Alpha's Surprise Baby

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Alpha's Surprise Baby Page 5

by Skyler Snow

  Colten leaned on Dec as his knot locked them together. Every so often, Declan shook and cried out again. He knew the omega was having little aftershocks, the perks of being knotted by an alpha.

  “You okay?” Colt asked.

  “I fren an soss.”

  “Those are not words,” Colten laughed.

  Declan waved a hand at him and Colt chuckled all over again. He felt proud that he could reduce the man to gibberish. Colten kissed along the back of his neck and sighed happily.

  Chapter 7


  The sheets wrapped around Declan’s body, and he groaned. Every part of him was still heated like he couldn’t get enough of Colt. Fingers traced down his back and grabbed his ass. He chuckled and propped his head up on his hand.

  “We have to get up eventually.”

  Colten shook his head. “Look who regained the power of speech. And that’s a lie. We can stay here forever.”

  Declan glanced at him and grinned. Colt’s hair was messy and the smile on his face was priceless. Seeing how happy he was only made Declan want him more.

  “Shut up. We never even ate.”

  “I can fix that. Wait here.”

  Colten hopped up and tugged on a pair of boxers. Declan watched him go before he rolled over and stretched himself out. His eyes trained on the ceiling as he ran a hand through his hair.

  Am I really doing this? He chewed his lip as he thought about it. No matter how much he tried to resist being with Colten he was pulled right back to him. Of course, it all made sense. He had never heard of anyone that actually resisted their fated mate. Then again his parents hadn’t talked about it in forever. There was so much of it that seemed like a fairytale before it all started coming true.

  Declan still felt a twinge of guilt in his gut. He would never betray his friend, but it felt like that was what he was doing. I have to tell him eventually. Or I could stop now, and we can pretend none of this ever happened.

  The thought of stopping made his stomach churn. That meant he would have to be away from Colten. Was that even possible? It made him physically uncomfortable to even think about.

  “Why are you staring at the ceiling like you’re going to burn a hole in it?”

  Declan glanced at the doorway. Colten had returned with a tray that held both of their breakfasts and drinks. He sat it on the nightstand before he joined Declan in bed.

  “I was just thinking.”

  “Thinking about what?”

  “The fact that eventually we’re going to have to tell Frank, and he’ll murder us both.”

  Colten barked out a laugh. “He’s not that bad. I doubt he’ll freak out the way you think he will.”

  “You’re his only son. I doubt the life he envisions for you includes an old man.”

  “You’re not old,” Colten objected as he rolled his eyes. “Besides, he would get over it. It’s not like we’re going to stop.”

  “That was the whole point of me saying we should stop.”

  “I can’t explain it,” he shrugged as he popped food into his mouth. “I can’t be away from you for more than a short time. It’s weird.”

  Declan pushed the food around on his plate with his fork. “Your parents never told you about fated mates?”

  Colten raised a brow. “I heard about it in school but that’s all myth at this point. No one’s heard of a fated pair in ages.”

  “Yeah, that’s true.”

  Declan nodded and ate his breakfast. Even though he felt everything he knew was involved with a fated mate, he figured maybe he was wrong. It’s probably because I haven’t been with anyone in so long I forgot how good it feels.

  The breakfast was devoured before they carried the dishes back downstairs. Declan showered and got dressed before he dug through his bag. Hands wrapped around his waist, and he couldn’t resist the smile that played on his lips.

  “I need to go work on the truck.”

  “I’m going with you.”

  “You know something about fixing cars?” Declan asked.

  “Not a thing. You can help me figure it out.”

  “You want to learn?”

  “Yeah. Why is that such a surprise?”

  Declan shrugged. “You’re the smart kind of guy, you know? I figured this kinda thing would know..”

  Colten tilted his head as they walked out the door. “What?”

  “Beneath you.”

  His face screwed up. “That’s crazy. Why the hell would I think that? You work hard and contribute to your family. That’s all that matters. I hate that everyone figures I think I’m better than them now just because I’m going to school to be an attorney.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that.”

  Colten shrugged. “It’s not just you. I get it. I grew up on a farm and disappeared as soon as I turned eighteen. Tongues start wagging, and they don’t stop here.”

  “It doesn’t matter what people say. Are you happy with what you’re doing?”

  Colt shrugged again. “My parents were the ones that wanted me to make something of myself, so I wouldn’t have to struggle. You see this place, it never did particularly well. Everything's falling apart and it’s always been that way. I think they wanted me to have what I didn’t have growing up.”

  “They’re good parents.”

  “Yeah, but I had a good life. I didn’t need a bunch of new things to be happy. The fact that both of them were around whenever I needed them, that was most important.”

  “Have you told Frank that?”

  “Nah,” Colten shook his head. “He expects certain things now and I’m not going to disappoint him. Besides, he could use the help and I’ll be able to take care of him. Everything's going to be taken care of when he gets older.”

  Declan smiled. “You’re so sweet wanting to take care of him.”

  “He took care of me. Especially after papa died. I just want to give it back to him.”

  Declan frowned. “Your papa was a good man.”

  “Yeah, he was,” he grinned. “He was the grumpiest thing before he met my father. It reminds me of you.”

  Declan scoffed. “I’m not grumpy.”

  “You’re always frowning off into the distance.”

  “I don’t do that,” he argued as he opened the hood of the truck.

  “You do. I noticed it years ago. Everywhere you go you frown until someone makes you smile. I’ve seen you smile a lot since the other day.”

  Declan clicked his tongue. “You’re crazy,” he mumbled.

  He ducked his head under the hood to hide the way his cheeks burned red. Colten paid attention to him in a way he felt no one else did. Colt’s boots walked around the side of the truck and leaned on it.

  “Don’t hide from me.”

  The burn only intensified. “I wasn’t hiding. I’m working on this truck.”

  “You’re a horrible liar.”

  Declan grunted, at a loss for words as Colten messed with him. Colten chuckled and watched what he was doing. It made it harder to focus, but he liked Colten being right next to him. Everything from his scent to the sight of him was comforting.

  “You’re just going to watch me the whole time?” Declan asked.

  “Unless you give me something to do, yeah.”

  Declan laughed and handed him a wrench. “Fine, you can help me. I doubt you’re going to go away anyway.”

  “You’re right about that. And look? I even got a smile.”

  Declan’s face burned. He wanted to bite Colten but instead, he pointed where he needed help and dove into it. Declan had never been the type to blush but Colten brought it on in spades.

  “All finished,” Declan said proudly as he closed the hood to the truck.

  Colten wiped his hands off on a towel and smudged it with oil. “That was a lot harder than I thought it would be.”

  “It gets easier the more you do it,” he grinned. “And you’re not half bad at it.”

  “I’ve always liked working
with my hands. It keeps my brain occupied.”

  “That’s why I like doing it too. There’s something about getting my hands on machinery that relaxes me,” Declan sighed. “Thankfully Frank’s truck always needs help. It’s like meditation.”

  “That’s cute. You’re cute.”

  “Cute?” Declan raised a brow. “That word has never been used to describe me.”

  “Now it has.”

  “Please stop,” Declan laughed.

  “Why? You are cute.”

  “Oh my god,” he groaned and buried his face in his arm as he retreated to the safety of the house.

  “What’s the matter? Are you blushing again?”

  “I don’t blush!”

  Colten chuckled like a demon behind him while he darted into the bathroom. He quickly washed off the dirt and grease that had collected on his hands before he tossed cool water on his face. The weather had cooled a bit from the day before, but he still felt hot.

  “Scoot over,” Colten said as he stepped into the bathroom.

  Declan scooted, but the space was small. Colten’s shoulder pressed up against his and his body responded by going even hotter. This is never going to stop, is it? He didn’t want it to stop. Declan loved the way being near Colten made him feel. It was no wonder people longed for their fated mate’s ages ago. He understood why it was so amazing, even if it had come about in the oddest way.

  “So, we’ve been working all day,” Colten said and brought him back to reality. “I was thinking we should go and grab something to eat. I know the bar serves some pretty good food.”

  “You’re just trying to get me drunk,” Declan teased.

  Colt grinned. “I seem to do that with my dick just fine.”

  Declan’s mouth dropped open. “You didn’t just say that!”

  “I did,” Colten grinned. “I really did. Should I prove it?”

  Declan tried to slip past him, but Colten blocked the door. He grabbed Declan and shoved him against the door before he captured Dec’s lips. The omega groaned, his lips parted, and he accepted Colt’s tongue as it explored every inch of his mouth. He panted, his body pressed against Colten’s, and he felt his hand as it slipped into his jeans.

  “Colt, where you at? Come help me with these groceries.”

  Declan jolted at the sound of Frank’s voice. He started to dash for the door, but Colten kept him pinned against the wall. He stared up at the alpha with wide eyes as Colt grinned back at him.

  “I’ll be right out,” he called.


  The door closed and Colten leaned down. His lips brushed against Declan’s, and he kissed him slowly.. As much as Declan wanted to object he was carried away by how slowly Colten kissed him, how badly he wanted to moan. When Colt pulled back, he brushed a thumb over his cheek.

  “So, dinner?” He breathed.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea,” Declan said.

  “Then I guess I’m going to have to kiss you until you say yes.”

  “Your father’s waiting for you.”

  “Then say yes faster.”

  Declan groaned as he was kissed again, and he knew Colten was serious. He would keep him there and kiss him forever if he didn’t give in. Normally, he wouldn’t have minded that, but not when Frank was a few feet away.

  “Yes, okay, yes, dinner.”

  “You sure?” Colten grinned.

  “You think you’re so cute.”

  “Ain’t I?”

  Declan groaned. “Go before he comes back.”

  They tumbled out of the bathroom and both of them chuckled as they adjusted themselves. He couldn’t help that some of it felt even hotter that they were sneaking around. Just the two of them knew what they were up to. Declan wiped the grin off of his face when he rounded the corner and saw Frank.

  “Declan, you’re still here,” he said surprised.

  “I just finished up not too long ago.”

  “It’s up and running again?”

  “Perfectly,” Declan assured him.

  “Good. Let me send over the payment for it. You staying for dinner?”

  “I actually think I’m going to head out tonight,” Dec said as he sidled toward the door. “Maybe another night?”

  “Alright. We should go fishing this weekend. We haven’t gone in a while.”

  “Now, that sounds like a good day.”

  Frank smiled. “We’ll do it then. Maybe Colten will join us.”

  “Of course,” he grinned. “How could I not?”

  Declan scowled at him when Frank turned away and Colten only beamed back at him. They headed out and helped him unload the groceries from his friends truck. Once everything was stored away Declan wiped his brow. The heat had only increased, and he wavered in the kitchen.

  “Declan?” Frank asked.

  Colten jumped over the bags on the floor and grabbed him. He frowned as Declan waved him off. It had to be the heat.

  “I’m fine,” he said as they both looked at him concerned. “I’m just a little dizzy.”

  “Sit down,” Colt said as he pulled out a chair. “I’ll get you some water.”

  “You really don’t have to fuss.”

  “No he’s right,” Frank said as he pressed his lips together. “You never know how serious something can be until it’s too late.”

  Declan nodded and stayed quiet. When it came to Frank, he knew how worried he became at the smallest sign of illness. It wasn’t that much of a surprise though, he had lost his husband to what seemed like a cold but was actually cancer. It took Chase so rapidly that he and Colten were both the type to worry and worry hard about anyone who fell sick.

  “Here,” Colten said as he pressed a bottle of water into his hand. “Drink this.”

  Declan took the bottle and drank half of it down before he put it on the table. The world had stopped spinning, and he was sure it was probably from not eating lunch. He stood up and nodded.

  “I’m fine, really. I should get going.”

  Colten pressed a hand against his head. “No, you’re burning up. You have a fever.”

  “It’ll pass.”

  “I’m not letting you drive like this,” Colten growled. “So, you can either get in the truck or I can carry you to the truck.”

  Declan stared at Colten with wide eyes. Had he just been threatened? Why does that make me want to rebel and melt at the same time? With that thought, Declan knew for a fact that he was sick, and he needed to get home.

  “Okay,” he finally nodded. “You can drive me home. How are you going to get back?”

  “I’m sure one of your brothers wouldn’t mind giving me a lift.”

  “It’s for the best, Declan,” Frank nodded. “Let him get you home safe and I won’t have to worry about you crashing your truck out there.”

  “Okay,” he sighed. “I guess we should get going.”

  Colten wrapped an arm around his and led him out to the truck after he had said his goodbyes. He helped Declan settle into the passenger seat of his truck before he jogged around and climbed behind the wheel. The minute they started moving, Declan relaxed. He hadn’t realized how much he wanted him to be around while he didn’t feel well.

  “Let me know where I’m going,” Colten said as he glanced over at him.

  “I will. Seriously, I’m okay.”

  Colten reached over and took his hand. The way he squeezed Dec’s hand in his own comforted him. Declan relaxed against the seat, but he didn’t let go of Colten’s hand for the entire drive. The alpha stroked the back of his hand with his thumb and it calmed both of them down.

  Chapter 8


  “Right up there.”

  Declan pointed and Colten followed where he directed him. The drive wound up to a huge house. A soft glow filtered through the windows as the sun slowly started to sink. Colten had forgotten how huge the house was. He had only been there a few times when he was a child and everything seemed larger than life back then. With
Declan’s house, it really was huge.

  The white paint and green shutters were homey and welcoming. Colten could see the animals that traipsed behind the fence that surrounded the back of their property. And there was a ton of land, as far as the eye could see.

  “I’m surprised you guys haven’t expanded with how much land there is here.”

  “When my parents brought the place they figured the extra land would be nice for when we were mated and had families of our own. Then we could move out of the main house and each have a place nearby. I guess we all ended up being huge disappointments there.”

  Colt frowned. “What are you talking about? You act like it’s never going to happen for you guys.”

  Dec glanced out the window and shrugged. The alpha could sense the way he closed himself off and it set him on edge. He parked and jogged around the truck to help him out.

  “I keep telling you I’m fine.”

  “And I keep telling you that I’m getting you home safe.”

  “You’re so stubborn,” Declan grinned. “It’s kind of cute.”

  Colten raised a brow. “Now I know you have a fever.”

  He helped him up the stairs and Declan dug out his keys. Colt let them in and glanced around. The smell of food wafted from the kitchen and music played from the same direction.

  “Hey, you’re home. Are you hungry?” Jed stopped in the doorway and blinked. “Oh, Colten. I haven’t seen you in a while. How are you?”

  “I’m fine. Declan isn’t feeling too great. I’m going to get him upstairs.”

  Jed frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  “I think I’m just a little overheated or sick or something,” Declan mumbled.

  “I can take him upstairs,” Jed said as he stepped forward.

  Colten growled low in his throat and Jed jumped back. Declan stared up at him, his mouth opened. Colt quickly cleared his throat once Jed had taken a step back and smiled sheepishly.

  “Sorry. No idea where that came from. I can take him up.”

  “Yeah, got it,” Jed said as he glanced between the two of them and his eyes focused on Declan. Colt wondered what that look meant before he nodded. “I’ll make something lighter for him. You can come down and get it when it’s done.”


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