Alpha's Surprise Baby

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Alpha's Surprise Baby Page 10

by Skyler Snow

  “Not so perfect when I have no place to stay and no job,” Colt mumbled as he threw back the whiskey and grimaced. “Another please.”

  Emmett refilled his glass and slid it to him. “You know, it’s not much but I could use some help here. I mean it would be really part-time and you would mostly just be cleaning up spills and delivering food from the kitchen, but it’s something.”

  Colten lit up. “Really? You’d do that for me?”

  “Sure. I can call around and see if anyone has a room you can rent too.” Emmett smiled. “I’m probably being a sap but true love is worth fighting for, don’t you think? If I can help you two then I would love to do it.”

  “You’re amazing. I would love that.”

  “Good. Let me call around. In the meantime, drown your woes and live to fight again another day.”

  “I’m here!”

  Nathan burst through the doors, and they both turned in his direction. He was dressed in slick jeans, a black t-shirt and dark shades. He whipped off the sunglasses and grinned before his eyes fell on Colten.

  “You’re late,” Emmett pointed out.

  “I know, I know.” He walked behind the bar. “Colt. Let me buy you a drink.”

  Colt threw his back. “Go for it.”

  Nathan poured him another drink and slid it over. “Have you talked to Declan?”

  “Yeah,” he muttered. “Just long enough for him to break up with me.”

  He groaned. “I was afraid he was going to do that.”

  “Why? He just keeps saying it’s our age difference and I should go back to college.”

  Nathan glanced around before he leaned over the bar. “The truth?”

  “Please,” he begged. “Give me anything.”

  “Frank called him this morning. Basically, he told Declan he was too old for you and that he was ruining your life. Declan would never get between someone and what’s right for them, so he backed down. He cried about it all morning man.”

  Colten’s eyes lit up. “So, he still cares.”

  “Dec more than cares. He loves you. If he thinks he can give you what you need though, he’ll continue to back down. I think it’s just insecurity.”

  Colten growled. He couldn’t believe his father had gone behind his back. It was bad enough that he had kicked him out and basically disowned him. To call Declan and tear him down? While he was pregnant with his child? No way in hell.

  “I need to go,” he said as he stood up and took out some money.

  “I’ll cover it,” Nathan said as he grabbed his wallet. “Seriously, don’t worry about it.”

  “Come back and I’ll have a room for you,” Emmett pitched in. “Even if you have to sleep on my couch for the night.”

  “I’ll be back.”

  “Are you good to drive?” Nate called.

  “Trust me, I can handle a lot more than that.”

  One of the perks of being a wolf. Alcohol hit but it cleared up pretty quickly if you didn’t keep drinking. Colten jogged out of Crown Parlor and headed for his car. The drive back to his place with full of emotions until he rapped on the door to his house.

  “What?” Frank asked when he opened it. “Ready to come to your senses?”

  “I love Declan,” he said right away. “And there is nothing that you can do about it. What you did crossed the line. That is going to be my mate and he’s going to have my baby. You can either accept that or you can stay out of our lives.”

  “You need to be focused on school.”

  “I never liked it there! I only went to make you happy. Honestly, I was happy living here and enjoying a quiet life. I don’t need to have a lot of money to be happy. That’s what you wanted for me.”

  “It’s a mistake.”

  “It’s my life. You don’t get a say in it anymore and if you keep it up you’re going to miss out on having a relationship with your grandchild.”

  “I’ll never approve of the two of you.”

  “Then that’s on you. What we have is a blessing. If you can’t see that, I feel sorry for you.”

  Colten walked away. If his father didn’t want to see the truth, that was his problem. The man he loved was in pain, and he was going to fix that.

  Chapter 17


  Declan stared at the truck and sighed. Climbing up into it was a pain in his ass now that he was so big, but he needed to go over to the doctor’s office. Dr. Johnson had a quiet little practice close to the city. Thankfully, she was a shifter too and saw shifters at her office.

  He climbed into the truck and groaned before he settled into his seat. Declan felt like a beached whale.

  “I swear,” he muttered. “Fatter every single day. What the hell?”

  Declan sighed and started up the truck. A scan. He would get to see their baby today. And his parents were coming home soon, so they could be there when the baby arrived. There was so much that Colten was going to miss.

  Do not start crying again. Declan had to remind himself of that. He’d been crying for a solid day or so and his eyes were dry, redlined and sore. All he wanted to do was get the scan and get back to finding more work.

  “Alright, I can do this.”

  Declan reversed down the drive and stopped short when he saw Colten’s car. The alpha emerged out of it, and he sucked in a breath. Please go away.

  How many times could he turn him away when all he wanted was Colten? Dec parked the truck and climbed down. He frowned at him.

  “What are you doing? We broke up.”

  “Do you love me?”


  “Do you love me?” Colten asked again. “That’s all I need to know.”

  “I-I...That’s not the point.”

  “That is the only point, baby.”

  “You’re too young.”


  “I’m gonna fuck up your life.”


  “Would you say something else besides bullshit?” Declan snapped.

  Colten closed the space between them in a few short strides. Before Declan could protest, he was in Colt’s arms and the world made sense again. Colten’s lips crashed against his, and he gasped against his mouth. His heart swelled, sped and exploded until the tears he’d pushed back ran down his cheeks in waves.

  “I love you so much,” Declan broke down and whispered as Colten kissed his lips, his neck, his cheek, his forehead. “I’ve wanted to be marked by you since the beginning, but I was too scared.”

  “What are you so scared of?” Colten asked.

  “That you’ll hate me after all of this. It started with me being irresponsible and now everything in your life is changing-.”

  “Everything in your life is changing too,” Colten smiled. “That doesn’t have to be a bad thing. I love you. I want to be with you. If I didn’t, I would tell you. I swear that I would let you know if I wanted something different, but I don’t. Maybe that will change. And if it does? I know you’ll support me, right?”

  “No matter what,” Declan nodded. “I would be there for you.”

  “Trust me, I know that. I know you. Don’t run from me anymore. I refuse to let you get away with it.”

  “There you go,” Declan breathed. “Threatening me again.”

  “There you go again enjoying it.”

  Declan laughed and wiped at his eyes. “What about your dad?”

  “That’s up to him if he wants to come around or not. That’s not my problem. You are my problem.”

  “Such a romantic,” Declan said as he rolled his eyes.

  “Don’t avoid the subject.”

  Declan softened. “I’m so sorry. I never meant to come between the two of you or your career. I feel horrible that I have.”

  “You didn’t. The universe did,” Colten said as he wrapped his arms around him. “And I’m so happy that things worked out for us the way that they did. Everything else will come along when it’s supposed to.”

  “I want you to ma
rk me so bad,” Declan blurted. “This feeling is insane. How did people deal with being fated before this?”

  “I don’t know,” Colten laughed. “But it feels good. We’re going to be late for your scan. Should we go together.”

  “Gods yes. You drive. If I climb into that damn truck again I’ll die.”

  Declan started to walk, but Colten grabbed his arm and pulled him back against his body. He held him tight.

  “What about us? Does this mean you’re going to stop trying to break up with me?”

  “I thought I did break up with you.”

  “I mean you tried,” Colten shrugged. “I’m just a stubborn bastard and refused to accept it.”

  Declan chuckled. “Yeah, you really are.” He reached up and cradled Colten’s cheeks in his hands. “Do you think this is a good idea?”

  “I’ve already gotten a job and I don’t plan on leaving. So, you’re stuck with me.”

  “I like this kind of stuck.”

  Colten laced his fingers with Declan’s as they strolled back to Colt’s car. Declan felt right again. That gnawing pain that started at the thought of a breakup was gone. It was quickly replaced with the need to be around him more, to be smothered in his presence.

  “No more running away?” Colten asked once he’d slipped behind the wheel.

  “No more running away.”

  No matter what happened, Declan wanted to be with him. If he had to quiet his insecurities or ask Colt to quiet them for him, then he would. That didn’t mean he would turn Colt away again. No more. If they were going to be there for each other, then he wasn’t going to question it anymore.

  Colten kissed the back of his hand. “What are you thinking about?”

  “How much I love you,” Declan sighed. “Where did you find a job?”

  “Crown Parlor.”

  “With Nate?” He shrieked. “Oh gods, no.”

  Colten cracked up as they headed for the office. “Emmett offered. What’s wrong with that?”

  “Nathan’s bad enough on his own,” he muttered.

  “Don’t be grumpy,” Colt sang. “Let’s go see what we’re having.”

  Declan nuzzled against his arm. How could he be grumpy when Colten was back in his life? Frank’s words still stung, but with Colten surrounding him with love, he felt better about it. Maybe Frank would come around. Maybe he wouldn’t. That didn’t mean he would have an influence on what was happening.

  He’d already decided to have and love their child. The thought of doing it on his own had been scary, but even then he wouldn’t change his mind. This pup was his and Colt’s. Now that Colten had talked some sense into him, he wanted the alpha to be part of everything.

  They pulled up to the office and Colten helped him out of the car. The nerves that Declan had felt all morning vanished with him around. Everything felt calm when Colten was around.

  “Declan,” Dr. Johnson said as she came in. “This must be Colten.”

  Colt shook her hand. “That’s me.”

  “We’re excited to see the baby.”

  Dr. Johnson nodded. “Let’s get it all set up.”

  The lights were dimmed in the room. Declan breathed as the cold jelly squirted on his stomach. He was happy when Cotlen took his hand and kissed it gently.

  “Let’s take a look,” Dr. Johnson said as she pushed a wand over his belly.

  Declan swallowed thickly. It was crazy that he was doing something that he had only heard about from other people. The screen filled with an image and the woman smiled as their baby showed up.

  “There we are. Say hi to your little one. Active thing,” she cooed.

  Declan laughed. “Yeah, I realized that from how many times I’ve been kicked in the bladder. So, the baby’s healthy?”

  “Well…” Dr. Johnson paused. “Hold on.”

  Just like that, his throat closed. He gripped Colten’s hand hard and the alpha looked just as concerned. There was no way that Declan could lose their baby. Not when he had accepted everything.

  “Both of your babies are healthy,” Dr. Johnson said as she smiled at them. “You have twins.”

  “Twins?” Dec and Colten said at the same time.

  “That’s right. Would you like to know the sex?”

  Declan glanced up at Colten. They had both wanted it to be a surprise, but now that they had been given a huge one, he wanted to know. Colt nodded at his gaze.

  “Yes,” Dec breathed. “What are we having?”

  “You’re going to be the very proud parents of a boy and a girl.”

  “Holy shit,” Colten breathed.

  “I told you I was getting huge,” Declan cried. “How are we going to do this?”

  Dr. Johnson wiped off his belly and listened to it. Once she nodded, she smiled and patted his arm.

  “You’ll be just fine. We can deliver at the hospital and I’ll take care of everything. I’ve done this before.”

  The doctor had the images printed for them and Declan stared as Colten brought the car around. Once he was nestled inside, Declan grinned. Twins.

  “This is...a miracle.”

  “You’re happy?”

  “I am,” Declan laughed. “I never thought I’d have kids of my own and I get two at once? I mean I’m still terrified about pushing them out,” he shuddered. “But this is amazing.”

  “I think so too,” Colten said as he smiled. “They were amazing.”

  “Right?” Declan bounced excitedly. “Shit, I really should take my dad up on his offer to start building another house. Life with twins? We’re going to need so much space.”

  “Yeah. That would be nice considering I’m supposed to be sleeping on Emmett’s couch.”

  “What?” Declan blinked up at him. “What do you mean?”

  “My dad kicked me out. Emmett offered to let me sleep on his couch until he found a room that I could rent.”

  Declan shook his head. “No way in hell is the father of my child going to sleep on someone else’s couch. You can move in with me.”

  “Sure about that?”

  The omega scoffed. “I said it, didn’t I? Of course I’m sure. Besides, Jed and Nate already love you. You’re family. You’re pack. I want you there.”

  Colten squeezed his thigh. “Then I guess I’m moving in with you.”

  Declan’s heart swelled as he gripped Colt’s arm and leaned against it. Colten had proven he was more than mature for his age. There was no need to worry when he was around the amazing alpha.

  They returned to the house and it was nice and quiet. Declan was glad it was just the two of them. He led Colten up to his room and sat on the bed before he pulled the alpha toward him.

  “What are you doing?” Colten asked as he towered over him.

  “Making up,” Declan said as his fingers undid Colt’s jeans. “Maybe making it all up to you. You’ve put up with me for so long. You deserve a reward.”

  “It’s not putting up with you babe,” Colt protested. “I love you. Insecurities and all.”

  “That’s why I want you,” Declan moaned as he unleashed Colt’s cock. “That’s exactly why I need you right now.”

  His tongue swiped against his flesh and Colten groaned. That sound reverberated through his bones and clutched him in ecstasy. What the hell was I thinking? How could he have ever gone without Colt?

  Their lips met and fireworks shot off behind his lids. Just the taste of him, his alpha, his future mate, was too much to take. Colt’s fingers trailed and explored before his clothes were yanked off of his body.

  “Fuck,” Dec breathed. “I want you so bad.”

  “Me too,” Colt groaned as he climbed on top of him. “It’s been too long.”

  Declan reached for Colt’s clothes and yanked them off of his body with eager fingers. The clothes landed in piles on the floor, quickly forgotten about as Colt lavished his body in kisses. Dec gripped his pillow, his mouth gaped, and he groaned as Colten’s tongue worshipped every inch of his skin.

“Colt, I need you,” Declan whispered desperately. “I need your cock. I need you.”

  Declan’s hands pushed down his own body. Each stroke of his fingers set his skin on fire. Colten pushed them away and trailed his skin with his tongue.

  “I need you too,” he moaned as he nipped his hip. “We need each other.”

  Damn straight. Declan wanted to speak, but that was impossible when his mouth was full of Colten’s throbbing cock. His tongue slicked up and down his length before he teased his slit. When he pulled back, a string of pre-cum connected him to the alpha who groaned as he watched him.

  “Shit” Colt groaned. “I’m pretty sure that’s cheating.”

  Declan smiled up at him and slid his mouth down further. Colt’s dick disappeared down the tight, hot confines of his throat as Dec moaned his approval. The alpha bucked his hips and grunted until he couldn’t take it anymore. When he pulled free, Declan smiled up at him, saliva still on his plump, pink lips.

  “I need you,” he groaned.

  “Lay on your side,” Colten said as he climbed onto the bed. “I’ll give you everything you need, baby.”

  Chapter 18


  Colten loved kissing Declan’s skin. The scent of him lingered in his nose and placed a delightful taste on his tongue. His teeth grazed the omega’s skin, and he longed to place his mark on his flesh. They didn’t have much longer, but every passing second was like torture.

  All mine.

  Colt’s wolf was soothed when the two of them were together. That didn’t mean he was content until the mark was on Declan’s flesh for life. He wanted the whole world to know that the dark-haired beauty was his and his alone.

  Declan’s belly was so big he knew he wasn’t going to get on top of him. Instead, Colt slipped behind him while he laid on his side. His hand trailed down his round belly and wrapped around his semi-hard cock. He squeezed it and the omega sucked in a breath.

  “I want to feel you in me.”

  “Not yet,” Colt breathed as he nipped his shoulder. “I finally get to know that you’re all mine.”

  Colt’s thumb swiped over the head of his cock. Slick caressed his skin, and he smiled at how wet he was. His own cock pressed between Declan’s cheeks, and he felt how wet he was there too. The man was ready for him in every way.


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