Of Water and Moonlight (Thunderbird Academy Book 1)

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Of Water and Moonlight (Thunderbird Academy Book 1) Page 11

by Valia Lind

  "I can't tell you much about that because I didn't actually see anything."

  "Well I heard that—"

  "Miss Ferguson." Mrs. Lee is suddenly beside our table, looking each of us in the face before turning her full attention to Christy. "The administration would like the students to keep from speculating. I would suggest you get back to your breakfast."

  Then after another quick glance, the science teacher moves on. We don't say anything for a second, and I see that Mrs. Lee isn't the only faculty present. There are quite a few teachers roaming around the tables.

  "Big Brother is watching," Vera says under her breath, in that dry humor of hers, and the rest of us giggle. It's not that this is a funny situation, but I think we're all wound a little too tightly.

  "Makes sense why we haven't been hearing much talk," Noel says before he dives into his food.

  I agree, the presence of the teachers is a little unnerving, and I'm sure people don't want to be whispering with them so close by. But I also know it won't last. We're teenagers after all. We have our ways.

  When breakfast is over, Noel surprises me by falling into step beside us.

  "Can I walk you to your class?"

  He's never offered before. I know for a fact that his class is on the opposite side of campus. Jade and I have English this hour, while he has it third period.

  "If you'd like," I reply, because I'm not sure what to say. It seems like he needs this. Jade gives me a puzzled look, but I just shrug my shoulders, and the three of us say goodbye to Vera and Christy before we head toward our class. We walk in silence, and I'm a little confused by Noel's behavior. Maybe what happened Friday night is getting to him more than I thought. When we reach the classroom, Jade slips right in, leaving me with Noel.

  "Thanks for walking us," I say, giving him a small smile. He seems a little unsure of himself, as if he's trying to say something, but not sure how to bring it up. After a moment's hesitation, he returns my smile. But before he can say a word, Aiden is there, brushing up behind him.

  "Sorry, mate," he says, giving Noel a tight nod. "But you are blocking the doorway."

  Aiden barely glances at me as he says the words. Noel looks over and nods before taking my elbow and leading me away from the door. Aiden pauses at the threshold, but still doesn't turn toward me, even though it seems like he wants to, and I'm feeling uncertain once again. What is his problem?

  "He seems in a mood today," Noel comments, bringing my attention to him.

  "He's always in a mood," I say, not bothering to even lower my volume. I'm sure the shifter hears me. "Anyway, was there something you wanted to talk about?" I decide to face it head on.

  "Yes." Noel seems to shake himself to refocus. "Could we talk after class?"

  "Of course."

  He gives me another quick smile and then he's gone. I walk into the classroom, heading toward Jade. As I do, I pass by Aiden's desk, and the boy has his legs completely sprawled out across the walkway.

  "Do you mind?" I ask, annoyed, when he doesn't move his feet from my path. I glance over at his friends, Ben and Owen, but neither comment. I don't even know if I've ever heard Owen speak. Ben gives me a half smile but that's it.

  "I sure don't," Aiden replies, shrugging. I roll my eyes and step over his legs, trying to keep my anger from showing. "You're making after school plans with your boy toy already? That was fast."

  I glance over my shoulder and find Aiden's eyes on me. He seems completely at ease, but I've learned a little more about him in the past few weeks, and I can almost see the underlying tension in him. Narrowing my eyes, I surprise even myself when I take a step back and lean over, getting right in his face. My hand rests on the back of his chair, barely grazing his shirt as my hair, wavy from being in a braid, falls forward over my shoulder. His eyes track the movement, before they rest on mine.

  "What I do is none of your business," I say, my voice low. His eyes flash, but I don't give him a moment to respond. Instead, I straighten, walking over to Jade and take my seat. The teacher walks in then, as I try to get my breathing under control again. A tap on the desk brings my eyes to Jade as she points to her notebook.

  That was hot.

  I grin at her hurried handwriting. I have to say, I'm a little proud of myself. When I face the front, I feel a few sets of eyes on me but none of them belong to Aiden. Owen however gives me a long look, and I think he's a bit proud of me too. I guess I like to push Aiden's buttons. I just may be getting better at it.


  The rest of the day passes uneventfully. I keep expecting something to happen, but nothing does. It's like Friday night was just a normal part of the academy experience. But it doesn't mean I haven't been on alert the whole time. I think everyone is a little jumpy, especially since this is the first time we've been allowed to congregate again after the ordeal. When classes have finally ended for the day, Jade and I head toward our room, ready for a break. At least I am. The stares I weathered when I first came to school have returned. It's most frustrating.

  "Maddie!" Jade and I stop as I hear my name called, and that's when I see Noel walking toward us.

  "You know," Jade comments. "You probably should not be meeting in a public place. We wouldn't want Aiden accidentally mauling him." I glance at her sharply, and notice she's wearing a tiny smile.

  "What are you even talking about?"

  She nods her head to the right, and I follow the direction to find Aiden, Ben, and Owen talking on the other side of the hall. For some reason, even this far away, I feel like his attention is on me.

  "That boy is jealous," Jade whispers just as Noel reaches us. "Hi Noel. Bye Noel." And just like that, I'm left looking after her.

  "What was that about?" Noel asks as he watches Jade retreat.

  "Just some girl stuff."

  "That's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about."

  That captures my attention, and I swing my eyes back to him. He's wearing that a little unsure expression of his, and I narrow my eyes.

  "You wanted to talk about girl stuff?"

  "Yes. No. Could we go somewhere?"

  The moment he asks, my eyes dart to Aiden, who stands facing us, but his eyes are on the person in front of him. Yet, I have no doubt his attention is on me, if only by the rigid set of his shoulders. He usually only looks that frustrated when I'm involved. So, I decide to test Jade's theory.

  "Sure!" I reply brightly before I tuck my arm through Noel's elbow. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Aiden’s eyes dart toward us, and I suppress a smile. Maybe there is something to Jade's knowledge of boys. I don't read into it too much though, because I know just how territorial shifters can be. Sometimes it has nothing to do with the person in question. Just an alpha being an alpha. But pushing Aiden's buttons? That's something I do seem to enjoy.

  "So, what's up?" I ask as soon as Noel and I are outside. There are a few benches set up, covered by the trees, but we don't head there. We walk down the tree path for a few minutes before Noel finally speaks up.

  "I wanted to talk to you about the dance."


  "We're friends, right?"

  "Of course."

  "And I can talk to you about anything?"

  "Yes." I'm not sure where this is going, but I really hope it has something to do with Jade and not him suddenly developing feelings for me. I've heard of stuff like that happening. Not that it would actually ever happen to me, but I like Noel, and I don't want things to be awkward between us.

  "Well—" he stops again, and the suspense is killing me.

  "Noel, just tell me."

  "I like Jade," he blurts out before getting that embarrassed look all over his face. "I know you know. And I asked you to the dance, and I wouldn't have wanted to go with anyone else, but I don't want things to be weird between us because we got... I don't know... while dancing and I wanted to tell you because I like her and maybe nothing will happen between us, but I can't bear the thought of you and me not being friends e
ither and..."

  "Noel, take a breath!" I take him by the arms, giving him a little squeeze. "It's okay."

  "You're not mad? Or... disappointed?"

  "You mean heartbroken?" I give him a quick smile as he shifts uncomfortably from side to side. "No. We kind of had this conversation already, remember? Nothing changed. Even though you're an incredible dancer. And honestly, I like you for her. Not that I would push the issue," I hurry on to add, because I'm not about to start playing matchmaker. "But there're no hard feelings between us."

  "Oh good," he says right before he grabs me in a hug. I give it back to him because I feel like I need it too. He really has become one of my closest friends, and I'm glad we are both on the same page.

  "You've made me very happy, Maddie Hawthorne," Noel says, looking down at me. Before I can reply, someone clears his throat, and we turn to find Aiden standing a few feet away. I have no idea how long he's been there, but he for sure saw our hug and heard Noel just now. If the hard look in his eyes is any indication.

  "Sorry to interrupt, but Headmaster Marković has sent me to fetch you. He would like a word." Then without a word, he turns on his heels and walks away.

  "What is with Aiden lately?" Noel asks, looking at his retreating figure. I shake my head, unsure of which answer I'd like to offer, settling on none.

  "I better go," I say instead, and Noel nods.

  "You're a great friend, Maddie."

  "Right back at ya, Noel."

  And just like that, we've cleared the air, and I honestly feel better. A part of me wondered if something would come from our little date and that moment on the dance floor, but after the dust settled, I couldn't see it. I'm glad Noel feels the same. I hurry toward the school and see that Aiden is waiting at the entrance. When I reach him, he doesn't speak but leads the way inside and toward the headmaster's office. I want to say something, but I can't figure out if this is a mood I can deal with right now. He's becoming more closed off and that's difficult to get past.

  We reach the office and he knocks once before receiving an invitation. He pulls the door open, and I step inside. Then, before I can thank him, the door shuts and I'm all alone.

  Well, not entirely alone, since Headmaster Marković is sitting at his desk. He stands when I enter, giving me a comforting smile.

  "Come on in, Miss Hawthorne. Take a seat."

  I do as I'm told, taking the chair on the left of the desk. Once I'm situated, headmaster resumes his place as well, always the gentlemen. It's honestly something my dad still does, and it makes me smile every time. He always waits for Mama and the rest of us to be seated at the dinner table before he takes his turn. The pain is sharp and quick, but this time I welcome it with the sweet memory.

  "I'm sure you know why you're here," Headmaster Marković begins, and I shake my head.

  "I have no idea, sir," I reply honestly, because at this point it could be all kinds of things.

  "What happened Friday was a very unfortunate incident," he says, and of course. I should've expected them to get to me eventually. "Mr. Lawson told me what happened, but I would like to hear your side of the story. It may yield a clue."

  "I'm not sure how helpful I can be, but I can tell you what I know."

  He motions for me to go ahead, listening carefully. It doesn't take long to go over the details, and he nods his head throughout, as if this is much of what he heard from Aiden. Obviously, I leave out my own confusing feelings when it comes to the shifter, but I don't downplay his role in keeping me safe. I wouldn't have made it without him.

  "Aiden is a capable young man," the headmaster comments when I tell him as much. "He will be a great leader one day."

  "Leader?" I ask, a little desperate to know more about the boy who's been haunting my every thought for days. "Isn't the term usually alpha?"

  "You are correct, but Mr. Lawson's situation is a bit unconventional."

  "What does that mean?"

  "I am not at liberty to discuss, I'm afraid." Just like that, that discussion is over, but I am left with so many more questions. "Let us focus back on the events of Friday night. I understand that you and your sisters had quite a run in with the Ancients two months ago."

  "I don't see how that's relevant," I say before I can stop myself.

  "It is because I do not want you to put yourself in any unnecessary danger just because you have... experience with battle magic."

  Ah, I see. He thinks I'm out here looking for trouble. I can understand the misconception, to a point. The whole school thinks I'm some kind of a super witch or an adrenaline junkie. Not that anyone would actually say anything to my face, but I'm not blind to the looks I'm still the recipient of when no one thinks I'm paying attention. It's only natural the rumors would get to the headmaster eventually.

  "Sir, all I did on Friday was try and help. It backfired a little, considering I got stuck outside and had to come face to face with whatever that thing was. But I don't do this on purpose."

  The tone in my voice must get to him because after a long pause, he finally nods. I'm not sure if he truly believes me, but he's giving it consideration. That much I can tell.

  "Sir." I decide to push my luck a little and ask the hard questions. "Did the Ancients send in their minions? Did they actually get through the protective wards?"

  At first, I think he's not going to answer me. Headmaster Marković is wearing that contemplative expression my dad sometimes gets. He is trying to decide if he's going to be honest or if he's going to try and protect me from the truth. In the end, he surprises me.

  "They did not. The spell came from within the grounds, just like the last time. It was a very advanced glamour, coupled with a few offensive spells. A fascinating combination." Headmaster leans over his desk, looking me right in the eye. "I ask that you do not spread that around, as we are doing everything we can to insure your safety. But if you can think of anything from your dealings with the Ancients and their magic, please come to me directly."

  And that is why he told me anything. He thinks I have an insight, just like my sisters do, about the Ancients. But at this point, I'm afraid I've already exhausted that particular avenue. What I need to do is get to the secret library. It's been days since I've been there, and the amount of knowledge that place holds can be of tremendous help. I think maybe now is the time to tell the headmaster about it, but when I open my mouth, no words come out. Whatever magic spell is keeping the library secret, it's a powerful one.

  "I have one more question. What happens to the students who are outside the lockdown protocol?"

  "You mean the time you ended up in the forest?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "The reason we have rooms as the place to go in case of the emergency is because the building itself is enchanted from generations past. The rest of the campus is too, but the enchantments are not as strong. It is unfortunate that you and a few others were unable to find shelter, and we are actively looking for ways to change that. One of the teachers found a protective amulet spell that we are trying to amplify now."

  I understand all that, but the truth is, even the teachers can't protect us if this place overrun.

  "What I ask, is that you do your best to follow the rules and stay close to areas which serve as a fortress against these types of situations."

  There is so much I could say, but it would do me no use. I'm still just a student, and even though the headmaster gave me a lot more information than I assumed he would, he's not going to tell me everything. So, I give him my word and I'm dismissed. When I leave the office, I half expect Aiden to be waiting for me, but he's not. Miss Cindy, the headmaster's assistant, gives me a soft smile before getting back to the task on her desk.

  I walk to my room alone, my mind mulling over what I learned and what to do next. I will definitely need to try to get to the library tonight. I've been putting it off for way too long. It doesn't help that the students have been under an incredible amount of scrutiny. We're watched more than usual, and I'm no
t exactly complaining in the grand scheme of thing. If it helps weed out the bad seeds, I'm all for it.

  But another part of me is frustrated because I have no way of figuring out how to get to the library unseen. I think back to the way the door appeared to me when I touched it, when my blood seeped into the wood. There are secrets within those walls that are mine alone. I have no idea what it will take to finally unravel them, but I need to at least try. My whole existence may depend on it.


  Once the lights out announcement is made, Jade and I are under our covers almost immediately. Both of us, as I'm sure is the case with the rest of the school, haven't been sleeping well. Plus, she has an early study date with her group, since they're presenting in our Elemental Magic class. I haven't been given a group yet because Mrs. Roberts likes to only have one group present every month.

  It's about twenty minutes before Jade is fast asleep. I can always tell when she's zonked out. She kind of unclenches her whole body and spreads out. Especially lately, with everything going on, we've been going to bed all wound up. Careful not to disturb her too much, I grab the leggings and hoodie I stuffed under my comforter earlier in the day and get dressed under the covers. After grabbing my boots, I head for the door.

  Before I exit, I take out two necklaces, wrapping my hand around the three crystals and the tiny bottle at the same time. Malachite, smoky quartz, and black tourmaline are attached to one of the necklaces as a charm. All three of the crystals are powerful protection talismans, and I can really use some invisibility right now. The little plastic bottle on the other necklace is filled with cinnamon, and a tiny seashell, for hard protection. I close my eyes, concentrating on reaching my center, before I push the intention through my hand and into the charms. The magic flares up, tingling my skin before it settles over me. This isn't going to make me invisible to the eye, but it will help guide me, so that I can stay off everyone's radar. And it'll mask me from the shifters. At least that's the plan.


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