Adelaide's Storm

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Adelaide's Storm Page 8

by G. Bailey


  Five years later

  I rest my fingers on the metal bars of the bannister as I overlook the grounds in front of my castle as Sophie rides a horse down the main path, past the main gates which are red metal, twisted tall and magically warded thanks to the witches. She waves up at me, and I wave back, so happy to see her after not seeing her for a few months now. Every day, she looks more and more like our mum, and it makes me remember her as the years go on. I spot Tay as she crashes into Sophie, who she loves and regularly goes to visit in the Guardian Academy.

  When Sophie first came home to Frayan, she was a scared child, and Tay became a protective friend who helped her through her own darkness more than anyone else could despite the fact they can’t speak to one another. Sophie trained with the guys over the years and took a new job in the Guardian Academy in Frayan as their new defensive teacher last year, and it gave her a purpose I never knew she needed. The shadows of the past still haunt her eyes sometimes, but overall, she has healed like so many of us. Like so much of Frayan has. Even now, I can hear the birds chirping in the trees, and in the skies, the butterflies fly around. The animals of Frayan soon returned after the war as our people healed.

  I walk to the small table outside on my balcony and take off my crown because it sure does get heavy to wear after a long day. The red gemstones held in gold swirls were found in the dust and remains of the old Autumn court castle as we rebuilt, and I had them made into the official royal crown. I pick up the letter on the table that one of my mates must have brought up for me, and I open it. It’s from Casella, and there is a small picture of her little girl with her Zenilo bird, which was a gift from me on her first birthday. There is a letter explaining how her daughter is growing well I expect, and information on the Winter court, which Casella is running so well. I look at the photo, running the tips of my fingers over the image, knowing Jonas would have loved his daughter so much. She is the image of him with her white hair and big blue eyes. The second egg I kept and gave it to one special little boy.

  “Mommy is out here, Axton,” Rick says, and I look over as my son runs out of the bedroom, his red hair messy and stuck to one side as he clearly just woke up from his nap. Though my little baby isn’t so much a baby anymore at four years old, and is soon outgrowing naps. Axton brought a love into my life that I never expected to feel. It was a love that even rivalled my love for my mates. He is the perfect wonder and a little heartbreaker if I ever saw one. Rick picks him up, making him giggle as he blows kisses on his ticklish ears. Even at four years old, he has everyone in the castle wrapped around his tiny fingers with his boyish charm and baby blue eyes.

  “I thought I heard trouble,” Nath says, and Axton laughs as Nath tickles his stomach. Josh flies over and lands at my side, offering me his hand.

  “You can’t get me now, daddy,” Axton says as his blue wings appear, and he flies into the air out of their reach.

  “Mummy can,” Nath mutters.

  “And one of your dads can,” Josh reminds him, and he laughs, flying away with Josh chasing after him with his large black wings blocking out the sunlight as he passes us. We know he is half-wolf, but other than that, we aren’t sure exactly who his father is. It really has never mattered to us. Mich walks in as we all watch Josh playing with Axton in the air, both of them swirling around in circles.

  “Sophie is back, and she has gone straight to the kitchens to see that boy,” Mich mumbles.

  “He isn’t good for her,” Rick grumbles right alongside him.

  “They are in love, leave them to it,” I warn my mates, who are all so overprotective of Sophie, who they have always seen as a daughter of sorts.

  “Mich, why don’t we go and check out the Fray. Maybe he can be warned into being a good match for Sophie,” Nath suggests.

  “Don’t hurt him!” I shout after them, but they only laugh. The poor boy. I wrap my arms around Rick who is laughing, resting my cheek on his chest, and he kisses my forehead.

  “Should we go and save your sister’s poor boyfriend?”

  “In about ten minutes,” I mumble, looking up at Rick, and I grin. “At least I know he won’t break Sophie’s heart, because he will always remember the ten minutes two scary ass kings warned him not to.”

  “I love you,” he tells me, and I lean up, kissing him softly. I love him too. I always have, and I always will.

  Because we have our forever.

  Bonus content

  Remember the Wolf

  Remember the Academy for it never forgot you…

  My name is Em, short for…well, I don’t know. The social workers decided Emma was a good name for me.

  See, I don’t remember life before I was found naked on the streets of New York at only sixteen years old. That was two years ago, and I’ve been with my foster family ever since.

  An accident-filled, end-of-school trip leads me to find out my best friend isn’t as human as she has been pretending to be, and it turns out neither am I.

  At least humans don’t shoot gold beams of light out of their hands, as far as I know.

  I soon find myself at the gates to the Guardian Academy, a place for all young supernaturals to hide from humans and learn their powers safely.

  If only I could remember my life…before it breaks my heart.

  Based in the Her Guardians, Protected by Dragons and Her Fate world…18+ RH

  Coming Soon…


  Prince Lucian

  “For princess Emery to become who she needs to be—a fate—she must be forgotten. By you all,” the old fate says, standing over me while I’m on my knees as I hold Emery as close as I can, feeling like I’m inches from fucking losing her after I just got her back. My mum said this fate is her aunt, and that she was there for Emery’s birth. They are linked somehow. I can’t even register what she just said until she repeats it once more.

  “What the hell? Emery is the heir to Dragca, and so much more than that. No one could forget Emery,” I growl out, feeling my wings itching to fly away with her. “You asked Isola to bring her to you early, and she did, and only six months later, you drop her outside your cave and tell me she has to be forgotten? I won’t let you do this.”

  “Oh, you won’t have a choice, prince. I’m sorry because things have changed that I did not see. Emery must pass the five choices of a fate to receive her power, and she must do this alone. I hoped to be with her, but my time as her guide is over. I sense your love for the princess, and if it is true, you will find each other once again, Prince Lucian,” the fate finishes speaking before disappearing into nothing but silver dust on the ground. The dust rises into the air, spreading out like a blanket that stretches in every direction, before slowly lowering itself. I can sense the magic, and I know that I could never get Emery out of here in time to escape it. Reaching for Emery, I lean down, placing my hand on her pale cheek, pushing some of her long pale blonde hair out of the way and wishing she would open those beautiful blue eyes of hers. I’ve loved her since we were kids, and I never told her. I was a stubborn idiot.

  “Remember me, Emery. Find your home,” I whisper to her before kissing her lips as the silver dust washes over us, leaving nothing but dust in my hands…that I can’t remember how it got there. Or why I’m in Dragca to begin with.

  Note From The Author.

  Thank you so much for reading Adelaide’s Storm. I first imagined Adie’s character when I was writing Winter’s Guardian, my first ever book, and wondering who Freddy could have as a love interest. The story exploded in my mind from there, and Adelaide demanded an entire world which I was happy to give her. I will miss writing Adie, Winter and Isola, as their chapters end and the next books in this world will be about their children.

  In some ways, the story never ends even when it does.

  Thank you every single reader that has followed me from the start (And the new readers). I never once imagined a career I adore, or for so many people to love the characters I
make up.

  A big thank you to my family and every one who supported me while writing this book.

  A special thank you goes to Mad’s for her ongoing support. She is the best PA an author could get.

  Thank you to my wonderful Pack Leaders for everything. <3

  Once again, thank you readers for your continued support! You’re all amazing and I couldn’t do this without you guys.





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  About the Author

  G. Bailey is a USA Today bestselling author of books that are filled with everything from dragons to pirates. Plus, fantasy worlds and breath-taking adventures. Oh, and some swoon-worthy men that no girl could forget. G. Bailey is from the very rainy U.K. where she lives with her husband, two children and three cheeky dogs. And, of course, the characters in her head that never really leave her, even as she writes them down for the world to read!

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  (Where you can find exclusive teasers, random giveaways and sneak peeks of new books on the way!)

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  Link here.

  Seven towns. Seven seas. The seven council. The seven words every person lives by.

  The sea is lost, pirates are death.

  Cassandra should have been killed at birth, like all the other children who have powers like her. The changed ones.

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  Lucky for Cassandra, her father is on the council. One of the seven rulers of her large town and has kept her hidden her entire life.

  When she is seen for the first time, she has no choice but to run, and the only place she can go is to the sea.

  To the pirates and a certain death.

  At least, that is what she thinks. When she meets six handsome pirates and they take her on board their ship, she learns about a whole new world.

  If only she can protect her heart when they all desire to own it.

  This is a reverse harem trilogy.

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