificent scent flooded me in the most exhilarating way. I couldn't help but nestle myself into his embrace even more. I could feel his chest rising and falling with each breath, and the fire consumed me as it always did when I felt his touch.

  Allaysia walked over and sat down in a small rocking chair in front of the fireplace. She cleared her throat slightly as she began to read aloud.


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