Chase's Teacher

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Chase's Teacher Page 9

by Angela Franklin

  “Surprisingly yes. I had given up on having a baby.” Callie told him frowning.

  “Why?” He asked confused.

  “Guys don’t really like big girls and no guy, no baby.” Callie said simply.

  “Some guys might not, but I love you Callie.” Chase said kissing her lips.

  “I’m beginning to see that.” She said smiling.

  “Who do you want to tell first?” He asked her excited about the baby.

  “We can tell anyone you want after you feed us.” Callie told him.

  “What if we asked Chasity and Luke to meet us at the diner?” Chase asked her.

  “Fine by me, as long as I get food. I’m starving.” She said rubbing her stomach and he laughed.

  Chase took out his phone and texted them both to meet them there. They texted back they would and they left. He couldn’t remember ever being happier, and Callie looked happy too. In the car he put his hand on her leg and she smiled twining her fingers with his. She knew where he stood with them, but he wasn’t so sure where she stood. He was going to talk to her about it when they got back home.

  Chapter 10

  Callie was so relieved. She was worried Chase would be mad or upset about this. She should be upset over this. All she could think about was how happy she was. She hoped her sister and his brother wouldn’t be mad. Luke wasn’t her biggest fan. She thought that was going to get better after the conversation she had with him earlier, but this might change that.

  “What if Luke gets mad? I was hoping we could try to be friends, but he may think I have ruined your life?” Callie was panicking, but she couldn’t help it.

  Maybe the hormones were making her worse, but she felt like she couldn’t breath. When they pulled into the diner, Chase got out without talking to her and that just made her worry more. When he opened the door she was almost in tears.

  “Callie girl, look at me.” Chase said trying to tug her chin up, but she kept looking away.

  “This is a mistake I need to leave. You go have dinner with your brother. I will have Chasity take me home.” She said watching her hands.

  “Don’t Callie. I won’t let you keep running from this. If you don’t want to be with me that’s fine, but don’t run and hide from me. I don’t care what anyone else says. This baby is the most important thing in my world next to you. Now, I will take you to eat. If you don’t want to tell them we won’t. We will tell them we were close so we thought they might like to join us.” Chase said still trying to get her attention.

  Callie had no idea what to do. Running seemed like the best choice, but it wasn’t just about her. This baby needed its father. She would let Chase stay close to the baby, but maybe she needed to pull away. Chase didn’t need to be dragged down with her drama. Callie had already hurt him so bad.

  “You’re right. We will tell them. They deserve to know, and I will let you have whatever role you want in the babies life. That does not mean I will make you tie yourself to me.” Callie said stepping out of the truck to walk away.

  She had only taken two steps before she was twirled around. Chase had her pushed against the door and pinned before she realized what happened. She looked up in surprise to see him staring into her eyes and looking very angry.

  “Callie, I’m tired of playing these games. I will be a part of this baby’s life, and if you can look me in the eye and tell me you want absolutely nothing to do with me I will walk away from you. But I can tell you now that isn’t what I want. We will have lunch, then I will take you home for a very serious talk.” Chase said before turning away and waiting for her to catch up.

  Chase walked by her side and opened the door to the diner for her. They asked for a table for four and ordered their drinks while they waited. He hadn’t said a word to her while they waited. Fifteen minutes later Luke and Chasity had arrived and they ordered their lunch. Chasity kept giving her a concerned look but she just smiled at her. Lunch went smooth with Luke and Chasity. They were the only ones talking. When they had finished eating, everyone turned to her. She hadn’t said a word the whole meal.

  The look Chase gave her asked if she really wanted to tell them now. She looked around the group and took a deep breath. She needed to tell them now. If she was going to be able to get any distance from this, she had to tell them so she could walk away.

  “Luke, Chasity, we have something to tell you.” Callie said looking to Chase. When he nodded she continued. “Um, well we just came from the doctor and ah…” She looked over at Chase hoping he would continue for her.

  “Callie is pregnant with our baby.” Chase said not looking away from her.

  “What?” Luke said looking back and forth.

  “I knew it!” Chasity said.

  Callie turned back to them smiling. Chasity grabbed her hand squeezing. She looked so happy for them. Praying for a miracle she looked over to Luke, but he wasn’t there. Strong arms wrapped around her and she looked up to see Luke. She was shocked and felt Chase rubbing her back.

  “I am so happy for ya’ll. I can’t believe you’re going to be my sister.” Luke rambled on,

  “Oh no, I think you have it all wrong.” Callie stopped him. “We asked yall here to tell you about the baby, but we aren’t together.” She told him.

  Luke looked confused and looked over to Chase. She saw Chase shake his head and Luke looked disappointed. Chasity looked confused too. Why did they automatically think they were together?

  “I’m going to the restroom. Callie, come with me. We will be right back.” Chasity said pulling her along.

  “Why did I need to come with you?” Callie asked confused.

  “What are you doing?” Chasity asked her.

  “At the moment I am confused.” She told her sister frowning.

  “I thought you had decided to be with him.” Chasity said confused.

  “That was the plan, until we found out about the baby. I will not force him to be with me because I was too drunk to stop what happened.” Callie said looking away.

  “What makes you think that is why he wants to be with you? Did he refuse you before he knew about the baby?” Chasity asked her.

  “No. I was all over him, but he stopped because he said I needed to know everything before I could make that decision. He was the one that figured out I am pregnant.” Callie confided.

  “So why do you think he only wants the baby?” Her sister asked her.

  “Chasity, we both know guys don’t want big girls. He will try and do right by the baby.” Callie said.

  “That man was taken with you before the baby, before that night even happened.” Chasity told her.

  “We are going to talk more when we get to his place.” Callie said not wanting to talk about it anymore.

  “Promise me you will at least hear him out.” Chasity said and she nodded.


  “What the hell is going on man?” Luke asked Chase as the girls walked away.

  “I’m honestly not sure. Everything was fine at the house. She was talking about us trying to see if we could work. Then I told her I forgot to use protection and we put the pieces together and decided to go to the doctor. Somewhere on the way here from the doctor she has closed off. She seems to think I only want her for the baby.” Chase told his brother.

  “Why would she think that? You have wanted her since you first met her.” Luke said frowning at him.

  “I have no idea, but I am going to have a long talk with her when we get home.” Chase told him hoping he could get through to her.

  “Was there anything she said before she started to change?” Luke asked trying to find the trigger.

  “Actually she was afraid you would be upset with her.” Chase told him confused.

  “Why would I be?” Luke asked frowning.

  “She said she was hoping you could be friends. Then she said you would think she was ruining my life.” Chase said still having no idea why Luke even mattered.

  “Why does my opinion matter?” The con
fused look seemed frozen on his face.

  “I have no idea. Maybe she really wants you not me.” Chase told him the only answer he could come up with. “Maybe you should take her back to the ranch. She may feel more comfortable with you.” Chase said looking defeated.

  “Oh no way. You to need to get this straightened out. If you changed your mind that is your choice, but don’t put me in it.” Luke said looking angry now.

  “Luke, I am in love with her. That will never change, but I want her happy.” Chase replied.

  “Then don’t let her walk away. I have to get back to work, congratulations on the baby.” Luke said and left.

  Chase knew he had really left so that he wouldn’t be in the middle of this. Chase was starting to think that maybe Callie really didn’t want him. There wasn’t much he could do if that was the case. He had to try though and no matter what her and the baby would have the best of everything. He watched as the girls came out of the restroom and headed his way.

  “Where is Luke?” Callie asked him.

  “He had to get back to the firehouse.” Chase said and saw her tear up.

  “Oh, okay.” Callie said and turned away.

  “I have to get back to the bakery. If you need me call me.” Chasity said and moved to the door.

  “Actually, can I talk to you a minute outside.” Chase asked her.

  “Um, sure.” Chasity answered. He paid the bill and they left, after Callie was safely in the truck he walked Chasity to her car.

  “I don’t want to put you in the middle, but I need to ask you something please.” Chase told her.

  “Okay?” Chasity looked confused.

  “Before I make an idiot of myself, I need to know if she wants to be with Luke.” Chase watched her carefully.

  “What? Why would you even think that?” Chasity asked with shock on her face.

  “Well she keeps worrying what Luke will think and she looked ready to cry when you came out and he was gone.” Chase told her honestly.

  “Oh Chase sweetie. Me and her are very close and she hates to come between you. In her mind being friends with Luke will make it easier on you. She has no interest in him other than to keep from hurting you.” Chasity told him.

  “Thank you. That helps alot. I honestly thought she wanted to be with him.” Chase told her.

  “No, but if you want to be with her it won’t be easy. She seems to think you only want the baby.” Chasity told him.

  “I will set things straight I promise.” Chase said and went back to his truck.

  He got in and started it up trying to figure out exactly how to proceed and keep her. He would do whatever it took to make her see he wants her, the baby was just a bonus. The silence was killing him.

  “Are you feeling okay? Did lunch make you sick?” Chase asked her.

  “I’m fine thank you.” Callie replied stiffly.

  “Do you have any long johns? I can go by your sister’s if you need some.” Chase told her.

  “No. Chasity gave me some before I came to the ranch.” Callie replied.

  Callie had no interest in talking to him right now. He would have to wait till they got home. She wasn’t leaving until he was sure she knew he wanted her. He looked over to see her staring out the window. She looked so beautiful. He pulled in at the ranch and she didn’t even look up as he got out. She was going to run.

  “Don’t even think about it Callie.” Chase said as she opened the door.

  Chase jumped out and rushed to her side. He got to her as she closed the door, and she turned to go toward her car. He put a hand on her wrist and stopped her. She looked up at him and he could see the desire to flee in her eyes.

  “I can see how much you want to run, but I can’t let you do that. Not until we talk.” Chase told her and pulled her to the house.

  “Chase I don’t want to talk right now.” Callie told him.

  “I don’t care.” Chase said as he walked to the couch.

  He sat down and turned to see the door bang closed. She had run the second he turned his back. He was getting really tired of her doing that. He got up and walked out the door. She was shutting her car door as he headed down the steps. Luck seemed to be on his side for once. She tried and tried but the car wouldn’t start. She looked ready to cry as he opened the car door. He couldn’t stand her tears as he carefully got her out of the car and carried her inside.

  Chase didn’t hesitate as he carried her inside. She looked so weak and tired. He continued up the stairs and took her to his room. She hadn’t lifted her head the whole way and was still crying. He walked slowly to the bed and laid her down. She blinked and looked up at him confused.

  “Um, Chase I want to go home. Why did you bring me here?” Callie asked him.

  “Callie you need to rest. We will talk when you get up, but I want you to rest now.” Chase told her.

  “I don’t want to rest. I don’t want to talk. I just want to go home and forget today happened.” She told him crying again.

  “I never want to forget. Today I found out I was going to be a father. Today I found out the love of my life is going to give me the most precious gift in the world. Only one thing could make my life better.” Chase said turning her face to look at him.

  “Chase don’t.” Callie insisted trying to break free.

  “Callie, I do want this baby. I won’t lie about that, but I want you more. I have wanted you since the first time I saw you at the diner. I have been in love with you since then too. Stop fighting and look in my eyes.” Chase said and waited for her to look up. “I only want to be with you. I will give you time to adjust to this, but I can’t walk away. This morning you wanted to give us a chance and that is all I’m asking now.” He finished.

  “Chase don’t do this. I will never keep you from this baby, but I won’t be responsible for ruining your life and having you resent me later.” Callie told him as the tears rolled down her face.

  “Would you rather be with Luke? Is that why you are fighting me?” Chase asked her.

  “What? No of course not. Why would you even think that?” Callie asked looking appalled.

  “You are always worried about what he thinks, and you were upset when you came out of the bathroom and he was gone. You wanted to be with me this morning but now you don’t even want to be near me.” Chase felt like his heart was ripping out of his chest, but if Luke could make her happy he would step aside.

  “Chase, I don’t want to come between you two. After seeing the two of you after the fight you had, I am trying my best to keep the peace. I couldn’t stand to be at odds with Chasity and I don’t like to see any siblings fighting.” Callie told him honestly.

  “Why are you pulling away from me now?” Chase asked her.

  “I know guys like you don’t stay with girls like me. You will have full access to this child. Just please don’t try to take it from me.” She told him around a yawn.

  “I would never do that to you. What do you mean guys like me?” Chase asked as he took her shoes off to make her more comfortable.

  “Well guys as hot as you, and especially as rich as you, don’t stay with fatties like me.” Callie said and curled up on the bed.

  “Callie you are absolutely perfect to me. You are beautiful and smart and kind. Any man would be lucky to be with you, but I won’t give them the chance.” Chase told her lying down beside her after he had pulled his shoes off.

  He could see that Callie was sleep and he pulled her close. She did not fight him in her sleep. Instead, she curled a leg over his and put her head on his chest. He felt whole for the first time in his life. Chase fell asleep with her held as close as he could.

  Chapter 11

  Callie was so comfortable. She was warm and had a very peaceful rest. She had been sore this morning from sleeping on the floor. She wiggled to stretch out, but came up against a hard wall. Actually, she was laying on the wall. Slowly she opened her eyes and saw a hard body. Crap! What had she done now?

  “Feeling bette
r sweetheart?” Chase asked her.

  “Um, I think so. How did I end up here?” Callie asked still looking away.

  “We were talking when you fell asleep. Do you remember our talk?” He asked as he kissed the top of her head.

  “I, ah, yeah.” Callie said as she tried to get up.

  “No Callie. Stay here. I’m not letting you run again.” Chase told her.

  “Please Chase. Just let me go.” Callie said as the tears started running down her cheeks.

  “I will walk away and leave you alone if you can look me in the eye and tell me you don’t care for me at all.” Chase said as he pulled her up.

  “Don’t do this. Just let me go. You can have anyone you want.” Callie said wiggling again.

  “I don’t want just anyone Callie. I only want you.” Chase told her.

  “Chase, please let this go.” Callie said fighting him.

  “Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t want me Callie. If you can convince me it’s the truth I will walk away.” Chase told her again.

  “Fine! Chase, I don’t care about you and I don’t want to be with you ever!” Callie rushed out with her voice high and her bottom lip trembling.

  “I’m not sure you could even convince yourself with the way you said that.” Chase said wiping the tears away with his fingers. “Why are you lying to me, to yourself?”

  “Chase, I can’t take the disappointment and heartbreak when you leave. It’s best to keep our relationship as simple as possible.” Callie told him not willing to look at him.

  “I will not disappoint you, and I will never leave you. Please Callie give me a chance.” Chase asked hugging her tight against him.

  “What if you meet a model and want to leave? What if I lose the baby? What if…” Callie was playing worst-case scenarios in her head.

  “Hush Callie girl. I don’t even want to think about you losing our baby, but I would stand by you and we could try again. I don’t care who I meet, you will always hold my heart.” Chase said kissing her forehead.


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