Alpha's Surprise Baby

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Alpha's Surprise Baby Page 8

by Skyler Snow

  “Sometimes people just need time. If you two really have feelings for each other, then go after him. Talk to him.”

  “I kind of lost my temper last time I saw him,” Colt said as he picked at the table. “I think he’s probably a little irritated still.”

  “So go be a man and apologize. Nothing is going to get solved with you sitting here driving yourself crazy.”

  “And what if I’m still pissed at him?”

  Frank laughed. “Congrats, that’s a relationship. One of you is always going to get on the other’s nerves. It happens. When you see him, I guarantee all the bullshit will be forgotten. All you care about when you love someone is that they’re safe and happy. Go and talk to him.”

  Colt sighed. “I guess you’re right. I should go.”



  “Get cleaned up first. You look a wreck,” he chuckled. “And then bring him over once you two make up. I’m excited to see the man that’s got you all twisted up in knots.”

  Colt smiled. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  He trudged upstairs. I’m going to have to tell him eventually. Colten knew they couldn’t hide it forever, especially if Declan had decided to keep the baby. For now, he would worry about it later. He just needed to see Declan.

  Colten drove over to their place and stared up at the house. I need to know. Whatever Declan had decided he would support. He knew some alphas that would force their decision one way or another, but he couldn’t and wouldn’t do that to him. No matter how angry and upset he would be about the decision.

  The tension built as he walked up the stairs. He rapped on the door and every moment that he waited put him more on edge. The door opened and Colten was ready to launch into the speech that had played through his head for days when he stopped and gaped.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Colten pushed inside and grabbed Declan. The omega looked exhausted. He was disheveled and out of it.

  “I’m just a little sick.”

  “Bullshit. This is more than a little sick. Have you been to the doctor’s?”

  “My mother sent over the pack doctor. She said I was fine.”

  “He hasn’t been eating,” Jed called from the kitchen doorway. “I’ve been making him soup and things, but he takes a few bites, and then he has no appetite. He hasn’t been sleeping either. I can hear him pacing all night. It’s driving me crazy.” Jed sighed. “I don’t think you two should be apart.”

  Declan scowled. “Thank you, Jed,” he clipped. “I’m fine.”

  “You’re not fine,” Colten said as he closed the front door. “Get upstairs. I’m making you food, and then we’re going to bed.”

  “No, really. I don’t need anything. Please, go home.”

  “I’m not going to say it again.”

  “Colten, really. I don’t-Hey!”

  Colten gave up on him not being stubborn as hell. He carried the protesting omega up the stairs and deposited him on his bed. Once he was laid back he handed him the remote.

  “If you get out of that bed I’ll be pissed. Do you hear me?”

  “Yeah,” Declan muttered. “Don’t have to come back and be a bully.”

  “You’re cranky. You’ll be better once you eat and get some rest. Trust me. I’ve been going through the same shit and Jed’s right. Neither of us should be away from each other right now, Declan. This bond thing isn’t going away.”

  Declan’s lips pressed together. “It will pass.”

  “Bullshit it’ll pass. I’ll be back with some food.”

  Colten headed downstairs. He had only been in the house a few minutes and already his body had stopped its aching. His stomach growled. And his wolf? It felt like he was exactly where he needed to be. At home with his omega.

  “What can I use?” Colten asked as he walked into the kitchen.

  “Whatever you want,” Nate piped up. “The more he eats the better. I don’t want my niece or nephew not being fed.”

  Colt started. “You know?”

  “Yep,” Jed smiled. “We know. We’re happy for you guys.”


  “Are you kidding?” Nathan grinned. “Fated mates for the first time in forever and pregnant? Our family must be magic. And our pack is going to grow.”

  “If Declan lets it,” Colt muttered.

  “He’ll come around,” Jed said. “Trust us. We know how stubborn he is, but he will. Besides, that bond won’t let him run away so easily.”

  Colten smiled. “I’m glad I have someone’s support. Thank you.”

  “You have our parents too. They can’t wait to see you again.”

  “When are they getting back?”

  “They’re helping another pack right now,” Nathan said as he sipped his coffee. “They should be home soon enough though. I think my father wanted to talk to you about helping build another house on the property for you two.”

  “That sounds amazing,” Colt grinned. “I would love to live here.”

  “We can always use the help,” Jed nodded. “This place should be expanding, you know?”

  “I could help with that.”

  “See? Perfect fit,” Nathan smiled.

  Colten dug around the fridge and started to put together food for them. Now that Declan was close by his energy started to return. And he had hope. Declan’s family liked him and no matter how fated he was, it was nice to know that he had family that supported him already.

  Chapter 13


  “What are you doing out of bed?”

  Declan jumped when Nathan spoke to him. He’d tiptoed out of bed and down the stairs. Colten was dead to the world. They had both been, but he was dying for something to eat.

  “Colt’s asleep,” he said sheepishly.

  “He’s going to yell at you if he catches you,” Nathan grinned.

  “I know, I know. I’m hungry though and I didn’t want to wake him. Besides, I feel a lot better.”

  “That’s because your fated is sleeping in your bed and feeding you and waiting on you hand and foot.”

  Declan’s cheeks flushed. “Is it wrong that I love it so much?”

  “It’s love,” Nathan crooned. “Have you told him that you love him yet?”

  “No,” he muttered. “Every time I try to say the words I freeze up.”

  “You’ll get there. Burns men have a hard time expressing themselves. At least according to mom.”

  Declan shook his head. “It still feels like this is all a dream. I’m sure I’ll wake up and all of it will disappear.”

  Nathan scoffed. “Has he left yet?”

  “Well, no…”

  “Then why the hell would you think he’d leave you? You gotta get over it or you’re going to miss out on the greatest thing that’s ever happened to you. That man was in here last night talking about wanting to move here, and he can help us expand the farm. He can probably handle the books. Dad’s getting older and if packs keep asking him to help build and grow their own land, then he’ll be too busy to be here all the time.”

  “This is true.”

  “Exactly. Stop being so stubborn.”

  “Says the most stubborn man on earth.”

  “Stuff your face and mind your business big bro.”

  Declan chuckled and rummaged through the fridge. He found frozen waffles in the freezer and popped them on the counter before he looked for bacon. When he closed the fridge Colten stood in front of him with his arms across his chest, his eyes narrowed and his hair all over the place. Declan jumped and grinned.

  “Good morning.”

  “Get upstairs.”


  “One, two-.”

  “-Shit! Okay, okay. I’m going. You could have told me he was standing there,” he hissed at Nathan.

  “It wouldn’t be as much fun that way.”

  “Jerk. Hey, I wanted-.”

  “-Sweet and salty. I’m on it. Go rest.”

m really feeling a lot better.”

  “Until I talk to the doctor, I don’t care what you’re saying. You always say you’re fine even when you’re not. I mean you’re like the boy that cried “I’m not sick!” at this point.”

  Nathan snickered. Declan flipped him off before he caved and went back upstairs. There really was no point in arguing with Colten. He stuck to an approved activity and took a shower before he settled back into bed. He had to admit, his body was still a bit sluggish. Maybe Colten was right.

  He thought about what Nathan had said. Colten wanted to move on their land, work with them. There was still so much he needed to ask him about, but it would have to wait until he ate. His stomach growled and he patted it.

  “I’m feeding you. Don’t worry. Sorry little one.”

  “Breakfast is served,” Colten announced as he walked into the room with food on a tray for him.

  Declan gasped. “Fried chicken and waffles.”

  “Sweet and salty, just like you wanted. It’s what I was going to make for you that day that…” He trailed off. “Anyway. Eat up.”

  “Thank you.”

  Declan dug into the food and forgot about everything else but how delicious it was. He could eat Colten’s food every day, all day and it still wouldn’t be enough. That was how much he loved it. Once he’d stuffed himself he leaned back against his pillow and smiled.

  “That was amazing.”

  “Glad you two liked it,” he laughed. “I want to talk to you about something.”

  “Yeah?” Declan squirmed. “What is it?”

  “Have you decided what you’re going to do? About the baby?”

  Declan saw the concern in his eyes. His heart swelled at how much Colten cared about him, about them. He reached out a hand and touched Colten’s.

  “Yeah, I decided. I’m pretty sure I’ve known for a while now.”


  “Of course I’m going to keep it,” he said softly. “How could I not? I never thought I’d get the chance to be pregnant. The older I got, the more I turned bitter toward the whole idea, but honestly? I want it. I want a family of my own.”

  Colten squeezed his hand. “What are you saying?”

  “I want to take a chance,” Declan said quietly before he gazed up at Colten. “On us. We’re obviously not getting out of this bond. Not that I even really want to.”

  “Neither do I.”

  “So, we should pursue it and see where things go.”

  Colten’s eyes lit up. “You’re finally giving in?”

  Declan grinned. “How could I resist all that wit and charm? Or that temper and picking me up and tossing me around?”

  “You like it.”

  “I do like it,” he groaned. “It’s ridiculous how much I like it.”

  Colten jumped up and kissed him. Declan leaned into his kiss, the taste of maple still on both of their mouths. When he pulled back, he patted his arm.

  “Hey, I’m not saying this is just how it’s going to be. This is a trial dating thing. Okay? And if you decide that this isn’t what you want, that the life you were heading toward is what you want instead, I won’t be angry.”

  “I already know what I want.”

  “You say that, but you’re young. I didn’t know what I wanted when I was your age.”

  Colten rolled his eyes. “Yes, because you’re like seventy. Besides, some of us are okay letting fate take us wherever it wants.”

  “How did you get to be so freethinking? Frank hates fate and belief and…”

  “Not always,” Colt said softly. “I mean he never raved over it, but once my papa died that was pretty much the end of his belief in higher powers. My papa was the dreamer. He always believed in love at first sight, fated mates, fairy tales. I guess he rubbed off on me.”

  Declan squeezed his hand. He wished Colten still had his papa around and that he could see the two of them. How happy would he be to see them together?

  He also was happy to give their relationship a trial. Colten needed an out. No matter what he said, he needed a way to get out of things if they became too much. True, he was a lot more mature than other young alphas, but he still wanted him to have a say. If he decided Declan was too old, too past his prime to be with then he should be able to say so.

  “You’re thinking too much again,” Colten said as he ran his fingers through his hair. “Stop overthinking.”

  Declan snorted. “That would be like telling the sun not to rise.”

  “You’ll see. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Declan kissed him back as Colten pressed his lips against his. When they came up for air, Declan panted and clung to his shirt.

  “Get rid of this tray,” he breathed. “I’m starving.”

  “Starving for what?” Colten teased.

  “You’re being a dick.”

  “Say it.”

  “I’m starving for you.”

  Colten’s grin lit up the room and held onto Declan’s heart. I’ll never get used to that smile. It made the world better. Declan needed that in his life.

  Chapter 14


  “Are you coming?”

  “Yeah, I’m coming. Give me five more minutes.”


  “I swear this time!”

  Colten grinned as he waited at the bottom of the stairs. He and Declan had been dating for a few weeks and it was heaven. Almost every day he was able to see him and watch as his belly grew rounder.

  It was a great distraction since he didn’t want to face the fact that he’d have to go back to college soon. Or he would have to tell his father and drop out. Either way, things were going to change, and he just wanted to enjoy some peace and quiet for a while.

  “I’m going to leave without you,” Colten sang.

  “He’ll just dig his heels in and take longer,” Nathan said as he strolled to the front door. “Trust me. Burns family trait.”

  “Where are you off to?”

  “Work. Emmett called me in early. I think it’s just to torture me.”

  Colten laughed. “You two are always at each other’s throats.”

  “Hey, he can take what he dishes out. That’s the fun of it. I’ll see you and the preggo later if he’s not snoring again.”

  “I heard that,” Declan said as he started down the stairs. “I can’t help that I’m sleeping for two.”

  “You’re doing everything for two,” Nate muttered.

  Declan glared and his brother laughed as he took off. Colten shook his head at them. He loved to see the way they interacted. He’d always wanted a sibling.

  “Ready now?” Colten asked.

  “Ready to go.”

  Colten ran a hand over his belly. “Are you ready little one?”

  The baby kicked as if in answer and Declan grinned. Colten had been around for that first kick, and he loved every minute of it. He vowed he’d be there for every single first. They were too special to miss.

  “Where are we going?” Declan asked.

  “You’ll see.”

  “Such an unsatisfying answer,” Declan said as he climbed into the car and rested against the seat. “I swear I’m just gaining weight by the day.”

  “Isn’t that what pregnant people do?”

  “I think this is like times ten. Doesn’t it seem like I’m getting huge?”

  Colten smiled. “I think you look amazing.”

  “Nicely side-stepped that one didn’t you?”

  “I’m getting good at it.”

  Declan slapped his arm and shook his head, but he saw the way he grinned. Colten drove them to Lansing. The closer they got, the more it was obvious where they were going.

  “Seriously?” Declan asked as his mouth dropped open. “I haven’t been in ages.”

  “I thought it was perfect.”

  Colten parked and helped Declan out of the car. He pushed his arm through Colten’s, and they headed for the ticket booth. The moment he heard that it was coming into
town, Colten had known that he wanted to take Declan to the fair. He hadn’t gone since he as a child and it seemed like the perfect date for the two of them.

  “This is really cool,” Declan smiled as they walked around the fair. “I wish I could get on all the rides, but I probably shouldn’t.”

  “No, you should not. I called Dr. Johnson, and she confirmed you should stay off the rides unless they’re slow. We can, however, stuff our faces and play games.”

  “Now that I’m into,” Declan grinned. “Let’s do this.”

  They walked around the fair and Colten took Dec’s hand in his. When they were in South River, they were still a little careful about holding hands and being affectionate in public. Neither of them had told Frank yet and in such a small town, people talked.

  Colten was glad that he could hold onto him in public and not have to worry about it. Declan seemed just as happy as he nuzzled his arm lovingly. This is amazing. A warm, calm night, music, food, rides, laughter. Colten couldn’t have asked for a better night to spend out with the amazing man that had let down his walls and given them a chance.

  They strolled around the fair and stopped for food first. Declan decided on a corn dog and a huge elephant ear. Colten was sure he was going to gain twenty pounds eating along with him, but he didn’t mind. He settled on the same and they sat together.

  “So,” Declan said as he picked apart the dough of the elephant ear. “Have you decided what you’re going to do?”

  “About what?”

  “College. Your dad. You know, everything.”

  Colten groaned. “We’re doing this to avoid that.”

  “You can’t avoid it forever. Summer break is almost over. What are you going to do then?”

  “I’ll figure it out. After tonight.”

  Declan tilted his head. “If you think its too much…”

  “Don’t you start,” Colten said as he pointed his corn dog stick at the omega. “Or I’ll poke you until you cry.”

  The frown that had started to form on Declan’s lips gave way to a grin. Colt was pretty positive he liked being threatened. He was a weirdo, but he loved Declan.


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